1000 resultados para Sair Bem - Testamento Vital, preparação e gestão do luto
A prevalência mundial da obesidade infantil vem apresentando um rápido aumento nas últimas décadas e dessa forma, faz-se necessário incentivar hábitos alimentares saudáveis, bem como a prática de atividade física. As crianças estão tendo o mesmo ritmo acelerado da incidência referente à obesidade, como está acontecendo com os adultos. Portanto, é de extrema importância a abordagem de ação preventiva da obesidade focada ao grupo infantil, já que o processo patológico iniciado ainda na infância pode se prolongar até a vida adulta, dificultando seu controle e aumentando os riscos de morbidade e mortalidade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo propor um plano de ação com vistas ao controle e redução da obesidade para crianças, no município de Taquarana-Alagoas. Para tanto, serão desenvolvidas atividades de preparação com os profissionais da saúde, da educação, alunos, pais e atores sociais envolvidos na saúde escolar que incentivem a participação ativa destes, fortalecendo a promoção da saúde na escola.
O curso aborda aspectos que visam reduzir o impacto dos desastres naturais acometidas em várias regiões do Brasil. Apresenta duas situações-problema, uma relacionada à seca e outra à inundação e deslizamentos. Na unidade 1 são apresentados aspectos básicos em desastres naturais, conceitos, terminologias, dados etc. e o impacto no Brasil e na saúde. Na unidade 2 tem-se o processo de gestão do risco de desastres e nas unidades 3 e 4 aborda-se o impacto desse fator na saúde psicossocial da população atingida bem como a saúde dos trabalhadores que atuam nos desastres.
Os vídeos são complementos do curso Gestão Local de Desastres Naturais para a Atenção Básica. O curso aborda aspectos que visam reduzir o impacto dos desastres naturais acometidas em várias regiões do Brasil. Apresenta duas situações-problema, uma relacionada à seca e outra à inundação e deslizamentos. Na unidade 1 são apresentados aspectos básicos em desastres naturais, conceitos, terminologias, dados etc. e o impacto no Brasil e na saúde. Na unidade 2 tem-se o processo de gestão do risco de desastres e nas unidades 3 e 4 aborda-se o impacto desse fator na saúde psicossocial da população atingida bem como a saúde dos trabalhadores que atuam nos desastres.
Os vídeos são complementos do curso Gestão Local de Desastres Naturais para a Atenção Básica. O curso aborda aspectos que visam reduzir o impacto dos desastres naturais acometidas em várias regiões do Brasil. Apresenta duas situações-problema, uma relacionada à seca e outra à inundação e deslizamentos. Na unidade 1 são apresentados aspectos básicos em desastres naturais, conceitos, terminologias, dados etc. e o impacto no Brasil e na saúde. Na unidade 2 tem-se o processo de gestão do risco de desastres e nas unidades 3 e 4 aborda-se o impacto desse fator na saúde psicossocial da população atingida bem como a saúde dos trabalhadores que atuam nos desastres.
Os vídeos são complementos do curso Gestão Local de Desastres Naturais para a Atenção Básica. O curso aborda aspectos que visam reduzir o impacto dos desastres naturais acometidas em várias regiões do Brasil. Apresenta duas situações-problema, uma relacionada à seca e outra à inundação e deslizamentos. Na unidade 1 são apresentados aspectos básicos em desastres naturais, conceitos, terminologias, dados etc. e o impacto no Brasil e na saúde. Na unidade 2 tem-se o processo de gestão do risco de desastres e nas unidades 3 e 4 aborda-se o impacto desse fator na saúde psicossocial da população atingida bem como a saúde dos trabalhadores que atuam nos desastres.
Os vídeos são complementos do curso Gestão Local de Desastres Naturais para a Atenção Básica. O curso aborda aspectos que visam reduzir o impacto dos desastres naturais acometidas em várias regiões do Brasil. Apresenta duas situações-problema, uma relacionada à seca e outra à inundação e deslizamentos. Na unidade 1 são apresentados aspectos básicos em desastres naturais, conceitos, terminologias, dados etc. e o impacto no Brasil e na saúde. Na unidade 2 tem-se o processo de gestão do risco de desastres e nas unidades 3 e 4 aborda-se o impacto desse fator na saúde psicossocial da população atingida bem como a saúde dos trabalhadores que atuam nos desastres.
This study focus on the reconfiguration of educational management in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, which was promoted by the new logic of social regulation and the new role attributed to the State, considering each country's own historicity. So, the cultural factors that interfere on the dynamics of the 90' school reform are analyzed. Aspects that show the homogeneity or heterogeneity of these reforms in the region, as well as local specificities that block out the concretization of the reform are underlined. It is shown that the historicity that characterizes the educational reform has taken, in each country, a form that can be called, in Mexico, conservative rupture; in Chile, conservative continuity; in Brazil, conservative renovation; and, in Argentina, interrupted rupture. Some conclusions about the impact of educational reform in the selected countries are recuperated through the analysis of 186 academic texts on the subject.
In this work, we describe a new method for obtaining [Fe(CO)2[(eta5-C5H5)Cl] employing simple techniques and low-cost reagents. It is worth mentioning that this method is faster than others reported in the literature. It was applied in laboratory classes for undergraduate students, exploring different concepts in organometallic chemistry and discussing the steps involved in the synthetic route.
A synthesis of (+)-±-terpineol from (+)-limonene was proposed as a project for undergraduate organic laboratory course. Terpineol is a useful flavor and fragrance compound, and several aspects of this preparation are suited for experimental organic classes, including basic techniques for extraction and analyses of essential oils, different reaction types and the possibility of a high degree of student interest.
A new practical experiment involving silver and gold nanoparticle syntheses was introduced in an inorganic chemistry laboratory course for undergraduate students at the Institute of Chemistry, UNICAMP. The nanoparticles were synthesized by the reduction of silver nitrate and tetrachloroauric acid with sodium borohydride and sodium citrate in an aqueous medium. Stabilities of the suspensions were tested using several different reactants including sodium chloride, polyvinylpyrrolidone, polyvinyl alcohol and cistamine. Changes in optical properties were observed by electronic spectra and also by transmission electronic microscopy, which also yielded data for estimating particle size.
Knowing the importance that the poultry industry represents for the Brazilian economy, this work, searched to understand and to identify new welfare pointers inherent to the animal that contributed for the increase of the productive effectiveness, studying different behavior reactions in broiler breeders, in climatic chamber. The experiment was delineated as a Latin Square 3x3x3, where the variable: temperature of air, birds ration and birds age had been controlled. The birds of different ages had been lodged in distinct boxes. Observations of the behavior of the birds in two schedules of the day had been made, being one in the morning and the other one in the afternoon, during a period of 15 minutes each through video cameras, installed in the ceiling of the climatic chamber, having no interference of human being in the register of the data. It was verified the influence of the controlled variables in diverse observed behaviors where it was concluded that the presence of food resulted in bigger occurrences of aggressiveness reactions.
The efficiency of swine production performance depends on the herd administration, such as good nutrition, sanitary control, facilities and appropriate environmental conditions. The concept of this production model is directly related with the reduction of selective losses and the process control. Each production segment is controlled to reach the optimization in the system totality, it is necessary to apply animals handling concepts, environmental control implementation, diseases control, nutrition control, information concerning in guaranteeing the animal welfare and individual identification. The present work presents as objective the development of the mathematical model to evaluate interactions among the internal atmosphere of the installation and the thermal animals preference, in the expectation of detecting a relationship among the frequency access to the drinking fountain and the atmosphere conditions - temperature, black globe temperature and relative humidity, using as tool the electronic identification. The results obtained by the mathematical model, allowed to conclude accurately the evaluation of the swine thermal preference correlating with the climatic variables in the pregnancy stage.
Currently, owing to the occurrence of environmental problems, along with the need of environmental preservation, both the territory management of Hydrographic Basin and the conservation of natural resources have proven to have remarkable importance. Thus, the mean goal of the research is to raise and scrutinize social-economic and technologic data from the Mogi Guaçu River Hydrographic Basin (São Paulo, Brazil). The aim is to group municipalities with similar characteristics regarding the collected data, which may direct joint actions in the Hydrographic Basin Management. There were used both the methods of factorial analysis and automatic hierarchical classifications. Additionally, there is going to be applied a Geographical Information System to represent the outcomes of the methods aforementioned, through the evolvement of a geo-referenced database, which will allow the obtainment of information categorically distributed including theme maps of interest. The main characteristics adopted to group the municipalities were: agricultural area, sugar cane production, small farms, animal production, number of agriculture machinery and equipments and agricultural income. The methodology adopted in the Mogi Guaçu River Hydrographic Basin will be analyzed vis-à-vis its appropriateness on basin management, as well as the possibility of assisting the studies on behalf of the São Paulo Hydrographic Basin groups, to regional development.
Brazil is an important poultry meat export country, and large parts of its destination are countries with specific rearing restrictions related to broiler s welfare. One of the aerial pollutants mostly found in high concentrations in closed poultry housing environment is ammonia. There are evidences that broilers welfare may be compromised by the continuous exposition to this pollutant in rearing housing. This research aimed to estimate broilers welfare reared under specific thermal environmental attributes and bird s density, as function of the ammonia concentration and light intensity inside the housing environment using the Fuzzy Theory. Results showed that the best welfare value (0.89 in the scale: 0-1) approximately 90% of the ideal was found in the conditions that associated the ideal thermal environment, with bird s density between 13-15 birds m-2, with values of the ammonia concentration in the environment below 5 ppm, and light intensity near 1 lx. Using the predictive method it was possible to estimate broilers welfare with relation to the ammonia concentration and light intensity in the housing.
The study of female broiler breeders is of great importance for the country as poultry production is one of the largest export items, and Brazil is the second largest broiler meat exporter. Animal behavior is known as a response to the effect of several interaction factors among them the environment. In this way the internal housing environment is an element that gives hints regarding to the bird s thermal comfort. Female broiler breeder behavior, expresses in form of specific pattern the bird s health and welfare. This research had the objective of applying predictive statistical models through the use of simulation, presenting animal comfort scenarios facing distinct environmental conditions. The research was developed with data collected in a controlled environment using Hybro - PG® breeding submitted to distinct levels of temperature, three distinct types of standard ration and age. Descriptive and exploratory analysis were proceeded, and afterwards the modeling process using the Generalized Estimation Equation (GEE). The research allowed the development of the thermal comfort indicators by statistical model equations of predicting female broiler breeder behavior under distinct studied scenarios.