968 resultados para Rapports sociaux


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Baseado em estudos de casos e em discussões teóricas, este trabalho analisa as relações entre a estética, a produção e a recepção de uma vertente do teatro produzido no Rio de Janeiro que se propõe manter-se além do entretenimento. O critério para a escolha dos casos estudados é o da inteligibilidade das relações entre estética e contexto sócio-econômico, a partir das próprias referências e vivências do pesquisador enquanto também artista e produtor teatral. A abordagem do teatro como fenômeno estético e cultural que interage com o meio sócio-econômico vale neste trabalho tanto para o teatro da contemporaneidade quanto em suas discussões históricas. A universalização da TV, a falta de público pagante para a arte e a ainda recente resposta do Estado como financiador universal da cultura aparecem aqui intimamente ligadas à proliferação e transformação de poéticas teatrais, principalmente no que concerne ao trabalho do ator em cena, sua formação, e a concepção que ele tem de sociedade e de seu papel dentro dela. Esta mirada a partir do fazer teatral questiona o valor de limites fixos entre arte e indústria cultural, ao sugerir como problemática a definição de arte e cultura na contemporaneidade. As relações de mútua legitimação entre a indústria da televisão e o teatro na cidade são acompanhadas desde a sua descoberta pelo Teatro dos Sete, seu apogeu nos anos 70 e 80, e sua subsequente crise no final da década de 80, quando a simbiose se transformou em competição e a TV passou a ditar as regras do mercado de atores. Os espetáculos escolhidos para análise nesta ótica são justamente O Mambembe de 1959 e A Maldição do Vale Negro, de 1988. Em seguida o texto apresenta um resumo de observações e pesquisas sobre sociologia da cultura, a sócio-economia do teatro e as políticas públicas na França. The Flash and Crash Days, de Gerald Thomas, é o espetáculo escolhido para abordar o início da era dos patrocínios no teatro carioca. A última parte da tese procura juntar os resultados obtidos nos estudos e algumas análises a discussões atuais sobre o teatro no Rio de Janeiro, ao comentar possíveis relações entre a estética e o contexto na cena experimental da zona sul da cidade, e a mudança ideológica e de valores que acompanha a ainda recente mudança de modos de produção. O olhar do teatro como negócio é confrontado por uma alternativa que sugere a abertura de novas perspectivas, através da inclusão de novos sujeitos, como oportunidade de renovação da cena carioca


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A participação e o controle social no processo de planejamento e gestão publica são frequentemente identificados pelos movimentos sociais como condição, requisito indispensável para a consolidação da democracia. O Estado brasileiro determina, no marco da lei, a criação de instâncias colegiadas destinados a possibilitar, em âmbito municipal, a participação e o controle social na operação do Sistema Único de Saúde - os Conselhos Municipais de Saúde. Este trabalho pretende analisar os Conselhos Municipais de Saúde integrando abordagens político-internacionais, dado o interesse central em discutir as bases do processo de descentralização nas políticas de saúde. O presente texto compõe-se de três segmentos: a) análise conceitual da participação e controle social; b) descrição do referencial metodológico e c) análise prática corrente dos Conselhos Municipais de Saúde em três localidades do Estado do Rio de Janeiro: Angra dos Reis. Resende e Bom Jesus de Itabapoana.


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais.


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Acção Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento


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Tese apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências Sociais, especialidade em Estudos de Minorias


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L’impact des expositions universelles sur le secteur de la construction du pays d’accueil est triple :elles sont l’occasion de faire la démonstration de la qualité des produits et projets de l’industrie locale ;elles stimulent les investissements dans l’infrastructure nouvelle et les bâtiments autour du site de l’exposition ;et elles représentent un défi prestigieux à relever, celui d’édifier en peu de temps des pavillons d’exception et de les montrer à un public international. L’Expo 58 a attiré 41,5 millions de visiteurs avec ses quelque 250 nouveaux bâtiments. Seuls sept entrepreneurs non belges ont participé aux travaux. Pour le monde belge de la construction, cette première exposition universelle après la Deuxième Guerre mondiale a marqué un moment charnière :elle a dressé un état des lieux de la période de reconstruction et a inauguré une phase de grands travaux de modernisation de l’infrastructure du pays. Mais elle peut aussi être vue comme un franchissement du creux économique de courte durée entre le Miracle belge (1947) et les golden sixties. Les premières initiatives remontent en effet à 1946, époque caractérisée par une réalité économique et politique bien différente de celle de la fin des années cinquante. En 1957-8, le secteur belge de la construction arrivait à peine à faire face à la demande, en particulier en raison de risques de pénurie dans la sidérurgie et d’un manque de main-d’œuvre qualifiée. Les pouvoirs publics ont ainsi échelonné la construction de logements sociaux de manière à la répartir avec les efforts consentis pour l’exposition universelle.


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This essay explores the specificity of colonial violence in India. Although imperial and military historians are familiar with several instances of such violence—notably the rebellion in 1857 and the 1919 massacre at the Jallianwalla Bagh in Amritsar—there is a broader, and arguably more significant, history that has largely escaped attention. In contrast to metropolitan European states, where sovereignty derived, at least in principle, from a covenant between subjects and government, the sovereign power of the colonial state was always predicated on the violent subjugation of ‘the natives’. However, while violence was integral to colonialism, such violence was never a purely metropolitan agency: most of those recruited to serve in the colonial military were, themselves, Indian. Exploring the history of the imperial military in South Asia after 1857, the paper outlines the complex and rather ambiguous relationship between the colonial state and its ‘native armies’. RESUME Cet article se penche sur la spe´cificite´ de la violence coloniale. Malgre´ des exemples familiers—comme la grande re´volte de 1857 en Inde ou le massacre de Jallianwalla Bagh a` Amritsar en 1919—il y a une histoire plus large et plus importante qui a e´chappe´e a` l’attention des historiens. Contrairement aux e´tats europe´ens ou la souverainete´ de´rivait en principe du moins d’un contrat social entre les acteurs sociaux, le pouvoir souverain de l’e´tat colonial restait fonde´ sur la subjugation violente des indige`nes.


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This study examines the roll-out of a collaborative information repository or 'knowledge-base' in a medium-sized UK professional services firm over a six year period. Data from usage logs provides the basis for analysis of the dynamic evolution of social networks around the depository during this time. The adoption pattern follows an 's-curve' and usage exhibits something of a power law distribution, both attributable to network effects and network opposition is associated with organisational performance on a number of indicators. But periodicity in usage is evident and the usage distribution displays an exponential cut-off. Fourier analysis provides some evidence of mathematical complexity in the periodicity. Some implications of complex patterns in social network data for research and management are discussed.


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This article shows the main results obtained from the Delphi study, which was made of politicians and technicians from the Department of Social Policy in the County Council of Gipuzkoa, concerning the possibility of cooperativizing the provision of social services in this historical territory. With this in mind, the structure of this article is in two different parts. The first part develops the theoretical framework which serves as inspiration for the empirical work, where note is made of the main theoretical proposals that have a bearing on the collective dimension of citizen participation in the management of public services. Among the various models, those which prioritise public participation through social and solidarity economy entities stand out. The second part concerns itself with the presentation of the field research results. To this end, the methodological notes concerning the preparation process for the Delphi analysis are presented first and this is immediately followed by a synthesis of the main results obtained in this study. The article ends with a section of conclusions and future lines of action.


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Los indicadores de sostenibilidad conforman herramientas útiles para la toma de decisiones. Las ciudades latinoamericanas, y especialmente las áreas de expansión sin planificación adecuada, enfrentan desafíos cada vez mayores para revertir problemáticas que amenazan su sostenibilidad. El presente trabajo evalúa de manera preliminar, la sostenibilidad ambiental del periurbano de Mar del Plata (Argentina) tomando como referencia algunos de los indicadores propuestos por el modelo del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo en la Iniciativa Ciudades Emergentes y Sostenibles. Se construyó un índice sintético (Índice de Sostenibilidad Ambiental, ISA) que integra trece indicadores agrupados en ocho temas. Las situaciones más críticas (ISA: 0,45-0,558) se identifican fundamentalmente en zonas en las que se desarrollan actividades rurales y en las que se localizan asentamientos de carácter precario. El estudio realizado profundiza en el conocimiento de la dimensión ambiental de la sostenibilidad, enfatizando en el análisis de los contrastes internos del periurbano marplatense.


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Major cultural events are increasingly seen by local stakeholders as important opportunities to stimulate urban regeneration, city branding and economic development. The European Capital of Culture programme is a prominent example. Since 1985 over thirty cities have hosted the title and today it remains a highly sought-after prize. This paper analyses competing interpretations of the success of Liverpool's hosting of the European Capital of Culture in 2008. It unpacks contrasting views of Liverpool08, from the official triumphant message of urban regeneration and economic renaissance to more critical analyses that problematise important elements of the event and its social and spatial impacts. In so doing, it challenges the hyperbole of culture-led transformation to reveal different geographies of culture, different cultural experiences and different socio-economic realities; it also offers an additional cultural reading of Liverpool in 2008. Through the example of Liverpool this paper shows how local culture is politicised, manipulated and sanitised in order to stimulate urban regeneration and construct a spatial re-branding of the city.

De grands événements culturels sont de plus en plus perçus par les rentiers locaux comme des opportunités importantes pour stimuler la régénération urbaine, produire la devise des villes et le développement économique. L'initiative La Capitale Européenne de la Culture est un exemple proéminent. Depuis 1985, plus de trente villes ont accueilli le titre et maintenant il reste un prix largement recherché. Cet article analyse des interprétations en concurrence du succès de l'accueil de Liverpool de la Capitale Européenne de la Culture en 2008. Il déballe des vues contrastées de Liverpool08, du message officiel et triomphal de la régénération urbaine et de la renaissance économique à des analyses plus critiques qui problématisent des éléments importants de l'événement et ses impacts sociaux et spatiaux. De cette façon, il conteste l'hyperbole de la transformation menée par la culture pour révéler des géographies différentes de la culture, des expériences différentes de la culture et des réalités socioéconomiques différentes; il offre aussi une interprétation culturelle différente de Liverpool en 2008. Au travers de l'exemple de Liverpool cet article montre comment la culture locale est politisée, manipulée et aseptisée pour stimuler la régénération urbaine et construire un relookage spatial de la ville.

Cada vez más, los inversores locales vean a los eventos culturales como oportunidades importantes para estimular regeneración urbana, el desarollo económico y la branding a una ciudad. El Capital Europeo de Cultura es un ejemplo prominente. Desde 1985, más que treinta ciudades han presentado el título y hoy sigue siendo un premio deseable. Este papel se analiza interpretaciones competitivos del éxito del Capital Europea de Cultura 2008 en Liverpool. Se deshace las perspectivas opuestas del Liverpool08, del mensaje triunfante de regeneración urbana y renacimiento económico, a analices críticos que problematizan elementos importantes del evento y sus impactos sociales y espaciales. Al hacer esto, se cuestiona el hipérbole de la transformación cultural para revelar geografías diferentes de cultura, experiencias culturales diferentes y realidades diferentes socio-económicas; también ofrece un entendimiento cultural adicional de Liverpool en el 2008. Através el ejemplo de Liverpool, este papel demuestra como la cultura local está politizada, manipulada, y desinfectado para estimular regeneración urbana y construir una nueva branding de la ciudad.


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Neotropical orchid bees (Euglossini) are conspicuously different from other corbiculate bees (Apinae) in their lack of advanced sociality and in male use of acquired odors (fragrances) as pheromone-analogues. In both contexts, orchid bee mating systems, in particular the number of males a female mates with, are of great interest but are currently unknown. To assess female mating frequency in the genus Euglossa, we obtained nests from three species in Mexico and Panama and genotyped mothers and their brood at microsatellite DNA loci. In 26 out of 29 nests, genotypes of female brood were fully consistent with being descended from a singly mated mother. In nests with more than one adult female present, those adult females were frequently related, with genotypes being consistent with full sister-sister (r = 0.75) or mother-daughter (r = 0.5) relationships. Thus, our genetic data support the notions of female philopatry and nest-reuse in the genus Euglossa. Theoretically, single mating should promote the evolution of eusociality by maximizing the relatedness among individuals in a nest. However, in Euglossini this genetic incentive has not led to the formation of eusocial colonies as in other corbiculate bees, presumably due to differing ecological or physiological selective regimes. Finally, monandry in orchid bees is in agreement with the theory that females select a single best mate based on the male fragrance phenotype, which may contain information on male age, cognitive ability, and competitive strength.


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Sweat bees (Halictidae) exhibit great interspecific and intraspecific diversity in their social organisation, yet there is remarkably little information on the sociogenetic organisation of any species. Lasioglossum malachurum is a eusocial sweat bee with an annual lifecycle that exhibits considerable variation in its social organisation across its wide geographic range from northern to southern Europe. We collected all adults from 31 L. malachurum nests at Eichkogl, Austria, near the latitudinal centre of its distribution, and genotyped 148 workers using 5 highly variable microsatellite loci developed for this species. Nests were often queenless (48% of nests) during the second phase of worker activity, when colonies were provisioning the sexual brood. Pedigree reconstruction and estimates of nestmate genetic relatedness demonstrated that nests often (32% of nests) contained alien workers, probably as a result of worker drifting from their natal to a foreign nest. Queen effective mating frequency was variable (harmonic mean m(e) = 1.24), but sometimes high (maximum 2.7). These data demonstrate that nests of L. malachurum do not have a classical eusocial sociogenetic organisation (monogyny, monandry) and thereby pose a challenge to exclusively relatedness based arguments for the evolution of eusociality in the taxon.


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Although variation in body size has been recently reported in stingless bees (Meliponini), empirical evidence evaluating possible factors related to such variation is lacking, and thus it is not clear if it may have an adaptive significance. We evaluated if variation in the body size and weight of workers of stingless bees fluctuates across a seasonal pattern and if this could be related to characteristics of the food consumed during the larval stage. The weight of larval provisions, their protein, and sugar content were evaluated in four colonies of Nannotrigona perilampoides every 2 months across 1 year. Worker-destined larvae from the same combs were allowed to develop and were sampled as callow workers to determine their weight and size using morphometric data. The weight and size of workers were highly correlated and varied across the seasons in established colonies, suggesting that size variation cycles across the year in stingless bees. An increase in the protein content and, to a lesser degree, the quantity of larval food were positively linked to variation in body weight and size; food with richer protein content resulted in larger and heavier workers. This study provides the first evidence of an effect of the quantity and composition of larval food on the size of workers in stingless bees. Although body weight and size of workers differed across seasons, they were not readily noticeable as changes seem to occur as a continuum across the year. Since size polymorphism was of a larger magnitude across time but not within age cohorts and as it was highly determined by food resources, it may not be an adaptive feature in stingless bees. However, more studies are needed to determine the role of the cyclical change in worker body size on colony performance and thus its adaptive significance in stingless bees.