978 resultados para Ribeira belt


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A literatura sugere que o Seis Sigma trouxe contribuições sob vários aspectos, tanto no âmbito da gestão da qualidade como também da gestão estratégica. No entanto, ainda há certa escassez de informações sobre esse assunto no cenário organizacional brasileiro. Este artigo visa reduzir essa carência da literatura, mostrando uma visão prática sobre as contribuições decorrentes dos investimentos no Seis Sigma para empresas do Brasil. A relevância de requisitos essenciais - como conceito de qualidade; combinação das abordagens estatística e estratégica; sistematização metodológica; formação de especialistas; e gestão de projetos - é discutida tanto em âmbito teórico-conceitual como prático. O método do estudo de caso foi aplicado para obter o embasamento empírico da pesquisa. Os investimentos no Seis Sigma feitos por duas subsidiárias brasileiras de empresas multinacionais norte-americanas (uma de manufatura e uma de serviços) são apresentados e reforçam a relevância dos requisitos supracitados.


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O chá preto é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo. Essa bebida é feita a partir da infusão de folhas processadas de Camellia sinensis, que é cultivada em mais de 30 países, tendo grande importância socioeconômica. Estudos sugerem que o chá tem efeito protetor contra diversos tipos de câncer e doenças cardiovasculares devido à presença de polifenóis denominados catequinas, que são oxidadas enzimaticamente durante o processamento das folhas, gerando uma mistura constituída principalmente de teaflavinas, teasinensinas e tearubiginas. A produção mundial de chá tem aumentado mais do que o consumo, provocando redução do preço que, juntamente com o aumento no custo de produção, implica a necessidade de alta produtividade e qualidade. Apesar disso, ainda não foram estabelecidos critérios precisos e eficientes para predizer a qualidade do chá a partir das folhas, bem como quais práticas agronômicas contribuem para o aumento da qualidade. No Brasil, a cultura do chá se concentra no Vale do Ribeira, em São Paulo (SP), sendo quase toda produção exportada. Apesar de o produto brasileiro não ser de alta qualidade, tem conseguido bons preços no mercado internacional. A produção brasileira, a área de produção e o número de indústrias de chá vêm diminuindo ao longo dos últimos anos, o que demonstra a necessidade de investimentos.


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The Fortaleza de Minas Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide deposit is hosted by Archean komatiitic rocks of the Morro do Ferro greenstone belt, near the southwestern margin of the Sa (aFrancisco) over tildeo Francisco craton, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The deposit contains 6 million tonnes of ore with an average grade of 2.2 wt% Ni, 0.4% Cu, 0.05% Co and 1.2 ppm PGE+Au, and comprises (i) a main orebody, which is metamorphosed, deformed and transposed along a regional shear zone, consisting mainly of disseminated, brecciated and stringer sulfide ores that are interpreted to be of early magmatic origin, and (ii) PGE-rich discordant veins that are hosted in N-S- and NE-SW-trending late faults that cross-cut the main orebody. The discordant PGE-rich ore (up to 4 ppm total PGE) is characterized by thin, discontinuous and irregular veins and lenses of massive sulfides hosted by serpentinite and talc schist, and is relatively undeformed if compared with the early types of ore. It is composed mainly of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, magnetite, carbonates, and amphiboles, with minor cobaltite-gersdorffite, sphalerite, ilmenite, and quartz, and rarely maucherite (Ni11Asg), tellurides and platinum-group minerals (PGM). Omeeite, irarsite, sperrylite, and Ni-bearing merenskyite are the main PGM, followed by minor amounts of testibiopalladite and an unknown phase containing Ru, Te, and As. The PGM occur either included in, or at the margins of, sulfides, sulfarsenides, silicates and oxides, or filling fractures in pyrrhotite, pentlandite, and chalcopyrite, suggesting that they started to precipitate with these minerals and continued to precipitate after the sulfides were formed. The mantle-normalized metal distribution of the two samples of discordant veins shows distinct patterns: one richer in Ni-Pd-Ir-Rh-Ru-Os and another with higher amounts of Cu-Pt-Bi. Both are strongly depleted in Cr if compared with the metamorphosed magmatic ore of this deposit, which follows the general Kambalda-type magmatic trend. on the basis of structural, mineralogical and geochemical evidence, we propose that the PGE-rich discordant ore may have formed by remobilization of metals from the deformed, metamorphosed magmatic orebody (which shows a depleted pattern in these elements) by reduced (pyrrhotite - pentlandite - pyrite are stable), neutral to alkaline and carbonic fluids (carbonate-stable). The PGE may have been transported as bisulfide complexes, and precipitated as tellurides (mainly Pd) and arsenides (Pt, Rh, Ru, Os, Ir) in the late N-S and NE-SW-trending faults owing to a decrease in the activity of S caused by the precipitation of sulfides in the veins.


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The oldest fragment of continental crust recognized in South America occurs as an isolated Archean enclave in northeastem Brazil's Borborema Province, ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano-Pan African orogenic belt. This Archean fragment, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, is surrounded by large tracts of 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic gneisses and is located more than 600-1500 km from the much larger assemblages of Archean rocks found in the Sao Fransciso and Amazonian cratons, located to the south and west, respectively. Geochronological studies of the Sao Jose do Campestre massif show that its oldest rocks contain zircons with U-Pb ages up to 3.5 Ga and Sm-Nd T-DM model ages of more than 3.7 Ga, indicating that they represent reworked crust. This older nucleus is flanked by both reworked and juvenile 3.25 and 3.18 Ga rocks which arc intruded by both 3.00 and 2.69 Ga plutonic bodies. The protracted evolution the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is consistent with that of a larger continental mass as opposed to a small crustal fragment that grew in isolation. As such, the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is interpreted as representing a detached piece of an evolved craton that became entrained with younger rocks during a subsequent Paleoproterozoic accretionary-orogenic event. This hypothesis is bolstered by the presence of Paleoproterozoic gneisses that envelop the Sao Jose do Campestre massif, as well as the existence of ca. 2.0 Ga metamorphic zircon and monazite within its rocks. The occurrence of several different Archean cratonic basement inliers within the greater Paleoproterozoic crustal framework of the Borborema Province suggests that cratonic slices spalled off one or more larger Archean masses prior to the ca. 2.2-2.0 Ga Paleoproterozoic orogenic collage. A important challenge is to link these older fragments to their parent cratons. Although results are not unique, the pattern of ages and isotopic signatures observed in the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is similar to that seen in parts of the Sao Francisco Craton, and it is possible that the Sao Jose do Campestre massif is a fragment of an Archean continental fragment formed during an episode of continental breakup prior to 2200 Ma. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Patterns of colonization by queens and incipient nest survival of the leaf-cutting ants Acromyrmex niger and Acromyrmex balzani were studied by means of belt transects and individually marked incipient nests. No relation was found between colony density and the number of colonization attempts. Both species are not claustral, and high rates of queen mortality were attributed to conspecific executions and predation. of other discernable mortality factors, failure of fungal garden establishment was the most important. Only 34 of 296 A. balzani and 13 of 154 A. niger marked colonies were alive at the end of one year. These figures are higher than those reported for species of Atta. These results are contrasted with those of claustral-founding Atta species. Small colonies are occasionally raided by larger colonies which robbed brood.


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Whole rock Pb isotope data can be used to determine the provenance of different blocks within the Rodinia supercontinent, providing a test for paleogeographic reconstructions. Calculated isotopic values for the source region of the Grenville-deformed SW Amazon craton (Rondonia, Brazil), anchored by published U-Pb zircon ages, are compared to those from the Grenville belt of North America and Grenvillian basement inliers in the southern Appalachians. Both the SW Amazon craton and the allochthonous Blue Ridge/Mars Hill terrane are defined by a similar Pb isotopic signature, indicating derivation from an ancient source region with an elevated U/Pb ratio. In contrast, the Grenville Province of Laurentia (extending from Labrador to the Llano Uplift of Texas) is characterized by a source region with a distinctly lower, time-integrated U/Pb ratio. Published U-Pb zircon ages (ca. 1.8 Ga) and Nd model ages (1.4-2.2 Ga) for the Blue Ridge/Mars Hill terrane also suggest an ancient provenance very different from the rest of the adjacent Grenville belt, which is dominated by juvenile 1.3-1.5 Ga rocks. The presence of mature continental material in rocks older than 1.15 Ga in the Blue Ridge/ Mars Hill terrane is consistent with characteristics of basement rocks from the SW Amazon craton. High-grade metamorphism of the Blue Ridge/Mars Hill basement resulted in purging of U, consistent with observations of the rest of the North American Grenville province. In contrast, the Grenvillian metamorphic history of the Amazon appears to have been much more heterogeneous, with both U enrichment and U depletion recorded locally. We propose that the Blue Ridge/ Mars Hill portion of the Appalachian basement is of Amazonian provenance and was transferred to Laurentia during Grenvillian orogenesis after similar to1.15 Ga. The presence of these Amazonian rocks in southeastern Laurentia records the northward passage of the Amazon craton along the Laurentian margin, following the original collision with southernmost Laurentia at ca. 1.2 Ga. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Serido Group is a deformed and metamorphosed metasedimentary sequence that overlies early Paleoproterozoic to Archean basement of the Rio Grande do Norte domain in the Borborema Province of NE Brazil. The age of the Serido Group has been disputed over the past two decades, with preferred sedimentation ages being either Paleoproterozoic or Neoproterozoic. Most samples of the Serido Formation, the upper part of the Serido Group, have Sm-Nd T-DM ages between 1200 and 1600 Ma. Most samples of the Jucurutu Formation, the lower part of the Serido Group, have T-DM ages ranging from 1500 to 1600 Ma; some basal units have T-DM ages as old as 2600 Ma, reflecting proximal basement. Thus, based on Sm-Nd data, most, if not all, of the Serido Group was deposited after 1600 Ma and upper parts must be younger than 1200 Ma.Cathodoluminescence photos of detrital zircons show very small to no overgrowths produced during ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano deformation and metamorphism, so that SHRIMP and isotope dilution U-Pb ages must represent crystallization ages of the detrital zircons. Zircons from meta-arkose near the base of the Jucurutu Formation yield two groups of ages: ca. 2200 Ma and ca. 1800 Ma. In contrast, zircons from a metasedimentary gneiss higher in the Jucurutu Formation yield much younger ages, with clusters at ca. 1000 Ma and ca. 650 Ma. Zircons from metasedimentary and metatuffaceous units in the Serido Formation also yield ages primarily between 1000 and 650 Ma, with clusters at 950-1000, 800, 750, and 650 Ma. Thus, most, if not all, of the Serido Group must be younger than 650 Ma. Because these units were deformed and metamorphosed in the ca. 600 Ma Brasiliano fold belt during assembly of West Gondwana, deposition probably occurred ca. 610-650 Ma, soon after crystallization of the youngest population of zircons and before or during the onset of Brasiliano deformation.The Serido Group was deposited upon Paleoproterozoic basement in a basin receiving detritus from a variety of sources. The Jucurutu Formation includes some basal volcanic rocks and initially received detritus from proximal 2.2-2.0 Ga (Transamazonian) to late Paleoproterozoic (1.8-1.7 Ga) basement. Provenance for the upper Jucurutu Formation and all of the Serido Formation was dominated by more distal and younger sources ranging in age from 1000 to 650 Ma. We suggest that the Serido basin may have developed as the result of late Neoproterozoic extension of a pre-existing continental basement, with formation of small marine basins that were largely floored by cratonic basement (subjacent oceanic crust has not yet been found). Immature sediment was initially derived from surrounding land; as the basin evolved much of the detritus probably came from highlands to the south (present coordinates). Alternatively, if the Patos shear zone is a major terrane boundary, the basin may have formed as an early collisional foredeep associated with south-dipping subduction. In any case, within 30 million years the region was compressed, deformed, and metamorphosed during final assembly of West Gondwana and formation of the Brasiliano-Pan African fold belts. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Based on a historical approach, fish farming development was compared in two differentiated Brazilian areas. This study mobilizes the concept of Innovative Local System (ILS) together with the theoretical framework of the Sociology of Innovation and of the Economies of Size. We found that all the relationships within Ribeira Valley are mainly commercial based. There is neither coordination nor linking actions among the components of ILS. Hence, the "network" was unable to create technological or organizational innovations capable of facing any economic crisis. Conversely, in the Itajai High Valley, the socio-technological fish farming network has been developed on social, commercial, and trustful relationships. All interactions among the components of the ILS were coordinated to each other which allowed this network to react when economic or climatic threats threatened the sustainability of fish farming.


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The information on the project being developed in Brazil for a flight to binary or triple near-Earth asteroid is presented. The project plans to launch a spacecraft into an orbit around the asteroid and to study the asteroid and its satellite within six months. Main attention is concentrated on the analysis of trajectories of flight to asteroids with both impulsive and low thrust in the period 2013-2020. For comparison, the characteristics of flights to the (45) Eugenia triple asteroid of the Main Belt are also given.


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This lecture, presented in IV SEPEF, has origin in studies developed about diferent points of view, approaching the martial arts, combat sports or fights. The grand question of analysis was the judo, where many elements presented, as leads corporations of brazilian desportes documents, Olympic athletes performance and speechs produced by fights agents allowd a reflection about the relationship between the artesanal formation of black-belt and the academic formation in Physical Education, in the ambit of this modality.


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The Rondonian-San Ignacio Province (1.56-1.30 Ga) is a composite orogen created through successive accretion of arcs, ocean basin closure and final oblique microcontinent-continent collision. The effects of the collision are well preserved mostly in the Paragua Terrane (Bolivia and Mato Grosso regions) and in the Alto Guapore Belt and the Rio Negro-Juruena Province (Rondonia region), considering that the province was affected by later collision-related deformation and metamorphism during the Sunsas Orogeny (1.25-1.00 Ga). The Rondonian-San Ignacio Province comprises: (1) the Jauru Terrane (1.78-1.42 Ga) that hosts Paleoproterozoic basement (1.78-1.72 Ga), and the Cachoeirinha (1.56-1.52 Ga) and the Santa Helena (1.48-1.42 Ga) accretionary orogens, both developed in an Andean-type magmatic arc; (2) the Paragua Terrane (1.74-1.32 Ga) that hosts pre-San Ignacio units (>1640 Ma: Chiquitania Gneiss Complex, San Ignacio Schist Group and Lomas Manechis Granulitic Complex) and the Pensamiento Granitoid Complex (1.37-1.34 Ga) developed in an Andean-type magmatic arc; (3) the Rio Alegre Terrane (1.51-1.38 Ga) that includes units generated in a mid-ocean ridge and an intra-oceanic magmatic arc environments; and (4) the Alto Guapore Belt (<1.42-1.34 Ga) that hosts units developed in passive marginal basin and intra-oceanic arc settings. The collisional stage (1.34-1.32 Ga) is characterized by deformation, high-grade metamorphism, and partial melting during the metamorphic peak, which affected primarily the Chiquitania Gneiss Complex and Lomas Manechis Granulitic Complex in the Paragua Terrane, and the Colorado Complex and the Nova Mamore Metamorphic Suite in the Alto Guapore Belt. The Paragua Block is here considered as a crustal fragment probably displaced from its Rio Negro-Juruena crustal counterpart between 1.50 and 1.40 Ga. This period is characterized by extensive A-type and intra-plate granite magmatism represented by the Rio Crespo Intrusive Suite (ca. 1.50 Ga), Santo Antonio Intrusive Suite (1.40-1.36 Ga), and the Teotonio Intrusive Suite (1.38 Ga). Magmatism of these types also occur at the end of the Rondonian-San Ignacio Orogeny, and are represented by the Alto Candeias Intrusive Suite (1.34-1.36 Ga), and the Sao Lourenco-Caripunas Intrusive Suite (1.31-1.30 Ga). The cratonization of the province occurred between 1.30 and 1.25 Ga. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Medio Coreau domain of NE Brazil is located along the northwest margin of Borborema Province, the western branch of a Brasiliano/Pan-African collisional belt that formed during the assembly of Western Gondwana. The early Paleoproterozoic basement of the Medio Coreau domain is composed of migmatitic gneisses and juvenile granulites, overlain by late Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic rocks intruded by syn- to post-tectonic Brasiliano granitoids. According to integrated structural and geochronological data (U-Pb zircon and monazite ages), the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Medio Coreau is characterized by low-angle thrusting and transcurrent deformation. U-Pb geochronological data from plutons intruded during this compressional regime indicate the collisional evolution began at approximately 622 Ma and continued until about 591 Ma. The continuation of convergence until approximately 560 Ma resulted in the formation of NE-SW and E-W shear zones within the Borborema Province and adjoining West African provinces. The final stage of the ductile tectonism was characterized by uplift and high-angle fault generation between approximately 560 and 545 Ma. The last tectonic event was an extensional phase, resulting in the formation of the Jaibaras graben and intrusion of post-orogenic granites at around 532 Ma. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Araes gold deposit, located in eastern Mato Grosso State, central Brazil, is hosted in Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary rocks of the Paraguay belt, which formed during collision of the Amazonian craton and the Rio Apa block. Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology and Pb and S isotopic analyses constrain the timing and sources of mineralization. Three biotite flakes from two samples of metavolcanic host rock yield Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau ages between 5941 and 531 Ma, interpreted as cooling ages following regional metamorphism. Clay minerals from a hydrothermal alteration zone yield an Ar-40/Ar-39 integrated age of 503 +/- 3 Ma. Galena grains from ore-bearing veins yield values of Pb-206/(204)pb from 17.952 to 18.383, Pb-207/Pb-204 from 15.156 to 15.811, and Pb-208/Pb-204 from 38.072 to 39.681. Pyrite grains from ore-bearing veins yield values of Pb-206/Pb-204 from 18.037 to 18.202, Pb-207/Pb-204 from 15.744 to 15.901., and Pb-208/(204)pb from 38.338 to 38.800. Pb isotope variations may be explained in terms of mixing a less radiogenic lead component (mu similar to 8.4) from mafic and ultramafic basement host-rocks (Nova Xavantina metavolcanosedimentary rocks) and a more radiogenic lead component (mu similar to 9.2) probably derived from supracrustal rocks (Cuiaba sedimentary groups). Sulfur isotope compositions are homogeneous, with delta S-34 values ranging from -1.1 parts per thousand to 0.9 parts per thousand (galena) and -0.7 parts per thousand to 0.9 parts per thousand (pyrite), suggesting a mantle-derived reservoir for the mineralizing solutions. Based on the Ar, Pb, and S isotope data, we suggest that the precious metals were remobilized from metavolcanic host rocks by hydrothermal solutions during Brasilide-Panafrican regional metamorphism. The Arabs gold deposit probably formed during a late stage of the orogeny, coeval with other mineralization events in the Paraguay Belt.