994 resultados para Rodolfo Walsh


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(abreviated) We aim to study the inner-wind structure (R<250 Rstar) of the well-known red supergiant VY CMa. We analyse high spatial resolution (~0".24x0".13) ALMA Science Verification (SV) data in band 7 in which four thermal emission lines of gaseous sodium chloride (NaCl) are present at high signal-to-noise ratio. For the first time, the NaCl emission in the inner wind region of VY CMa is spatially resolved. The ALMA observations reveal the contribution of up to four different spatial regions. The NaCl emission pattern is different compared to the dust continuum and TiO2 emission already analysed from the ALMA SV data. The emission can be reconciled with an axisymmetric geometry, where the lower density polar/rotation axis has a position angle of ~50 degrees measured from north to east. However, this picture can not capture the full morphological diversity, and discrete mass ejection events need to be invoked to explain localized higher-density regions. The velocity traced by the gaseous NaCl line profiles is significantly lower than the average wind terminal velocity, and much slower than some of the fastest mass ejections, signalling a wide range of characteristic speeds for the mass loss. Gaseous NaCl is detected far beyond the main dust condensation region. Realising the refractory nature of this metal halide, this hints at a chemical process preventing all NaCl from condensing onto dust grains. We show that in the case of the ratio of the surface binding temperature to the grain temperature being ~50, only some 10% of NaCl remains in gaseous form, while for lower values of this ratio thermal desorption efficiently evaporates NaCl. Photodesorption by stellar photons seems not to be a viable explanation for the detection of gaseous NaCl at 220 Rstar from the central star, and instead, we propose shock-induced sputtering driven by localized mass ejection events as alternative.


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Using both dynamical and chemical modelling, we derive an accurate abundance profile for the molecule SiO in the stellar wind of R Dor, an O-rich AGB star. SiO plays a key role in the dust formation process in O-rich AGB stars. This method will be applied to additional molecules, with the aim to achieve a detailed overview of the molecular abundance pattern in the wind of R Dor.


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The first detection of gas-phase methanol in a protoplanetary disk (TW Hya) is presented. In addition to being one of the largest molecules detected in disks to date, methanol is also the first disk organic molecule with an unambiguous ice chemistry origin. The stacked methanol emission, as observed with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, is spectrally resolved and detected across six velocity channels (>3σ), reaching a peak signal-to-noise of 5.5σ, with the kinematic pattern expected for TW Hya. Using an appropriate disk model, a fractional abundance of 3 x 10-12 – 4 x 10-11 (with respect to H2) reproduces the stacked line profile and channel maps, with the favored abundance dependent upon the assumed vertical location (midplane versus molecular layer). The peak emission is offset from the source position, suggesting that the methanol emission has a ring-like morphology: the analysis here suggests it peaks at ≈30 au, reaching a column density ≈3–6 x 1012 cm−2. In the case of TW Hya, the larger (up to millimeter-sized) grains, residing in the inner 50 au, may thus host the bulk of the disk ice reservoir. The successful detection of cold gas-phase methanol in a protoplanetary disk implies that the products of ice chemistry can be explored in disks, opening a window into studying complex organic chemistry during planetary system formation.


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Ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP) remains a significant problem within intensive care units (ICUs). There is a growing recognition of the impact of critical-illness-induced immunoparesis on the pathogenesis of VAP, but the mechanisms remain incompletely understood. We hypothesised that, because of limitations in their routine detection, Mycoplasmataceae are more prevalent among patients with VAP than previously recognised, and that these organisms potentially impair immune cell function.
Methods and setting
159 patients were recruited from 12 UK ICUs. All patients had suspected VAP and underwent bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). VAP was defined as growth of organisms at >104 colony forming units per ml of BAL fluid on conventional culture. Samples were tested for Mycoplasmataceae (Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma spp.) by PCR, and positive samples underwent sequencing for speciation. 36 healthy donors underwent BAL for comparison. Additionally, healthy donor monocytes and macrophages were exposed to Mycoplasma salivarium and their ability to respond to lipopolysaccharide and undertake phagocytosis was assessed.

Mycoplasmataceaewerefoundin49%(95%CI 33% to 65%) of patients with VAP, compared with 14% (95% CI 9% to 25%) of patients without VAP. Patients with sterile BAL fluid had a similar prevalence to healthy donor BAL fluid (10% (95% CI 4% to 20%) vs 8% (95% CI 2% to 22%)). The most common organism identified was M. salivarium. Blood monocytes from healthy volunteers incubated with M. salivarium displayed an impaired TNF-α response to lipopolysaccharide ( p=0.0003), as did monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) (p=0.024). MDM exposed to M. salivarium demonstrated impaired phagocytosis ( p=0.005).

Discussion and conclusions
This study demonstrates a high prevalence of Mycoplasmataceae among patients with VAP, with a markedly lower prevalence among patients with suspected VAP in whom subsequent cultures refuted the diagnosis. The most common organism found, M. salivarium, is able to alter the functions of key immune cells. Mycoplasmataceae may contribute to VAP pathogenesis.


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A prevalência de bactérias resistentes a antibióticos em ambiente hospitalar tem vindo a tornar-se dramática e preocupante a nível mundial. Contudo, com a utilização inadequada de antibióticos em áreas tão diversas como a veterinária, a aquacultura e a agricultura, esta deixou de estar confinada ao ambiente hospitalar, sendo o ambiente um reservatório natural de microganismos resistentes a estes compostos. O conhecimento detalhado dos determinantes de resistência a antibióticos presentes nestes ambientes, sejam estes genes de resistência ou estruturas envolvidas na sua mobilização, é fundamental, não só do ponto de vista do conhecimento como para a eventual implementação de medidas de contenção da sua disseminação. Neste contexto, são necessários estudos que permitam conhecer o panorama mais realista da distribuição destes determinantes de resistência a antibióticos, quer no meio ambiente quer no ambiente clínico. Assim, constituiu objectivo principal deste trabalho contribuir para o conhecimento do panorama actual da prevalência e distribuição dos elementos ISCR, bem como de outros determinantes de resistência a antibióticos em espécies de Gram-negativo clinicamente relevantes (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii e Citrobacter freundii) recolhidas a partir de amostras de pacientes do Hospital Infante D. Pedro, EPE, Aveiro, Portugal, entre 2006 e 2008. Adicionalmente, foram também recolhidas bactérias de Gram-negativo do meio ambiente, a partir de amostras de águas e de vísceras de peixes, nas quais foram igualmente pesquisados os elementos acima referidos. À excepção dos isolados de E. coli e de Gramnegativo ambientais, todas as estirpes estudadas foram seleccionadas com base no seu perfil de multirresistência a antibióticos. Os resultados mostraram que em todas as espécies recolhidas no ambiente hospitalar foi detectada a presença de elementos ISCR, do tipo ISCR1 ou ISCR2. O elemento ISCR1, foi encontrado em isolados de E. coli, K. pneumoniae e C. freundii e o elemento ISCR2 em isolados de A. baumannii. Não foi detectada a presença de ISCRs nos isolados de Gram-negativo ambientais, o que sugere que a ocorrência dos mesmos é fortemente influenciada pela pressão selectiva exercida pelo ambiente em que os microrganismos se encontram. Genes qnr e integrões de classe 1 foram os determinantes de resistência mais frequentemente encontrados associados aos elementos ISCR1. Os vários determinantes de resistência foram encontrados em diferentes contextos genéticos e localizados em estruturas móveis, nomeadamente em plasmídeos. O elemento ISCR2 presente em isolados de A. baumannii encontra-se associado ao gene sul2 em todos os isolados, dentro de um mesmo contexto genético e com uma localização cromossomal. Contudo, o contexto genético encontrado nestes isolados é novo não tendo sido descrito até à data em outros microrganismos. O presente estudo constitui a primeira descrição de elementos ISCR intrinsecamente ligados a genes de resistência a antibióticos, em Portugal. Uma vez que estes elementos parecem ser responsáveis pela mobilização de um grande número de genes de resistência a antibióticos, a sua elevada incidência entre estirpes resistentes e multirresistentes, bem como a sua associação com genes de resistência é preocupante e requer vigilância.


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The use of non-invasive brain stimulation is widespread in studies of human cognitive neuroscience. This has led to some genuine advances in understanding perception and cognition, and has raised some hopes of applying the knowledge in clinical contexts. There are now several forms of stimulation, the ability to combine these with other methods, and ethical questions that are special to brain stimulation. In this Primer, we aim to give the users of these methods a starting point and perspective from which to view the key questions and usefulness of the different forms of non-invasive brain stimulation. We have done so by taking a critical view of recent highlights in the literature, selected case studies to illustrate the elements necessary and sufficient for good experiments, and pointed to questions and findings that can only be addressed using interference methods


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Background: The identification of beverages that promote longer- term fluid retention and maintenance of fluid balance is of real clinical and practical benefit in situations in which free access to fluids is limited or when frequent breaks for urination are not desirable. The postingestion diuretic response is likely to be influenced by several beverage characteristics, including the volume ingested, energy den- sity, electrolyte content, and the presence of diuretic agents. Objective: This study investigated the effects of 13 different com- monly consumed drinks on urine output and fluid balance when ingested in a euhydrated state, with a view to establishing a beverage hydration index (BHI), i.e., the volume of urine produced after drinking expressed relative to a standard treatment (still water) for each beverage. Design: Each subject (n = 72, euhydrated and fasted male subjects) ingested 1 L still water or 1 of 3 other commercially available beverages over a period of 30 min. Urine output was then collected for the subsequent 4 h. The BHI was corrected for the water content of drinks and was calculated as the amount of water retained at 2 h after ingestion relative to that observed after the ingestion of still water. Results: Total urine masses (mean 6 SD) over 4 h were smaller than the still-water control (1337 6 330 g) after an oral rehydration solution (ORS) (1038 6 333 g, P , 0.001), full-fat milk (1052 6 267 g, P , 0.001), and skimmed milk (1049 6 334 g, P , 0.001). Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion. The mean BHI at 2 h was 1.54 6 0.74 for the ORS, 1.50 6 0.58 for full- fat milk, and 1.58 6 0.60 for skimmed milk. Conclusions: BHI may be a useful measure to identify the short- term hydration potential of different beverages when ingested in a euhydrated state.


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Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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O elevado nível de integração e miniaturização dos componentes existente nos dias de hoje, criam novos desafios na concepção de circuitos impressos. Neste trabalho são apresentados métodos para interligação entre componentes, em circuitos impressos com elevado número de ligações, recorrendo a tecnologia laser. Foi desenvolvida uma máquina CNC de três eixos, para posicionamento de um laser, mantendo o suporte para as operações tradicionais com ferramentas. O sistema foi concebido para a produção de circuitos impressos por laser (fresagem e furação), no entanto a compatibilidade com outras ferramentas e acessórios presentes, possibilitam a execução de outros processos no mesmo equipamento, como remoção da máscara de solda, soldadura de componentes, colocação de pasta de solda, gravação, inspecção visual, entre outros. Com este trabalho, demonstra-se a importância dos circuitos impressos na evolução da electrónica, assim como se apresentam soluções para a sua concepção.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia com a Especialidade em Energia, Climatização e Refrigeração


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A monitorização da qualidade da energia eléctrica tem revelado importância crescente na gestão e caracterização da rede eléctrica. Estudos revelam que os custos directos relacionados com perda de qualidade da energia eléctrica podem representar cerca de 1,5 % do PIB nacional. Para além destes, tem-se adicionalmente os custos indirectos o que se traduz num problema que necessita de minimização. No contexto da minimização dos danos causados pela degradação de energia, são utilizados equipamentos com capacidade de caracterizar a energia eléctrica através da sua monitorização. A utilização destes equipamentos têm subjacente normas de qualidade de energia, que impõem requisitos mínimos de modo a enquadrar e classificar eventos ocorridos na rede eléctrica. Deste modo obtêm-se dados coerentes provenientes de diferentes equipamentos. A monitorização dos parâmetros associados à energia eléctrica é frequentemente realizada através da instalação temporária dos esquipamentos na rede eléctrica, o que resulta numa observação de distúrbios a posteriori da sua ocasião. Esta metodologia não permite detectar o evento eléctrico original mas, quando muito, outros que se espera que sejam semelhantes ao ocorrido. Repare-se, no entanto, que existe um conjunto alargado de eventos que não são repetitivos, constituindo assim uma limitação aquela metodologia. Este trabalho descreve uma alternativa à metodologia de utilização tradicional dos equipamentos. A solução consiste em realizar um analisador de energia que faça parte integrante da instalação e permita a monitorização contínua da rede eléctrica. Este equipamento deve ter um custo suficientemente baixo para que seja justificável nesta utilização alternativa. O analisador de qualidade de energia a desenvolver tem por base o circuito integrado ADE7880, que permite obter um conjunto de parâmetros da qualidade de energia eléctrica de acordo com as normas de energia IEC 61000-4-30 e IEC 61000-4-7. Este analisador permite a recolha contínua de dados específicos da rede eléctrica, e que posteriormente serão armazenados e colocados à disposição do utilizador. Deste modo os dados recolhidos serão apresentados ao utilizador para consulta, de maneira a verificar, de modo continuo a eventual ocorrência das anomalias na rede. Os valores adquiridos podem ainda ser reutilizados vantajosamente para muitas outras finalidades tais como efectuar estudos sobre a optimização energética. O trabalho presentemente desenvolvido decorre de uma utilização alternativa do dispositivo WeSense Energy1 desenvolvido pela equipa da Evoleo Technologies. A presente vertente permite obter parâmetros determinados pelo ADE7880 tais como por exemplo harmónicos, eventos transitórios de tensão e corrente e o desfasamento entre fases, realizando assim uma nova versão do dispositivo, o WeSense Energy2. Adicionalmente este trabalho inclui a visualização remota dos através de uma página web.


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Polysaccharides are gaining increasing attention as potential environmental friendly and sustainable building blocks in many fields of the (bio)chemical industry. The microbial production of polysaccharides is envisioned as a promising path, since higher biomass growth rates are possible and therefore higher productivities may be achieved compared to vegetable or animal polysaccharides sources. This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the modeling and optimization of a particular microbial polysaccharide, namely the production of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS) by the bacterial strain Enterobacter A47. Enterobacter A47 was found to be a metabolically versatile organism in terms of its adaptability to complex media, notably capable of achieving high growth rates in media containing glycerol byproduct from the biodiesel industry. However, the industrial implementation of this production process is still hampered due to a largely unoptimized process. Kinetic rates from the bioreactor operation are heavily dependent on operational parameters such as temperature, pH, stirring and aeration rate. The increase of culture broth viscosity is a common feature of this culture and has a major impact on the overall performance. This fact complicates the mathematical modeling of the process, limiting the possibility to understand, control and optimize productivity. In order to tackle this difficulty, data-driven mathematical methodologies such as Artificial Neural Networks can be employed to incorporate additional process data to complement the known mathematical description of the fermentation kinetics. In this Ph.D. thesis, we have adopted such an hybrid modeling framework that enabled the incorporation of temperature, pH and viscosity effects on the fermentation kinetics in order to improve the dynamical modeling and optimization of the process. A model-based optimization method was implemented that enabled to design bioreactor optimal control strategies in the sense of EPS productivity maximization. It is also critical to understand EPS synthesis at the level of the bacterial metabolism, since the production of EPS is a tightly regulated process. Methods of pathway analysis provide a means to unravel the fundamental pathways and their controls in bioprocesses. In the present Ph.D. thesis, a novel methodology called Principal Elementary Mode Analysis (PEMA) was developed and implemented that enabled to identify which cellular fluxes are activated under different conditions of temperature and pH. It is shown that differences in these two parameters affect the chemical composition of EPS, hence they are critical for the regulation of the product synthesis. In future studies, the knowledge provided by PEMA could foster the development of metabolically meaningful control strategies that target the EPS sugar content and oder product quality parameters.


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BACKGROUND: Data from prospective cohort studies regarding the association between subclinical hyperthyroidism and cardiovascular outcomes are conflicting.We aimed to assess the risks of total and coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality, CHD events, and atrial fibrillation (AF) associated with endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism among all available large prospective cohorts. METHODS: Individual data on 52 674 participants were pooled from 10 cohorts. Coronary heart disease events were analyzed in 22 437 participants from 6 cohorts with available data, and incident AF was analyzed in 8711 participants from 5 cohorts. Euthyroidism was defined as thyrotropin level between 0.45 and 4.49 mIU/L and endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism as thyrotropin level lower than 0.45 mIU/L with normal free thyroxine levels, after excluding those receiving thyroid-altering medications. RESULTS: Of 52 674 participants, 2188 (4.2%) had subclinical hyperthyroidism. During follow-up, 8527 participants died (including 1896 from CHD), 3653 of 22 437 had CHD events, and 785 of 8711 developed AF. In age- and sex-adjusted analyses, subclinical hyperthyroidism was associated with increased total mortality (hazard ratio[HR], 1.24, 95% CI, 1.06-1.46), CHD mortality (HR,1.29; 95% CI, 1.02-1.62), CHD events (HR, 1.21; 95%CI, 0.99-1.46), and AF (HR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.16-2.43).Risks did not differ significantly by age, sex, or preexisting cardiovascular disease and were similar after further adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors, with attributable risk of 14.5% for total mortality to 41.5% forAF in those with subclinical hyperthyroidism. Risks for CHD mortality and AF (but not other outcomes) were higher for thyrotropin level lower than 0.10 mIU/L compared with thyrotropin level between 0.10 and 0.44 mIU/L(for both, P value for trend, .03). CONCLUSION: Endogenous subclinical hyperthyroidism is associated with increased risks of total, CHD mortality, and incident AF, with highest risks of CHD mortality and AF when thyrotropin level is lower than 0.10 mIU/L.