989 resultados para Response shift


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Low temperature solution combustion method was employed to synthesize Dy2O3 nanophosphors using two different fuels (sugar and oxalyl dihydrazine (ODH)). Powder X-ray diffraction confirm pure cubic phase and the estimated particle size from Scherrer's method in sugar and ODH fuel was found to be 26 and 78 nm, respectively, and are in close agreement with those obtained using TEM and W-H plot analysis. SEM micrographs reveal porous, irregular shaped particles with large agglomeration in both the fuels. An optical band gap of 5.24 eV and 5.46 eV was observed for Dy2O3 for sugar and ODH fuels, respectively. The blueshift observed in sugar fuel is attributed to the particles size effect. Thermoluminescence (TL) response of cubic Dy2O3 nanophosphors prepared by both fuels was examined using gamma and UV radiations. The thermoluminescence of sugar used samples shows a single glow peak at 377 degrees C for 1-4 kGy gamma irradiations. When dose is increased to 5 kGy, two more shouldered peaks were observed at 245 and 310 degrees C. However, in TL of ODH used samples, a single glow peak at 376 degrees C was observed. It is observed that TL intensity is found to be more in sugar used samples. In UV irradiated samples a single glow peak at 365 degrees C was recorded in both the fuels with a little variation in TL intensity. The trapping parameters were estimated by different methods and the results are discussed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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CaxCu3Ti4O12 (x=0.90, 0.97, 1.0, 1.1 and 1.15) polycrystalline powders with variation in calcium content were prepared via the oxalate precursor route. The structural, morphological and dielectric properties of the ceramics fabricated using these powders were studied using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope along with energy dispersive X-ray analysis, transmission electron microscopy, electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and impedance analyzer. The X-ray diffraction patterns obtained for the x = 0.97, 1.0 and 1.1 powdered ceramics could be indexed to a body-centered cubic perovskite related structure associated with the space group Im3. The ESR studies confirmed the absence of oxygen vacancies in the ceramics that were prepared using the oxalate precursor route. The dielectric properties of these suggest that the calcium deficient sample (x = 0.97) has a reduced dielectric loss while retaining the high dielectric constant which is of significant industrial relevance. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Joint experimental and theoretical work is presented on two quadrupolar D-pi-A-pi-D chromophores characterized by the same bulky donor (D) group and two different central cores. The first chromophore, a newly synthesized species with a malononitrile-based acceptor (A) group, has a V-shaped structure that makes its absorption spectrum very broad, covering most of the visible region. The second chromophore has a squaraine-based core and therefore a linear structure, as also evinced from its absorption spectra. Both chromophores show an anomalous red shift of the absorption band upon increasing solvent polarity, a feature that is ascribed to the large, bulky structure of the moleCules. For these molecules, the basic description of polar solvation in terms of a uniform reaction field fails. Indeed, a simple extension of the model to account for two independent reaction fields associated with the two molecular arms quantitatively reproduces the observed linear absorption and fluorescence as well as fluorescence anisotropy spectra, fully rationalizing their nontrivial dependence on solvent polarity. The model derived from the analysis of linear spectra is adopted to predict nonlinear spectra and specifically hyper-Rayleigh scattering and two-photon absorption spectra. In polar solvents, the V-shaped chromophore is predicted to have a large HRS response in a wide spectral region (approximately 600-1300 nm). Anomalously large and largely solvent-dependent HRS responses for the linear chromophores are ascribed to symmetry lowering induced by polar solvation and amplified in this bulky system by the presence of two reaction fields.


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Many common activities, like reading, scanning scenes, or searching for an inconspicuous item in a cluttered environment, entail serial movements of the eyes that shift the gaze from one object to another. Previous studies have shown that the primate brain is capable of programming sequential saccadic eye movements in parallel. Given that the onset of saccades directed to a target are unpredictable in individual trials, what prevents a saccade during parallel programming from being executed in the direction of the second target before execution of another saccade in the direction of the first target remains unclear. Using a computational model, here we demonstrate that sequential saccades inhibit each other and share the brain's limited processing resources (capacity) so that the planning of a saccade in the direction of the first target always finishes first. In this framework, the latency of a saccade increases linearly with the fraction of capacity allocated to the other saccade in the sequence, and exponentially with the duration of capacity sharing. Our study establishes a link between the dual-task paradigm and the ramp-to-threshold model of response time to identify a physiologically viable mechanism that preserves the serial order of saccades without compromising the speed of performance.


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A Monte Carlo model of ultrasound modulation of multiply scattered coherent light in a highly scattering media has been carried out for estimating the phase shift experienced by a photon beam on its transit through US insonified region. The phase shift is related to the tissue stiffness, thereby opening an avenue for possible breast tumor detection. When the scattering centers in the tissue medium is exposed to a deterministic forcing with the help of a focused ultrasound (US) beam, due to the fact that US-induced oscillation is almost along particular direction, the direction defined by the transducer axis, the scattering events increase, thereby increasing the phase shift experienced by light that traverses through the medium. The phase shift is found to increase with increase in anisotropy g of the medium. However, as the size of the focused region which is the region of interest (ROI) increases, a large number of scattering events take place within the ROI, the ensemble average of the phase shift (Delta phi) becomes very close to zero. The phase of the individual photon is randomly distributed over 2 pi when the scattered photon path crosses a large number of ultrasound wavelengths in the focused region. This is true at high ultrasound frequency (1 MHz) when mean free path length of photon l(s) is comparable to wavelength of US beam. However, at much lower US frequencies (100 Hz), the wavelength of sound is orders of magnitude larger than l(s), and with a high value of g (g 0.9), there is a distinct measurable phase difference for the photon that traverses through the insonified region. Experiments are carried out for validation of simulation results.


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4-Alkoxy benzoic acids belong to an important class of thermotropic liquid crystals that are structurally simple and often used as starting materials for many novel mesogens. 4-Hexyloxybenzoic acid (HBA) is a homologue of the same series and exhibits an enantiotropic nematic phase. As this molecule could serve as an ideal model compound, high resolution C-13 NMR studies of HEA in solution, solid, and liquid crystalline phases have been undertaken. In the solid state, two-dimensional separation of undistorted powder patterns by effortless recoupling (2D SUPER) experiments have been carried out to estimate the magnitude of the components of the chemical shift anisotropy (GSA) tensor of all the aromatic carbons. These values have been used subsequently for calculating the orientational order parameters in the liquid crystalline phase. The GSA values computed by density functional theory (DFT) calculations showed good agreement with the 2D SUPER values. Additionally, C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings in the nematic phase have been determined by separated local field (SLF) spectroscopy at various temperatures and were used for computing the order parameters, which compared well with those calculated by using the chemical shifts. It is anticipated that the CSA values determined for MBA would be useful for the assignment of carbon chemical shifts and for the study of order and dynamics of structurally similar novel mesogens in their nematic phases.


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This study reports the activity of ionic substituted bimetallic Cu-Ni-modified ceria and Cu-Fe-modified ceria catalysts for low-temperature water gas shift (WGS) reaction. The catalysts were synthesized in nano-crystalline size by a sonochemical method and characterized by XRD, TEM, XPS, TPR and BET surface analyzer techniques. Due to the ionic substitution of these aliovalent base metals, lattice oxygen in CeO2 is activated and these catalysts show high activity for WGS at low temperature. An increase in the reducibility and oxygen storage capacity of bimetallic substituted CeO2, as evidenced by H-2-TPR experiments, is the primary reason for the higher activity towards WGS reaction. In the absence of feed CO2 and H-2, 100% conversion of CO with 100% H-2 selectivity was observed at 320 degrees C and 380 degrees C, for Cu-Ni-modified ceria and Cu-Fe-modified ceria catalysts. Notably, in the presence of feed H2O. a reverse WGS reaction does not occur over these ceria modified catalysts. A redox reaction mechanism, involving oxidation of CO adsorbed on the metal was developed to correlate the experimental data and determine kinetic parameters. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aerosol forcing remains a dominant uncertainty in climate studies. The impact of aerosol direct radiative forcing on Indian monsoon is extremely complex and is strongly dependent on the model, aerosol distribution and characteristics specified in the model, modelling strategy employed as well as on spatial and temporal scales. The present study investigates (i) the aerosol direct radiative forcing impact on mean Indian summer monsoon when a combination of quasi-realistic mean annual cycles of scattering and absorbing aerosols derived from an aerosol transport model constrained with satellite observed Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) is prescribed, (ii) the dominant feedback mechanism behind the simulated impact of all-aerosol direct radiative forcing on monsoon and (iii) the relative impacts of absorbing and scattering aerosols on mean Indian summer monsoon. We have used CAM3, an atmospheric GCM (AGCM) that has a comprehensive treatment of the aerosol-radiation interaction. This AGCM has been used to perform climate simulations with three different representations of aerosol direct radiative forcing due to the total, scattering aerosols and black carbon aerosols. We have also conducted experiments without any aerosol forcing. Aerosol direct impact due to scattering aerosols causes significant reduction in summer monsoon precipitation over India with a tendency for southward shift of Tropical Convergence Zones (TCZs) over the Indian region. Aerosol forcing reduces surface solar absorption over the primary rainbelt region of India and reduces the surface and lower tropospheric temperatures. Concurrent warming of the lower atmosphere over the warm oceanic region in the south reduces the land-ocean temperature contrast and weakens the monsoon overturning circulation and the advection of moisture into the landmass. This increases atmospheric convective stability, and decreases convection, clouds, precipitation and associated latent heat release. Our analysis reveals a defining negative moisture-advection feedback that acts as an internal damping mechanism spinning down the regional hydrological cycle and leading to significant circulation changes in response to external radiative forcing perturbations. When total aerosol loading (both absorbing and scattering aerosols) is prescribed, dust and black carbon aerosols are found to cause significant atmospheric heating over the monsoon region but the aerosol-induced weakening of meridional lower tropospheric temperature gradient (leading to weaker summer monsoon rainfall) more than offsets the increase in summer-time rainfall resulting from the atmospheric heating effect of absorbing aerosols, leading to a net decrease of summer monsoon rainfall. Further, we have carried out climate simulations with globally constant AODs and also with the constant AODs over the extended Indian region replaced by realistic AODs. Regional aerosol radiative forcing perturbations over the Indian region is found to have impact not only over the region of loading but over remote tropical regions as well. This warrants the need to prescribe realistic aerosol properties in strategic regions such as India in order to accurately assess the aerosol impact.


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Crystal structures of polymorphs and solvatomorphs of the potential anxiolytic drug fenobam exhibit an exclusive preference for one of the two possible tautomeric structures. A novel methodology based on nonlinear optical response has been successfully employed to detect the presence of a polymorphic impurity in a mixture of polymorphs.


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Recent studies show that fast climate response on time scales of less than a month can have important implications for long-term climate change. In this study, we investigate climate response on the time scale of days to weeks to a step-function quadrupling of atmospheric CO2 and contrast this with the response to a 4% increase in solar irradiance. Our simulations show that significant climate effects occur within days of a stepwise increase in both atmospheric CO2 content and solar irradiance. Over ocean, increased atmospheric CO2 warms the lower troposphere more than the surface, increasing atmospheric stability, moistening the boundary layer, and suppressing evaporation and precipitation. In contrast, over ocean, increased solar irradiance warms the lower troposphere to a much lesser extent, causing a much smaller change in evaporation and precipitation. Over land, both increased CO2 and increased solar irradiance cause rapid surface warming that tends to increase both evaporation and precipitation. However, the physiological effect of increased atmospheric CO2 on plant stomata reduces plant transpiration, drying the boundary layer and decreasing precipitation. This effect does not occur with increased solar irradiance. Therefore, differences in climatic effects from CO2 versus solar forcing are manifested within days after the forcing is imposed.


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Thermoacoustic engines are energy conversion devices that convert thermal energy from a high-temperature heat source into useful work in the form of acoustic power while diverting waste heat into a cold sink; it can be used as a drive for cryocoolers and refrigerators. Though the devices are simple to fabricate, it is very challenging to design an optimized thermoacoustic primemover with better performance. The study presented here aims to optimize the thermoacoustic primemover using response surface methodology. The influence of stack position and its length, resonator length, plate thickness, and plate spacing on pressure amplitude and frequency in a thermoacoustic primemover is investigated in this study. For the desired frequency of 207 Hz, the optimized value of the above parameters suggested by the response surface methodology has been conducted experimentally, and simulations are also performed using DeltaEC. The experimental and simulation results showed similar output performance.


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S100A2, an EF hand calcium-binding protein, is a potential biomarker in several cancers and is also a TGF-beta (transforming growth factor-beta)-regulated gene in melanoma and lung cancer cells. However, the mechanism of S100A2 regulation by TGF-beta and its significance in cancer progression remains largely unknown. In the present study we report the mechanism of S100A2 regulation by TGF-beta and its possible role in TGF-beta-mediated tumour promotion. Characterization of the S100A2 promoter revealed an AP-1 (activator protein-1) element at positions -1161 to -1151 as being the most critical factor for the TGF-beta 1 response. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and electrophoretic mobility-shift assays confirmed the functional binding of the AP-1 complex, predominantly JunB, to the S100A2 promoter in response to TGF-beta 1 in HaCaT keratinocytes. JunB overexpression markedly stimulated the S100A2 promoter which was blocked by the dominant-negative JunB and MEK1 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)/ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) kinase 1] inhibitor, PD98059. Intriguingly, despite the presence of a putative SMAD-binding element, S100A2 regulation by TGF-beta 1 was found to be SMAD3 independent. Interestingly, p53 protein and TGF-beta 1 show synergistic regulation of the S100A2 promoter. Finally, knockdown of S100A2 expression compromised TGF-beta 1-induced cell migration and invasion of Hep3B cells. Together our findings highlight an important link between the TGF-beta 1-induced MAPK and p53 signalling pathways in the regulation of S100A2 expression and pro-tumorigenic actions.


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Owing to the reduced co-relationship between conventional flat Petri dish culture (two-dimensional) and the tumour microenvironment, there has been a shift towards three-dimensional culture systems that show an improved analogy to the same. In this work, an extracellular matrix (ECM)-mimicking three-dimensional scaffold based on chitosan and gelatin was fabricated and explored for its potential as a tumour model for lung cancer. It was demonstrated that the chitosan-gelatin (CG) scaffolds supported the formation of tumoroids that were similar to tumours grown in vivo for factors involved in tumour-cell-ECM interaction, invasion and metastasis, and response to anti-cancer drugs. On the other hand, the two-dimensional Petri dish surfaces did not demonstrate gene-expression profiles similar to tumours grown in vivo. Further, the three-dimensional CG scaffolds supported the formation of tumoroids, using other types of cancer cells such as breast, cervix and bone, indicating a possible wider potential for in vitro tumoroid generation. Overall, the results demonstrated that CG scaffolds can be an improved in vitro tool to study cancer progression and drug screening for solid tumours.


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Combustion instability events in lean premixed combustion systems can cause spatio-temporal variations in unburnt mixture fuel/air ratio. This provides a driving mechanism for heat-release oscillations when they interact with the flame. Several Reduced Order Modelling (ROM) approaches to predict the characteristics of these oscillations have been developed in the past. The present paper compares results for flame describing function characteristics determined from a ROM approach based on the level-set method, with corresponding results from detailed, fully compressible reacting flow computations for the same two dimensional slot flame configuration. The comparison between these results is seen to be sensitive to small geometric differences in the shape of the nominally steady flame used in the two computations. When the results are corrected to account for these differences, describing function magnitudes are well predicted for frequencies lesser than and greater than a lower and upper cutoff respectively due to amplification of flame surface wrinkling by the convective Darrieus-Landau (DL) instability. However, good agreement in describing function phase predictions is seen as the ROM captures the transit time of wrinkles through the flame correctly. Also, good agreement is seen for both magnitude and phase of the flame response, for large forcing amplitudes, at frequencies where the DL instability has a minimal influence. Thus, the present ROM can predict flame response as long as the DL instability, caused by gas expansion at the flame front, does not significantly alter flame front perturbation amplitudes as they traverse the flame. (C) 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate the distinct glassy transport phenomena associated with the phase separated and spin-glass-like phases of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3, prepared under different heat-treatment conditions. The low-temperature annealed (phase-separated) sample, exhibits a small change in resistance, with evolution of time, as compared to the high-temperature annealed (spin glass) one. However, the resistance change as a function of time, in both cases, is well described by a stretched exponential fit, signifying the slow dynamics. Moreover, the ultraviolet spectroscopy study evidences a relatively higher density of states in the vicinity of EF for low-temperature annealed sample and this correctly points to its less semiconducting behavior.