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The family Sisoridae is one of the largest and most diverse Asiatic catfish families, most species occurring in the water systems of the Qinhai-Tibetan Plateau and East Himalayas. To date published morphological and molecular phylogenetics hypotheses of sisorid catfishes are part congruent, and there are some areas of significant disagreement with respect to intergeneric relationships. We used mitochondrial cytochrome b and 16S rRNA gene sequences to clarify existing gaps in phylogenetics and to test conflicting vicariant and dispersal biogeographical hypotheses of Chinese sisorids using dispersal-vicariance analysis and weighted ancestral area analysis in combination with palaeogeographical data as well as molecular clock calibration. Our results suggest that: (1) Chinese sisorid catfishes form a monophyletic group with two distinct clades, one represented by (Gagata (Bagarius, Glyptothorax)) and the other by (glyptosternoids, Pseudecheneis); (2) the glyptosternoid is a monophyletic group and Glyptosternum, Glaridoglanis, and Exostoma are three basal species having a primitive position among it; (3) a hypothesis referring to Pseudecheneis as the sister group of the glyptosternoids, based on morphological evidence, is supported; (4) the genus Pareuchiloglanis, as presently defined, is not monophyletic; (5) congruent with previous hypotheses, the uplift of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau played a primary role in the speciation and radiation of the Chinese sisorids; and (6) an evolutionary scenario combining aspects of both vicariance and dispersal theory is necessary to explain the distribution pattern of the glyptosternoids. In addition, using a cytochrome b substitution rate of 0.91% per million years and 0.23% for 16S rRNA, we tentatively date that the glyptosternoids most possibly originated in Oligocene-Miocene boundary (19-24Myr), and radiated from Miocene to Pleistocene, along with a center of origin in the Irrawaddy-Tsangpo drainages and several rapid speciation in a relatively short time. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The spawning areas and early development of long spiky-head carp, Luciobrama macrocephalus (Lacepede), an endemic fish species in China, were investigated in the Yangtze River and Pearl River of central and southeastern China between 1961 and 1993. The potamodromous fish migrated upstream to spawn between May and July as the floodwater began to rise. The water-hardened eggs drifted down the river, and the embryos and larvae developed in the course of drifting. The spawning areas of the fish were widely found in the upper and middle main channels and large tributaries. Two large dams (Gezhouba dam and Danjiangkou dam) did not significantly impact on the reproduction of the fish. Fifty stages of the early development from one cell to the juvenile with fully formed fins were observed and characterized pictorially. The larvae of long spiky-head carp could be distinguished from the larvae of other co-occurring species by counting the number of somites and comparing the proportion of sizes of eye to otic capsule.


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Bioaccumulation of PCDD/F in the foodweb was investigated in the Ya-Er Lake area, which was heavily polluted by PCDD/F. The high concentrations of PCDD/F in sediment can be transferred and bioaccumulated by aquatic organisms and humans through various pathways. Benthonic invertebrate animals and aquatic plants with a lot of fibers in the root can accumulate PCDD/F from sediment and water. Snail (Bellamya aeruginosa), shrimp (Macrobranchium sp.) and freshwater mussel (Acuticosta chinensis (Lea)) took up PCDD/F from the water and maintained the emission patterns, whereas fish tended to selectively accumulate 2,3,7,8-substituted isomers. The tissues of fish-eating bird and duck (Anas platyrhynchos) were very highly contaminated by PCDD/F due to ingestion of fish and other aquatic organisms from sediment. The residual concentration in breast milk depended on the original concentration of PCDD/F in the food. A resident in Ya-Er Lake area showed a daily intake of PCDD/ F of about 9.14 pg TEQ/kg body weight/day. This is higher than the tolerable daily intake (TDI) for PCDD/F (1 pg TEQ/kg body weight/day), which was recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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研究了黄土丘陵区油松天然次生林林窗的形状、大小结构、分布、形成木特征及其更新状况.结果表明:在油松天然次生林中,林冠林窗(CG)和扩展林窗(EG)面积均呈以小林窗为主的偏态分布.CG平均面积为31.15 m2,以20~40 m2林窗的数量比和面积比最大,分别为38.24%和30.50%;EG平均面积为58.04 m2,以30~60 m2的数量比和面积比最大,分别为36.77%和27.79%,且CG的平均面积占EG平均面积的53.67%;林窗形状多呈椭圆形,高度多在14~16 m;林窗形成年龄以10~20年为主,占33.82%.林窗中基折和枯立木分别占形成木总数的47.66%和23.44%.林窗形成的主要因素是人为间伐或盗伐,树木衰老等引起的抗性下降、干旱、病虫害等也是导致树木死亡的原因之一;每个林窗中平均有1.89个形成木,其中以2株形成木的林窗最多.林窗形成木主要是油松,其次为山杨、白桦和辽东栎等.形成木的径级呈明显的偏态分布,以10~20 cm和21~30 cm径级最为普遍,分别占总数的25.0%和45.31%,与林窗面积偏态分布吻合;林窗内林木的更新状况好于林下,且油松幼苗不存在断层,而油松林下幼苗在年...


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When water seeps upwards through a saturated soil layer, the soil layer may become instability and water films occur and develop. Water film serves as a natural sliding surface because of its very small friction. Accordingly, debris flow may happen. To investigate this phenomenon, a pseudo-three-phase media is presented first. Then discontinuity method is used to analyze the expansion velocity of water film. Finally, perturbation method is used to analyze the case that a water flow is forced to seep upwards through the soil layer while the movement of the skeleton may be neglected relative to that of water. The theoretical evolutions of pore pressure gradient, effective stress, water velocity, the porosity and the eroded fine grains are obtained. It can be seen clearly that with the erosion and re-deposited of fine grains, permeability at some positions in the soil layer becomes smaller and smaller and, the pore pressure gradient becomes bigger and bigger, while the effective stress becomes smaller and smaller. When the effective stress equals zero, e.f. liquefaction, the water film occurs. It is shown also that once a water film occurs, it will be expanded in a speed of (U)(t)/(1 - E >).


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在人类活动导致全球变暖的前提下,由于全球气温的升高,地表水分加速向空中蒸发。从20世纪70年代至今,地球上严重干旱地区的面积几乎扩大了一倍。这一增长的一半可归因于气温升高而不是降雨量下降,因为实际上同期全球平均降水量还略有增长。干旱对陆地植物和农林生态系统产生深远影响,并已成为全球变化研究的一个重要方面。位于青藏高原东部的川西亚高山针叶林是研究气候变暖对陆地生态系统影响的重要森林类型。森林采伐迹地、人工林下和林窗环境作为目前该区人工造林和森林更新的重要生境,其截然不同的光环境对亚高山针叶林更新和森林动态有非常重要的影响。凋落物产生的化感物质可通过影响种子萌发和早期幼苗的定居而影响种群的建立和更新,而人工林和自然林物种以及更新速度的差异性也都受凋落物的影响。 云杉是川西亚高山针叶林群落的重要树种之一,在维持亚高山森林的景观格局和区域生态安全方面具有十分重要的作用,其自然更新能力及其影响机制一直是研究的热点问题。本试验以云杉种子和2年生幼苗为研究对象,从萌发、根尖形态、幼苗生长、光合作用、渗透调节和抗氧化能力等方面研究了不同光环境下水分亏缺和凋落物水浸液对云杉种子和幼苗生长的影响。旨在从更新的角度探讨亚高山针叶林自然更新的过程,其研究成果可在一定程度上为川西亚高山针叶林更新提供科学依据,同时也可为林业生产管理提供科学指导。主要研究结论如下: 水分亏缺在生长形态、光合作用、抗氧化能力、活性氧化对云杉幼苗都有显著影响。总体表现为,水分亏缺导致了云杉幼苗的高度、地径、单株总生物量降低,增加了地下部分的生长;水分亏缺显著降低了云杉叶片中相对含水量、光合色素、叶氮含量,净光合速率和最大量子产量(Fv/Fm),提高了幼苗叶片中膜脂过氧化产物(MDA)的含量;水分亏缺提高了幼苗叶片中过氧化氢(H2O2)含量,超氧荫离子(O2-)生成速率以及脯氨酸和抗氧化系统的活性(ASA, SOD, CAT, POD, APX和GR)。从这些结果可知,植物在遭受水分亏缺导致的伤害时,其自身会形成防御策略,并通过改变形态和生理方面的特性以减轻害。但是,这种自我保护机制依然不能抵抗严重水分亏缺对植物的伤害。 模拟林下低光照条件显著增加单株植物的地上部分生长,尤其是其叶片的比叶面积(叶面积/叶干重),同时其光合色素含量和叶片相对含水量也显著增加,这些改变直接导致植株光合速率和生物量的增加。同时,与高光照水平相比,低光照幼苗的膜脂过氧化产物(MDA)和活性氧物质均较低,显示出低光照比高光照水平对植物的更低的氧化伤害。尽管低光照也导致大部分抗氧化酶活性降低,但这正显示出植物遭受低的氧化伤害,更印证了前面的结论。 凋落物水浸液影响了云杉种子的萌发和根系的生长,更在形态、光合作用、抗氧化能力、活性氧物质以及叶氮水平上显著影响了云杉幼苗,其中,以人工纯林凋落物的影响更有强烈。具体表现在,种子萌发速率和萌发种子幼根的长度表现为对照>自然林处理>人工纯林;凋落物水浸液抑制种子分生区和伸长区的生长,人工林处理更降低了根毛区的生长,使根吸水分和养分困难。对2年生幼苗的影响主要表现在叶绿素含量、光合速率以及叶氮含量的降低;膜脂过氧化产物、活性氧物质和抗氧化酶系统的显著增加。同样的,人工纯林处理对云杉幼苗的影响显著于自然林处理。 在自然生态系统中,由于全球变暖气温升高导致的水分亏缺和森林凋落物都存在森林的砍伐迹地,林窗和林下环境中。我们的研究表明,与迹地或林窗强光照比较,林下的低光照环境由于为植物的生长营造了较为湿润的微环境,因此水分亏缺在林下对云杉幼苗造成的影响微弱。这可以从植物的形态、光合速率以及生物量积累,过氧化伤害和抗氧化酶系统表现出来。另一方面,凋落物水浸液在模拟林下低光照环境对植物的伤害也微弱于强光照环境,这与强光照环境高的水分散失导致环境水分亏缺有关;而人工纯林处理对云杉幼苗的伤害比对照和自然林处理显示出强烈的抑制作用。 Under the pre-condition of global warming resulted from intensive human activities, water in the earth’s surface rapidly evaporates due to the increase of global air temperature. From 1970s up to now, the area of serious drought in the world is almost twice as ever. This increase might be due to the increasing air temperature and not decreasing rainfall because global average rainfall in the corresponding period slightly is incremental. Drought will have profound impacts on terrestrial and agriculture-forest system and has also become the important issue of global change research. The subalpine coniferous forests in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau provide a natural laboratory for the studying the effects of global warming on terrestrial ecosystems. The light environment significantly differs among cutting blanks, forest gap and understory, which is particularly important for plant regeneration and forest dynamics in the subalpine coniferous forests. Picea asperata is one of the keystone species of subalpine coniferouis forests in western China, and it is very important in preserving landscape structure and regional ecological security of subalpine forests. The natural regeneration capacities and influence mechanism of Picea asperata are always the hot topics. In the present study, the short-term effects of two light levels (100% of full sunlight and 15% of full sunlight), two watering regimes (100% of field capacity and 30% of field capacity), two litter aqueous extracts (primitive forest and plantation aqueous extracts) on the seed germination, early growth and physiological traits of Picea asperata were determined in the laboratory and natural greenhouse. The present study was undertaken so as to give a better understanding of the regeneration progress affected by water deficit, low light and litter aqueous extracts. Our results could provide insights into the effects of climate warming on community composition and regeneration behavior for the subalpine coniferous forest ecosystem processes, and provide scientific direction for the forest production and management. Water deficit had significant effects on growth, morphological, physiological and biochemical traits of Picea asperata seedlings. Water deficit resulted in the decrease in height, basal diameter, total biomass and increase in under-ground development; water deficit significantly reduced the needle relative water content, photosynthetic pigments, needle nitrogen concentration, net photosynthetic rate and the maximum potential quantum yield of photosynthesis (Fv/Fm), and increased the degree of lipid peroxidation (MDA) in Picea asperata seedlings; water deficit also increased the rate of superoxide radical (O2-) production, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content, free proline content and the activities of antioxidant systems (ASA, SOD, POD, CAT, APX and GR) in Picea asperata seedlings. These results indicated that some protective mechanism was formed when plants suffered from drought stress, but the protection could not counteract the harm resulting from the serious drought stress on them. Low light in the understory significantly increased seedling above-ground development, especially the species leaf area (SLA), and photosynthetic pigments and relative needle content. These changes resulted in the increase in net photosynthetic rate and total biomass. Moreover, the lower MDA content and active oxygen species (AOS) (H2O2 and O2-) in low light seedlings suggested that low light had weaker oxidative damage as compared to high light. Lower antioxidant enzymes activities in low light seedlings indicated the weaker oxidative damage on Picea asperata seedlings than high light seedlings, which was correlative with the changes in MDA and AOS. Litter aqueous extracts affected seed germination and root system of Picea asperata seedlings. Significant changes in growth, photosynthesis, antioxidant activities, active oxygen species and leaf nitrogen concentration were also found in Picea asperata seedlings, and plantation treatment showed the stronger effects on these traits than those in control and primitive forest treatment. The present results indicated that seed germination and radicle length parameters in control were superior to those in primitive forest treatment, and those of primitive forest treatment were superior to plantation treatment; litter aqueous extracts inhibited the meristematic and elongation zone, and plantation treatment caused a decrease in root hairs so as to be difficult in absorbing water and nutrient in root system. On the other hand, litter aqueous extracts significantly decreased chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate and leaf nitrogen concentration of Picea asperata seedlings; MDA, AOS and antioxidant system activities were significantly increased in Picea asperata seedlings. Similarly, plantation treatment had more significant effect on Picea asperata seedlings as compared to primitive forest treatment. In the nature ecosystem, water deficit resulted from elevating air temperature and litter aqueous extract may probably coexist in the cutting blank, forest gap and understory. Our present study showed that water deficit had weaker effects on low light seedlings in the understory as compared to high light seedlings in the cutting blank and forest gap. The fact was confirmed from seedlings growth, gas exchange and biomass accumulation, peroxidation and antioxidant systems. This might be due to that low light-reduced leaf and air temperatures, vapour-pressure deficit, and the oxidative stresses can aggravate the impact of drought under higher light. On the other hand, litter aqueous extracts in the low light had weaker effects on the Picea asperata seedlings than those at high light level, which might be correlative to the water evapotranspiration under high light. Moreover, plantation litter aqueous extracts showed stronger inhibition for seed germination and seedling growth than control and primitive forest treatments.


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横断山地区是一个十分自然的植物区系地区,在中国植物区系分区中是作为泛北极植物区中国-喜马拉雅亚区中的一个地区,其种子植物区系具有丰富的科、属、种,地理成分复杂,特有现象和替代现象明显。该地区作为植物区系和生物多样性的研究热点地区,长期以来极受中外植物学家关注。横断山脉东缘是中国-喜马拉雅和中国-日本植物区系的交汇过渡区域,北部的岷江流域以及南部的金沙江流域,孕育了该区丰富的物种资源和植被资源。而岷江干热河谷和金沙江干热河谷的相似性和相关性,更为该区的植物区系和生物多样性南北的对比研究提供了有利的条件。 本研究选择的九顶山西坡和龙肘山分别位于横断山区北部和南部,九顶山属岷江流域而龙肘山属金沙江流域。本研究结合植物区系研究和生物多样性研究,对该区的植物资源进行调查。通过样带调查和样线踏查结合,大量详实的野外样方调查和标本采集,进行传统的区系研究和生物多样性研究。研究该区物种多样性的海拔梯度格局及其潜在的影响影子,并利用新的区系评估质量方法对九顶山西坡的植物区系质量进行定量的研究,以期能更为深刻的理解该区的植物资源,为该区的资源保护和利用提供合理可行的建议。主要研究结论如下: 1)九顶山西坡植物区系的性质和特点 经鉴定和统计,九顶山西坡共有1707 种维管植物,分属617 属和140 科,其中种子植物1616 种,分属572 属117 科。就科的分布区成分构成而言,该区系的热带成分与温带成分相当,热带成分略占优势,表明九顶山西坡的植物区系与热带植物区系有较强的联系。但是,在九顶山西坡属的分布区类型所占的比例上,温带成分远远超过了热带成分,本区的种子植物分布表现出明显的温带性质。且温带分布类型的许多物种组成了九顶山西坡植被的建群种和优势种,是本区系最重要的成分,充分体现了本区系的温带性质。 2)九顶山西坡不同植被带的生物多样性海拔梯度格局 基于对土门-断头崖、茶山-九顶山、雁门沟-光光山三条垂直植被样带的调查,我们发现九顶山西坡的生物多样性沿海拔梯度的变化呈现出一定的规律性,不同样带之间有一定差异。就三条样带的物种组成相似性来看,虽然土门-断头崖样带属于涪江水系,而茶山-九顶山样带和雁门沟-光光山样带属于岷江水系,但不同水系对该区物种组成的影响并不明显。三条样带中,草本层物种丰富度均远远大于灌木层和乔木层,而以乔木层物种丰富度最低;α-多样性指数随着海拔梯度的变化在土门-断头崖样带中呈现单一下降趋势,在茶山-九顶山样带表现为双峰模型,而在雁门沟-光光山样带则表现为不显著波动变化;均匀度指数在土门-断头崖样带呈现出单一下降的趋势,在雁门沟-光光山样带表现为凹形曲线,而在茶山-九顶山样带却无明显的变化规律。β-多样性指数在土门-断头崖样带和茶山-九顶山样带呈现出明显的波动状态,植被类型替代现象明显;而在雁门沟-光光山样带却并未有十分显著的转折点,因其水平植被带受到干扰,同海拔替代现象不显著。 3)九顶山西坡维管植物丰富度的海拔梯度格局 我们考察了九顶山西坡和两条垂直样带(土门-断头崖和雁门沟-光光山样带)的不同分类等级(包括科、属、种)和不同生活型物种(乔木、灌木、禾草、蕨类和其它草本)的丰富度沿着海拔梯度的分布。结果发现,物种的丰富度海拔梯度格局具有不同的模式,单一下降和中间膨胀格局依然是其主流。不同生活型的物种具有不同的丰富度格局,但是对于环境需求相似的类型具有较相似的丰富度格局。不同的丰富度格局可能由多因素导致,包括:气候,海拔跨度,面积,人为干扰等等。 4)九顶山西坡区系质量评估 我们尝试使用传统的区系质量评估方法对九顶山西坡的区系质量进行评估,并尝试使用一种新的区系质量评估体系对该区的区系进行评价。在九顶山西坡随着海拔梯度的上升,平均保守性系数在各条植被带中均呈现出逐渐上升的趋势。区系质量指数随着海拔的升高都表现为双峰模型,在植被交错区区系质量指数相对较高,而在海拔的两极,区系质量指数都很低。大部分地区使用新方法计算所得的加权平均保守性系数和区系质量指数都比传统方法计算的平均保收性系数和区系质量指数要高,说明在九顶山西坡的三条样带中,大部分地区都是那些保守性系数较高的物种占据优势,同时也表明九顶山西坡具有很高质量的区系和自然植被。 5)龙肘山种子植物区系的性质和特点 龙肘山种子植物区系的物种较为丰富,共有154 科,544 属,1156 种。科的优势十分明显,单种属和寡种属数量众多,说明本区系植物成分较为复杂、起源古老、物种多样性指数较高。地理成分复杂,分布类型多样,其中热带成分在总数量上高于温带成分,但是许多温带成分的属是该区植被的重要建群类群和优势类群,表现出明显的亚热带性质。 6)龙肘山生物多样性的现状和特点 在海拔梯度上,龙肘山地区无论是科、属、种的数量,还是不同等级分类单元之间的数量比,均呈现先升后降的趋势,并在中海拔地区达到峰值。物种多样性指数从总体上来说变化幅度不大,略有先升后降的趋势,在中海拔梯度物种多样性最高。乔、灌、草三层的多样性指数表现出乔木层<灌木层<草本层的特征;乔木层均匀度的变化很大,而灌木层和草本层均匀度的变化较小;灌木层均匀度的波动又强于草本层。β-多样性指数呈现单峰模式,中海拔地区最高。就龙肘山东、西坡物种多样性相比较而言,两者虽然在数值上交替上升,但是却体现出了较为一致的趋势,但西坡因受到干热河谷气候的影响,其平均气温要高于东坡,导致了东坡植物群落和物种的分布比西坡要低。在区系成分构成上,低山区的相同海拔段,西坡的热带亚热带成分所占的比例要比东坡高,这是因为西坡的平均气温比东坡稍高,导致了热带、亚热带物种分布更多。而随着海拔的上升,东、西两坡的气候、土壤等条件趋于一致,其植物区系成分的构成格局也趋于一致。 The Hengduan Mountain region is a very natural floristic region; it belongs toChina-Himalaya sub-region of Holarctic region in floristic subarea of China. The flora in this areais rich in family, genus and species; has a very complex composition of geographical elements;especially with high richness of endemic species and obvious substitution phenomenon. Thisregion as a hot-spot area of floristic and biodiversity, has fascinated biologists in the world for along time. The eastern range of Hengduan Mountain is the transition zone of China – Himalayaforest sub-region and China-Japan forest sub-region in floristic. The water systems are quitedifferent, Minjiang River in the north and Jishajiang River in the south grow quit different but alsoabundant plant species and vegetation resources. The similarity and correlativity of Minjiang River dry valleys and Jinshajiang River dry valleys have provided advantageous condition tocontrast flora and biodiversity between north and south. In the present study, the Jiuding Mountainlies in the north of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Minjiang River, and the LongzhouMountain lies in the south of Hengduan Mountain and belongs to Jinshajiang River. In our study, we combined the methods of floristic research and biodiversity investigation toexplore the resources of plant species and vegetations; sampled with transects along the altitudinalgradients and also with transverse straps with similar elevation; collected the vascular plant specimen with sampling plots of ecology. We explored the plant species richness patterns alongaltitudinal gradients and discussed the underlying factors aroused these patterns; and used a novelmethod to assess the quality of Jiuding Mountain’s flora. All for a deeper comprehension of the plant recourses of this region; and provided feasible and reasonable suggestion for the protectionof resources. The results were as follows: 1 The characteristic of the flora of the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We had collected 1707 species of vascular plants belonging to 617 genera in 140 families inthe west slope of Jiuding Mountain,in which included 1616 seed plant species belonging to 572genera and 117 families. As for the composition of the areal types of the Families of seed plants,tropic components and temperate components are well-balanced, and percentage of tropicscomponents is higher than that of temperate ones for a litter bit. This shows the flora in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain has strong relationship with the tropic flora. But for the composition ofthe areal types of genera, temperate components have far exceeded the tropics ones, indicated thewhole flora with a conspicuous temperate character. Temperate components possess maximumproportion in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain, and many of them belong to constructivespecies and dominant species in the vegetation, are most important components in JiudingMountain’s Flora, also have embodied the temperate character of this area sufficiently. 2 Biodiversity patterns along altitudinal gradients in different vegetation transects in the westslope of Jiuding Mountain Based on the investigation of three vegetation transects (including Tumen-Duantouya transect,Chashan-Jiudingshan transect and Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect) in the west slope ofJiuding Mountain, we found the change of biodiversity along the altitude gradients displayedcertain regularity, but have differences among different transects. The three transects belong todifferent water systems; the Tumen-Duantouya transect belongs to Fujiang River, and the othertwo belong to Minjiang River. From the similarity of species compositions of different transects,we found different water system didn’t show obvious impact on the species composition. In all thethree transects, the species richness of herb layer was remarkably higher than shrub and tree layer,and the species richness of tree layer was the lowest one. With the increasing of the altitude, theline of α-diversity was monotonically decreasing curve in Tumen-Duantouya transect, andbimodal curve in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect, but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transectshowed a wave-like curve although not very obvious. Species evenness showed monotonicallydecreasing trends in Tumen-Duantouya transect, and very low at mid-altitude in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect, but in Chashan-Jiudingshan transect changed irregularly. Changes inβ-diversity corresponded with the transition of vegetation in the Tumen-Duantouya transect andChashan-Jiudingshan transect, and the curve of β-diversity along altitude had obvious turningpoint; but in Yanmengou-Guangguangshan transect had no obvious turning point, and thesubstitution phenomenon was not obvious, transverse vegetation straps distributed interlaced. 3 Richness patterns of vascular plant species along altitude in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain Direct gradient analysis and regression methods were used to describe the species richnesspatterns along the altitudinal for Mt. Jiuding, as well as separately for Tumen-Duantouya Transectand Yanmengou-Guangguangshan Transect. Altitudinal gradient of diversity of units at differenttaxonomic level (including Family, Genus and Species) and at different life form (including tree,shrub, pteridophyte, grass and other herb) were tested to find differences among the richnesspattern. We found altitudinal richness also shows different patterns, and both monotonicallydecreasing pattern and hump-shaped pattern can be founded in vascular species richness. Speciesin different life forms show different altitudinal patterns, but those species with similarrequirements to environmental conditions show similar richness patterns along altitudinalgradients. Different richness patterns can be aroused by different climate, different altitudinal span,area factor, anthropogenic factor and so on. 4 Floristic quality assessments in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain We used both the conventional method broadly adopted in the USA and the new one toassess the floristic quality in the west slope of Jiuding Mountain. The Mean Coefficient ofConservatism (MC) had the trend of increment along the altitudinal gradients. The FloristicQuality Index (FQI) was a bimodal curve with increasing of elevation; FQI got maximum valuesin the transition zones of different vegetations in the middle altitude, and had very low values atthe two end of elevation. In most areas of the west slope of the Jiuding Mountain, the resultscalculated using the new methods were higher than those using the conventional method. Thisindicated the dominant species of the communities had very high coefficients of conservatism inmost areas of Jiuding Mountain, and the communities are relatively kept pristine and the habitats very integrative. 5 The characteristic of the flora of Longzhou Mountain The flora of Longzhou Mountain has very abundant in species composition; there are about1156 species of seed plants belonging to 544 genera in 154 families. In which, twelve families with more than 20 species include totally 232 genera and 532 species, and form the majority of itsflora. The origin of its flora is old, monospecific genera and oligotypic genera amounts to 510 innumber, which constitute 93.75% of total number of genera. The geographical components arevarious in Longzhou Mountain, the majority of flora are temperate and pantropic ones. The tropiccomponents overtopped temperate components on genera quantity, but many temperatecomponents belong to constructive species and dominant species in the vegetation, and the wholeflora shows an obvious subtropical character. 6 Current situation and characteristic of biodiversity in Longzhou Mountain With the increasing of altitude, the number of species, genus, family and the ratios ofdifferent taxonomic levels all displayed a trend of descending after rising first, and peaked atmiddle height area. The change of α-diversity was not very acutely, with the trend of descendingafter rising first in some degree, the middle height area had highest α-diversity. As studying thetree layer, shrub layer and herb layer respectively, the Shannon-Wiener index was in followingorder: tree layer < shrub layer < herb layer; the change of evenness was more complicatedly thanthat of diversity, the tree layer changed acutely, but the shrub layer and herb layer fluctuatedsmoothly. Changes in β-diversity also showed the trend of descending after rising first. TheJaccard index and Cody index all peaked at the middle height forest area. As for the comparison ofplant diversity and evenness between the west and east slope, the numerical values ascendedalternatively, but the trend of changing was similar. The distribution of similar plant communitiesand species in east slope were lower than the west slope for the influence of Jinsha River DryValley. As for the composition of different floristic components, in lower altitude area of westslope, the tropic and sub-tropic plants had higher ratio than east slope’s and even could be equal tothe temperate plants. With the increasing of elevation, the floristic composition become morelikely between the east and west slope and temperate plants dominated the flora.


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Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM)+ data have been successfully employed in the field of mineral exploration to identify key minerals over arid and semi-arid terrains. However, redundant vegetation and cloud may seriously interfere with the discrimination of the minerals with diagnostic features. Therefore, in this study, we use masking technique to eliminate the negative influence of vegetation and cloud and Crosta technique to identify the diagnostic features of hydroxyl-minerals, carbonate-minerals and iron oxides. Then the anomalies were endowed with special colours and overlapped with the remote-sensing and geochemical data, overlaying images as remote-sensing anomalies. The mineral exploration work was carried through by synthetic analysis of the remote-sensing images, geochemical data and structures. Finally, areas with high correlation between the occurrence of hydrothermal alteration and presence of main faults and geochemical anomalies were considered as mineral exploration targets worthy of further detailed exploration programmes.


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Phytoplankton size structure plays a significant role in controlling the carbon flux of marine pelagic ecosystems. The mesoscale distribution and seasonal variation of total and size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass in surface waters. as measured by chlorophyll a (Chl a), was studied in the Southern Yellow Sea using data from four cruises during 2006-2007. The distribution of Chl a showed a high degree of spatial and temporal variation in the study area. Chl a concentrations were relatively high in the summer and autumn, with a mean of 142 and 1.27 mg m(-3), respectively. Conversely, in the winter and spring. the average Chl a levels were only 098 and 0.99 mg m(-3) Total Chl a showed a clear decreasing gradient from coastal areas to the open sea in the summer, autumn and winter cruises. Patches of high Chl a were observed in the central part of the Southern Yellow Sea in the spring due to the onset of the phytoplankton bloom. The eutrophic coastal waters contributed at least 68% of the total phytoplankton biomass in the surface layer. Picophytoplankton showed a consistent and absolute dominance in the central region of the Southern Yellow Sea (>40%) in all of the cruises, while the proportion of microphytoplankton was the highest in coastal waters The relative proportions of pico- and nanophytoplankton decreased with total biomass, whereas the proportion of the micro-fraction increased with total biomass. Relationships between phytoplankton biomass and environmental factors were also analysed. The results showed that the onset of the spring bloom was highly dependent on water column stability. Phytoplankton growth was limited by nutrient availability in the summer due to the strong thermocline. The combined effects of P-limitation and vertical mixing in the autumn restrained the further increase of phytoplankton biomass in the Surface layer. The low phytoplankton biomass in winter was caused by vertical dispersion due to intense mixing. Compared with the availability of nutrients. temperature did not seem to cause direct effects on phytoplankton biomass and its size structure. Although interactions of many different environmental factors affected phytoplankton distributions. hydrodynamic conditions seemed to be the dominant factor. Phytoplankton size structure was determined mainly by the size-differential capacity in acquiring resource. Short time scale events, such as the spring bloom and the extension of Yangtze River plume, can have substantial influences, both on the total Chl a concentration and on the size structure of the phytoplankton. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nutrient dynamics and its influence on the distribution of chlorophyll-a in the upwelling area of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were investigated in the spring (May) and summer (August) of 2004. In the spring, upwelling was apparent in the region of 122 degrees 20'-123 degrees 00' E, 31 degrees 00'-32 degrees 00' N and was associated with low temperature (16-21 degrees C), high salinity (24-33 practical salinity units [psu]), and low dissolved oxygen (2.5-6.0 mg L-1) in the upper 10 m of the water column. The spring upwelling increased the mixed-layer phosphate, nitrate, and silicate concentrations to roughly 1, 15, and 15 mu mol L-1, respectively, and improved the light transparency in the euphotic zone. This improvement in phytoplankton growing conditions was followed by an increase in chlorophyll-a concentrations. The summer upwelling was weaker and occurred over a smaller geographical area (122 degrees 20'-123 degrees 00' E, 31 degrees 15'-31 degrees 50' N). Strongly influenced by turbid Changjiang diluted water (CDW), it had little impact on the upper 10 m of the water column but instead increased nutrient concentrations at greater depths. The high concentration of particulates in the CDW reduced light transmission in the upper 10 m and, hence, limited phytoplankton growth throughout the water column. Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the summer upwelling area were roughly an order of magnitude lower than in the spring. Water clarity, as influenced by the CDW, appears to be the principal factor limiting the impact of upwelling on phytoplankton biomass in this area.


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Copepod species diversity, abundance and assemblages in relation to water masses over the continental shelf of the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS) were studied extensively based on the net plankton samples in autumn 2000. Multivariate analysis based on copepod assemblage resulted in recognition of five groups (Groups 1-5) corresponding to the water masses. Groups 1 and 2 delineated from inshore stations with low salinity YS Surface Water, and offshore stations with YS Cold Water in the YS. Group 3 located in the joint area of YS and ECS mainly with Mixed Water. Groups 4 and 5 in the ECS delineated two assemblages mainly from inshore and shallow stations with ECS Mixed Water in the southeastern ECS, and offshore stations along the ECS shelf edge controlled by saline Kuroshio Water. Salinity and temperature were more important in characterizing copepod assemblage of the continental shelf than chlorophyll a. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the production tail of oilfield, water-cut is very high in thick channel sand oil reservoir, but recovery efficiency is relative low, and recoverable remaining oil reserves is more abundant, so these reserves is potential target of additional development. The remaining oil generally distributed with accumulation in certain areas, controlled by the reservoir architecture that mainly is the lateral accretion shale beddings in the point bar, so the study of reservoir architecture and the remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by architecture are very significant. In this paper, taking the Minghuazhen formation of Gangxi oilfield as a case, using the method of hierarchy analysis, pattern fitting and multidimensional interaction, the architecture of the meandering river reservoir is precisely anatomized, and the remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by the different hierarchy architecture are summarized, which will help to guide the additional development of oil fields. Not only is the study significant to the remaining oil forecasting, but also it is important for the theory development of reservoir geology. With the knowledge of sequence correlation and fluvial correlation model, taking many factors into account, such as combination of well and seismic data, hierarchical controlling, sedimentary facies restraint, performance verification and 3-D closure, an accurate sequence frame of the study area was established. On the basis of high-resolution stratigraphic correlation, single layer and oil sand body are correlated within this frame, and four architecture hierarchies, composite channel, single channels, point bars and lateral accretion sandbody are identified, The result indicates that Minghuazhen Formation of Gangxi oilfield are dominated by meandering river deposition, including two types of channel sandbodies, narrow band and wide band channel sandbody, and each of them has different characteristics of facies variation laterally. Based on the identification of composite channel, according to the spatial combination patterns and identified signs of single channel, combined with channel sandbody distribution and tracer material data, single channel sandbodies are identified. According to empirical formula, point-bar scales of the study area are predicted, and three identification signs are summarized, that is, positive rhythm in depositional sequence, the maximum thick sand and near close to the abandoned channel, and point bars are identified. On the basis of point bar recognition, quantitative architecture models inner point bar are ascertained, taking the lateral accretion sand body and lateral accretion shale beddings in single well as foundation, and quantitative architecture models inner point bar as guidance, and result of tracer material data as controlling, the the lateral accretion sand body and lateral accretion shale beddings are forecasted interwell, so inner architecture of point bar is anatomied. 3-D structural model, 3-D facies model and 3-D petrophysical properties models are set up, spatial distribution characteristics of sedimentary facies and petrophysical properties is reappeared. On the basis of reservoir architecture analysis and performance production data, remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by different hierarchy architecture units, stacked channel, single channel and inner architecture of point bar, are summarized, which will help to guide the additional development of oil fields.


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Today, because of high petroleum consumption of our country, society steady development and difficulty increase in new resources exploration, deep exploitation of the existing oilfield is needed. More delicate reservoir imaging and description, such as thin layer identification, interlayer exploitation monitoring, subtle structure imaging, reservoir anisotropy recognition, can provide more detail evidence for new development adjustment scheme and enhanced oil recovery. Now, the people have already realized the 3D VSP technique more effective than the general methods in solving these aspects. But VSP technique especially 3D VSP develop slowly due to some reasons. Carrying out the research of VSP technique, it will be very useful to the EOR service. 3D VSP techniques include acquisition、data processing and interpretation. In this paper, the author carried out some researches around acquisition and processing. The key point of acquisition is the survey design, it is critical to the quality of the data and it will influence the reservoir recognition as follows. The author did detailed researches on the layout pattern of shot point and geophone. Some attributes relate to survey design such as reflectivity, incidence angle, observation area, reflection points distribution, fold, minimum well source distance, azimuth angle and so on are studied seriously. In this geometry design of 3D-VSP exploration in deviated wells, the main problems to be solved are: determining the center position of shots distribution, the effect of shots missing on coverage areas and coverage times,locating the shots and receivers of multi-wells. Through simulating and analyzing, the above problems are discussed and some beneficial conclusions are drawn. These will provide valuable references to actual survey design. In data processing, researches emphasize on those relatively key techniques such as wavefield separation, VSP-CDP imaging, the author carried out deep researches around these two aspects. As a result, variant apparent slowness wavefield separation method developed in this article suit the underground variant velocity field and make wavefield separation well, it can overcome reflection bending shortage aroused by conventional imaging method. The attenuateion range of underground seismic wave is very important for amplitude compensation and oil/gas identification.In this paper, seismic wave attenuateion mechanism is studied by 3D-VSP simulateion and Q-inversion technique. By testing with seismic data, the method of VSP data attenuateion and relationship of attenuateion attribute variant with depth is researched. Also the software of survey design and data processing is developed, it fill the gap of VSP area in our country. The technique developed applied successfully in SZXX-A Oilfield、QKYY-B Oilfield、A area and B area. The good results show that this research is valuable, and it is meaningful to the VSP technique development and application of offshore oil industry and other areas in our country.


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The distribution in outcrop of carbonate rocks in China is about 3.44×106km2 and accounts for over one third of the total area of the country, mainly in the Yangtze valley and the Yungui tableland ,and there is a great plenty of Water and hydropower resources in these carbonate area. A large number of projects will be built in order to develop the Water and hydropower resources. They are facing amount of complicated problems of karsts, specially the problem of the depths of karsts below water, which is a key problem that hasn’t been solved well theoretically. So, systematically research in quantitative analysis of the problem is necessary, which is very important to solve the inconsistency between current theories and facts, and is helped to foresee the depth of karsts below water and decrease the expense of the engineering. For the problem mentioned above, the thesis makes a detailed research on the length of corrosion of karsts water, based on the kinetics of corrosion, and founds the primary theory about the processes of four typical geologic elements, which are single fracture, single conduit, porous limestone and fractured limestone. And it has done a deep research upon the characterties and kinetics of corrosion of the four typical geologic elements by simulation using the programme edited by the author. The thesis also makes a discussion on the general model and process of the form of caves by using the founded theory. According to the characteristic of Water Resource and Hydropower engineering, the thesis creates three representative flow-dissolution models for three types of common geologic conditions under the induction of the theory kinetics of corrosion of karsts water. It has done quantitative research upon the process of dissolution and brought out primary theory about quantitative analysis of the depth of karsts below water as well. It found that the depth of karsts below water relates to the specific geologic conditions and the time of dissolution by simulation based on typical parameters and deep analysis of the result. That is to say there are karsts caves in any depths in flow areas of groundwater in specific geologic conditions and appropriate time. The thesis also discourses three basic problems that frequently encountered in the reconnaissance of Water Resource and Hydropower engineering, which are karsts base level, essential conditions of karsts, the comparability of caves and terrace, and indicates the importance of time in karsts. Finally, as an application, the karsts of the scheming Qianzhong water resource engineering is analyzed by the primary theory founded of quantitative analysis. The result of the application comes to a conclusion that the theory accords with the facts properly.