974 resultados para SUBSTANTIA-NIGRA


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One-third of botanical remedies from southern Italy are used to treat skin and soft tissue infections (SST's). Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a common cause of SSTIs, is responsible for increased morbidity and mortality from infections. Therapeutic options are limited by antibiotic resistance. Many plants possess potent antimicrobial compounds for these disorders. Validation of traditional medical practices is important for the people who rely on medicinal plants. Moreover, identification of novel antibiotics and anti-pathogenic agents for MRSA is important to global healthcare.^ I took an ethnopharmacological approach to understand how Italian medicinal plants used for the treatment of SSTIs affect MRSA growth and virulence. My hypothesis was that plants used in folk remedies for SSTI would exhibit lower cytotoxicity and greater inhibition of bacterial growth, biofilm formation and toxin production in MRSA than plants used for remedies unrelated to the skin or for plants with no ethnomedical application. The field portion of my research was conducted in the Vulture-Alto Bradano area of southern Italy. I collected 104 plant species and created 168 crude extracts. In the lab, I screened samples for activity against MRSA in a battery of bioassays. Growth inhibition was analyzed using broth microtiter assays for determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration. Interference with quorum-sensing (QS) processes, which mediate pathogenicity, was quantified through RP-HPLC of δ-toxin production. Interference with biofilm formation and adherence was assessed using staining methods. The mammalian cytotoxicity of natural products was analyzed using MTT cell proliferation assay techniques.^ Although bacteriostatic activity was limited, extracts from six plants used in Italian folk medicine (Arundo donax, Ballota nigra, Juglans regia, Leopoldia comosa, Marrubium vulgare, and Rubus ulmifolius ) significantly inhibited biofilm formation and adherence. Moreover, plants used to treat SSTI demonstrated significantly greater anti-biofilm activity when compared to plants with no ethnomedical application. QSI activity was evident in 90% of the extracts tested and extracts from four plants ( Ballota nigra, Castanea saliva, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Sambucus ebulus) exhibited a significant dose-dependent response. Some of the plant remedies for SSTI identified in this study can be validated due to anti-MRSA activity.^


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In order to reconstruct regional vegetation changes and local conditions during the fen-bog transition in the Borsteler Moor (northwestern Germany), a sediment core covering the period between 7.1 and 4.5 cal kyrs BP was palynologically in vestigated. The pollen diagram demonstrates the dominance of oak forests and a gradual replacement of trees by raised bog vegetation with the wetter conditions in the Late Atlantic. At ~ 6 cal kyrs BP, the non-pollen palynomorphs (NPP) demonstrate the succession from mesotrophic conditions, clearly indicated by a number of fungal spore types, to oligotrophic conditions, indicated by Sphagnum spores, Bryophytomyces sphagni, and testate amoebae Amphitrema, Assulina and Arcella, etc. Four relatively dry phases during the transition from fen to bog are clearly indicated by the dominance of Calluna and associated fungi as well as by the increase of microcharcoal. Several new NPP types are described and known NPP types are identified. All NPP are discussed in the context of their palaeoecological indicator values.


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O aumento da esperança média de vida tem elevado a prevalência de doenças neurodegenerativas, como é o caso da doença de Parkinson. Nos últimos anos a procura de novas soluções terapêuticas, assim como a minimização dos efeitos dos tratamentos atualmente utilizados tem promovido a procura de novas soluções. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu no estudo dos mecanismos moleculares de neurotoxicidade induzidos pela dopamina (DA) e 6-hidroxidopamina (6-OHDA) num modelo celular do neuroblastoma humano (SH-SY5Y), bem como na avaliação do potencial neuroprotetor de extratos de algas com elevada capacidade antioxidante. O efeito neurotóxico da DA e 6-OHDA, assim como o efeito protetor dos extratos das algas com maior atividade antioxidante (Sargassum muticum, Saccorhiza polyschides, Padina pavonica, Codium tomentosum, Ulva compressa) foi avaliado através da viabilidade celular das células SH-SY5Y utilizando o método de MTT. De modo a compreender os efeitos induzidos na viabilidade celular pela DA e 6-OHDA procedeu-se ao estudo da atividade da caspase-3, alterações do potencial mitocondrial e quantificação de H2O2. Os resultados demonstraram um claro efeito dependente da concentração da DA (30-3000μM) e 6-OHDA (10-1000μM) na viabilidade celular das células SH-SY5Y, bem como do tempo de exposição (6-48h). No que diz respeito a prevenção do efeito neurotóxico da DA (1000μM (56,41±5,05% de células viáveis); 24h) e 6-OHDA (100μM (66,76±3,24% de células viáveis);24h) pelos extratos das algas (1mg/mL; 24h) verificou-se que os extratos que apresentaram um efeito preventivo mais marcado pertencem as algas Sargassum muticum (82,37±6,41% de células viáveis e 115,8±8,53% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (89,26±8,62% de células viáveis e 106,51±4,26% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e Codium tomentosum (81,28±3,68% de células viáveis e 103,17±7,25% de células viáveis, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). A morte celular induzida pela DA e pela 6-OHDA foi acompanhada pelo aumento da atividade da caspase-3 quando comparado com o controlo (DA - 66,46±1,49fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto; 6-OHDA - 22,56±1,71fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto; controlo – 4,8 ±0,48fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto), pela presença de elevadas quantidades de peróxido de hidrogénio (H2O2) (363,81±28,58 % do controlo e 214,26 ± 8,46 % do controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e pela despolarização da membrana mitocondrial (162,3±2,34 % do controlo e 144,7±2,87 % do controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). Por sua vez, durante o tratamento com extratos das algas (1mg/mL) na presença de DA e 6-OHDA verificou-se uma inibição da atividade da caspase-3 induzida pelas algas Sargassum muticum (2,53±2,49fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto e 4,52±1,36 fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (4,71±0,70fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto e 2,73±1,11 fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente) e Codium tomentosum (17,05±1,72fluorescência (u.a.)/mg de proteína/minuto e 2,58±1,77fluorescência (u.a)/mg de proteína/minuto, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). De igual modo verificou-se uma diminuição da produção de H2O2 pelas células SH-SY5Y na presença dos extratos das algas Sargassum muticum (132,58 ± 10,68% controlo), Saccorhiza polyschides (150,54 ± 23,54% controlo) e Codium tomentosum (54,074 ± 6,66% do controlo), quando expostas a 6-OHDA, contudo não se verificou o mesmo efeito na presença de DA. Relativamente ao potencial mitocondrial observou-se uma inibição da despolarização mitocondrial induzida pela DA e 6-OHDA nas células SH-SY5Y pela presença dos extratos das algas Sargassum muticum (135,7±2,97% controlo e 49,3±1,17% controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente), Saccorhiza polyschides (126,7±5,46% controlo e 94,3±1,70% controlo, após tratamento com DA e 6-OHDA, respetivamente). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram o potencial citoprotetor dos extratos de algas sobre efeitos neurotóxicos induzidos pela DA e 6-OHDA no modelo celular SH-SY5Y. O efeito protetor é mediado pela diminuição da condição de stress oxidativo, com redução da produção de H2O2, diminuição da atividade da caspase-3 e prevenção da alteração do potencial mitocondrial induzido pela DA e 6-OHDA. Conclui-se que os extratos de algas produzem moléculas bioativas com elevado potencial antioxidante, podendo ser uma fonte promissora de novos compostos neuroprotetores com aplicação terapêutica para doenças neurodegenerativas como a doença de Parkinson.


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Pollen analysis of Wisconsinan sediments from eleven localities in northern and central Illinois, combined with the results of older studies, allows a first general survey of the vegetational changes in Illinois during the last glaciation. In the late Altonian (after 40,000 B.P.), pine was already the most prevalent tree type in northern Illinois. Probably because of the influence of the last Altonian ice advance to northern Illinois, pine migrated to the south and reached south-central Illinois, which was at that time a region of prairie, with oak and hickory trees in favorable sites. Likewise in the late Altonian, spruce appeared in northern Illinois. Spruce also expanded its area to the south during the Wisconsinan, reaching south-central Illinois only after 21,000 B.P., in the early Woodfordian. Deciduous trees (predominantly oak) were present in south-central Illinois throughout the Wisconsinan. Their prevalence decreased to the north. The vegetation during the different subdivisions of the last glacial period in Illinois was approximately as follows: Late Altonian: Pine/spruce forest with some deciduous trees in northern and central Illinois; prairie and oak/hickory stands in south-central Illinois; immigration of pine. Farmdalian: Pine/spruce forest in central Illinois; deciduous trees and pine in south-central Illinois, with areas of open vegetation, perhaps similar to the present-day transition of prairie to forest in the northern Great Plains. Woodfordian: Northern and central Illinois ice covered; in south central Illinois, spruce and oak as dominant tree types, but also pine and grassland. During the Woodfordian, pine and spruce disappeared again from south-central Illinois, and oak/hickory forest and prairie again prevailed. The ice-free areas of northern Illinois become populated temporarily with spruce, but later there is proof of deciduous forest in this region. Pollen investigations in south-central Illinois have shown convincingly that deciduous trees could survive relatively close (less than 60 km) to the ice margin. Therefore the frequently presented view that arctic climatic conditions prevailed in North America during the last glaciation far south of the ice margin can be refuted for the Illinois area, confirming the opinion of other authors resulting from investigations of fossil mollusks and frost-soil features. The small number of localities investigated still permits no complete reconstruction of the vegetation zones and their possible movements in Illinois. During the Altonian and Farmdalian in Illinois, a vegetational zonation probably existed similar to that of today in North America. As the ice pushed southward as far as 39° 20' N. lat in the early Woodfordian, this zonation was apparently broken up under the influence of a relatively moderate climate. In any case, the Vandalia area, which was only about 60 km south of the ice, was at that time neither in a tundra zone nor in a zone of boreal coniferous forest.


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