995 resultados para SUPERCONDUCTING LUNI2B2C


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YBaCuO and GdBaCuO + 15 wt% Ag large, single-grain, bulk superconductors have been fabricated via the top-seeded, melt-growth (TSMG) process using a generic NdBCO seed. The mechanical behavior of both materials has been investigated by means of three-point bending (TPB) and transversal tensile tests at 77 and 300 K. The strength, fracture toughness and hardness of the samples were studied for two directions of applied load to obtain comprehensive information about the effect of microstructural anisotropy on the macroscopic and microscopic mechanical properties of these technologically important materials. Splitting (Brazilian) tests were carried out on as-melt-processed cylindrical samples following a standard oxygenation process and with the load applied parallel to the growth-facet lines characteristic of the TSMG process. In addition, the elastic modulus of each material was measured by three different techniques and related to the microstructure of each sample using optical microscopy. The results show that both the mechanical properties and the elastic modulus of both YBCO and GdBCP/Ag are improved at 77 K. However, the GdBCO/Ag samples are less anisotropic and exhibit better mechanical behavior due to the presence of silver particles in the bulk, superconducting matrix. The splitting tensile strength was determined at 77 K and both materials were found to exhibit similar behavior, independently of their differences in microstructure.


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I conjecture that the mechanism of superconductivity in the cuprates is a saving, due to the improved screening resulting from Cooper pair formation, of the part of the Coulomb energy associated with long wavelengths and midinfrared frequencies. This scenario is shown to provide a plausible explanation of the trend of transition temperature with layering structure in the Ca-spaced compounds and to predict a spectacularly large decrease in the electron-energy-loss spectroscopy cross-section in the midinfrared region on transition to the superconducting state, as well as less spectacular but still surprisingly large changes in the optical behavior. Existing experimental results appear to be consistent with this picture.


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Rapid progress in effective methods to image brain functions has revolutionized neuroscience. It is now possible to study noninvasively in humans neural processes that were previously only accessible in experimental animals and in brain-injured patients. In this endeavor, positron emission tomography has been the leader, but the superconducting quantum interference device-based magnetoencephalography (MEG) is gaining a firm role, too. With the advent of instruments covering the whole scalp, MEG, typically with 5-mm spatial and 1-ms temporal resolution, allows neuroscientists to track cortical functions accurately in time and space. We present five representative examples of recent MEG studies in our laboratory that demonstrate the usefulness of whole-head magnetoencephalography in investigations of spatiotemporal dynamics of cortical signal processing.


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No presente estudo, amostras policristalinas ricas em Ta e com estequiometrias Ta1-xZrx; x < 0.15; foram preparadas através da mistura apropriada dos elementos metálicos, os quais foram fundidos em forno a arco elétrico sobre uma placa de cobre refrigerada a água e sob atmosfera de argônio de alta pureza. Os padrões de difração de raios-X das ligas, como fundidas (as cast) e tratadas termicamente a 850 °C por 24 h, revelaram a ocorrência de uma estrutura cristalina cúbica de corpo centrada bcc, tipo W, e parâmetros de rede que aumentam suavemente com o aumento do teor de Zr nas ligas. Medidas de susceptibilidade magnética dc, conduzidas nas condições de resfriamento da amostra em campo zero (ZFC) e do resfriamento com o campo magnético aplicado (FC), indicaram que supercondutividade volumétrica é observada abaixo de ~ 5.8, 6.9, 7.0 K em amostras com x = 0.05, 0.08, e 0.10, respectivamente. Essas temperaturas críticas supercondutoras são bastante superiores àquela observada no Ta elementar ~ 4.45 K. Medidas de resistividade elétrica na presença de campos magnéticos aplicados de até 9 T confirmaram a temperatura crítica supercondutora das amostras estudadas. O campo crítico superior Hc2 e o comprimento de coerência E foram estimados a partir dos dados de magnetorresistência. Os valores estimados de Hc2 foram de ~ 0.46, 1.78, 3.85 e 3.97 T, resultando em valores de E ~ 26.0, 13.6, 9.2 e 9.1 nm para as ligas as cast com x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.08 e 0.10, respectivamente. A partir dos dados experimentais do calor específico Cp das ligas, magnitudes estimadas do salto em Cp nas vizinhanças das transições supercondutoras indicaram valores maiores que o previsto pela teoria BCS. Utilizando as equações analíticas derivadas da teoria do acoplamento forte da supercondutividade foi então proposto que o aumento da temperatura de transição supercondutora nas ligas devido a substituição parcial do Ta por Zr está intimamente relacionado ao aumento do acoplamento elétron-fônon, visto que a densidade de estados eletrônicos no nível de Fermi foi estimada ser essencialmente constante através da série Ta1-xZrx com x < 0.10.


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The magnetization reversal of two-dimensional arrays of parallel ferromagnetic Fe nanowires embedded in nanoporous alumina templates has been studied. By combining bulk magnetization measurements (superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry) with field-dependent magnetic force microscopy (MFM), we have been able to decompose the macroscopic hysteresis loop in terms of the irreversible magnetic responses of individual nanowires. The latter are found to behave as monodomain ferromagnetic needles, with hysteresis loops displaced (asymmetric) as a consequence of the strong dipolar interactions between them. The application of field-dependent MFM provides a microscopic method to obtain the hysteresis curve of the array, by simply registering the fraction of up and down magnetized wires as a function of applied field. The observed deviations from the rectangular shape of the macroscopic hysteresis loop of the array can be ascribed to the spatial variation of the dipolar field through the inhomogeneously filled membrane. The system studied proves to be an excellent example of the two-dimensional classical Preisach model, well known from the field of hysteresis modeling and micromagnetism.


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The study of long-term evolution of neutron star (NS) magnetic fields is key to understanding the rich diversity of NS observations, and to unifying their nature despite the different emission mechanisms and observed properties. Such studies in principle permit a deeper understanding of the most important parameters driving their apparent variety, e.g. radio pulsars, magnetars, X-ray dim isolated NSs, gamma-ray pulsars. We describe, for the first time, the results from self-consistent magnetothermal simulations considering not only the effects of the Hall-driven field dissipation in the crust, but also adding a complete set of proposed driving forces in a superconducting core. We emphasize how each of these core-field processes drive magnetic evolution and affect observables, and show that when all forces are considered together in vectorial form, the net expulsion of core magnetic flux is negligible, and will have no observable effect in the crust (consequently in the observed surface emission) on megayear time-scales. Our new simulations suggest that strong magnetic fields in NS cores (and the signatures on the NS surface) will persist long after the crustal magnetic field has evolved and decayed, due to the weak combined effects of dissipation and expulsion in the stellar core.


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