994 resultados para Reactive Distillation


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The main objectives of this research were to develop optimised chemical compositions and reactive processing conditions for grafting a functional monomer maleic anhydride (MA) in polypropylene (PP), ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) and mixtures of PP-EPDM, and to optimise synthetic routes for production of PP/EPDM copolymers for the purpose of compatibilisation of PP/EPDM blends. The MA-functionalisation was achieved using an internal mixer in the presence of low concentrations (less than 0.01 molar ratio) of a free radical initiator. Various methods were used to purify MA-functionalised PP and the grafting yield was determined using either FTIR or titrametry. The grafting yield of MA alone, which due to its low free-radical reactivity towards polymer macroradicals, was accompanied by severe degradation in the case of PP and crosslinking for EPDM. In the case of MA-functionalised PP/EPDM, both degradation and crosslinking occurred though not to a great extent. The use of tri-functional coagents e.g. trimethylopropane triacrylates (TRIS) with MA, led to high improvement of the grafting yield of MA on the polymers. This is almost certainly due to high free-radical activity of TRIS leading to copolymerisation of MA and TRIS which was followed by grafting of the copolymer onto the polymer backbone. In the case of PP, the use of coagent was also found to reduce the polymer degradation. PP/EPDM copolymers with optimum tensile properties were synthesised using a 'one-step' continues reactive processing procedure. This was achieved firstly by functionalisation of a mixture of PP (higher w/w ratio) and EPDM (low w/w ratio) with MA, in the presence of the coagent TRIS and a small concentration of a free radical initiator. This was then followed by an imidisation reaction with the interlinking agent hexamethylene diamine (HEMDA). Small amount of copolymers, up to 5 phr, which were interlinked with up to 15 phr of HEMDA, were sufficient to compatibilise PP/EPDM75/25 blends resulting in excellent tensile properties compared to binary PP/EPDM 75/25 blend. Improvement in blend's compatibility and phases-stabilisation (observed through tensile and SEM analysis) was shown in all cases with significant interphases adhesion improvement between PP and EPDM, and reduction in domain size across the fractured surface indicating efficient distribution of the compatibiliser.


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Studies into the two-phase flow patterns produced on a sieve tray were carried out using an air-water simulator of 2.44 m in diameter. The flow patterns were investigated by a number of methods, direct observation using directional flow pointers; by water-cooling to simulate mass transfer; and by measurement of the height of clear liquid across the tray with manometers. The flow rates used were designed to show how the flow pattern changed with the change in the gas and liquid rates. The results from water-only studies on an un-perforated tray were compared with those produced on a sieve tray with holes of 12.7 mm diameter. The presence of regions on the sides of the tray where the liquid was circulating was noted from the water-only experiments. The presence and magnitude of the circulations was reduced when the air was passed through the liquid. These were similar to the findings of Hine (1990) and Chambers (1993). When circulation occurred, the flow separated at the ends of the inlet downcomer and circulations of up to 30% of the tray area were observed. Water-cooling and the manometer measurements were used to show the effect of the flow pattern on the tray efficiency and the height of clear liquid respectively. The efficiency was severely reduced by the presence of circulations. The height of clear liquid tended to rise in these areas. A comparison of data collected on trays with different hole diameters showed that the larger hole diameter inhibited the on-set of separation to a greater extent than small hole diameters. The tray efficiency was affected by a combination of the better mixing on smaller hole trays and detrimental effect of greater circulation on these trays. Work on a rectangular tray geometry was carried out to assess the effect of hole size on the height of clear liquid. It was found that the gradient on the outlet half of the tray was very small and that the highest clear liquid height was given by the highest hole size. Overall, the experiments helped to clarify the effect that the flow pattern had on the operation of the tray. It is hoped that the work can be of use in the development of models to predict the flow pattern and hence the tray efficiency.


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In recent years structured packings have become more widely used in the process industries because of their improved volumetric efficiency. Most structured packings consist of corrugated sheets placed in the vertical plane The corrugations provide a regular network of channels for vapour liquid contact. Until recently it has been necessary to develop new packings by trial and error, testing new shapes in the laboratory. The orderly repetitive nature of the channel network produced by a structured packing suggests it may be possible to develop improved structured packings by the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to calculate the packing performance and evaluate changes in shape so as to reduce the need for laboratory testing. In this work the CFD package PHOENICS has been used to predict the flow patterns produced in the vapour phase as it passes through the channel network. A particular novelty of the approach is to set up a method of solving the Navier Stokes equations for any particular intersection of channels. The flow pattern of the streams leaving the intersection is then made the input to the downstream intersection. In this way the flow pattern within a section of packing can be calculated. The resulting heat or mass transfer performance can be calculated by other standard CFD procedures. The CFD predictions revealed a circulation developing within the channels which produce a loss in mass transfer efficiency The calculations explained and predicted a change in mass transfer efficiency with depth of the sheets. This effect was also shown experimentally. New shapes of packing were proposed to remove the circulation and these were evaluated using CFD. A new shape was chosen and manufactured. This was tested experimentally and found to have a higher mass transfer efficiency than the standard packing.


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One of the main objectives of this study was to functionalise various rubbers (i.e. ethylene propylene copolymer (EP), ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM), and natural rubber (NR)) using functional monomers, maleic anhydride (MA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA), via reactive processing routes. The functionalisation of the rubber was carried out via different reactive processing methods in an internal mixer. GMA was free-radically grafted onto EP and EPDM in the melt state in the absence and presence of a comonomer, trimethylolpropane triacrylate (TRlS). To optinuse the grafting conditions and the compositions, the effects of various paranleters on the grafting yields and the extent of side reactions were investigated. Precipitation method and Soxhlet extraction method was established to purifY the GMA modified rubbers and the grafting degree was determined by FTIR and titration. It was found that without TRlS the grafting degree of GMA increased with increasing peroxide concentration. However, grafting was low and the homopolymerisation of GMA and crosslinking of the polymers were identified as the main side reactions competing with the desired grafting reaction for EP and EPDM, respectively. The use of the tri-functional comonomer, TRlS, was shown to greatly enhance the GMA grafting and reduce the side reactions in terms of the higher GMA grafting degree, less alteration of the rheological properties of the polymer substrates and very little formation of polyGMA. The grafting mechanisms were investigated. MA was grafted onto NR using both thermal initiation and peroxide initiation. The results showed clearly that the reaction of MA with NR could be thermally initiated above 140°C in the absence of peroxide. At a preferable temperature of 200°C, the grafting degree was increased with increasing MA concentration. The grafting reaction could also be initiated with peroxide. It was found that 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis(ter-butylproxy) hexane (TIOI) was a suitable peroxide to initiate the reaction efficiently above I50°C. The second objective of the work was to utilize the functionalised rubbers in a second step to achieve an in-situ compatibilisation of blends based on poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), in particular, with GMA-grafted-EP and -EPDM and the reactive blending was carried out in an internal mixer. The effects of GMA grafting degree, viscosities of GMAgrafted- EP and -EPDM and the presence of polyGMA in the rubber samples on the compatibilisation of PET blends in terms of morphology, dynamical mechanical properties and tensile properties were investigated. It was found that the GMA modified rubbers were very efficient in compatibilising the PET blends and this was supported by the much finer morphology and the better tensile properties. The evidence obtained from the analysis of the PET blends strongly supports the existence of the copolymers through the interfacial reactions between the grafted epoxy group in the GMA modified rubber and the terminal groups of PET in the blends.


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The thesis describes experimental work on the possibility of using deflection baffles in conventional distillation trays as flow straightening devices, with the view of enhancing tray efficiency. The mode of operation is based on deflecting part of the liquid momentum from the centre of the tray to the segment regions in order to drive stagnating liquid at the edges forward. The first part of the work was a detailed investigation into the two-phase flow patterns produced on a conventional sieve tray having 1 mm hole size perforations. The data provide a check on some earlier work and extend the range of the existing databank, particularly to conditions more typical of industrial operation. A critical survey of data collected on trays with different hole sizes (Hine, 1990; Chambers, 1993; Fenwick, 1996; this work) showed that the hole diameter has a significant influence on the flow regime, the size of the stagnant regions and the hydraulic and mass transfer performance. Five modified tray topologies were created with different configurations of baffles and tested extensively in the 2.44 m diameter air-water pilot distillation simulator for their efficacy in achieving uniform flow across the tray and for their impact on tray loading capacity and mass transfer efficiency. Special attention was given to the calibration of the over 100 temperature probes used in measuring the water temperature across the tray on which the heat and mass transfer analogy is based. In addition to normal tray capacity experiments, higher weir load experiments were conducted using a 'half-tray' mode in order to extend the range of data to conditions more typical of industrial operation. The modified trays show superior flow characteristics compared to the conventional tray in terms of the ability to replenish the zones of exceptionally low temperatures and high residence times at the edges of the tray, to lower the bulk liquid gradient and to achieve a more uniform flow across the tray. These superior flow abilities, however, tend to diminish with increasing weir load because of the increasing tendency for the liquid to jump over the barriers instead of flowing over them. The modified tray topologies showed no tendency to cause undue limitation to tray loading capacity. Although the improvement in the efficiency of a single tray over that of the conventional tray was moderate and in some cases marginal, the multiplier effect in a multiple tray column situation would be significant (Porter et al., 1972). These results are in good agreement with an associated CFD studies (Fischer, 1999) carried out by partners in the Advanced Studies in Distillation consortium. It is concluded that deflection baffles can be used in a conventional distillation sieve tray to achieve better liquid flow distribution and obtain enhanced mass transfer efficiency, without undermining the tray loading capacity. Unlike any other controlled-flow tray whose mechanical complexity impose stringent manufacturing and installation tolerances, the baffled-tray models are simple to design, manufacture and install and thus provide an economic method of retrofitting badly performing sieve trays both in terms of downtime and fabrication. NOTE APPENDICES 2-5 ARE ON A SEPARATE FLOPPY DISK ONLY AVAILABLE FOR CONSULTATION AT ASTON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WITH PRIOR ARRANGEMENT


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Functionalisation of polystyrene, PS, and ethylene-co-propylene-co-cyclopentadiene terpolymer, EPDM, with acrylic acid, AA, in a melt reactive processing procedure, in the presence of peroxide, trigonox 101, and coagents, Divinyl benzene, DVB (for PS), and trimethylolpropane triacrylate, TRIS (for EPDM), were successfully carried out. The level of grafting of the AA, as determined by infrared analysis, was significantly enhanced by the coagents. The grafting reaction of AA takes place simultaneously with homopolymerisation of the monomers, melt degradation and crosslinking reactions of the polymers. The extent of these competing reactions were inferred from measurements of melt flow index and insoluble gel content. Through a judicious use of both the peroxide and the coagent, particularly TRIS, unwanted side reactions were minimized. Five different processing methods were investigated for both functionalisation experiments; the direct addition of the pre-mixed polymer with peroxide and reactive modifiers was found to give optimum condition for grafting. The functionalised PS, F-PS, and EPDM, F-EPD, and maleinised polypropylene carrying a potential antioxidant, N-(4-anilinophenyl maleimide), F-PP were melt blended in binary mixtures of F-PS/F-EPD and F-PP/F-EPD in the presence (or absence) of organic diamines which act as an interlinking agent, e.g, Ethylene Diamine, EDA, and Hexamethylene Diamine, HEMDA. The presence of an interlinking agent, particularly HEMDA shows significant enhancement in the mechanical properties of the blend, suggesting that the copolymer formed has acted as compatibiliser to the otherwise incompatible polymer pairs. The functionalised and amidised blends, F and A-PSIEPDM (SPOI) and F and A-PPIEPDM (SPD2) were subsequently used as compatibiliser concentrates in the corresponding PSIEPDM and PPIEPDM blends containing various weight propotion of the homopolymers. The SPD1 caused general decreased in tensile strength, albeit increased in drop impact strength particularly in blend containing high PS content (80%). The SPD2 was particularly effective in enhancing impact strength in blends containing low weight ratio of PP (<70%). The SPD2 was also a good thermal antioxidant albeit less effective than commercial antioxidant. In all blends the evidence of compatibility was examined by scanning electron microscopy.


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The primary objective of this research was to examine the concepts of the chemical modification of polymer blends by reactive processing using interlinking agents (multi-functional, activated vinyl compounds; trimethylolpropane triacrylates {TRIS} and divinylbenzene {DVD}) to target in-situ interpolymer formation between immiscible polymers in PS/EPDM blends via peroxide-initiated free radical reactions during melt mixing. From a comprehensive survey of previous studies of compatibility enhancement in polystyrene blends, it was recognised that reactive processing offers opportunities for technological success that have not yet been fully realised; learning from this study is expected to assist in the development and application of this potential. In an experimental-scale operation for the simultaneous melt blending and reactive processing of both polymers, involving manual injection of precise reactive agent/free radical initiator mixtures directly into molten polymer within an internal mixer, torque changes were distinct, quantifiable and rationalised by ongoing physical and chemical effects. EPDM content of PS/EPDM blends was the prime determinant of torque increases on addition of TRIS, itself liable to self-polymerisation at high additions, with little indication of PS reaction in initial reactively processed blends with TRIS, though blend compatibility, from visual assessment of morphology by SEM, was nevertheless improved. Suitable operating windows were defined for the optimisation of reactive blending, for use once routes to encourage PS reaction could be identified. The effectiveness of PS modification by reactive processing with interlinking agents was increased by the selection of process conditions to target specific reaction routes, assessed by spectroscopy (FT-IR and NMR) and thermal analysis (DSC) coupled dichloromethane extraction and fractionation of PS. Initiator concentration was crucial in balancing desired PS modification and interlinking agent self-polymerisation, most particularly with TRIS. Pre-addition of initiator to PS was beneficial in the enhancement of TRIS binding to PS and minimisation of modifier polymerisation; believed to arise from direct formation of polystyryl radicals for addition to active unsaturation in TRIS. DVB was found to be a "compatible" modifier for PS, but its efficacy was not quantified. Application of routes for PS reaction in PS/EPDM blends was successful for in-situ formation of interpolymer (shown by sequential solvent extraction combined with FT-IR and DSC analysis); the predominant outcome depending on the degree of reaction of each component, with optimum "between-phase" interpolymer formed under conditions selected for equalisation of differing component reactivities and avoidance of competitive processes. This was achieved for combined addition of TRIS+DVB at optimum initiator concentrations with initiator pre-addition to PS. Improvements in blend compatibility (by tensiles, SEM and thermal analysis) were shown in all cases with significant interpolymer formation, though physical benefits were not; morphology and other reactive effects were also important factors. Interpolymer from specific "between-phase" reaction of blend components and interlinking agent was vital for the realisation of positive performance on compatibilisation by the chemical modification of polymer blends by reactive processing.


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Single phase solutions containing three components have been observed to exhibit foaminess near a single to two liquid phase boundary. It was seen, in a sintered plate column under mass transfer conditions, that distillation systems where the liquid appeared as one phase in one part of a column and two phases in another part, exhibited foaminess when the liquid concentration was near the one phase to two phase boundary. Various ternary systems have been studied in a 50 plate. 30mm i.d. Oldershaw column and it was observed that severe foaming occurred in the middle section of the column near the one liquid phase to two liquid phase boundary and no foaming occurred at the end of the column where liquid was either one phase or two phase. This is known as Ross type foam. Mass transfer experiments with Ross type ternary systems have been carried out in a perspex simulator with small and large hole diameter trays. It was observed that by removal of the more volatile component, Ross type foam did not build up on the tray. Severe entrainment of liquid was observed in all cases leading to a 'dry' tray, even with a low free area small diameter hole tray which was expected to produce a bubbly mixture. Entrainment was more severe for high gas superficial velocities and large hole diameters. This behaviour is quite different from the build up of foam observed when one liquid phase/two liquid phase Ross systems were contacted with air above a small sintered disc or with vapour in an Oldershaw distillation column. This observation explains why distillation columns processing mixtures which change from one liquid phase to two liquid phases (or vice versa) must be severely derated to avoid flooding. Single liquid phase holdups at the spray to bubbly transition were measured using a perspex simulator similar to that of Porter & Wong (17). i.e. with no liquid cross flow. A light transmission technique was used to measure the transition from spray regime to bubbly regime. The effect of tray thickness and the ratio of hole diameter to tray thickness on the transition was evaluated using trays of the same hole diameter and free area but having thickness of 2.38 mm, 4 mm, and 6.35 mm. The liquid holdup at the transition was less with the thin metal trays. This result may be interpreted by the theory of Lockett (101), which predicts the transition liquid holdup in terms of the angle of the gas iet leaving the holes in the sieve plate. All the existing correlations have been compared and none were found to be satisfactory and these correlations have been modified in view of the experimental results obtained. A new correlation has been proposed which takes into account the effect of the hole diameter to tray thickness ratio on the transition and good agreement was obtained between the experimental results and the correlated values of the liquid holdup at the transition. Results have been obtained for two immiscible liquids [kerosene and water] on trays to determine whether foaming can be eliminated by operating in the spray regime. Kerosene was added to a fixed volume of water or water was added to a fixed volume of kerosene. In both cases, there was a transition from spray to bubbly. In the water fixed system. the liquid holdup at the transition was slightly less than the pure kerosene system. Whilst for the kerosene fixed system, the transition occurred at much lower liquid holdups. Trends In the results were similar to those for single liquid phase. New correlations have been proposed for the two cases. It has been found that Ross type foams, observed in a sintered plate column and in the Oldershaw column can be eliminated by either carrying out the separation in a packed column or by the addition of defoaming additives.


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The principal objective of this work was to improve the mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced polypropylene (PP) composites by the mechanochemical modification of the PP. The modification of the PP was carried out by reactive processing of the PP with a modifier in a Buss Ko-Kneader. Two main types of modifier were evaluated one type based on N-substituted maleimides the others based on 2-allylamino-4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazine (ACCT). The modification of the PP was carried out in two stages. Firstly the PP was reactively processed with the modifier and a free radical initiator. The objective of this stage was to bind the modifier to the PP. In the second stage the modified PP was reactively processed with the glass fibre. The objective in this stage was to form a chemical bond between the bound modifier and the silane coupling agent on the surface of the glass. Two silane coupling agents were evaluated these had a aliphatic chloro group and an aliphatic amino group respectively available for reaction with the modifier. The modifiers synthesised for this work had two main functional groups. The first was a double bond for free radical addition to the PP. The second was an organic group chosen for its potential reactivity to the silane coupling agent. A preliminary investigation was carried out using maleic anhydride (MA) as the modifier, this is reactive to the amino silane coupled glass. Studies of a commercially available system were also carried out for comparison purposes. During the work it was found that the amino silane coupled glass fibres produced, without any modification being made to the PP, mechanical properties comparable to the commercial system. Further any modification added to the amino silane system failed to improve the mechanical performance and in some cases acted in the opposite fashion. This failure was evident even when a chemical bond between glass fibre and PP could be shown. In the case of the chloro silane coupled glass fibres the mechanical properties of the composite without modification were poorer than those of the commercial system. It was found that the mechanical properties of these systems could be enhanced by the modifiers, however, no system tested significantly out performed the commercial system. Of the two modifier systems tested those based on the n-substituted maleimides were more successful at enhancing mechanical properties than those based on ACCT. This was attributed to the Poor chemical binding of the ACCT based modifiers to the PP. During the work it was found that several of the modifiers improved the properties of the PP when no glass fibres were present, particularly the % elongation and impact strength. It is possible that these modifiers could be used to improve the impact performance of PP, this may be of particular interest in recycling. These modifiers have only been tested for improving the properties of glass fibre composites. The N-substituted maleimide based modifiers could be used as compatibleisers for alloys of PP and other polymers. These could function by the formation of the bond with PP via the double bond whilst the group attached to the nitrogen atom could react with the alloying polymer.


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Various monoacrylic compounds containing a hindered phenol function (e.g.3,5-di-tert.-butyl-4-hydroxy benzyl alcohol, DBBA and vinyl-3-[3',5'-di-tert.-butyl-4-hydroxy phenyl] propionate, VDBP), and a benzophenone function (2-hydroxy-4-[beta hydroxy ethoxy] benzophenone, HAEB) were synthesised and used as reactive antioxidants (AO's) for polypropylene (PP). These compounds were reacted with PP melt in the presence of low concentration of a free radical generator such a peroxide (reactive processing) to produce bound-antioxidant concentrates. The binding reaction of these AO's onto PP was found to be low and this was shown to be mainly due to competing reactions such as homopolymerisation of the antioxidant. At high concentrations of peroxide, higher binding efficiency resulted, but, this was accompanied by melt degradation of the polymer. In a special reactive processing procedure, a di- or a trifunctional reactant (referred to as coagent), e.g.tri-methylol propane tri-acrylate, Tris, and Divinyl benzene, DVB, were used with the antioxidant and this has led to an enhanced efficiency of the grating reaction of antioxidants on the polymer in the melt. The evidence suggests that this is due to copolymerisation of the antioxidants with the coagent as well as grafting of the copolymers onto the polymer backbone. Although the 'bound' AO's containing a UV stabilising function showed lower overall stabilisation effect than the unbound analogues before extraction, they were still much more effective when subjected to exhaustive solvent extraction. Furthermore, a very effective synergistic stabilising activity when two reactive AO's containing thermal and UV stabilising functions e.g. DBBA and HAEB, were reactively processed with PP in the presence of a coagent. The stabilising effectiveness of such a synergist was much higher than that of the unbound analogues both before and after extraction. Analysis using the GPC technique of concentrates containing bound-DBBA processed in the presence of Tris coagent showed higher molecular weight (Mn), compared to that of a polymer processed without the coagent, but was still lower than that of the control processed PP with no additives. This indicates that Tris coagent may inhibit further melt degradation of the polymer. Model reactions of DBBA in liquid hydrocarbon (decalin) and analysis of the products using FTIR and NMR spectroscopy showed the formation of grafted DBBA onto decalin molecules as well as homopolymerisation of the AO. In the presence of Tris coagent, copolymerisation of DBBA with the Tris inevitably occured; which was followed by grafting of the copolymer onto the decalin, FTIR and NMR results of the polymer concentrates containing bound-DBBA processed with and without Tris, showed similar behaviour as the above model reactions. This evidence supports the effect of Tris in enhancing the efficiency of the reaction of DBBA in the polymer melt. Reactive procesing of HAEB in polymer melts exhibited crosslinking formation In the early stages of the reaction, however, in the final stage, the crosslinked structure was 'broken down' or rearranged to give an almost gel free polymer with high antioxidant binding efficiency.


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The thesis describes experimental work on sieve trays in an air-water simulator, 2.44 m in diameter. The liquid flow pattern, for flowrates similar to those used in commercial scale distillation, was observed experimentally by water cooling experiments, in which the temperature of the water is measured at over 100 positions over the tray area. The water is cooled by the rising air which is forced through the tray. A heat and mass transfer analogy is drawn whereby the water temperature is mapped to liquid concentration in mass transfer, and the water temperature profiles reveal how liquid channelling may reduce the tray efficiency. The first experiment was to observe the flow of water only over an unperforated tray. With the exception of very low weir loads, the flow separated at the ends of the inlet downcomer. This caused liquid to flow straight across the tray between the downcomers and large circulating regions to be formed in the side regions of the tray. The effect of the air crossflow on the flow pattern was then observed on a sieve tray of 10% free area with 1 mm diameter holes (such as is used in cryogenic distillation). The flow patterns developed on the tray were similar to those produced with water only on the unperforated tray, but at low weir loads the air crossflow prevented separation of the water flow and the associated circulating regions. At higher weir loads, liquid channelling down the centre of the tray and circulation in the side regions occurred. The percentage of the tray occupied by circulating liquid depended upon the velocity of the liquid entering the tray, which was set by the weir load and size of the gap under the inlet downcomer. The water cooling experiments showed that the temperature of the water in a circulating region is much lower than in other parts of the tray, indicating that the driving force for heat transfer is reduced. In a column section where trays (and circulating areas) are mounted on top of each other, the circulating regions will cause air (or vapour) passing through them to have a reduced change in temperature or concentration leading a loss in tray efficiency.


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The main aim of this work was to study the effect of two comonomers, trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIS) and divinylbenzene (DVB) on the nature and efficiency of grafting of two different monomers, glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) and maleic anhydride (MA) on polypropylene (P) and on natural rubber (NR) using reactive processing methods. Four different peroxides, benzoyl peroxide (BPO), dicumyl peroxide (DCP), 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-bis-(tert-butyl peroxy) hexane (t-101), and 1,1-di(tert-butylperoxy)-3,3,5-trimethyl cyclohexene (T-29B90) were examined as free radical initiators. An appropriate methodology was established and chemical composition and reactive processing parameters were examined and optimised. It was found that in the absence of the coagents DVB and TRIS, the grafting degree of GMA and MA increased with increasing peroxide concentration, but the level of grafting was low and the homopolymerisaton of GMA and the crosslinking of NR or chain scission of PP were identified as the main side reactions that competed with the desired grafting reaction in the polymers. At high concentrations of the peroxide T-101 (>0.02 mr) cross linking of NR and chain scission of PP became dominant and unacceptable. An attempt to add a reactive coagent, e.g. TRIS during grafting of GMA on natural rubber resulted in excessive crosslinking because of the very high reactivity of this comonomer with the C=C of the rubber. Therefore, the use of any multifunctional and highly reactive coagent such as TRIS, could not be applied in the grafting of GAM onto natural rubber. In the case of PP, however, the use of TRIS and DVB was shown to greatly enhance the grafting degree and reduce the chain scission with very little extent of monomer homopolymerisation taking place. The results showed that the grafting degree was increased with increasing GMA and MA concentrations. It was also found that T-101 was a suitable peroxide to initiate the grafting reaction of these monomers on NR and PP and the optimum temperature for this peroxide was =160°C. A very preliminary work was also conducted on the use of the functionalised-PP (f-PP) in the absence and presence of the two comonomers (f-PP-DVB or f-PP-TRIS) for the purpose of compatibilising PP-PBT blends through reactive blending. Examination of the morphology of the blends suggested that an effective compatibilisation has been achieved when using f-PP-DVB and f-PP-TRIS, however more work is required in this area.


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Hypoxia is a stress condition in which tissues are deprived of an adequate O2 supply; this may trigger cell death with pathological consequences in cardiovascular or neurodegenerative disease. Reperfusion is the restoration of an oxygenated blood supply to hypoxic tissue and can cause more cell injury. The kinetics and consequences of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) production in cardiomyoblasts are poorly understood. The present study describes the systematic characterization of the kinetics of ROS/RNS production and their roles in cell survival and associated protection during hypoxia and hypoxia/reperfusion. H9C2 cells showed a significant loss of viability under 2% O2 for 30min hypoxia and cell death; associated with an increase in protein oxidation. After 4h, apoptosis induction under 2% O2 and 10% O2 was dependent on the production of mitochondrial superoxide (O2-•) and nitric oxide (•NO), partly from nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Both apoptotic and necrotic cell death during 2% O2 for 4h could be rescued by the mitochondrial complex I inhibitor; rotenone and NOS inhibitor; L-NAME. Both L-NAME and the NOX (NADPH oxidase) inhibitor; apocynin reduced apoptosis under 10% O2 for 4h hypoxia. The mitochondrial uncoupler; FCCP significantly reduced cell death via a O2-• dependent mechanism during 2% O2, 30min hypoxia. During hypoxia (2% O2, 4h)/ reperfusion (21% O2, 2h), metabolic activity was significantly reduced with increased production of O2-• and •NO, during hypoxia but, partially restored during reperfusion. O2-• generation during hypoxia/reperfusion was mitochondrial and NOX- dependent, whereas •NO generation depended on both NOS and non-enzymatic sources. Inhibition of NOS worsened metabolic activity during reperfusion, but did not effect this during sustained hypoxia. Nrf2 activation during 2% O2, a sustained hypoxia and reperfusion was O2-•/•NO dependent. Inhibition of NF-?B activation aggravated metabolic activity during 2% O2, 4h hypoxia. In conclusion, mitochondrial O2-•, but, not ATP depletion is the major cause of apoptotic and necrotic cell death in cardiomyoblasts under 2% O2, 4h hypoxia, whereas apoptotic cell death under 10% O2, 4h, is due to NOS-dependent •NO. The management of ROS/RNS rather than ATP is required for improved survival during hypoxia. O2-• production from mitochondria and NOS is cardiotoxic during hypoxia/reperfusion. NF-?B activation during hypoxia and NOS activation during reperfusion is cardiomyoblast protective.


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This work is concerned with the nature of liquid flow across industrial sieve trays operating in the spray, mixed, and the emulsified flow regimes. In order to overcome the practical difficulties of removing many samples from a commercial tray, the mass transfer process was investigated in an air water simulator column by heat transfer analogy. The temperature of the warm water was measured by many thermocouples as the water flowed across the single pass 1.2 m diameter sieve tray. The thermocouples were linked to a mini computer for the storage of the data. The temperature data were then transferred to a main frame computer to generate temperature profiles - analogous to concentration profiles. A comprehensive study of the existing tray efficiency models was carried out using computerised numerical solutions. The calculated results were compared with experimental results published by the Fractionation Research Incorporation (FRl) and the existing models did not show any agreement with the experimental results. Only the Porter and Lockett model showed a reasonable agreement with the experimental results for cenain tray efficiency values. A rectangular active section tray was constructed and tested to establish the channelling effect and the result of its effect on circular tray designs. The developed flow patterns showed predominantly flat profiles and some indication of significant liquid flow through the central region of the tray. This comfirms that the rectangular tray configuration might not be a satisfactory solution for liquid maldistribution on sieve trays. For a typical industrial tray the flow of liquid as it crosses the tray from the inlet to the outlet weir could be affected by the mixing of liquid by the eddy, momentum and the weir shape in the axial or the transverse direction or both. Conventional U-shape profiles were developed when the operating conditions were such that the froth dispersion was in the mixed regime, with good liquid temperature distribution while in the spray regime. For the 12.5 mm hole diameter tray the constant temperature profiles were found to be in the axial direction while in the spray regime and in the transverse direction for the 4.5 mm hole tray. It was observed that the extent of the liquid stagnant zones at the sides of the tray depended on the tray hole diameter and was larger for the 4.5 mm hole tray. The liquid hold-up results show a high liquid hold-up at the areas of the tray with low liquid temperatures, this supports the doubts about the assumptions of constant point efficiency across an operating tray. Liquid flow over the outlet weir showed more liquid flow at the centre of the tray at high liquid loading with low liquid flow at both ends of the weir. The calculated results of the point and tray efficiency model showed a general increase in the calculated point and tray efficiencies with an increase in the weir loading, as the flow regime changed from the spray to the mixed regime the point and the tray efficiencies increased from approximately 30 to 80%.Through the mixed flow regime the efficiencies were found to remain fairly constant, and as the operating conditions were changed to maintain an emulsified flow regime there was a decrease in the resulting efficiencies. The results of the estimated coefficient of mixing for the small and large hole diameter trays show that the extent of liquid mixing on an operating tray generally increased with increasing capacity factor, but decreased with increasing weir loads. This demonstrates that above certain weir loads, the effect of eddy diffusion mechanism on the process of liquid mixing on an operating tray to be negligible.