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This issue of the Gender Dialogue focuses on two programmatic areas of ECLAC’s work over recent years, namely (i) integrating gender into macroeconomic policy and (ii) the use of gender indicators in public policy-making. In its work on integrating gender into macroeconomic policy, the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean conducted a study to determine the capacity of economic planning units in selected countries of the subregion to integrate gender into the macreconomic planning process and the findings are highlighted below. The study is intended to assist in the development of a training agenda for Caribbean economic planners and others involved in the formulation of macroeconomic policy. Further, as part of a wider ECLAC project on the use of gender indicators in public policy–making, a database of gender indicators for the Caribbean has been created and the broad elements of the database are also presented in this issue.


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Caribbean Small Island Developing States are considered to be particularly vulnerable to external shocks that stem from changes in climate and the increase in frequency and magnitude of natural disasters. Quantification of the extent of vulnerability of these islands may be measured by the use of several indices including the Economic Vulnerability Index (EcVI), the Disaster Deficit Index (DDI), the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) and the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI). The capacity to build resilience may be measured by the Economic Resilience Index (ERI). Of importance in the measurement of vulnerability and resilience is the impact on women and children. In order to reduce vulnerability and promote resilience, Caribbean SIDS are urged to develop adaptation strategies. Such strategies include the conduct of indepth studies on natural environmental impacts specifically in terms of biophysical and socio economic impacts. It is also necessary to review best practices in terms of preparedness, resilience building and climate change adaptation in other countries such as Cuba. Addressing vulnerability and building resilience requires appropriate information and data and priority should be given to addressing data gaps. It would also be expedient to classify vulnerability and resilience as regional public goods wherein one country’s benefit does not compromise another country’s ability to benefit. Finally, it is important to acknowledge that vulnerability is, in part, is a function of gender so that indicators need to be disaggregated to reflect the country-specific gendered socioeconomic situation.


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This year’s issue of the SSI features regional tables in the introductory section followed by summary country tables. As far as possible, a full series of economic and socio-economic indicators is given for all CDCC member States for the period 2001-2007. In addition, the data sources for each country are provided, thereby making this publication a good starting point for researchers who are interested in more detailed statistics. Every effort was made to ensure that those changes did not compromise the quality and usefulness of the publication. To ensure accessibility to the full data series, the complete series for each country is also available on a cd-rom. Access to these series can also be obtained through our website www.eclacpos.org . Finally, the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean wishes to extend sincerest appreciation to the national statistical offices and central banks for their timely submissions that contributed to the overall success of this publication


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This FAL Bulletin analyses the development of logistics observatories and the construction of regional integration indicators in Latin America and the Caribbean. To this end, it examines experiences, in the region and worldwide, in relation to the construction of indicators and presents a set of policy recommendations for proper implementation. The Mesoamerica Project is used as a case study to construct a set of indicators for logistics infrastructures.


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Este trabalho traz elementos para avaliar a esperança de sustentabilidade de sistemas de produção rural presentes na Amazônia. Faz uma caracterização desses sistemas e seus fundamentos produtivos e reprodutivos na mesorregião Nordeste Paraense, a mais densamente povoada do Estado do Pará, e constrói indicadores que incorporam, além de variáveis econômicas, variáveis que enunciam esperança de maior eficiênciaecológica. Pretende contribuir com novas perspectivas para as discussões sobre desenvolvimento e oferecer instrumentos para orientar as instituições que decidem por critérios de sustentabilidade.