951 resultados para Religión romana
Government censorship in Eighteenth Century Spain was another means of the Spanish Enlightenment policy. Until mid-century both powers of Church and State were balanced, from Charles III’s reign on the censorship of the Consejo de Castilla tried to control and restrict not only the traditional power of the Inquisition, but also the intellectual output of the country, either ideological -criticism on the Crown’s policy- or cultural-publishing religious Works. It is important to notice that many members of the elergy collaborated with the State in that task; and also that, after the French Revolution, the Inquisition regained its previous role. In the last decade of the Seventeenth century the irreconcilable clash between the advocates and the critics of the Inquisition became evident
El trasplante hepático de donante vivo (THDV) se ha convertido en una alternativa aceptada al trasplante de donante cadáver, siendo realizado en Europa, Asia y EEUU. En Japón, el THDV representa un alto porcentaje de toda la actividad de trasplante hepático llevada a cabo. En Europa, sólo el 3,5%. ¿Puede condicionar la cultura y la religión el tipo de trasplante? ¿Qué diferencias existen en materia de donación y trasplante hepático entre Japón y Europa? ¿El THDV es una práctica ética? Objetivos: Comparar diferencias en materia de ley y donación entre la cultura japonesa y la cultura occidental; así como describir el THDV en ambas culturas. Especificar los “pros” y “contras” del THDV y conocer qué dilemas éticos aparecen en torno a la donación en vivo. Material y métodos: La tipología de trabajo realizada es una revisión bibliográfica. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron: Pubmed, Web of Knowledge, CINAHL y ProQuest Health & Medical Complete. Los descriptores empleados fueron: “brain-death”, “law”, “ethical”, “liver”, “living-donor”, “transplantation”, “Japan” and “Europe”. Conclusiones: La ley de trasplantes japonesa y europea es similar, por tanto, se demuestra que la cultura y religión condicionan el tipo de trasplante. Sin embargo, se ha detectado que la educación puede llegar, también, a ser un punto clave. Las técnicas quirúrgicas en THDV empleadas en Japón y Europa son distintas. En cambio, los resultados a largo plazo son similares. Es una técnica segura, con un riesgo mínimo para el donante y múltiples ventajas para el receptor. El trasplante de donante vivo vulnera dos principios éticos: benificiencia y no maleficiencia. A pesar de ello, se eximen estos principios de manera excepcional si se respeta la autonomía del donante y si se actúa sin ninguna intención maleficiente.
The aim of this article is to analyze accurately the role played by two classical references, Venus and Oedipus, in Tennessee Williams¿s Suddenly Last Summer, in accordance with the usual nature of studies on Classical Tradition ¿Greek and Roman- and focusing in this case on the relationship between literature and mythology. It is thanks to Venus and Oedipus that the playwright succeeds in showing the magnitude of men¿s and women¿s tragedy, which from his point of view is simply that they have failed to see either kindness in the face of God or to feel his loving and fatherly providence.
The aim of this article is to analyze accurately the role played by two classical references, Venus and Oedipus, in Tennessee Williams Suddenly Last Summer, in accordance with the usual nature of studies on Classical Tradition a Greek and Roman- and focusing in this case on the relationship between literature and mythology. It is thanks to Venus and Oedipus that the playwright succeeds in showing the magnitude of mens and womens tragedy, which from his point of view is simply that they have failed to see either kindness in the face of God or to feel his loving and fatherly providence.
The aim of this article is to analyze accurately the role played by two classical references, Venus and Oedipus, in Tennessee Williams's Suddenly Last Summer, in accordance with the usual nature of studies on Classical Tradition -Greek and Roman- and focusing in this case on the relationship between literature and mythology. It is thanks to Venus and Oedipus that the playwright succeeds in showing the magnitude of men¿s and women¿s tragedy, which from his point of view is simply that they have failed to see either kindness in the face of God or to feel his loving and fatherly providence.
The aim of this article is to show which are the dramatic "yields" of the inclusion of the reference to the goddess Diana in Tennessee Williams's Cat on a Hot tin Roof. In the author's opinion, it does not deal simply with a meaningful reference; on the contrary, the accurate analysis of Williams's text proves that it is a true nuclear and cohesive element of the whole drama.