973 resultados para STARS: CHEMICALLY PECULIAR


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Recent picosecond and subpicosecond laser spectroscopy experiments have revealed several chemically and biologically important reactions in solution in which the reaction potential surface does not present a barrier to the motion along the reaction coordinate.The dynamics of these reactions display diverse and interesting behavior. They include the dependence of relaxation rate on the solvent viscosity, the solvent polarity, the temperature, and the wavelength of the exciting light. In this article we review the recent developments in the theoretical description of activationless processes in solution and compare them with the available experimental results


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Diglycidyl ether–bisphenol-A-based epoxies toughened with various levels (0–12%) of chemically reacted liquid rubber, hydroxyl-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile) (HTBN) were studied for some of the mechanical and thermal properties. Although the ultimate tensile strength showed a continuous decrease with increasing rubber content, the toughness as measured by the area under the stress-vs.-strain curve and flexural strength reach a maximum around an optimum rubber concentration of 3% before decreasing. Tensile modulus was found to increase for concentrations below 6%. The glass transition temperature Tg as measured by DTA showed no variation for the toughened formulations. The TGA showed no variations in the pattern of decomposition. The weight losses for the toughened epoxies at elevated temperatures compare well with that of the neat epoxy. Scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of a dual phase morphology with the spherical rubber particles precipitating out in the cured resin with diameter varying between 0.33 and 6.3 μm. In contrast, a physically blended rubber–epoxy showed much less effect towards toughening with the precipitated rubber particles of much bigger diameter (0.6–21.3 μm).


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Chemically pure and stoichiometric lanthanide chromites, LnCrO3, where Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Yb, Lu and YCrO3 have been prepared by the calcination of the corresponding lanthanide bis(citrato)chromium {Ln[Cr(C6H5O7)2·nH2O} complexes at relatively low temperatures. Formation of the chromites was confirmed by powder X-ray diffraction, infrared and electronic spectra. The citrate gel process is found to be highly economical, time-saving and appropriate for the large-scale production of these ceramic materials at low temperatures compared with other non-conventional methods.


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The National Curriculum Guidelines on Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Finland says that ECEC is developed holistically through observing children´s and the educator community´s activities and the ECEC environment. The background of this research was that assesment should be based on commonly agreed principles, which are recorded e.g. to unit-specific ECEC curriculum. The objective of this research was to investigate how unit-specific ECEC curriculums have descriped the physical indoor environment in day-care centres. According to the National Curriculum Guidelines on ECEC, there are four ways of acting that are peculiar to children: playing, physical activities, exploration and artistic experiences and self-expression. The descriptions of physical environment in unit-spesific curriculums were observed through above mentioned four ways of acting. In addition to that, the descriptions of four ways of acting were compared to each other, in order to find out, which are the main differencies and similarities in relation to physical ECEC environment. Research material was build on unit-specific ECEC curriculums from 18 day-care centres of Helsinki. Target of the research were the descriptions of physical indoor environment in curriculums.The method used in the research was theory-guided content analysis. The analyses were mainly qualitative. The descriptions of psysical environment varied widely both quantitatively and by substance. All curriculums contained mentions of playing and artistic experiences and self-expression, but mentions of physical activities and exploration were noticiably fewer. All four ways of acting were mentioned in research material in relation to premises and instruments. Also, principles related to the use of premises and instruments and other more common priciples were mentioned in relation to all ways of acting. Instead of that, children were not mentioned even once as an upholders or innovators of physical activities environment and children were mentioned only once regarding to exploration environment. All ways of acting included scenarios of e.g. that environment must provide possibilities of particular way of acting, and both materials and instruments must be available for children. Anyhow, research material did not include any principle or scenario that relates to physical environment that would have occurred in every unit-specific curriculum.


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Context. Turbulent fluxes of angular momentum and heat due to rotationally affected convection play a key role in determining differential rotation of stars. Aims. We compute turbulent angular momentum and heat transport as functions of the rotation rate from stratified convection. We compare results from spherical and Cartesian models in the same parameter regime in order to study whether restricted geometry introduces artefacts into the results. Methods. We employ direct numerical simulations of turbulent convection in spherical and Cartesian geometries. In order to alleviate the computational cost in the spherical runs and to reach as high spatial resolution as possible, we model only parts of the latitude and longitude. The rotational influence, measured by the Coriolis number or inverse Rossby number, is varied from zero to roughly seven, which is the regime that is likely to be realised in the solar convection zone. Cartesian simulations are performed in overlapping parameter regimes. Results. For slow rotation we find that the radial and latitudinal turbulent angular momentum fluxes are directed inward and equatorward, respectively. In the rapid rotation regime the radial flux changes sign in accordance with earlier numerical results, but in contradiction with theory. The latitudinal flux remains mostly equatorward and develops a maximum close to the equator. In Cartesian simulations this peak can be explained by the strong 'banana cells'. Their effect in the spherical case does not appear to be as large. The latitudinal heat flux is mostly equatorward for slow rotation but changes sign for rapid rotation. Longitudinal heat flux is always in the retrograde direction. The rotation profiles vary from anti-solar (slow equator) for slow and intermediate rotation to solar-like (fast equator) for rapid rotation. The solar-like profiles are dominated by the Taylor-Proudman balance.


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This paper describes the electrical contact resistance (ECR) measurements made on thin gold plated (gold plating of <= 0.5 mu m with a Ni underlayer of similar to 2 mu m) oxygen free high conductivity (OFHC) Cu contacts in vacuum environment. ECR in gold plated OFHC Cu contacts is found to be slightly higher than that in bare OFHC Cu contacts. Even though gold is a softer material than copper, the relatively high ECR values observed in gold plated contacts are mainly due to the higher hardness and electrical resistivity of the underlying Ni layer. It is well known that ECR is directly related to plating factor, which increases with increasing coating thickness when the electrical resistivity of coating material is more than that of substrate. Surprisingly, in the present case it is found that the ECR decreases with increasing gold layer thickness on OFHC Cu substrate (gold has higher electrical resistivity than OFHC Cu). It is analytically demonstrated from the topography and microhardness measurements results that this peculiar behavior is associated with thin gold platings, where the changes in surface roughness and microhardness with increasing layer thickness overshadow the effect of plating factor on ECR.


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The object of this research is to study the mineralogy of the diabase dykes in Suomussalmi and the relevance of the mineralogy to tectonic events, specifically large block movements in the Archaean crust. Sharp tectonic lines separate two anomalies in the dyke swarms, shown on a geomagnetic map as positive anomalies. In one of these areas, the Toravaara anomaly, the diabases seem to contain pyroxenes as a main component. Outside the Toravaara anomaly hornblende is the main ferromagnesian mineral in diabases. The aim of this paper is to research the differences in the diabases inside and outside the anomalies and interpret the processes that formed the anomalies. The data for this sudy consist of field observations, 120 thin sections, 334 electron microprobe analyses, 19 whole-rock chemical analyses, a U-Pb age analysis and geomagnetic low-altitude aerial survey maps. The methods are interpretation of field observations, chemical analyses, microprobe analyses of single minerals and radiometric age determination, microscopic studies of the thin sections, geothermometers and geobarometers. On the basis of field observations and petrographic studies the diabases in the area are divided into pyroxene diabases, hornblende diabases and the Lohisärkkä porphyritic dyke swarm. Hornblende diabases are found in the entire study area, while the pyroxene diabases concentrate on the area of the Toravaara geomagnetic anomaly. The Lohisärkkä swarm transects the whole area as a thin line from east to west. The diabases are fairly homogenous both chemically and by mineral composition. The few exceptions are part of rarer older swarms or are significantly altered. The Lohisärkkä dyke swarm was dated as 2,21 Ga old, significantly older than the most common 1,98 Ga swarm in the area. The geothermometers applied showed that the diabases on the Toravaara anomaly were stabilized at a much higher temperature than the dykes outside the anomaly. The geobarometers showed the pyroxenes to have crystallized at varying depths. The research showed the Toravaara anomaly to have formed by a vertical block movement, and the fault on its west side to have a total lateral transfer of only a few kilometers. The formation of the second anomaly was also interpreted to be tectonic in nature. In addition, the results of the geothermobarometry uncovered necessary conditions for the study of diabase emplacement depth: the minerals for the study must be chosen by minimum crystallization depth, and a geobarometer capable of determining the magmatic temperature must be used. In addition, it would be more suitable to conduct this kind of study in an area where the dykes are more exposed.


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A novel mechanism is proposed for efficient manipulation of transport forces acting on the droplets during spray pyrolytic deposition of thin films. A ‘‘burst mode’’ technique of spraying is used to adjust the deposition conditions so as to transport the droplets under the new mechanism. Transparent, conducting thin films of undoped tin oxide prepared by this method showed significant improvement in growth rate. The films are found to be of fairly good quality with optical transmission of 82% and sheet resistance of 35 Ω/☒. The films are chemically homogeneous and grow preferentially along 〈200〉 direction.


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Many of the most intriguing quantum effects are observed or could be measured in transport experiments through nanoscopic systems such as quantum dots, wires and rings formed by large molecules or arrays of quantum dots. In particular, the separation of charge and spin degrees of freedom and interference effects have important consequences in the conductivity through these systems. Charge-spin separation was predicted theoretically in one-dimensional strongly inter-acting systems (Luttinger liquids) and, although observed indirectly in several materials formed by chains of correlated electrons, it still lacks direct observation. We present results on transport properties through Aharonov-Bohmrings (pierced by a magnetic flux) with one or more channels represented by paradigmatic strongly-correlated models. For a wide range of parameters we observe characteristic dips in the conductance as a function of magnetic flux which are a signature of spin and charge separation. Interference effects could also be controlled in certain molecules and interesting properties could be observed. We analyze transport properties of conjugated molecules, benzene in particular, and find that the conductance depends on the lead configuration. In molecules with translational symmetry, the conductance can be controlled by breaking or restoring this symmetry, e.g. by the application of a local external potential. These results open the possibility of observing these peculiar physical properties in anisotropic ladder systems and in real nanoscopic and molecular devices.


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Candida albicans is a commensal opportunistic pathogen, which can cause superficial infections as well as systemic infections in immuocompromised hosts. Among nosocomial fungal infections, infections by C. albicans are associated with highest mortality rates even though incidence of infections by other related species is on the rise world over. Since C. albicans and other Candida species differ in their susceptibility to antifungal drug treatment, it is crucial to accurately identify the species for effective drug treatment. Most diagnostic tests that differentiate between C. albicans and other Candida species are time consuming, as they necessarily involve laboratory culturing. Others, which employ highly sensitive PCR based technologies often, yield false positives which is equally dangerous since that leads to unnecessary antifungal treatment. This is the first report of phage display technology based identification of short peptide sequences that can distinguish C. albicans from other closely related species. The peptides also show high degree of specificity towards its different morphological forms. Using fluorescence microscopy, we show that the peptides bind on the surface of these cells and obtained clones that could even specifically bind to only specific regions of cells indicating restricted distribution of the epitopes. What was peculiar and interesting was that the epitopes were carbohydrate in nature. This gives insight into the complexity of the carbohydrate composition of fungal cell walls. In an ELISA format these peptides allow specific detection of relatively small numbers of C. albicans cells. Hence, if used in combination, such a test could help accurate diagnosis and allow physicians to initiate appropriate drug therapy on time.


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Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is an important engineering material. When rubbed or slid against a hard surface, PTFE exhibits a low coefficient of friction but a high rate of wear. These unique properties of the polymer have encouraged many mechanistic and physical examinations of the processes involved in the friction and wear of this polymer. A section of such work carried out over the past 30 years is reviewed here. When rubbed against a hard surface, the PTFE chain undergoes scission, creating active groups which chemically react with the counterface. This results in strong adhesion and a coherent transfer film. Further interaction between the bulk polymer and the transfer film gives rise to anisotropic deformation of the unit cell, which results in closeness of adjacent chains and easy shear between chains. Sliding brings about growth in as well as reorientation of crystallites situated in a very thin subsurface region of the bulk polymer. Such structural rearrangement facilitates the joining of adjacent aligned crystallites to form films and ribbons which emerge as debris.


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Single crystals of calcium hydrazine carboxylate, monohydrate have been studied by ESR of Mn2+ doped in the calcium sites. X-band ESR indicated a large crystal field splitting necessitating experiments at Q band. The analysis shows two magnetically inequivalent (but chemically equivalent) sites with g(xx) = 2.0042+/-0.0038, g(yy) = 2.0076 +/-00029, g(zz) =2.0314+/-0.001, A(zz) = 0.0099+/-0.0002 cm(-1), A(xx) = 0.0099+/-0.0002 cm(-1), A(yy) = 0.0082+/-0.0002cm(-1), D = 3/2D(zz) = 0.0558+/-0.0006cm(-1), and E = 1/2(D-xx-D-yy) = 0.0127+/-0.0002 cm(-1).One of the principal components of the crystal field, (D-zz), is found to be along the Ca<->Ca direction in the structure and a second one, (D-xx), along the perpendicular to the plane of the triangle formed by three neighbouring calciums. The A tensor is found to have an orientation different from that of the g and D tensors reflecting the low symmetry of the Ca2+ sites.


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The activity of many proteins orchestrating different biological processes is regulated by allostery, where ligand binding at one site alters the function of another site. Allosteric changes can be brought about by either a change in the dynamics of a protein, or alteration in its mean structure. We have investigated the mechanisms of allostery induced by chemically distinct ligands in the cGMP-binding, cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase, PDE5. PDE5 is the target for catalytic site inhibitors, such as sildenafil, that are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. PDE5 is a multidomain protein and contains two N-terminal cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase, bacterial adenylyl cyclase, FhLA transcriptional regulator (GAF) domains, and a C-terminal catalytic domain. Cyclic GMP binding to the GAFa domain and sildenafil binding to the catalytic domain result in conformational changes, which to date have been studied either with individual domains or with purified enzyme. Employing intramolecular bioluminescence resonance energy transfer, which can monitor conformational changes both in vitro and in intact cells, we show that binding of cGMP and sildenafil to PDE5 results in distinct conformations of the protein. Metal ions bound to the catalytic site also allosterically modulated cGMP- and sildenafil-induced conformational changes. The sildenafil-induced conformational change was temperature-sensitive, whereas cGMP-induced conformational change was independent of temperature. This indicates that different allosteric ligands can regulate the conformation of a multidomain protein by distinct mechanisms. Importantly, this novel PDE5 sensor has general physiological and clinical relevance because it allows the identification of regulators that can modulate PDE5 conformation in vivo.


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Bi3+ ions substituting at Ba-sites in a limited concentration range with another donor dopant occupying the Ti-sites in polycrystalline BaTiO3 enhanced the positive temperature coefficient of resistance (PTCR) by over seven orders of magnitude. These ceramics did not require normal post sinter annealing or a change to an oxygen atmosphere during annealing. These ceramics had low porosities coupled with better stabilities to large applied electric fields and chemically reducing atmospheres. Bi3+ ions limited the grain growth to less than 8 mum in size, they enhanced the concentration of acceptor-type trap centres at the grain-boundary-layer regions and maintained complete tetragonality at low grain sizes in BaTiO3 ceramics.