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Little is known about the amount of water and ash in brazilian foodstuffs and plants. The relationships between fresh, dry and ash weight were determined in 40 different biological samples. It could be an important tool when one studies biological material containing low concentration of the chemical elements. This study address to determine these relationships and to provide the amount of biological material that one needs to collect. It aims to supply information that could be used to improve the detection limit, precision and accuracy of the analytical methodology utilized.
This work describes the mechanism of action of some reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in the oxidative stress of the human body, and their consequences on damage to DNA, RNA, proteins and lipids. It also illustrates the defense system of our organism against these ROS and RNS species. The action of nonenzymatic protection systems is reported, with emphasis on micromolecules like Q10 coenzyme, vitamin C, alpha-tocopherol, carotenoids and flavonoids. The importance of flavonoids is also emphasized, and their body protection mechanism is detailed.
In this work, seven samples of humic acids extracted from gleysoils were investigated. These studies, using NMR CP/MAS 13C techniques, did not show significant correlation between the E4/E6 ratio and the degree of aromaticity. However, dipolar dephasing (DD) measurements of condensed aromatic or substituted carbons showed a negative correlation of 0.94. Also, there was a good correlation between the amount of semiquinone free radicals measured by the EPR technique and condensed aromatic rings measured by NMR CP/MAS 13C with the DD technique. The content of semiquinone free radicals was quantified by EPR spectroscopy and was correlated with the humification (degree of aromaticity) of the humic substances. The results indicated that the E4/E6 ratio identifies the degree of aromatic rings condensation. It was also found that the degree of aromaticity, measured by NMR, as frequently presented in the literature (by conventional CP/MAS), underestimates aromatic rings in condensed structures.
Hydrogen-bonded complexes formed by the interaction of the heterocyclic molecules C2H4O and C2H5N with HF, HCN, HNC and C2H2 have been studied using density functional theory. The hydrogen bond strength has been analyzed through electron density charge transfer from the proton acceptor to the proton donor. The density charge transfer has been estimated using different methods such as Mulliken population analysis, CHELPG, GAPT and AIM. It has been shown that AIM-estimated charge transfer correlates very well with the hydrogen bond energy and the infrared bathochromic effect of the proton donor stretching frequencies.
The copper and cadmium complexation properties in natural sediment suspensions of reservoirs of the Tietê River were studied using the solid membrane copper and cadmium ion-selective electrodes. The complexation and the average conditional stability constants were determined under equilibrium conditions at pH=6.00 ± 0.05 in a medium of 1.0 mol L-1 sodium nitrate, using the Scatchard method. The copper and cadmium electrodes presented Nernstian behavior from 1x10-6 to 1x10-3 mol L-1 of total metal concentration. Scatchard graphs suggest two classes of binding sites for both metals. A multivariate study was done to correlate the reservoirs and the variables: complexation properties, size, total organic carbon, volatile acid sulfide, E II and pH.
The chemical role of iron-bearing compounds on the dynamics of phosphorus in selected Brazilian latosols was investigated. The iron oxides were characterized in an attempt to assess their main chemical-mineralogical properties influencing the ion sorption mechanisms in those pedosystems. It was found that increasing total iron contents tend to increase the phosphorus adsorption capacity in the selected soils. 110 K-Mössbauer data reveal that the dominant iron oxides are hematite and goethite. Particularly for the yellower soil samples some prominent doublets, more certainly due to superparamagnetic relaxation, may be assigned to corresponding fractions of relatively small-sized particles.
The De Broglie's relation was a fundamental step in the development of a wave nature for matter. Therefore, we have examined it from the perspective of the new atomic theory. This relation makes successful predictions of the stable energy levels for electrons orbiting a nucleus. The formulation of the de Broglie's relation is a fundamental application of the theory of wave-particle duality for a material particle. In this work, the direct demonstration employing the equations E = mc² and E = hcλ, was avoided. We provide a complete analysis of this relation considering features of the special theory of relativity.
The use of analytical pyrolysis combined with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) to determine the syringyl/guaiacyl ratio (S/G) in lignins from Eucalyptus spp woods was investigated. Sample of E. grandis and "E. urograndis" wood, with and without extractives, were subjected to pyrolysis from 300 ºC to 600 ºC. The products that results from pyrolysis were identified by mass spectrometry and the S/G ratio was determined based on the areas of the peaks corresponding to the guaiacyl and syringyl derivatives. The best S/G estimation is achieved when pyrolysis is carried out at 550 ºC. Extractives and carbohydrate present in the woods do not interfere with the results.
Multidrug resistance, MDR is a major obstacle for cancer chemotherapy. MDR can be reversed by drugs that vary in their chemical structure and main biological activity. Many efforts have been done to overcome MDR based on studies of structure-activity relationships and in this review we summarize some aspects of MDR mediated by P-glycoprotein (P-gp), as the most experimentally and clinically tested form of drug resistance. The most significant MDR mechanisms revealed until now are shortly discussed. Physicochemical and structural properties of MDR modulators, measures of the MDR reversal, and QSAR studies are included.
In light of the theory of relationship with know of Bernard Charlot, aiming to understand the unique stories of the subject through a positive lecture, i.e., understanding the reality and the way the subjects read and interpret the world, this article attempts identify how higher education students solve an investigative case and learn the scientific knowledge using this theory. For this, we used narrative as a discourse genre to collect the data of 34 students who participated in the small group activities. After content analysis, the results showed that all groups of students solve the case in a similar way and in three stages, prevailing relations with know with the world, with others and with yourself. However, even if the resolution is similar, chemical learning differs between different groups and differs between the scientific content present in the case. From these results it is possible to identify the effectiveness of learning depends on the epistemic and identity relationships with know of each subject (relationship with yourself) because to learn the student must enter into an intellectual activity (investigative case), stay on it and develop the relationships with known necessary to master the normativity (chemical language).
Áreas de uma microbacia sem a incidência de doenças causadas por Rhizoctonia solani GA 4 foram agrupadas estatisticamente, pelo método de Ward, com relação à supressividade dos solos ao patógeno, avaliada pela taxa de crescimento micelial. Entre os grupos formados, foi definido um gradiente de supressividade. A relação entre gradientes de supressividade e tipos de cobertura vegetal foi descrita com auxílio da análise de correspondências múltiplas, sendo que, de modo geral, o pasto e o pousio, seguidos da mata, tornaram os solos mais supressivos, ao passo que a cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum), o milho (Zea mays ), o café (Coffea arabica) e o solo arado tornaram os solos mais conducentes. Porém, os resultados mostraram que outros fatores, além da cobertura vegetal, podem estar afetando a supressividade. Um tratamento biocida (fumigação) dos solos mais supressivos promoveu um maior incremento da taxa de crescimento do patógeno do que o observado com solos mais conducentes.
Foram identificados isolados de Magnaporthe grisea do Brasil a serem utilizados como parentais em estudos de determinação do tipo compatível ("mating type") do fungo. A escolha dos melhores parentais baseou-se naqueles isolados que determinaram o tipo compatível de maior número de isolados de M. grisea do trigo (Triticum aestivum). A inter-relação sexual da brusone do trigo com a brusone de diversos hospedeiros foi avaliada de acordo com os seguintes parâmetros: determinação de tipo compatível (MAT1-1 e MAT1-2), sexualidade (hermafrodita, fêmea e macho), fertilidade (número de peritécios) e produção de órgãos sexuais (peritécio, ascas e ascósporos). Os parentais Bp3a e Br118.2D possibilitaram a identificação do tipo compatível de maior porcentagem dos isolados da brusone do trigo. Entre as diversas gramíneas estudadas, os isolados de brusone provenientes de Brachiaria plantaginea e T. aestivum podem influenciar na alta variabilidade de M. grisea do trigo. Verificou-se variabilidade genética dentro de isolados de Setaria geniculata, sugerindo que a brusone desse hospedeiro pode influir na variabilidade da brusone do trigo. Isolados de brusone do arroz (Oryza sativa) apresentaram baixa fertilidade sexual.
A podridão do colmo de milho (Zea mays) causada por Fusarium moniliforme tem ocorrência generalizada nas regiões produtoras do Brasil. Visando obter informações sobre o comportamento da doença, foram conduzidos dois experimentos em campo, um inoculando-se artificialmente colmo de plantas aos 30, 55 e 80 dias após a semeadura, e outro testando-se diferentes concentrações de inóculo, 1x10(4), 5x10(5) e 1x10(7) conídios/ml, aplicadas aos 55 dias após a semeadura. Nesses experimentos utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com respectivamente, quatro e cinco repetições, sendo cada parcela constituída de 50 plantas. As inoculações foram feitas no centro do segundo entrenó alongado acima do solo. A avaliação da doença foi realizada aos 120 dias após a semeadura, com base na sintomatologia interna do colmo, utilizando uma escala de notas variando de 1 a 9. Por ocasião da colheita foram avaliados o número de plantas acamadas e a produção de grãos. Procedeu-se também a análise do teor de lignina e tanino da casca e da parte interna do entrenó inoculado nos diferentes tratamentos. Todas as concentrações de inóculo testadas permitiram diferenciar os níveis de resistência dos híbridos, sendo estes decrescentes a partir do Cargill 333 para o Cargill 901, tendo o Dina 766 um comportamento intermediário. Por outro lado, não houve diferenças significativas para as inoculações em diferentes épocas. Os teores de taninos não foram significativamente diferentes entre os híbridos, já o teor de lignina foi significativamente relacionado com o nível de resistência dos três híbridos avaliados.
A quantificação do inóculo de Diplodia macrospora e de D. maydis nos restos culturais do milho (Zea mays)é fundamental para demonstrar a importância desta fonte de inóculo, bem como servir de base para o desenvolvimento de estratégias alternativas de controle. Em experimentos conduzidos no campo, nas safras de verão de 1995/96 e 1996/97, quantificaram-se a quantidade de restos culturais do milho sobre o solo após a semeadura, a densidade de conídiosnos resíduos e o inóculo disseminado pelo ar, bem como a incidência de cada espécie de Diplodia nos grãos de milho colhidos. A quantidade de conídios nos restos culturais foi de 2,1 x 10(5), para D. macrospora, e de 1,0 x 10(5) para D. maydis, no primeiro ano e de 4,2 x 10(5) e 3,4 x 10(6) m-2, respectivamente, no segundo. A dispersão anemófila de conídios foi mais intensa da semeadura até a quarta semana para D. maydis, e da décima semana até a colheita para D. macrospora. O número médio de conídios por cirro foi de 865 para D. macrospora e de 685 para D. maydis. A incidência média nos grãos foi de 75,5% para D. macrospora e de 25,5% para D. maydis. Com este trabalho, observou-se a importância relativa das espécies de Diplodia envolvidas no processo infeccioso de espigas de milho, demonstrando-se que D. macrospora foi a mais freqüente. Comprovou-se também que os restos culturais são necessários à sobrevivência desses patógenos na área cultivada, servindo como fonte de inóculo à infecção da planta e espigas de milho.