992 resultados para S_(180)


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(I): Mr= 168, triclinic, P1, Z=2, a= 5.596 (2), b = 6.938 (3), c = 10.852 (4) A, ~t= 75.64 (3), fl= 93.44 (3), ),= 95.47 (3) °, V= 406.0A 3, Din= 1.35 (by flotation using carbon tetrachloride and n-hexane), D x= 1.374 Mg m -3, g(Mo Kct, 2 = 0.7107 A) = 1.08 cm -l, _F(000) = 180, T= 293 K. (II): Mr= 250, triclinic, P1, Z= 2, a = 7.731(2), b=8.580(2), c=11.033(3)A, a= 97-66 (2), fl= 98.86 (2), y= 101.78 (2) °, V= 697.5 A 3, D m = 1.18 (by flotation using KI solution), Dx= 1.190Mgm -3, g(MoKa, 2=0.7107A)= 1.02 cm -1, F(000) = 272, T= 293 K. Both structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 4.4% for 901 reflexions for (I) and 5.7% for 2001 reflexions for (II). The C=C bond distances are 1.451 (3) A in (I) and 1.468 (3)A in (II), quite significantly longer than the C=C bond in ethylene [1.336 (2).~; Bartell, Roth, Hollowell, Kuchitsu & Young (1965). J. Chem. Phys. 42, 2683-2686]. The twist angle about the C=C bond in (II) is 72.9 (5) ° but molecule (I) is essentially planar, the twist angle being only 4.9 (5) ° .


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are reported for an anchored bilayer formed by the intercalation of cetyl trimethyl ammonium (CTA) and CH3(CH2)15N+(CH3) ions in a layered solid, CdPS3. The intercalated CTA ions are organized with the cationic headgroups tethered to the inorganic sheet and the hydrocarbon tails arranged as bilayers. Simulations were performed at three temperatures, 65, 180, and 298 K, using an isothermal−isobaric ensemble that was subsequently switched once macroscopic parameters had converged to a canonical isothermal−isochoric ensemble. The simulations are able to reproduce the experimental features of this system, including the formation of the bilayer and layer-to-layer separation distance. An analysis of the conformation of the chains showed that at all three temperatures a fraction of the alkyl chains retained a planar all-trans conformation, and that gauche bonds occurred as part of a “kink” (gauche+−trans−gauche−) sequence and not as isolated gauche bonds. Trans−gauche isomerization rates for the alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer are slower than those in lipid bilayers at the same temperature and show a progressive increase as the torsion numbers approach the tail. A two-dimensional periodic Voronoi tessellation analysis was performed to obtain the single-molecular area of an alkyl chain in the bilayer. The single-molecular area relaxation times are an order of magnitude longer than the trans−gauche isomerization times. The results indicate that the trans−gauche isomerization is associated with the creation and annihilation of a kink defect sequence. The results of the present MD simulation explain the apparent conflicting estimates of the gauche disorder in this system as obtained from infrared and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance measurements.


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In the seasonally dry tropics of northern Australia, breeder cows may lose up to 30% liveweight during the dry season when pasture is of low nutritive value. This is a major cause of low reproductive rates and high mortality. Weaning early in the dry season is effective to reduce this liveweight loss of the breeder (Holroyd et al. 1988). An experiment examined the dry season liveweight loss of breeders for a range of weaning times and levels of nutrition. From April to October through the dry season, 209 Bos indicus x Shorthorn cross cows 4-6 years of age grazed speargrass pastures in north Queensland. The cows had been joined with bulls from late January until April. Twenty-nine breeders had not suckled a calf during the previous wet season (DRY cows). In addition 180 cows lactating in April were weaned in late April, mid July or early September. The cows were allocated by stratified randomisation based on lactational status, stage of pregnancy and body condition to 15 x 40 ha paddocks. Five paddocks with low fertility soils provided LOW nutrition, while 10 paddocks with medium fertility soils and no supplementation or with supplementation provided MEDIUM and HIGH nutrition, respectively. The supplement consisted of molasses containing 14% urea offered ad libitum. Liveweight was measured at intervals and conceptus-free liveweight (CF-LW) calculated. Data were analyses by AOV within groups of paddocks. Animal production for a consuming world : proceedings of 9th Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies [AAAP] and 23rd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production [ASAP] and 17th Annual Symposium of the University of Sydney, Dairy Research Foundation, [DRF]. 2-7 July 2000, Sydney, Australia.


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E.S.R. investigations of γ-irradiated ferroelectric Sodium ammonium selenate, NaNH4SeO4•2H2O and its deuteriated analogue in powder and single crystal forms have led to a deeper understanding of the nature of the ferroelectric transition of 180 K. A number of paramagnetic species formed due to γ-irradiation have been identified on the basis of their g-factors and hyperfine features from 77Se. The radical SeO4 has been used as a microprobe in studying the phase transition.


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This article discusses the design and development of GRDB (General Purpose Relational Data Base System) which has been implemented on a DEC-1090 system in Pascal. GRDB is a general purpose database system designed to be completely independent of the nature of data to be handled, since it is not tailored to the specific requirements of any particular enterprise. It can handle different types of data such as variable length records and textual data. Apart from the usual database facilities such as data definition and data manipulation, GRDB supports User Definition Language (UDL) and Security definition language. These facilities are provided through a SEQUEL-like General Purpose Query Language (GQL). GRDB provides adequate protection facilities up to the relation level. The concept of “security matrix” has been made use of to provide database protection. The concept of Unique IDentification number (UID) and Password is made use of to ensure user identification and authentication. The concept of static integrity constraints has been used to ensure data integrity. Considerable efforts have been made to improve the response time through indexing on the data files and query optimisation. GRDB is designed for an interactive use but alternate provision has been made for its use through batch mode also. A typical Air Force application (consisting of data about personnel, inventory control, and maintenance planning) has been used to test GRDB and it has been found to perform satisfactorily.


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The detection, distribution, molecular and biological properties, vector relations and control of tospoviruses present in Australia, including Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) and Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV), are reviewed. TSWV occurs throughout Australia where it has caused serious sporadic epidemics since it was first described in the 1920s. The frequency and distribution of outbreaks has increased in the 1990s, with the arrival and dispersal of the western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) being one factor favouring this situation. The crops most frequently and severely affected are capsicum, lettuce, tomato, potato and several species of ornamentals. Minimal differences were found between the nucleocapsid (N) gene amino acid sequences of Australian isolates and these were most closely related to a clade of northern European isolates. CaCV was first detected in Australia in 1999 and is most closely related to Watermelon silver mottle virus, a serogroup IV tospovirus. The natural hosts include capsicum, tomato, peanut and Hoya spp. The virus also occurs in Thailand and Taiwan. IYSV was first found in Australia in 2003, infecting onion and leek, with the distribution in three States suggesting that the virus has been present for some time.


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Heavy wheel traffic causes soil compaction, which adversely affects crop production and may persist for several years. We applied known compaction forces to entire plots annually for 5 years, and then determined the duration of the adverse effects on the properties of a Vertisol and the performance of crops under no-till dryland cropping with residue retention. For up to 5 years after a final treatment with a 10 Mg axle load on wet soil, soil shear strength at 70-100 mm and cone index at 180-360 mm were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than in a control treatment, and soil water storage and grain yield were lower. We conclude that compaction effects persisted because (1) there were insufficient wet-dry cycles to swell and shrink the entire compacted layer, (2) soil loosening by tillage was absent and (3) there were fewer earthworms in the compacted soil. Compaction of dry soil with 6 Mg had little effect at any time, indicating that by using wheel traffic only when the soil is dry, problems can be avoided. Unfortunately such a restriction is not always possible because sowing, tillage and harvest operations often need to be done when the soil is wet. A more generally applicable solution, which also ensures timely operations, is the permanent separation of wheel zones and crop zones in the field--the practice known as controlled traffic farming. Where a compacted layer already exists, even on a clay soil, management options to hasten repair should be considered, e.g. tillage, deep ripping, sowing a ley pasture or sowing crop species more effective at repairing compacted soil.


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OBJECTIVE To monitor the seasonal body composition alterations in 18 lightweight rowers (six females, 12 males) across a rowing season incorporating preseason, early competition, competition, and postseason. METHODS Subject age was 23.1 (SD 4.5) years, height 170.8 (5.6) cm (female, 23.5 (3.5) years, 180.5 (2.7) cm (male). Body weight, fat mass, and fat-free mass (FFM) were assessed using dual energy x ray absorptiometry (DXA-L Lunar) and skinfold techniques. Weight control techniques were documented before major regattas by a questionnaire. RESULTS Female body weight was reduced from 61.3 (2.9) to 57.0 (1.1) kg (5.9%), while male body weight was reduced from 75.6 (3.1) to 69.8 (1.6) kg (7.8%) preseason to competition season respectively. These body weight reductions were mirrored by a significant reduction in fat mass as indicated by the sum of skinfolds [female seven sites: 80.9 (8.1) to 68.2 (11.8) mm; male eight sites: 54.2 (8.7) to 41.8 (4.8) mm], percentage body fat [female 22.1 (1.0) to 19.7 (2.4)%; male 10.0 (0.9) to 7.8 (0.8)%], and total fat [female 12.5 (5.2) to 10.9 (1.4) kg; male 7.3 (1.9) to 5.6 (1.8) kg] (DXA). In contrast, no changes were observed in FFM despite a season of intensive rowing training. Seasonal body weight control was achieved through reduced total energy and dietary fat intakes. Acute body weight reductions were achieved by exercise in 73.3% of participants, food restriction in 71.4%, and fluid restrictions in 62.9%. CONCLUSIONS Seasonal body weight alterations in lightweight rowers are in response to a significant reduction in fat mass. However, the weight restrictions appear to be limiting an increase in FFM which could be beneficial to rowing performance.


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Numerous tests have been used to measure beef cattle temperament, but limited research has addressed the relationship between such tests and whether temperament can be modified. One-hundred-and-forty-four steers were given one of three human handling and yarding experiences on six occasions during a 12-month grazing period post-weaning (backgrounding): Good handling/yarding, Poor handling/yarding and Minimal handling/yarding. At the end of this phase the cattle were lot-fed for 78 days, with no handling/yarding treatments imposed, before being transported for commercial slaughter. Temperament was assessed at the start of the experiment, during backgrounding and lot-feeding by flight speed (FS) and a fear of humans test, which measured the proximity to a stimulus person (zone average; ZA), the closest approach to the person (CA) and the amount the cattle moved around the test arena (total transitions; TT). During backgrounding, FS decreased for all treatments and at the end of backgrounding there was no difference between them. The rate of decline, however, was greatest in the Good group, smallest in the Minimal group with the Poor intermediate. In contrast, ZA was affected by treatment, with a greater reduction for the Good group than the others (P = 0.012). During lot-feeding, treatment did not affect FS, but all groups showed a decrease in ZA, with the greatest change in the Poor group, the least in the Good and the Minimal intermediate (P = 0.052). CA was positively correlated with ZA (r = 0.18 to 0.66) and negatively with TT (r = -0.180 to -0.659). FS was consistently correlated with TT only (r = 0.17 to 0.49). These findings suggest that FS and TT measure a similar characteristic, as do ZA and CA, but that these characteristics are different from one another, indicating that temperament is not a unitary trait, but has different facets. FS and TT measure one facet that we suggest is general agitation, whilst ZA and CA measure fear of people. Thus, the cattle became less agitated during backgrounding, but the effect was not permanently influenced by the quantity and quality of handling/yarding. However, Good handling/yarding reduced fearfulness of people. Fear of people was also reduced during lot-feeding, probably as a consequence of frequent exposure to humans in a situation that was neutral or positive for the cattle.


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The development of algorithms, based on Haar functions, for extracting the desired frequency components from transient power-system relaying signals is presented. The applications of these algorithms to impedance detection in transmission line protection and to harmonic restraint in transformer differential protection are discussed. For transmission line protection, three modes of application of the Haar algorithms are described: a full-cycle window algorithm, an approximate full-cycle window algorithm, and a half-cycle window algorithm. For power transformer differential protection, the combined second and fifth harmonic magnitude of the differential current is compared with that of fundamental to arrive at a trip decision. The proposed line protection algorithms are evaluated, under different fault conditions, using realistic relaying signals obtained from transient analysis conducted on a model 400 kV, 3-phase system. The transformer differential protection algorithms are also evaluated using a variety of simulated inrush and internal fault signals.


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Introduction and Objectives Joint moments and joint powers during gait are widely used to determine the effects of rehabilitation programs as well as prosthetic fitting. Following the definition of power (dot product of joint moment and joint angular velocity) it has been previously proposed to analyse the 3D angle between both vectors, αMw. Basically, joint power is maximised when both vectors are parallel and cancelled when both vectors are orthogonal. In other words, αMw < 60° reveals a propulsion configuration (more than 50% of the moment contribute to positive power) while αMw > 120° reveals a resistance configuration (more than 50% of the moment contribute to negative power). A stabilisation configuration (less than 50% of the moment contribute to power) corresponds to 60° < αMw < 120°. Previous studies demonstrated that hip joints of able-bodied adults (AB) are mainly in a stabilisation configuration (αMw about 90°) during the stance phase of gait. [1, 2] Individuals with transfemoral amputation (TFA) need to maximise joint power at the hip while controlling the prosthetic knee during stance. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that TFAs should adopt a strategy that is different from a continuous stabilisation. The objective of this study was to compute joint power and αMw for TFA and to compare them with AB. Methods Three trials of walking at self-selected speed were analysed for 8 TFAs (7 males and 1 female, 46±10 years old, 1.78±0.08 m 82±13 kg) and 8 ABs (males, 25±3 years old, 1.75±0.04, m 67±6 kg). The joint moments are computed from a motion analysis system (Qualisys, Goteborg, Sweden) and a multi-axial transducer (JR3, Woodland, USA) mounted above the prosthetic knee for TFAs and from a motion analysis system (Motion Analysis, Santa Rosa, USA) and force plates (Bertec, Columbus, USA) for ABs. The TFAs were fitted with an OPRA (Integrum, AB, Gothengurg, Sweden) osseointegrated implant system and their prosthetic designs include pneumatic, hydraulic and microprocessor knees. Previous studies showed that the inverse dynamics computed from the multi-axial transducer is the proper method considering the absorption at the foot and resistance at the knee. Results The peak of positive power at loading response (H1) was earlier and lower for TFA compared to AB. Although the joint power is lower, the 3D angle between joint moment and joint angular velocity, αMw, reveals an obvious propulsion configuration (mean αMw about 20°) for TFA compared to a stabilisation configuration (mean αMw about 70°) for AB. The peaks of negative power at midstance (H2) and of positive power at preswing / initial swing (H3) occurred later, lower and longer for TFA compared to AB. Again, the joint powers are lower for TFA but, in this case, αMw is almost comparable (with a time lag), demonstrating a stabilisation (almost a resistance for TFA, mean αMw about 120°) and a propulsion configuration, respectively. The swing phase is not analysed in the present study. Conclusion The analysis of hip joint power may indicate that TFAs demonstrated less propulsion and resistance than ABs during the stance phase of gait. This is true from a quantitative point of view. On the contrary, the 3D angle between joint moment and joint angular velocity, αMw, reveals that TFAs have a remarkable propulsion strategy at loading response and almost a resistance strategy at midstance while ABs adopted a stabilisation strategy. The propulsion configuration, with αMw close to 0°, seems to aim at maximising the positive joint power. The configuration close to resistance, with αMw far from 180°, might aim at unlocking the prosthetic knee before swing while minimising the negative power. This analysis of both joint power and 3D angle between the joint moment and the joint angular velocity provides complementary insights into the gait strategies of TFA that can be used to support evidence-based rehabilitation and fitting of prosthetic components.


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Intra-atomic Auger transitions involving metal energy levels are found to be useful in studying the surface oxidation state as well as the oxidation of metals. Transition Metal oxides also exhibit interatomic Auger transitions, the intensities of which depend on the occupation of the metal d level. The probability of the interatomic transition is therefore highest in oxides where the metal has the d' configuration. The competition between intra-atomic and interatomic Auger transitions in oxides will be discussed as also the use of the interatomic transitions in the study of metal oxidation.


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The ability to initiate and manipulate flowering with KClO3 allows flowering of longan, to be triggered outside of the normal flowering season (July-September) in Australia. Fruit maturity following normal flowering will occur approximately six-eight months (180-220 days) from flowering, depending on variety. Out of season flowering will result in differing times to maturity due to different temperature regimes during the maturity period. Knowing how long fruit will take to mature from different KClO3 application dates is potentially a valuable tool for growers to use as it would allow them to time their applications with market opportunities, e.g. Chinese New Year, periods of low volumes or periods of high prices. A simple heat-sum calculation was shown to reliably quantify fruit maturity periods, 2902 and 3432 growing degree days for Kohala and Biew Kiew respectively. Growers can use heat-sum as a predictive tool to allow for efficient planning of harvesting, packaging and freight requirements.


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This paper quantifies gaseous N losses due to ammonia volatilisation and denitrification under controlled conditions at 30 degrees C and 75% to 150% of Field Capacity (FC). Biosolids were mixed with two contrasting soils from subtropical Australia at a rate designed to meet crop N requirements for irrigated cotton or maize (i.e., equivalent to 180 kg N ha(-1)). In the first experiment, aerobically (AE) and anaerobically (AN) digested biosolids were mixed into a heavy Vertosol soil and then incubated for 105 days. Ammonia volatilization over 72 days accounted for less than 4% of the applied NH4-N but 24% (AN) to 29% (AE) of the total applied biosolids' N was lost through denitrification in 105 days. In the second experiment AN biosolids with and without added polyacrimide polymer were mixed with either a heavy Vertosol or a lighter Red Ferrosol and then incubated for 98 days. The N loss was higher from the Vertosol with 16-29% of total N applied versus the Red Ferrosol with 7-10% of total N applied, while addition of polymer to the biosolids increased N loss from 7 to 10% and from 16 to 29% in the Red Ferrosol and Vertosol, respectively. A major product from the denitrification process was N-2 gas, accounting for >90% of the emitted N gases from both experiments. Our findings demonstrate that denitrification could be a major pathway of gaseous N losses under warm and moist conditions.


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Aims To observe medication solid dosage form modification in aged care facilities (ACFs), and assess staff levels of self-perceived knowledge of medication modification and the types of resources available to them. Method Observation of medication rounds in a convenience sample of Australian Capital Territory ACFs and assessment of staff knowledge of dosage form modification and available resources. Results From 160 observations across six medication rounds, 29 residents had a total of 75 medications modified by the nursing staff prior to administration, with 32% of these instances identified as inappropriate. The methods used for crushing and administration resulted in drug mixing, spillage and incomplete dosing. The staff reported adequate resources; however, a lack of knowledge on how to locate and use these resources was evident. Conclusions Improved staff training on how to use available resources is needed to reduce the observed high incidence of inappropriate medication crushing.