959 resultados para STORE DEPLETION


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INTRODUCTION: Tissue factor (TF) activation of the coagulation proteases enhances inflammation in animal models of arthritis and endotoxemia, but the mechanism of this effect is not yet fully understood - in particular, whether this is primarily due to fibrin formation or through activation of protease activated receptors (PARs). METHODS: We induced extravascular inflammation by injection of recombinant soluble murine TF (sTF1-219) in the hind paw. The effects of thrombin inhibition, fibrinogen and platelet depletion were evaluated, as well as the effects of PAR deficiency using knockout mice deficient for each of the PARs. RESULTS: Injection of soluble TF provoked a rapid onset of paw swelling. Inflammation was confirmed histologically and by increased serum IL-6 levels. Inflammation was significantly reduced by depletion of fibrinogen (P < 0.05) or platelets (P = 0.015), and by treatment with hirudin (P = 0.04) or an inhibitor of activated factor VII (P < 0.001) compared with controls. PAR-4-deficient mice exhibited significantly reduced paw swelling (P = 0.003). In contrast, a deficiency in either PAR-1, PAR-2 or PAR-3 did not affect the inflammatory response to soluble TF injection. CONCLUSION: Our results show that soluble TF induces acute inflammation through a thrombin-dependent pathway and both fibrin deposition and platelet activation are essential steps in this process. The activation of PAR-4 on platelets is crucial and the other PARs do not play a major role in soluble TF-induced inflammation.


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Neutrophils are key components of the inflammatory response and as such contribute to the killing of microorganisms. In addition, recent evidence suggests their involvement in the development of the immune response. The role of neutrophils during the first weeks post-infection with Leishmania donovani was investigated in this study. When L. donovani-infected mice were selectively depleted of neutrophils with the NIMP-R14 monoclonal antibody, a significant increase in parasite numbers was observed in the spleen and bone marrow and to a lesser extent in the liver. Increased susceptibility was associated with enhanced splenomegally, a delay in the maturation of hepatic granulomas, and a decrease in inducible nitric oxide synthase expression within granulomas. In the spleen, neutrophil depletion was associated with a significant increase in interleukin 4 (IL-4) and IL-10 levels and reduced gamma interferon secretion by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Increased production of serum IL-4 and IL-10 and higher levels of Leishmania-specific immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) versus IgG2a revealed the preferential induction of Th2 responses in neutrophil-depleted mice. Altogether, these data suggest a critical role for neutrophils in the early protective response against L. donovani, both as effector cells involved in the killing of the parasites and as significant players influencing the development of a protective Th1 immune response.


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We have investigated the secretion of interferon alpha (IFN-alpha), IFN-gamma, interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha), IL-1beta, IL-2 and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) in whole blood cell cultures (WBCCs) of colorectal cancer patients upon mitogen stimulation. Whereas the values for IL-1beta and TNF-alpha remained virtually unchanged in comparison with healthy control subjects, WBCCs of colorectal cancer patients secreted significantly lower amounts of IFN-alpha (P < 0.005), IFN-gamma (P < 0.0001), IL-1alpha (P < 0.0001) and IL-2 (P < 0.05). This reduction correlated with the progression of the disease. The total leucocyte and monocyte population were almost identical in both groups. In contrast, a dramatic depletion of lymphocytes was observed in colorectal cancer patients, which affected both lymphocyte counts (P < 0.0005) and their distribution (P < 0.0001). Our results suggest a selective suppression of cytokines in colorectal cancer patients that is related to tumour burden. Several mechanisms might account for this phenomenon, one of which might be lymphocyte depletion.


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Blowing snow can cause significant problems for mobility and safety during winter weather in three distinct ways. It may drift onto the road, thus requiring almost continuous plowing while the wind is blowing (which may occur when a given winter storm is over). Snow may drift onto wet pavement (perhaps caused by ice control chemicals) and dilute out the chemicals on the road, creating ice on the road. And sufficient blowing snow can cause a major deterioration in visibility on the road, a factor which has been shown to be significant in winter crashes. The problem of blowing snow can be very effectively addressed by creating a snow storage device upwind of the road that requires protection from snow drifting. Typically, these storage devices are fences. Extensive design guidance exists for the required height and placement of such fences for a given annual snowfall and given local topography. However, the design information on the placement of living snow fences is less complete. The purpose of this report is to present the results of three seasons of study on using standing corn as snow fences. In addition, the experience of using switch grass as a snow storage medium is also presented. On the basis of these experimental data, a design guide has been developed that makes use of the somewhat unique snow storage characteristics of standing corn snow fences. The results of the field tests on using standing corn showed that multiple rows of standing corn store snow rather differently than a traditional wooden snow fence. Specifically, while a traditional fence stores most of the snow downwind from the fence (and thus must be placed a significant distance upwind of the road to be protected, specifically at least 35 times the snow fence height) rows of standing corn store the majority of the snow within the rows. Results from the three winters of testing show that the standing corn snow fences can store as much snow within the rows of standing corn as a traditional fence of typical height for operation in Iowa (4 to 6 feet) can store. This finding is significant because it means that the snow fences can be placed at the edge of the farmer’s field closest to the road, and still be effective. This is typically much more convenient for the farmer and thus may mean that more farmers would be willing to participate in a program that uses standing corn than in traditional programs. ii On the basis of the experimental data, design guidance for the use of standing corn as a snow storage device in Iowa is given in the report. Specifically, it is recommended that if the fetch in a location to be protected is less than 5,000 feet, then 16 rows of standing corn should be used, at the edge of the field adjacent to the right of way. If the fetch is greater than 5,000 feet, then 24 rows of standing corn should be used. This is based on a row spacing of 22 inches. Further, it should be noted that these design recommendations are ONLY for the State of Iowa. Other states of course have different winter weather and without extensive further study, it cannot be said that these guidelines would be effective in other locations with other winter conditions.


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The leishmaniases are a group of diseases transmitted by the bite of Leishmania infected female phlebotomine sand flies. The diseases occur in different forms: localized, diffuse and muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis, and visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Inside macrophages, the main host cells of the obligate intracellular Leishmania parasites, nitric oxide synthase and arginase can regulate parasite killing or growth. In experimental leishmaniasis, we previously reported that non-healing disease is associated with higher arginase activity at site of pathology, correlating with local suppression of T cell function. To test whether these data translate to human leishmaniasis, the following study was initiated: I first tested the hypothesis that local suppression of T cell responses observed in persistent CL is associated with arginase induced L-arginine depletion. The results showed that arginase activity is increased at site of pathology compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of LCL patients and intact skin of healthy controls. The phenotype of arginase expressing cells was identified in both compartments as CD15+ CD14|0W low-density granulocytes (LDGs). Finally, high arginase activity at site of pathology observed in cutaneous lesions of patients coincides with downregulation of CD3Ç, CD4 and CD8 molecules in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells at site of pathology. We concluded that increased arginase levels in lesions of LCL patients might contribute to CL pathogenesis by impairing T cell effector function at site of pathology. Next, it was tested whether arginase, an enzyme associated with immunosuppression, is higher in patients with VL and contributes to impaired T cell function through depletion of L- arginine. The results showed that higher level of arginase activity in the PBMC coincides with active phase of VL. Cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were also found to be LDGs. Importantly, increased arginase activity and frequency of degranulated neutrophils coincided with lower plasma L-arginine levels. Furthermore, downregulation of CD3Ç, in T cells correlated with low plasma arginine levels. VL/HIV co-infection is a frequently reported leishmaniasis complication in Ethiopia associated with poor prognosis, with up to 40% mortality rate and high relapse rate. Arginase activity was significantly increased in PBMCs and plasma of VL patients co-infected with HIV than in those having VL alone. Similarly, cells expressing arginase in PBMCs were found to be LDGs. In summary, the results presented here show that increased arginase activity is a marker of disease severity in human leishmaniasis with and without HIV; further, these results suggest that arginase mediated L-arginine depletion may inhibit T cell function and contribute to impaired control of infection. - Les leishmanioses sont un groupe de maladies transmises par la piqûre de mouches des sables femelles, appelées phlébotomes, ayant été infectées par Leishmania. Les maladies se manifestent sous différentes formes: la leishmaniose cutanée localisée, la leishmaniose diffuse et mucocutanée et la leishmaniose viscérale (LV). A l'intérieur des macrophages, les principales cellules hôtes des parasites, l'oxyde nitrique synthase et l'arginase, peuvent contrôler, soit la mort du parasite, soit sa croissance. Pour la leishmaniose expérimentale, nous avons déjà rapporté que le développement de lesions qui ne guérissent pas est associé à une activité plus grande d'arginase au site d'infection, en corrélation avec la suppression locale de la fonction des cellules T. Pour vérifier si ces données pouvaient s'appliquer à la leishmaniose humaine, j'ai d'abord vérifié l'hypothèse selon laquelle la suppression locale des réponses des cellules T observée dans la CL persistante, est associée à la la diminution de L- arginine induite par l'arginase. Les résultats ont montré que l'activité arginase est augmentée au site d'infection, par rapport aux cellules mononucléées du sang périphérique (CMSP) de patients LCL et à la peau intacte des contrôles sains. Le phénotype de cellules exprimant l'arginase a été identifié dans les deux compartiments comme des granulocytes CD15+ et CD 14" de basse densité (LDG). Enfin, l'activité arginase élevée au site de la pathologie, observée dans les lésions cutanées de patients, coïncide avec la reduction dde l'expression des molécules CD3Ç, CD4 et CD8 dans les cellules T CD4+ et CD8+ au site de pathologie . Nous avons conclu que l'augmentation des niveaux d'arginase dans les lésions de patients LCL pourrait contribuer à la pathogenèse de la CL, en altérant la fonction effectrice des celllules T au site de la pathologie. Ensuite, nous avons vérifié si l'arginase, une enzyme associée à l'immunosuppression, était plus élevée chez les patients atteints de VL et si elle contribuait à la mauvaise fonction des cellules T par la depletion en L-arginine. Les résultats ont montré qu'un niveau plus élevé de l'activité arginase dans les PBMC correspond à la phase active de la VL. Les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP se sont révélées à être de type LDG . Il est important de souligner que l'augmentation de l'activité arginase et la fréquence des neutrophiles dégranulés a coïncidé avec des niveaux inférieurs de L-arginine plasmatique. En outre, la suppression de CD3Ç dans les cellules T correlle avec de faibles niveaux d'arginine plasmatique . Il a été fréquement rapporté que la co-infection VL/VIH est une complication de la leishmaniose en Ethiopie, associée à un mauvais prognostic, un taux de mortalité pouvant atteindre 40% et un pourcentage élevé de rechutes. L'activité de l'arginase a beaucoup plus augmentée dans les CMSP et le plasma de patients atteints de VL et co-infectés par le VIH, que chez ceux seulement attaints de VL. De même, les cellules exprimant l'arginase dans les CMSP sont aussi des LDG. En résumé, les résultats présentés ici montrent que l'augmentation de l'activité de l'arginase est un marqueur de gravité de la la leishmaniose humaine, avec ou sans VIH ; en outre, ces résultats suggèrent que la déplétion de L-arginine par l'arginase pourrait inhiber la fonction des cellules T et contribuer à un contrôle réduit de l'infection. - Les Leishmanioses sont des maladies parasitaires transmises par la piqûre d'une mouche des sables femelle (phlébotome) infectée par Leishmania. La maladie se manifeste sous différentes formes cliniques : la leishmaniose viscérale, une maladie progressive mortelle en l'absence de traitement, la leishmaniose muco-cutanée (MCL), la leishmaniose cutanée diffuse (LCD ) maladie mutilante, qui peut être de longue durée et la leishmaniose cutanée localisée maladie dont on guérit mais laissant une cicatrice inesthétique à vie. La maladie est largement répandue, elle affecte les populations les plus pauvres dans 98 pays et 350 millions de personnes à risque. Globalement on estime à 500.000 les nouveaux cas de la forme viscérale et 1-1.5 million ceux de la leishmaniose cutanée. La leishmaniose est fortement endémique en Ethiopie et se manifeste dans les formes viscérale et cutanée. Le parasite Leishmania infecte et se multiplie dans les cellules du système immunitaire, principalement les macrophages. Les macrophages sont capables de tuer le parasite Leishmania s'ils reçoivent des instructions correctes de la part d'autres cellules du système immunitaire, les lymphocytes. Les macrophages expriment deux enzymes importants, appelés oxide nitrique synthase inductible (iNOS ) et l'arginase, qui sont respectivement associés à la promotion de la mort du parasite et la multiplication. L'enzyme iNOS présent dans les macrophages métabolise l'arginine afin de générer de l'oxyde d'azote (NO) , une molécule effectrice nécessaire pour tuer le parasite . Au contraire, lorsque les macrophages sont activés d'une certaine manière conduisant à l'augmention de la régulation de l'arginase, ils métabolisent l'arginine en polyamines qui favorisent la croissance du parasite. Au cours du développement de la leishmaniose, les lymphocytes ne parviennent pas à transmettre aux macrophages les signaux nécessaires pour tuer le parasite. Les mécanismes cellulaires qui sont la cause de ce défaut, ne sont pas bien compris. En utilisant des modèles animaux, nous avons montré la régulation à la hausse de l'arginase au site de la pathologie, qui s'est traduit par l'altération de la fonction effectrice des lymphoctes. Nous avons initié des études de leishmaniose humaine en Ethiopie afin d'identifier le rôle de l'arginase dans la sévérité de la maladie. Nos résultats montrent, que l'arginase est fortement augmentée dans la lésion des patients CL, et dans le sang des patients VL et ceux co-infectés par VL / VIH. Le niveau d' arginase régulée à la hausse coincide avec l'expression inférieure d'une molécule de signalisation dans les lymphocytes, qui est essentielle à leur bon fonctionnement. En VL actif, l'augmentation d'arginase se traduit par la diminution de l'arginine qui est indispensable à la synthèse de NO et au bon fonctionnement des lymphocytes. Ainsi, l'incapacité des lymphocytes à envoyer des signaux adéquats aux macrophages pourrait être due à la suppression de l'arginine.


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In principle, a country can not endure negative genuine savings for longperiods of time without experiencing declining consumption. Nevertheless,theoreticians envisage two alternatives to explain how an exporter ofnon-renewable natural resources could experience permanent negativegenuine savings and still ensure sustainability. The first one allegesthat the capital gains arising from the expected improvement in theterms of trade would suffice to compensate for the negative savings ofthe resource exporter. The second alternative points at technologicalchange as a way to avoid economic collapse. This paper uses the dataof Venezuela and Mexico to empirically test the first of these twohypotheses. The results presented here prove that the terms oftrade do not suffice to compensate the depletion of oil reservesin these two open economies.


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RESUME : De nombreuses espèces animales vivent en groupe. Du simple grégarisme aux colonies hautement intégrées de fourmis, la vie sociale a atteint des degrés divers de complexité. Les nombreuses interactions entre membres d'une société favorisent la transmission de parasites. Cela représente un coût potentiel de la vie sociale. Cette thèse s'intéresse aux défenses permettant de réduire le coût du parasitisme dans les colonies de fourmis ainsi qu'à la manière dont le parasitisme a pu façonner certains aspects de ces sociétés. Les colonies de fourmis des bois (Forimica paralugubris) contiennent de grandes quantités de résine de conifères. Cette résine réduit la densité microbienne dans le nid et augmente la survie des ouvrières lors d'infections parasitaires. Dans cette thèse, nous montrons, d'une part, que les ouvrières collectent activement la résine et que ce comportement est plutôt préventif que curatif et, d'autre part, que la résine permet aux ouvrières une utilisation moindre de leurs défenses immunitaires. Ces résultats permettent de conclure que ce comportement réduit l'exposition au parasitisme et qu'il a une fonction adaptative. L'émergence d'un tel comportement de médication chez une espèce d'insectes sociaux illustre le fait que la socialité, bien yue provoquant une exposition accrue au parasitisme, permet également l'émergence de mécanismes sociaux de défense. II a été suggéré que la présence de plusieurs reines au sein d'un même nid (polygynie) améliore la résistance aux parasites en augmentant la diversité génétique au sein de la colonie. En accord avec cette hypothèse, nous montrons qu'une augmentation de la diversité génétique au sein de groupes expérimentaux de Formica selysi améliore leur survie lors d'une infection parasitaire. Cependant, nous suggérons également que sur le terrain, d'autres facteurs corrélés à la polygynie ont des effets antagoniques sur la résistance. Nous montrons par exemple que les ouvrières polygynes semblent avoir une capacité moindre à monter une réponse immunitaire. Certains aspects de la reproduction des fourmis ont pu également être façonnés par le parasitisme. L'accouplement n'a lieu que lors d'une courte période au début de la vie adulte, généralement à l'extérieur de la colonie. Les reines stockent ensuite le sperme et l'utilisent parcimonieusement au cours de leur vie alors que les males meurent rapidement. Nous montrons que les défenses immunitaires des reines de fourmis des bois (F. paralugubris) sont fortement affectées par l'accouplement. Ces modulations immunitaires sont probablement liées à une augmentation de l'exposition au parasitisme lors de l'accouplement ainsi qu'à des blessures copulatoires. I1 semble donc que l'accouplement soit accompagné de coûts immunitaires pour les reines. Dans son ensemble, cette thèse illustre la diversité des mécanismes de défenses contre les parasites dans les sociétés de fourmis. La vie sociale, en offrant un nouveau niveau d'interaction, permet en effet l'émergence d'adaptations originales. Cela explique probablement le grand succès écologique des espèces sociales. SUMMARY : Sociality is widespread among animals and has reached variable degrees of complexity, from loose social Groups to highly integrated ant colonies. The many interactions between members of a social group promote the spread of parasites, but social life also permits the evolution of original defence mechanisms. This thesis sheds light on how ant colonies defend themselves against parasites, and on how parasitism shapes certain aspects of these societies. Wood ants nests (Formica paralugubris) contain large amounts of conifer resin which reduces the microbial density in ant nests and enhances the survival of ants challenged by some pathogens. We show that resin is actively collected by workers and that resin collection is rather a prophylactic than a curative behaviour. Moreover, we suggest that resin reduces the use of the immune defences of workers. Altogether, these results indicate that the use of resin is a collective adaptation to prevent the spread of parasites. The emergence of medication in a social insect species illustrates that sociality does not only increase the exposure to parasites but also allows the emergence of social mechanisms to counter this threat. The number of reproducing queens per colony is a variable trait in ants. It has been suggested that polygyny (the occurrence of multiple queens within a colony), by increasing the colonial genetic diversity, improves disease resistance. In line with this hypothesis, we show that in a socially polymorphic ant (Formica selysi), an experimental increase of colony genetic diversity enhances disease resistance. However, we also suggest that factors covarying with queen number variation in the field have antagonistic effects on parasite resistance. We show for instance that polygyne workers seem to have lower immune defences. Parasites may also shape some aspects of ant queen reproductive biology. Ant queens mate at the beginning of their adult life, usually outside of the colony, and store sperm for several years to fertilize eggs. Males die shortly after mating and queens never remate later in life, which drastically reduces sexual conflicts. Moreover, mating and nest founding occur away from the collective defence mechanisms of the natal colony and might be associated with an increased risk of parasitism. We show that mating affects the immune defences of wood ant queens (F. paralugubris) in multiple ways that are consistent with mating wounds and increased risk of parasitism. We suggest that mating is associated with immunity costs in ants, despite the reduced level of sexual conflicts. Altogether, my thesis illustrates the diversity of anti-parasite mechanisms in ant societies. This sheds light on how sociality, by offering a new level of interactions, allows the evolution of original adaptations, which may explain the wide ecological success of social species.


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BACKGROUND: In contrast to wild type, interleukin-10-deficient (IL-10(-/-)) mice are able to clear Helicobacter infection. In this study, we investigated the immune response of IL-10(-/-) mice leading to the reduction of Helicobacter infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We characterized the immune responses of Helicobacter felis-infected IL-10(-/-) mice by studying the systemic antibody and cellular responses toward Helicobacter. We investigated the role of CD4(+) T cells in the Helicobacter clearance by injecting H. felis-infected IL-10(-/-) mice with anti-CD4 depleting antibodies. To examine the role of mast cells in Helicobacter clearance, we constructed and infected mast cells and IL-10 double-deficient mice. RESULTS: Reduction of Helicobacter infection in IL-10(-/-) mice is associated with strong humoral (fivefold higher serum antiurease antibody titers were measured in IL-10(-/-) in comparison to wild-type mice, p < .008) and cellular (urease-stimulated splenic CD4(+) T cells isolated from infected IL-10(-/-) mice produce 150-fold more interferon-gamma in comparison to wild-type counterparts, p < .008) immune responses directed toward Helicobacter. Depletion of CD4(+) cells from Helicobacter-infected IL-10(-/-) mice lead to the loss of bacterial clearance (rapid urease tests are threefold higher in CD4(+) depleted IL-10(-/-) in comparison to nondepleted IL-10(-/-) mice, p < .02). Mast cell IL-10(-/-) double-deficient mice clear H. felis infection, indicating that mast cells are unnecessary for the bacterial eradication in IL-10(-/-) mice. CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results suggest that CD4(+) cells are required for Helicobacter clearance in IL-10(-/-) mice. This reduction of Helicobacter infection is, however, not dependent on the mast cell population.


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This study describes a form of partial agonism for a CD8+ CTL clone, S15, in which perforin-dependent killing and IFN-gamma production were lost but Fas (APO1 or CD95)-dependent cytotoxicity preserved. Cloned S15 CTL are H-2Kd restricted and specific for a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide PbCS 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI). The presence of a photoactivatable group in the epitope permitted assessment of TCR-ligand binding by TCR photoaffinity labeling. Selective activation of Fas-dependent killing was observed for a peptide-derivative variant containing a modified photoreactive group. A similar functional response was obtained after binding of the wild-type peptide derivative upon blocking of CD8 participation in TCR-ligand binding. The epitope modification or blocking of CD8 resulted in an &gt; or = 8-fold decrease in TCR-ligand binding. In both cases, phosphorylation of zeta-chain and ZAP-70, as well as calcium mobilization were reduced close to background levels, indicating that activation of Fas-dependent cytotoxicity required weaker TCR signaling than activation of perforin-dependent killing or IFN-gamma production. Consistent with this, we observed that depletion of the protein tyrosine kinase p56(lck) by preincubation of S15 CTL with herbimycin A severely impaired perforin- but not Fas-dependent cytotoxicity. Together with the observation that S15 CTL constitutively express Fas ligand, these results indicate that TCR signaling too weak to elicit perforin-dependent cytotoxicity or cytokine production can induce Fas-dependent cytotoxicity, possibly by translocation of preformed Fas ligand to the cell surface.


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Toll-like receptor 4 (Tlr4) has a pivotal role in innate immune responses, and the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta (C/EBPδ, Cebpd) is a Tlr4-induced gene. Here we identify a positive feedback loop in which C/EBPδ activates Tlr4 gene expression in macrophages and tumour cells. In addition, we discovered a negative feedback loop whereby the tumour suppressor FBXW7α (FBW7, Cdc4), whose gene expression is inhibited by C/EBPδ, targets C/EBPδ for degradation when C/EBPδ is phosphorylated by GSK-3β. Consequently, FBXW7α suppresses Tlr4 expression and responses to the ligand lipopolysaccharide. FBXW7α depletion alone is sufficient to augment pro-inflammatory signalling in vivo. Moreover, as inflammatory pathways are known to modulate tumour biology, Cebpd null mammary tumours, which have reduced metastatic potential, show altered expression of inflammation-associated genes. Together, these findings reveal a role for C/EBPδ upstream of Tlr4 signalling and uncover a function for FBXW7α as an attenuator of inflammatory signalling.


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The formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) promotes tumor outgrowth and metastasis. Previously, it has been demonstrated that bone marrow-derived cells (BMDC) can contribute to tumor angiogenesis. However, the role of BMDC in lymphangiogenesis has largely remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate by bone marrow transplantation/reconstitution and genetic lineage-tracing experiments that BMDC integrate into tumor-associated lymphatic vessels in the Rip1Tag2 mouse model of insulinoma and in the TRAMP-C1 prostate cancer transplantation model, and that the integrated BMDC originate from the myelomonocytic lineage. Conversely, pharmacological depletion of tumor-associated macrophages reduces lymphangiogenesis. No cell fusion events are detected by genetic tracing experiments. Rather, the phenotypical conversion of myeloid cells into lymphatic endothelial cells and their integration into lymphatic structures is recapitulated in two in vitro tube formation assays and is dependent on fibroblast growth factor-mediated signaling. Together, the results reveal that myeloid cells can contribute to tumor-associated lymphatic vessels, thus extending the findings on the previously reported role of hematopoietic cells in lymphatic vessel formation.


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PURPOSE: To compare the renal hemodynamic and tubular effects of celecoxib, a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) to those of naproxen, a nonselective inhibitor of cyclooxygenases in salt-depleted subjects. METHODS AND SUBJECTS: Forty subjects were randomized into four parallel groups to receive 200 mg celecoxib twice a day, 400 mg celecoxib twice a day, 500 mg naproxen twice a day, or a placebo for 7 days according to a double-blind study design. Blood pressure, renal hemodynamics, and urinary water and electrolyte excretion were measured before and for 3 hours after drug intake on days 1 and 7. RESULTS: Celecoxib had no effect on systemic blood pressure, but short-term transient decreases in renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate were found with the highest dose of 400 mg on day 1. On the first day, both celecoxib and naproxen decreased urine output (P < .05) and sodium, lithium, and potassium excretion (P < .01). On day 7, similar effects on water and sodium excretion were observed. During repeated administration, a significant sodium retention occurred during the first 3 days. CONCLUSION: In salt-depleted subjects, selective inhibition of COX-2 causes sodium and potassium retention. This suggests that an increased selectivity for COX-2 does not spare the kidney, at least during salt depletion.


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The Maximum Capture problem (MAXCAP) is a decision model that addresses the issue of location in a competitive environment. This paper presents a new approach to determine which store s attributes (other than distance) should be included in the newMarket Capture Models and how they ought to be reflected using the Multiplicative Competitive Interaction model. The methodology involves the design and development of a survey; and the application of factor analysis and ordinary least squares. Themethodology has been applied to the supermarket sector in two different scenarios: Milton Keynes (Great Britain) and Barcelona (Spain).