989 resultados para Resistencia flexural
The Crystalline Nappe of the High Himalayan Crystalline has been examined along the Kulu Valley and its vicinity (Mandi-Khoksar transect). This nappe was believed to have undergone deformation related only to its transport towards the SW essentially during the `'Main Central Thrust event''. New data has led to the conclusion that during the Himalayan orogeny, two distinctive phases, related to two opposite transport directions, characterize the evolution of this part of the chain, before the creation of the late NE-vergent backfolding. The first phase corresponds to an early NE-vergent folding and thrusting, creating the Tandi Syncline and the NE-oriented Shikar Beh Nappe stack, with a displacement amplitude of about 50 km. Two schistosities, together with a strong stretching lineation are developed at a deep tectonic level under amphibolite facies conditions (kyanite-staurolite-garnet-two mica schists). At a higher tectonic level and in the southern part of the section (Tandy Syncline and southern Kulu Valley between Kulu and Mandi) one or two schistosities are developed in the greenschist facies grade rocks (garnet-biotite and biotite schists). These structures and the associated Barrovian type metamorphism are all related to the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe. The creation of the NE-verging Shikar Beh Nappe may be explained by the reactivation of a SW dipping listric normal fault of the N Indian flexural passive margin, during the early stages of the Himalayan orogeny. In the second phase, the still hot metamorphic rocks of the Shikar Beh Nappe were folded and thrust towards the SW (mainly along the MBT and the MCT with a displacement in excess of 100 km) onto the cold, low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Larji-Kulu-Rampur Window or, near Mandi, on the non-metamorphic sandstones of the Ganges Molasse (Siwaliks). Sense of shear criteria and a strong NE-SW stretching-lineation indicate that the Crystalline Nappe has been overthrusted towards the SW. Thermometry on synkinematically crystallised garnet-biotite and garnet-hornblende pairs reveals the lower amphibolite facies temperature conditions related to the Crystalline Nappe formation. From the muscovite and biotite Rb-Sr cooling ages, the Shikar Beh Nappe emplacement occurred before 32 Ma and the southwestward thrusting of the Crystalline Nappe began before 21 Ma. Our model involving two opposite directions of thrusting goes against the conventional idea of only one main SW-oriented transport direction in the High Himalayan Crystalline Nappes.
El Grupo para la Evaluación de Nuevas Variedades de Cultivos Extensivos en España (GENVCE) coordina los ensayos de evaluación de nuevas variedades de maíz, que realizan institutos y servicios oficiales de las distintas comunidades autónomas. En este artículo se presentan los resultados productivos y de parámetros agronómicos obtenidos en los ensayos de variedades de ciclo 700 y transgénicas derivadas del MON810 (ciclo 600 y 700), con resistencia a los taladros del maíz
Falar da construçao de igualdade de genero remete a um olhar para a trajectoria das mulheres, como elas foram se colocando ao longo das historia, sendo elas muitas vezes sub representadas, ou mesmo consideradas seres inferiores. foi e é preciso luta , resistencia e organizaçao para que elas pudessem sair dessa invisibilidade. Intitulado igualdade de genero no Poder Local, caso da Assembleia Municipal de São Vicente, este trabalho de investigaçao pretende analisar a evolução das mulheres na política em Cabo Verde e a igualdade de género no poder local mas propriamente na Assembleia Municipal de São Vicente. O trabalho encontra-se estruturado em 3 capítulos, primeiramente uma breve contextualização do tema igualdade de género, sendo ela produto de relações sociais, recorrendo as lutas dos movimentos feministas, para uma melhor compreensão da evolução das mulheres. No segundo capítulo abordamos alguns conceitos relacionados com o tema do presente trabalho e o terceiro capítulo encontra-se o estudo feito na Assembleia Municipal como forma de ver as questões de género em relação aos eleitos municipais.
The unconfined compression strength is a geotechnical parameter frequently used to determine the bearing capacity of foundations on clayey soils. Its value can be obtained from the unconfined compression test and, among several in situ tests, the standard penetration test (SPT). However, a comparison between the values of such a strength determined by both tests in CL, CL-ML and CH soils shows that it does not exist an approximate relationship. In any case it is remarkable that values of the test conducted in the laboratory fit between the lower and the higher ones calculated from the standard penetration number. This is very important for those geotechnical reports in which the unconfined compression strength is only based on the SPT. In this way, if the lower value is taken to evaluate the ultimate soilbearing capacity the result will not be very accurate but it will probably be by the side of safety
La pesca fantasma está relacionada con artes de pesca abandonados o perdidos que continúan capturando organismos marinos debido a que están construidas con fibras sintéticas de alta resistencia a la degradación. Los organismos capturados al no poder escapar, mueren y se descomponen, generando una cadena de mortalidad innecesaria. Las zonas de pesca de mayor incidencia de anguila Ophichthus remiger y merluza Merluccius gayi peruanus coinciden con las principales zonas rocosas, las cuales se encuentran a 15 millas de Paita con una extensión de 48 millas al sur y son consideradas de alta incidencia de pesca fantasma.
Comenta sobe la abundancia y distribución de la Anchoveta peruana, analizando el procesamiento del pez desde el año 1955, la estación de desove de huevos en todas las islas, cruces y semilleros cultivados para la resistencia al hielo en los laboratorios, entre otros informes.
Para realizar el seguimiento online de la carrera de resistencia TrailWalker que organiza anualmente Intermon OX, se ha desarrollado un sistema GIS formado por una aplicación cliente iOS para el teléfono iPhone, que mediante el sistema de localización de Apple transmite periódicamente la posición de los participantes a un servidor con el software ArcGIS for Server, que permitirá explotar la información espacial mediante un visor web.
Data collection to determine the rate of bond strength development between concrete overlays and existing pavements and the evaluation of nondestructive testing methods for determining concrete strength were the objectives of this study. Maturity meters and pulse velocity meters were employed to determine the rate of flexural strength gain and determine the time for opening of newly constructed pavements to traffic. Maturity measurements appear to provide a less destructive method of testing. Pulse velocity measurements do require care in the preparation of the test wells and operator care in testing. Both devices functioned well under adverse weather and construction conditions and can reduce construction traffic delay decisions. Deflection testing and strain gaging indicate differences in the reaction of the overlay and existing pavement under grouting versus nongrouted sections. Grouting did enhance the rate of bond development with Type I11 cement out performing the Type I1 grout section. Type I11 and Type I1 cement grouts enhanced resistance to cracking in uniformly supported pavements where joints are prepared prior to overlays achieving target flexural strengths. Torsional and direct shear testing provide additional ways of measuring bond development at different cure times. Detailed data analysis will be utilized by TRANSTEC, Inc. to develop a bonded overlay construction guidelines report.
Design and Evaluation of a Single-Span Bridge Using Ultra- High Performance Concrete, September 2009
Research presented herein describes an application of a newly developed material called Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) to a single-span bridge. The two primary objectives of this research were to develop a shear design procedure for possible code adoption and to provide a performance evaluation to ensure the viability of the first UHPC bridge in the United States. Two other secondary objectives included defining of material properties and understanding of flexural behavior of a UHPC bridge girder. In order to obtain information in these areas, several tests were carried out including material testing, large-scale laboratory flexure testing, large-scale laboratory shear testing, large-scale laboratory flexure-shear testing, small-scale laboratory shear testing, and field testing of a UHPC bridge. Experimental and analytical results of the described tests are presented. Analytical models to understand the flexure and shear behavior of UHPC members were developed using iterative computer based procedures. Previous research is referenced explaining a simplified flexural design procedure and a simplified pure shear design procedure. This work describes a shear design procedure based on the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) which can be used in the design of UHPC members. Conclusions are provided regarding the viability of the UHPC bridge and recommendations are made for future research.
The present research project was designed to identify the typical Iowa material input values that are required by the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) for the Level 3 concrete pavement design. It was also designed to investigate the existing equations that might be used to predict Iowa pavement concrete for the Level 2 pavement design. In this project, over 20,000 data were collected from the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and other sources. These data, most of which were concrete compressive strength, slump, air content, and unit weight data, were synthesized and their statistical parameters (such as the mean values and standard variations) were analyzed. Based on the analyses, the typical input values of Iowa pavement concrete, such as 28-day compressive strength (f’c), splitting tensile strength (fsp), elastic modulus (Ec), and modulus of rupture (MOR), were evaluated. The study indicates that the 28-day MOR of Iowa concrete is 646 + 51 psi, very close to the MEPDG default value (650 psi). The 28-day Ec of Iowa concrete (based only on two available data of the Iowa Curling and Warping project) is 4.82 + 0.28x106 psi, which is quite different from the MEPDG default value (3.93 x106 psi); therefore, the researchers recommend re-evaluating after more Iowa test data become available. The drying shrinkage (εc) of a typical Iowa concrete (C-3WR-C20 mix) was tested at Concrete Technology Laboratory (CTL). The test results show that the ultimate shrinkage of the concrete is about 454 microstrain and the time for the concrete to reach 50% of ultimate shrinkage is at 32 days; both of these values are very close to the MEPDG default values. The comparison of the Iowa test data and the MEPDG default values, as well as the recommendations on the input values to be used in MEPDG for Iowa PCC pavement design, are summarized in Table 20 of this report. The available equations for predicting the above-mentioned concrete properties were also assembled. The validity of these equations for Iowa concrete materials was examined. Multiple-parameters nonlinear regression analyses, along with the artificial neural network (ANN) method, were employed to investigate the relationships among Iowa concrete material properties and to modify the existing equations so as to be suitable for Iowa concrete materials. However, due to lack of necessary data sets, the relationships between Iowa concrete properties were established based on the limited data from CP Tech Center’s projects and ISU classes only. The researchers suggest that the resulting relationships be used by Iowa pavement design engineers as references only. The present study furthermore indicates that appropriately documenting concrete properties, including flexural strength, elastic modulus, and information on concrete mix design, is essential for updating the typical Iowa material input values and providing rational prediction equations for concrete pavement design in the future.
This review paper deals with the geology of the NW Indian Himalaya situated in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Garhwal. The models and mechanisms discussed, concerning the tectonic and metamorphic history of the Himalayan range, are based on a new compilation of a geological map and cross sections, as well as on paleomagnetic, stratigraphic, petrologic, structural, metamorphic, thermobarometric and radiometric data. The protolith of the Himalayan range, the North Indian flexural passive margin of the Neo-Tethys ocean, consists of a Lower Proterozoic basement, intruded by 1.8-1.9 Ga bimodal magmatites, overlain by a horizontally stratified sequence of Upper Proterozoic to Paleocene sediments, intruded by 470-500 Ma old Ordovician mainly peraluminous s-type granites, Carboniferous tholeiitic to alkaline basalts and intruded and overlain by Permian tholeiitic continental flood basalts. No elements of the Archaen crystalline basement of the South Indian shield have been identified in the Himalayan range. Deformation of the Himalayan accretionary wedge resulted from the continental collision of India and Asia beginning some 65-55 Ma ago, after the NE-directed underthrusting of the Neo-Tethys oceanic crust below Asia and the formation of the Andean-type 103-50 (-41) Ma old Ladakh batholith to the north of the Indus Suture. Cylindrical in geometry, the Himalayan range consists, from NE to SW, from older to younger tectonic elements, of the following zones: 1) The 25 km wide Ladakh batholith and the Asian mantle wedge form the backstop of the growing Himalayan accretionary wedge. 2) The Indus Suture zone is composed of obducted slices of the oceanic crust, island arcs, like the Dras arc, overlain by Late Cretaceous fore arc basin sediments and the mainly Paleocene to Early Eocene and Miocene epi-sutural intra-continental Indus molasse. 3) The Late Paleocene to Eocene North Himalayan nappe stack, up to 40 km thick prior to erosion, consists of Upper Proterozoic to Paleocene rocks, with the eclogitic and coesite bearing Tso Morari gneiss nappe at its base. It includes a branch of the Central Himalayan detachment, the 22-18 Ma old Zanskar Shear zone that is intruded and dated by the 22 Ma Gumburanjun leucogranite; it reactivates the frontal thrusts of the SW-verging North Himalayan nappes. 4) The late Eocene-Miocene SW-directed High Himalayan or ``Crystalline'' nappe comprises Upper Proterozoic to Mesozoic sediments and Ordovician granites, identical to those of the North Himalayan nappes. The Main Central thrust at its base was created in a zone of Eocene to Early Oligocene anatexis by ductile detachment of the subducted Indian crust, below the pre-existing 25-35 km thick NE-directed Shikar Beh and SW-directed North Himalayan nappe stacks. 5) The late Miocene Lesser Himalayan thrust with the Main Boundary Thrust at its base consists of early Proterozoic to Cambrian rocks intruded by 1.8-1.9 Ga bimodal magmatites. The Subhimalaya is a thrust wedge of Himalayan fore deep basin sediments, composed of the Early Eocene marine Subathu marls and sandstones as well as the up to 8'000 m-thick Miocene to recent Ganga molasse, a coarsening upwards sequence of shales, sandstones and conglomerates. The active frontal thrust is covered by the sediments of the Indus-Ganga plains.
[cat] Aquest treball recull el procés i els resultats de la recerca "Dones a la Ciència i a la Universitat: la contribució de la identitat docent i investigadora en contextos de desigualtat" (2007 RDG 00001)finançada per l'Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) en la convocatòria d'ajuts per a l'estudi de desigualtats originades per motius de gènere en l'àmbit científic i universitari (RDG) per l'any 2007. La finalitat d'aquest projecte ha estat explorar i reconstruirl'experiència personal i professional de tres generacions de dones en el procés de construcció de la seva identitat com a docents, investigadores i gestores. La forma d'assolir aquesta finalitat ha estatl'elaboració de 8 històries de vida professional per tal de comprendre la relació entre les seves trajectòries i les condicions de la seva feina i esbrinar com es van convertir en la mena de donesprofessores, investigadores o gestores que ara són; així com les relacions entre les experiències personals i el desenvolupament de les seves trajectòries professionals. En aquest procés s'han posat en evidència les estratègies d'adaptació, resistència i creació que les dones desenvolupen enla seva interacció amb el context de la docència, la recerca i la gestió, les formes de violència simbòlica que experimenten, i els canvis que s'han produït al centres de recerca i les universitats catalanes des de la perspectiva de gènere en els darrers trenta anys.
[spa] En este estudio se presentan los resultados del trabajo realizado sobre la calidad de las diferentes producciones de terra sigillata comercializadas en época de Augusto, como paso previo al estudio del consumo. A partir de la apiicación de técnicas arqueométricas, se han establecido criterios objetivos en algunos casos, cuantitativos como son la resistencia a la ruptura de las diferentes vajillas analizadas y la adherencia y el estado de sinterización de su barniz. De este modo, ha sido posible determinar la existencia de las diversas calidades, que deben influenciar el consumo cerámico.
This project consisted of slipforming a 4-inch thick econocrete subbase on a 6-mile section of US 63. The project location extends south from one mile south of Denver, Iowa to Black Hawk County Road C-66 and consisted of the reconstruction and new construction of a divided four-lane facility. The econocrete was placed 27.3 feet wide in a single pass. Fly ash was used in this field study to replace 30, 45 and 60 percent of the portland cement in three portland cement econocrete base paving mixes. The three mixes contained 300, 350 and 400 pounds of cementitious material per cubic yard. Two Class "C" ashes from Iowa approved sources were used. The ash was substituted on the basis of one pound of ash for each pound of cement removed. The work was done October 6-29, 1987 and May 25-June 9, 1988. The twelve subbase mixes were placed in sections 2500 to 3000 feet in length on both the north and southbound roadways. Compressive strengths of all mixes were determined at 3 and 28 days of age. Flexural strengths of all mixes were determined at 7 and 14 days. In all cases strengths were adequate. The freeze/thaw durability of the econocrete mixes used was reduced by increased fly ash levels but remained above acceptable limits. The test results demonstrate the feasibility of producing econocrete with satisfactory properties even using fly ash at substitution rates up to 45 percent.
[cat] Aquest treball recull el procés i els resultats de la recerca "Dones a la Ciència i a la Universitat: la contribució de la identitat docent i investigadora en contextos de desigualtat" (2007 RDG 00001)finançada per l'Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) en la convocatòria d'ajuts per a l'estudi de desigualtats originades per motius de gènere en l'àmbit científic i universitari (RDG) per l'any 2007. La finalitat d'aquest projecte ha estat explorar i reconstruirl'experiència personal i professional de tres generacions de dones en el procés de construcció de la seva identitat com a docents, investigadores i gestores. La forma d'assolir aquesta finalitat ha estatl'elaboració de 8 històries de vida professional per tal de comprendre la relació entre les seves trajectòries i les condicions de la seva feina i esbrinar com es van convertir en la mena de donesprofessores, investigadores o gestores que ara són; així com les relacions entre les experiències personals i el desenvolupament de les seves trajectòries professionals. En aquest procés s'han posat en evidència les estratègies d'adaptació, resistència i creació que les dones desenvolupen enla seva interacció amb el context de la docència, la recerca i la gestió, les formes de violència simbòlica que experimenten, i els canvis que s'han produït al centres de recerca i les universitats catalanes des de la perspectiva de gènere en els darrers trenta anys.