982 resultados para SHIELD SUPPORTS
The sample consists of 226 skulls from the Atacameño cemetery of Coyo Oriente (639-910 AD), associated with the Tiwanaku period. The authors analyzed signs of acute trauma typically associated with violence, and the results were 12% of men and 9.9% of women displaying any type of lesion related to violence. In males, concentration of these non-lethal lesions in the nasal region (10.4%) as opposed to a random distribution over the entire skull (1.6%), suggests that the blows were struck during rituals. The cultural context of this period, with a strong ideological influence from Tiwanaku, supports the ritual hypothesis, since both the ethnographic as well as archeological records point to the existence of non-lethal violent bleeding with ritual beating to the face. Such rituals persist to this day among certain Andean populations. Among women, the most plausible hypothesis for the lesions (3.9% in the skull, 4.9% in the nasal bones, and 0.9% in the face) is domestic conflicts, since they show a random distribution. Previous studies with other Atacameño samples had indicated the same results for women.
Malaria emerges from a disequilibrium of the system 'human-plasmodium-mosquito' (HPM). If the equilibrium is maintained, malaria does not ensue and the result is asymptomatic plasmodium infection. The relationships among the components of the system involve coadaptive linkages that lead to equilibrium. A vast body of evidence supports this assumption, including the strategies involved in the relationships between plasmodium and human and mosquito immune systems, and the emergence of resistance of plasmodia to antimalarial drugs and of mosquitoes to insecticides. Coadaptive strategies for malaria control are based on the following principles: (1) the system HPM is composed of three highly complex and dynamic components, whose interplay involves coadaptive linkages that tend to maintain the equilibrium of the system; (2) human and mosquito immune systems play a central role in the coadaptive interplay with plasmodium, and hence, in the mainten-ance of the system's equilibrium; the under- or overfunction of human immune system may result in malaria and influence its severity; (3) coadaptation depends on genetic and epigenetic phenomena occurring at the interfaces of the components of the system, and may involve exchange of infectrons (genes or gene fragments) between the partners; (4) plasmodia and mosquitoes have been submitted to selective pressures, leading to adaptation, for an extremely long while and are, therefore, endowed with the capacity to circumvent both natural (immunity) and artificial (drugs, insecticides, vaccines) measures aiming at destroying them; (5) since malaria represents disequilibrium of the system HPM, its control should aim at maintaining or restoring this equilibrium; (6) the disequilibrium of integrated systems involves the disequilibrium of their components, therefore the maintenance or restoration of the system's equilibrium depend on the adoption of integrated and coordinated measures acting on all components, that means, panadaptive strategies. Coadaptive strategies for malaria control should consider that: (1) host immune response has to be induced, since without it, no coadaptation is attained; (2) the immune response has to be sustained and efficient enough to avoid plasmodium overgrowth; (3) the immune response should not destroy all parasites; (4) the immune response has to be well controlled in order to not harm the host. These conditions are mostly influenced by antimalarial drugs, and should also be taken into account for the development of coadaptive malaria vaccines.
Early Cretaceous flagellates with characters typical of trypanosomatids were found in the gut of sand fly larvae, as well as in surrounding debris, in Burmese amber. This discovery supports a hypothesis in which free-living trypanosomatids could have been acquired by sand fly larvae in their feeding environment and then carried transtadially into the adult stage. At some point in time, specific genera were introduced into vertebrates, thus establishing a dixenous life cycle.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. The cytokine interleukin-17A supports tumour vascularization and growth, however, its role in lung cancer is unknown. Here we show, in the lungs of patients with lung adenocarcinoma, an increase in interleukin-17A that is inversely correlated with the expression of T-bet and correlated with the T regulatory cell transcription factor Foxp3. Local targeting of interleukin-17A in experimental lung adenocarcinoma results in a reduction in tumour load, local expansion of interferon-γ-producing CD4(+) T cells and a reduction in lung CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells. T-bet((-/-)) mice have a significantly higher tumour load compared with wild-type mice. This is associated with the local upregulation of interleukin-23 and induction of interleukin-17A/interleukin-17R-expressing T cells infiltrating the tumour. Local anti-interleukin-17A antibody treatment partially improves the survival of T-bet((-/-)) mice. These results suggest that local anti-interleukin-17A antibody therapy could be considered for the treatment of lung tumours.
En la Universitat de Guadalajara es desenvolupa un projecte d'investigació que contempla la creació d'un model de programació que s'ha denominat Context Object Oriented Programming (COOP). En ell s'integren els enfocaments Orientats a Objectes, Orientats a Rols i Programació Dirigida per Esdeveniments. El present projecte consisteix desenvolupar el llenguatge de programació Mophoua que soporta aquest modelo.
Rhodnius pallescens is the main vector of Trypanosoma cruzi in Panama and one of the most relevant secondary vectors in Colombia. Despite the importance of this species, there is limited knowledge about the genetic variability along its geographical distribution. In order to evaluate the degree of karyotype variability we analyzed the meiotic behavior and banding pattern of the chromosomes of 112 males of R. pallescens coming from different regions of Colombia and Panama. Using the C-banding technique we identified two chromosomal patterns or cytotypes characterized by differences in the amount, size and distribution of constitutive heterochromatic regions in the chromosome complement (2n = 20 autosomes plus XY in males). The individuals can be easily classified in each cytotype by the analysis of the chromosomes during first meiotic prophase. The frequencies of the cytotypes are variable according to the geographic origin of the populations. This chromosomal divergence together with morphological data supports the existence of three genetically different populations of R. pallescens and provides new information to understand the distribution dynamics of this species.
The present work is a thorough investigation of the degree of reproductive isolation between Meccus mazzottii and Meccus longipennis, Meccus picturatus, Meccus pallidipennis and Meccus bassolsae, as well as between M. longipennis and M. picturatus. We examined fertility and segregation of morphological characteristics in two generations of hybrids derived from crosses between these species. The percentage of pairs with (fertile) offspring was highest in the set of crosses between M. longipennis and M. picturatus, and lowest between M. mazzottii and M. picturatus. Most first-generation (F1) individuals from crosses involving M. mazzottii were morphologically similar to this species, while only F1 x F1 progeny of parental crosses between M. mazzottii and M. longipennis had offspring second generation that looked like M. mazzottii. The results indicate that different degrees of reproductive isolation apparently exist among the species of the Phyllosoma complex examined in this study. The biological evidence obtained in this study does not support the proposal that M. longipennis and M. picturatus are full species. It could indicate on the contrary, that both could be considered as subspecies of a single polytypic species. On the other hand, biological evidence supports the proposal that M. mazzottii is a full species.
El projecte recull un treball d'assessorament en centres de primària pel que fa a l'elaboració del pla d'acollida. L'assessorament tenia una doble finalitat: dotar el centre d'una eina que el permetés sistematitzar-la i dotar de coherència i continuïtat els dubtes o angoixes que aquesta situació provocava. La base teòrica és doble: l'enfocament constructivista de l'assessorament psicopedagògic i la perspectiva de l'interculturalisme, atès el vessant socialitzador, interactiu i harmonitzador del PdA i la consideració social i sistèmica dels dos referents. La metodologia utilitzada ha estat qualitativa: la investigació-acció, ja que és un assessorament orientat cap a l'acció i basat en la pràctica, amb la finalitat de capacitar els docents en la millora d'aquesta pràctica. Recull aspectes organitzatius -matriculació, adscripció al curs, acollida i relació entre la família i el centre, llengua, recursos interns i suports externs- i coordinacions i estratègies d'aula -acollida, organització i funcionament de la classe, planificació de l'escolarització i activitats. Van quedar pendents de realitzar els aspectes referents al currículum i a la cooperació amb l'entorn.
The reproductive mechanism of Giardia intestinalis, considered one of the earliest divergent eukaryotes, has not been fully defined yet. Some evidence supports the hypothesis that Giardia is an exclusively asexual organism with a clonal population structure. However, the high genetic variability, the variation in ploidy during its life cycle, the low heterozygosity and the existence of genes involved in the meiotic-like recombination pathway in the parasite's genome cast doubt on exclusively asexual nature of Giardia. In this work, semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis was used to assess the transcription pattern of three meiosis-like-specific genes involved in homologues recombination: dmc1, hop1 and spo11. The mRNAs were amplified during the parasite's differentiation processes, encystation and excystation, and expression was found at each stage of its life cycle. A semiquantitative assessment also suggests that expression of some of the genes is regulated during encystation process.
Background: Pharmacists, mainly militiamen, are incorporated in the Swiss Armed Forces, for instance in hospital battalions to supply drugs and medical devices, as well as to coordinate hygiene service. Presently, their duties are only very globally defined. Aims: The objective of this survey was to investigate the tasks that were actually assumed by the military pharmacy of the 2nd Hospital Battalion. Methods: Two types of commitments, offering military and civilian interest's convergence, were considered between 2005 and 2011: (1) army camps for the disabled and (2) operations and supports provided to two nursing homes. While relieving the civil caregiver usually involved with disabled or elderly people, such missions offer indeed the possibility to the army medical service to train its care and logistical processes with real patients, even in the absence of any sanitary crisis or war in the country. Results: Two basis activities have been assumed: (1) centralized supply of drugs and medical devices and (2) coordination of hygiene monitoring and disinfection operations. New tasks were also performed: (3) support to the management of ward-based pharmacies, (4) pillboxes preparation, (5) medication review and (6) selective participation in clinical rounds. The last two were integrated in an interdisciplinary education process. Conclusions: Results shows that, apart from traditional duties, new clinical-oriented activities have been evenly developed and assumed by militia pharmacists. They call thus for a possible renewed definition of the tasks of military hospital pharmacists and of their related military education. A wider study in all hospital battalions is yet mandatory.
Currently equality plans are an effective tool to incorporate equal opportunities in human resource management of both companies and public administrations. They are also the appropriate mechanism to detect possible disparities and gender gaps in employment. Configured as an ordered set of actions and measures taken after a diagnosis of the situation and help organizations to promote equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in the workplace, and help eliminate discrimination based on sex. In this regard, the Directorate General of Health Planning and Innovation of the Ministry of Health, intends to promote and facilitate the development and implementation of equality plans in institutions and centers of the Andalusian Public Health System. This has raised the production and dissemination of a methodological guide that supports the design of equality plans in unison to allow both the completion of the monitoring process as the development and practical implementation of those plans.
Functional late outgrowth endothelial progenitors isolated from peripheral blood of burned patients.
BACKGROUND: Bioengineered skin substitutes are increasingly considered as a useful option for the treatment of full thickness burn injury. Their viability following grafting can be enhanced by seeding the skin substitute with late outgrowth endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). However, it is not known whether autologous EPCs can be obtained from burned patients shortly after injury. METHODS: Late outgrowth EPCs were isolated from peripheral blood sampled obtained from 10 burned patients (extent 19.6±10.3% TBSA) within the first 24h of hospital admission, and from 7 healthy subjects. Late outgrowth EPCs were phenotyped in vitro. RESULTS: In comparison with similar cells obtained from healthy subjects, growing colonies from burned patients yielded a higher percentage of EPC clones (46 versus 17%, p=0.013). Furthermore, EPCs from burned patients secreted more vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) into the culture medium than did their counterparts from healthy subjects (85.8±56.2 versus 17.6±14pg/mg protein, p=0.018). When injected to athymic nude mice 6h after unilateral ligation of the femoral artery, EPCs from both groups of subjects greatly accelerated the reperfusion of the ischaemic hindlimb and increased the number of vascular smooth muscle cells. CONCLUSIONS: The present study supports that, in patients with burns of moderate extension, it is feasible to obtain functional autologous late outgrowth EPCs from peripheral blood. These results constitute a strong incentive to pursue approaches based on using autotransplantation of these cells to improve the therapy of full thickness burns.
We present herein a topological invariant of oriented alternating knots and links that predicts the three-dimensional (3D) writhe of the ideal geometrical configuration of the considered knot/link. The fact that we can correlate a geometrical property of a given configuration with a topological invariant supports the notion that the ideal configuration contains important information about knots and links. The importance of the concept of ideal configuration was already suggested by the good correlation between the 3D writhe of ideal knot configurations and the ensemble average of the 3D writhe of random configurations of the considered knots. The values of the new invariant are quantized: multiples of 4/7 for links with an odd number of components (including knots) and 2/7 plus multiples of 4/7 for links with an even number of components.
Toxoplasma gondii infection is an important mediator of ocular disease in Brazil more frequently than reported from elsewhere. Infection and pathology are characterized by a strong proinflammatory response which in mice is triggered by interaction of the parasite with the toll-like receptor (TLR)/MyD88 pathway. A powerful way to identify the role of TLRs in humans is to determine whether polymorphisms at these loci influence susceptibility to T. gondii-mediated pathologies. Here we report on a small family-based study (60 families; 68 affected offspring) undertaken in Brazil which was powered for large effect sizes using single nucleotide polymorphisms with minor alleles frequencies > 0.3. Of markers in TLR2, TLR5 and TLR9 that met these criteria, we found an association Family Based Association Tests [(FBAT) Z score = 4.232; p = 1.5 x 10-5; p corrected = 1.2 x 10-4] between the C allele (frequency = 0.424; odds ratio = 7; 95% confidence interval 1.6-30.8) of rs352140 at TLR9 and toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis in Brazil. This supports the hypothesis that direct interaction between T. gondii and TLR9 may trigger proinflammatory responses that lead to severe pathologies such as the ocular disease that is associated with this infection in Brazil.