980 resultados para Sacral lymph node
The bending of simply supported composite plates is analyzed using a direct collocation meshless numerical method. In order to optimize node distribution the Direct MultiSearch (DMS) for multi-objective optimization method is applied. In addition, the method optimizes the shape parameter in radial basis functions. The optimization algorithm was able to find good solutions for a large variety of nodes distribution.
Multi-standard mobile devices are allowing users to enjoy higher data rates with ubiquitous connectivity. However, the benefits gained from multiple interfaces come at an expense—that being higher energy consumption in an era where mobile devices need to be energy compliant. One promising solution is the usage of short-range cooperative communication as an overlay for infrastructure-based networks taking advantage of its context information. However, the node discovery mechanism, which is pivotal to the bearer establishment process, still represents a major burden in terms of the total energy budget. In this paper, we propose a technology agnostic approach towards enhancing the MAC energy ratings by presenting a context-aware node discovery (CANDi) algorithm, which provides a priori knowledge towards the node discovery mechanism by allowing it to search nodes in the near vicinity at the ‘right time and at the right place’. We describe the different beacons required for establishing the cooperation, as well as the context information required, including battery level, modes, location and so on. CANDi uses the long-range network (WiMAX and WiFi) to distribute the context information about cooperative clusters (Ultra-wideband-based) in the vicinity. The searching nodes can use this context in locating the cooperative clusters/nodes, which facilitates the establishing of short-range connections. Analytical and simulation results are obtained, and the energy saving gains are further demonstrated in the laboratory using a customised testbed. CANDi saves up to 50% energy during the node discovery process, while the demonstrative testbed shows up to 75% savings in the total energy budget, thus validating the algorithm, as well as providing viable evidence to support the usage of short-range cooperative communications for energy savings.
Lymphatic filariasis (LF) causes a wide range of clinical signs and symptoms, including urogenital manifestations. Transmission control and disability/morbidity management/control are the two pillars of the overall elimination strategy for LF. Lymph scrotum is an unusual urological clinical presentation of LF with important medical, psychological, social and economic repercussions. A retrospective case series study was conducted on outpatients attended at the National Reference Service for Filariasis, in an endemic area for filariasis (Recife, Brazil), between 2000 and 2007. Over this period, 6,361 patients were attended and seven cases with lymph scrotum were identified. Mean patient age was 45 years (range, 26 to 64 years). Mean disease duration was 8.5 years (range, two to 15 years). All patients had evidence of filarial infection from at least one laboratory test (parasitological, antigen investigation or "filarial dance sign" on ultrasound). Six patients presented histories of urological surgery. The authors highlight the importance of the association between filarial infection and the inadequate surgical and clinical management of hydrocele in an endemic area, as risk factors for lymph scrotum. Thus, filarial infection should be routinely investigated in all individuals presenting urological morbidity within endemic areas, in order to identify likely links in the transmission chain.
INTRODUÇÃO: O carcinoma oculto é uma entidade pouco frequente, que se define como a presença de metástases com tumor primário indetetável na altura da apresentação. O prognóstico da maioria dos casos de tumor oculto é reservado, no entanto, o desenvolvimento de técnicas imunohistoquímicas que permitem a caracterização do tumor, tornaram alguns subgrupos de tumor oculto potencialmente curáveis. A presença de adenopatias axilares é a forma de apresentação do cancro da mama em 0,3-1% das mulheres, sendo a origem mais provável a mama ipsilateral. CASO CLÍNICO: Os autores relatam dois casos clínicos de tumor oculto da mama: Caso 1: Doente de 57 anos, com antecedentes familiares de primeiro e segundo grau de cancro da mama, com estudo genético negativo. Recorreu à consulta por adenopatia axilar direita.Exame objetivo (EO), mamografia + ecografia mamária normais. Microbiópsia (MB) ganglionar:metástase de carcinoma compatível com origem na mama, recetores de estrogénios (RE) +, HER2 +, CK7 +, Ca125 +, CK20 (-). RMN mamária e PET não identificaram tumor primário. Procedeu-se a dissecção axilar: 10 gânglios sem metástases. Realizou terapêutica adjuvante com quimioterapia (QT) e imunoterapia (IT). Manteve follow-up regular com EO, RMN e mamografia alternadas até aos 4 anos sem alterações. Aos 4,5 anos detetou-se ao E.O. nódulo palpável na mama direita e nódulo axilar. Mamografia + ecografia: lesão sólida suspeita (R5) cuja caracterização histológicademonstrouCDIG3, recetores hormonais (-) (RH), HER2 3+, Ki67 >30%. A TC TAP e a cintigrafia óssea não revelaram alterações. Em reunião multidisciplinar de decisão terapêutica (RMDT) decidiu-serealizar mastectomia total direita + mastectomia profilática contralateral com reconstrução. Exame histológico:CDI G3 com 22mm,confirmando-se a caracterização imunohistoquímica, com invasão vascular e presença de 3 gânglios com metástase e extensão extracapsular (T2 N2). Realizou terapêutica adjuvante com QT + IT+ Radioterapia (RT) da parede torácica e ganglionar. Um ano após a mastectomia, a doente mantém-se em follow-up sem sinais de recidiva. Caso 2: Doente de 50 anos, com antecedentes familiares de primeiro grau de cancro da mama. Recorreu à consulta por nódulo da axila esquerda e nódulo da mama direita com 2 meses de evolução. EO: nódulo palpável da mama direita e duas adenopatias axilares à esquerda. Mamografia + eco: microcalcificações atípicas da mama esquerda (R5) ealterações benignas da mama direita (R2). Realizaram-se microbiópsia por estereotaxia e biópsia assistida por vácuo da mama esquerda e citologia aspirativa de agulha fina (CAAF) de nódulo da mama direita:sem alterações neoplásicas. A biópsia de adenopatia axilar revelou metástase ganglionar de carcinoma compatível com origem na mama, RH (-), GCDFP15 (-),HER2 3+ e CK7 +.A RM mamária revelou apenas lesões benignas. TC TAP, ecografia abdominal e cintigrafia óssea normais. PET: lesão localizada na axila esquerda, nos três níveis axilares. Por recusa da doente em realizar microbiópsias adicionais ou mastectomia radical modificada, optou-se por realizar dissecção axilar esquerda. Exame histológico: 7 em 14 gânglios com metástases, morfologia e estudo imunohistoquímico concordantes com o anterior. Em RMDT foi decidida terapêuticaadjuvante com RT, QT e IT que a doente se encontra no momento a realizar. DIAGNÓSTICOS DIFERENCIAIS/ DISCUSSÃO A presença de adenopatias axilares relaciona-se na maioria dos casos com processos benignos, mas naqueles em que se diagnostica uma neoplasia maligna, mais de 50% correspondem a carcinoma da mama. Outras neoplasias que se podem apresentar com metástases axilares são: linfoma, melanoma, sarcoma, tiróide, pulmão, estômago, ovário, útero. A avaliação diagnóstica deve incluir além do exame físico, a biópsia ganglionar (para exame histológico e caracterização imunohistoquímica), mamografia, ecografia mamária e ressonância magnética mamária, eventual TC toraco-abdominal, cintigrafia óssea nas mulheres sintomáticas, existindo controvérsia sobre autilidade da PET. CONCLUSÕES O tumor oculto representa um problema diagnóstico e um desafio terapêutico. O carcinoma da mama apresentando-se sob a forma de metástase axilar sem tumor primário identificável e sem doença à distância, considera-se um dos casos potencialmente curáveis, se for tratado de acordo com as guidelines para o estadio II do cancro da mama. A abordagem recomendada inclui dissecção axilar, de importância crucial pela informação prognóstica que guiará o restante tratamento e por ajudar no controlo local da doença. A terapêutica adequada da mama ipsilateral é controversa, e pode passar pela mastectomia radical modificada ou RT. Não existem até à data estudos randomizados comparando a mastectomia versus RT mamária e os estudos retrospetivos disponíveis não apresentam resultados consensuais. A decisão de RT da parede torácica pós-mastectomia e de terapêutica adjuvante deverá ser tomada tendo em conta as guidelines publicadas. 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Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women all over the world. An important issue that is not commonly addressed in breast cancer imaging literature is the importance of imaging the underarm region—where up to 80% of breast cancer cells can metastasise to. The first axillary lymph nodes to receive drainage from the primary tumour in the breast are called Sentinel Node. If cancer cells are found in the Sentinel Node, there is an increased risk of metastatic breast cancer which makes this evaluation crucial to decide what follow-up exams and therapy to follow. However, non-invasive detection of cancer cells in the lymph nodes is often inconclusive, leading to the surgical removal of too many nodes which causes adverse side-effects for patients. Microwave Imaging is one of the most promising non-invasive imaging modalities for breast cancer early screening and monitoring. This novel study tests the feasibility of imaging the axilla region by means of the simulation of an Ultra-Wideband Microwave Imaging system. Simulations of such system are completed in several 2D underarm models that mimic the axilla. Initial imaging results are obtained by means of processing the simulated backscattered signals by eliminating artefacts caused by the skin and beamforming the processed signals in order to time-align all the signals recorded at each antenna. In this dissertation several image formation algorithms are implemented and compared by visual inspection of the resulting images and through a range of performance metrics, such as Signal-to-Clutter Ratio and FullWidth Half Maximum calculations. The results in this study showed that Microwave Imaging is a promising technique that might allow to identify the presence and location of metastasised cancer cells in axillary lymph nodes, enabling the non-invasive evaluation of breast cancer staging.
All coelomate animals possess a population of cells that do not make part of an organ and instead freely flow inside the body cavity. These cells, termed hemocytes (in invertebrates) or blood cells (in vertebrates), are involved in varied functions including immune response, clearance of apoptotic cells and distribution of nutrient and gases (Grigorian & Hartenstein 2013).(...)
In this thesis a CMOS low-power and low-voltage RF receiver front-end is presented. The main objective is to design this RF receiver so that it can be powered by a piezoelectric energy harvesting power source, included in a Wireless Sensor Node application. For this type of applications the major requirements are: the low-power and low-voltage operation, the reduced area and cost and the simplicity of the architecture. The system key blocks are the LNA and the mixer, which are studied and optimized with greater detail, achieving a good linearity, a wideband operation and a reduced introduction of noise. A wideband balun LNA with noise and distortion cancelling is designed to work at a 0.6 V supply voltage, in conjunction with a double-balanced passive mixer and subsequent TIA block. The passive mixer operates in current mode, allowing a minimal introduction of voltage noise and a good linearity. The receiver analog front-end has a total voltage conversion gain of 31.5 dB, a 0.1 - 4.3 GHz bandwidth, an IIP3 value of -1.35 dBm, and a noise figure lower than 9 dB. The total power consumption is 1.9 mW and the die area is 305x134.5 m2, using a standard 130 nm CMOS technology.
Data traces, consisting of logs about the use of mobile and wireless networks, have been used to study the statistics of encounters between mobile nodes, in an attempt to predict the performance of opportunistic networks. Understanding the role and potential of mobile devices as relaying nodes in message dissemination and delivery depends on the knowledge about patterns and number of encounters among nodes. Data traces about the use of WiFi networks are widely available and can be used to extract large datasets of encounters between nodes. However, these logs only capture indirect encounters between nodes, and the resulting encounters datasets might not realistically represent the spatial and temporal behaviour of nodes. This paper addresses the impact of overlapping between the coverage areas of different Access Points of WiFi networks in extracting encounters datasets from the usage logs. Simulation and real-world experimental results show that indirect encounter traces extracted directly from these logs strongly underestimate the opportunities for direct node-to- node message exchange in opportunistic networks.
Limiting dilution analysis was used to quantify Trypanosoma cruzi in the lymph nodes, liver and heart of Swiss and C57 B1/10 mice. The results showed that, in Swiss and B1/10 mice infected with T. cruzi Y strain, the number of parasites/mg of tissue increased during the course of the infection in both types of mice, although a grater number of parasites were observed in heart tissue from Swiss mice than from B1/10. With regard to liver tissue, it was observed that the parasite load in the initial phase of infection was higher than in heart. In experiments using T. cruzi Colombian strain, the parasite load in the heart of Swiss and B1/10 mice increased relatively slowly, although high levels of parasitization were nonetheless observable by the end of the infection. As for the liver and lymph nodes, the concentration of parasites was lower over the entire course of infection than in heart. Both strains thus maintained their characteristic tissue tropisms. The limiting dilution assay (LDA) proved to be an appropriate method for more precise quantification of T. cruzi, comparing favorably with other direct microscopic methods that only give approximate scores.
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Mucus and lymph smears collected from leprosy patients (9) and their household contacts (44) in the Caño Mochuelo Indian Reservation, Casanare, Colombia, were examined with monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) against Mycobacterium leprae. The individuals studied were: 5 borderline leprosy (BB) patients, 4 with a lepromatous leprosy (LL), all of whom were undergoing epidemiological surveillance after treatment and 44 household contacts: 21 of the LL and 23 contacts of the BB patients. The MoAb were reactive with the following M. leprae antigens: 65 kd heat shock protein, A6; soluble antigen G7 and complete antigen, E11. All the samples were tested with each of the MoAb using the avidin-biotin-peroxidase technique and 3,3 diaminobenzidine as chromogen. The patients and household contacts studied were all recorded as Ziehl-Neelsen stain negative. The MoAb which showed optimal reaction was G7, this MoAb permited good visualization of the bacilli. Five patients with BB diagnosis and one with LL were positive for G7; of the BB patients' household contacts, 9 were positive for G7; 7 of the LL patients' household contacts were positive for the same MoAb. MoAb G7 allowed the detection of bacillar Mycobacterium spp. compatible structures in both patients and household contacts. G7 permited the visualization of the complete bacillus and could be used for early diagnosis and follow-up of the disease in patients.
Purpose: To assess the clinical outcome of patients who were subjected to long-axis sacroplasty as first line treatment for sacral insufficiency fractures. Methods and materials: Nineteen patients with unilateral (n = 3) or bilateral (n = 16) sacral fractures were involved. Under local anaesthesia, each patient was subjected to CT guided sacroplasty using the long-axis approach through a single entry point. An average of 6 ml of PMMA was delivered along the path of each sacral fracture. For each individual patient, the VAS pain score before sacroplasty and at 1, 4, 24, and 48 weeks after the procedure was obtained. Furthermore, the use of analgesics (narcotic/non-narcotic) along with the evolution of post interventional patient mobility before and after sacroplasty was also recorded. Results: The mean pre-procedure VAS score was 8 ± 1.9. This has rapidly declined in the first week after the procedure (mean 4 ± 1.5) followed by gradual decrease along the rest of follow-up period at 4 weeks (mean 3 ± 1.2), 24 weeks (mean 2 ± 1.3), and 48 weeks (mean 1.3 ± 1.4), respectively. Eleven (58%) patients were under narcotic analgesia before sacroplasty, whereas, 8 (42%) patients were using non-narcotics. Corresponding values after the procedure were 2/19 (10%) (narcotic) and 10/19 53% (non-narcotic). Seven (37%) patients did not address post-procedure analgesic use. The evolution of post interventional mobility was favourable in the study group since they revealed a significant improvement in their mobility point scale. Conclusion: Long-axis percutaneous sacroplasty is a suitable minimally invasive treatment option for patients who present with sacral insufficiency fractures. Future studies with larger patient number are warranted to grasp any potential limitations of this therapeutic approach.