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A major environmental issue for hydro-electric power generation is passage of fish through turbines, or entrainment onto trash racks. At Yarrawonga Weir, on the upper Murray River in south-eastern Australia, the positioning of a fish lock resulted in the potential for upstream migrating fish to be swept back into the adjacent power station by cross flows. In 2004, a 4.5-m long steel extension flume was attached to the exit to alleviate this problem. To determine the fate of native fish after exiting the extension flume, 72 individuals (305–1015 mm long) were implanted with radio-transmitters and released into the fish lock exit channel. In 2004 (power station inflows 10 300 ML day–1), the majority of fish exited successfully (44 of 45) and only a single fish (2%) was entrained into the power station. In 2005 (power station inflows 12 000 ML day–1), fish again exited successfully (26 of 27) but with a higher proportion entrained (5 of 27; 18%). This reduced success appeared to be related to strong transverse flows with high water velocities adjacent to the fish lock exit. The efficiency of fish passage at this site might be improved by altering water management strategies, integrating engineering and fish biology, and through field-testing of proposed solutions


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In this study, the high rate filtration system using buoyant medium of polypropylene or polystyrene was introduced with the study on its performance evaluation via: (i) specific surface coverage, (ii) ultimate specific deposit, (iii) blocking effect and (iv) particle detachment. The filter system was arranged in the downflow mode with an in-line flocculation. Experimental results obtained were analyzed using filtration models. This study showed that: (i) the specific surface coverage increased with the increase in the velocity; (ii) the ultimate specific deposit changed slightly at different filtration velocities and different flocculants; (iii) the blocking effect was significant in the transient stage removal of flocs; and (iv) the detachment model parameter was found to decrease with the increase in the adhesive force, Fad that acts on the flocs (above-micron size).


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Anemophilous plants described as catapulting pollen explosively into the air have rarely attracted detailed examination. We investigated floral anthesis in a male mulberry tree with high-speed video and a force probe. The stamen was inflexed within the floral bud. Exposure to dry air initially resulted in a gradual movement of the stamen. This caused fine threads to tear at the stomium, ensuring dehiscence of the anther, and subsequently enabled the anther to slip off a restraining pistillode. The sudden release of stored elastic energy in the spring-like filament drove the stamen to straighten in less than 25 μs, and reflex the petals to velocities in excess of half the speed of sound. This is the fastest motion yet observed in biology, and approaches the theoretical physical limits for movements in plants.


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Results of crack growth observations on mica in water-containing environments are described. The study focuses on equilibrium crack states for reversed loading cycles, i.e., for initial propagation through virgin solid and subsequent retraction-repropagation through healed or misoriented-healed interfaces. Departures from these equilibrium states are manifest as steady-state forward or backward crack velocities at specific applied loads. The equilibria are thereby interpreted as quiescent, threshold configurations G = WE, with G the Griffith mechanical-energy-release rate and WE the Dupré work of adhesion, on crack velocity (v-G) diagrams. Generally, WE is found to decrease with concentration of water, in accordance with a Gibbs formalism. Hysteresis is observed in the forward-backward-forward crack propagation cycle, signifying a reduction in the adhesion energy on exposure of the open interface to environmental species prior to healing. This hysteresis is especially marked for those interfaces that are misoriented before healing, indicating that the structure of the underlying solid substrate as well as of the intervening fluid is an important consideration in the interface energetics. The equilibrium states for different environments can be represented on a simple energy-level diagram, as differences between thermodynamic end-point states: initial, closed-interface states refer to crystallographic bonding configurations ahead of the crack-tip adhesion zone; final, open interface states refer to configurations behind the crack-tip zone. The significance of this diagram in relation to the fundamental atomic structure of interfaces in fracture and other adhesion geometries, including implications concerning kinetics, is discussed.


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The aim of this study was to determine the role of the phosphorylation state of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase in the regulation of muscle glycogen repletion in fasted animals recovering from high-intensity exercise. Groups of rats were swum to exhaustion and allowed to recover for up to 120 min without access to food. Swimming to exhaustion caused substantial glycogen breakdown and lactate accumulation in the red, white and mixed gastrocnemius muscles, whereas the glycogen content in the soleus muscle remained stable. During the first 40 min of recovery, significant repletion of glycogen occurred in all muscles examined except the soleus muscle. At the onset of recovery, the activity ratios and fractional velocities of glycogen synthase in the red, white and mixed gastrocnemius muscles were higher than basal, but returned to pre-exercise levels within 20 min after exercise. In contrast, after exercise the activity ratios of glycogen phosphorylase in the same muscles were lower than basal, and increased to pre-exercise levels within 20 min. This pattern of changes in glycogen synthase and phosphorylase activities, never reported before, suggests that the integrated regulation of the phosphorylation state of both glycogen synthase and phosphorylase might be involved in the control of glycogen deposition after high-intensity exercise.


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Articular cartilage is a highly efficacious water-based tribological system that is optimized to provide low friction and wear protection at both low and high loads (pressures) and sliding velocities that must last over a lifetime. Although many different lubrication mechanisms have been proposed, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the tribological performance of cartilage cannot be attributed to a single mechanism acting alone but on the synergistic action of multiple "modes" of lubrication that are adapted to provide optimum lubrication as the normal loads, shear stresses, and rates change. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is abundant in cartilage and synovial fluid and widely thought to play a principal role in joint lubrication although this role remains unclear. HA is also known to complex readily with the glycoprotein lubricin (LUB) to form a cross-linked network that has also been shown to be critical to the wear prevention mechanism of joints. Friction experiments on porcine cartilage using the surface forces apparatus, and enzymatic digestion, reveal an "adaptive" role for an HA-LUB complex whereby, under compression, nominally free HA diffusing out of the cartilage becomes mechanically, i.e., physically, trapped at the interface by the increasingly constricted collagen pore network. The mechanically trapped HA-LUB complex now acts as an effective (chemically bound) "boundary lubricant"-reducing the friction force slightly but, more importantly, eliminating wear damage to the rubbing/shearing surfaces. This paper focuses on the contribution of HA in cartilage lubrication; however, the system as a whole requires both HA and LUB to function optimally under all conditions.


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It has been consistently reported that children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) show considerable handwriting difficulties, specifically relating to accurate and consistent letter formation, and maintaining appropriate letter size. The aim of this study was to investigate the underlying factors that contribute to these difficulties, specifically relating to motor control.

We examined the integrity of fundamental handwriting movements and contributions of neuromotor noise in 26 children with ASD aged 8-13 years (IQ. >. 75), and 17 typically developing controls. Children wrote a series of four cursive letter l's using a graphics tablet and stylus.

with ASD had significantly larger stroke height and width, more variable movement trajectory, and higher movement velocities. The absolute level of neuromotor noise in the velocity profiles, as measured by power spectral density analysis, was significantly higher in children with ASD; relatively higher neuromotor noise was found in bands >3. Hz.

Our findings suggest that significant instability of fundamental handwriting movements, in combination with atypical biomechanical strategies, contribute to larger and less consistent handwriting in children with ASD.


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Forward Osmosis (FO) can be applied to recover water from the pre-treatment sludge of seawater reverse osmosis process. This study investigated the effect of the concentration of two draw solutions (MgCl2 and NaCl) in the reduction of Fe(OH)3 sludge volume and the effect of cross flow velocity on flux through FO membrane. Higher the concentration of NaCl and MgCl2 higher the water flux observed. However, the percentage increase was not significant due to the occurrence of internal concentration polarisation. MgCl2 draws marginally increased water flux than NaCl, when the conditions of feed and draw solutions were similar. Increase in cross flow velocity (from 0.25 to 1.0 m/s) marginally changed the flux with both draw solutions as higher cross flow velocities were unproductive to beat the external CP effect along the membrane surface. However, at 1 m/s, highest fluxes were obtained for both draw solutions.


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In the face of the physical and physiological challenges of performing breath-hold deep dives, marine vertebrates have evolved different strategies. Although behavioural strategies in marine mammals and seabirds have been investigated in detail, little is known about the deepest-diving reptile – the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Here, we deployed tri-axial accelerometers on female leatherbacks nesting on St Croix, US Virgin Islands, to explore their diving strategy. Our results show a consistent behavioural pattern within dives among individuals, with an initial period of active swimming at relatively steep descent angles (∼–40 deg), with a stroke frequency of 0.32 Hz, followed by a gliding phase. The depth at which the gliding phase began increased with the maximum depth of the dives. In addition, descent body angles and vertical velocities were higher during deeper dives. Leatherbacks might thus regulate their inspired air-volume according to the intended dive depth, similar to hard-shelled turtles and penguins. During the ascent, turtles actively swam with a stroke frequency of 0.30 Hz but with a low vertical velocity (∼0.40 ms–1) and a low pitch angle (∼+26 deg). Turtles might avoid succumbing to decompression sickness (‘the bends’) by ascending slowly to the surface. In addition, we suggest that the low body temperature of this marine ectotherm compared with that of endotherms might help reduce the risk of bubble formation by increasing the solubility of nitrogen in the blood. This physiological advantage, coupled with several behavioural and physical adaptations, might explain the particular ecological niche the leatherback turtle occupies among marine reptiles.


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Articular cartilage is an example of a highly efficacious water-based, natural lubrication system that is optimized to provide low friction and wear protection at both low and high loads and sliding velocities. One of the secrets of cartilage's superior tribology comes from a unique, multimodal lubrication strategy consisting of both a fluid pressurization mediated lubrication mechanism and a boundary lubrication mechanism supported by surface bound macromolecules. Using a reconstituted network of highly interconnected cellulose fibers and simple modification through the immobilization of polyelectrolytes, we have recreated many of the mechanical and chemical properties of cartilage and the cartilage lubrication system to produce a purely synthetic material system that exhibits some of the same lubrication mechanisms, time dependent friction response, and high wear resistance as natural cartilage tissue. Friction and wear studies demonstrate how the properties of the cellulose fiber network can be used to control and optimize the lubrication and wear resistance of the material surfaces and highlight what key features of cartilage should be duplicated in order to produce a cartilage-mimetic lubrication system.


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Rain Table and Water Table: Delicate splashes and droplets of water act like primitive lenses bringing transparency to the diffused images of celestial bodies. These two installation pieces are inspired by the beauty of the night sky and invite the viewer to consider the cosmos in relation to ones self and to contemplate the discoveries which have changed our understanding of the universe. Water Table and Rain Table are the two works being presented as part of Periscope. Through the form of the science bench or museum cabinet, luminous and projected images play against glass and water invoking the sublime sense of wonder that we have when we look to the starry night sky. Water Table - In 1912 the astronomer, Vesto Slipher made the discovery that “Nebula” were moving at incredible velocities due to the expansion of space itself. This discovery revealed these “Nebula” to be vastly remote and independent galaxies. Water Table speculates on the understanding that when we look into deep space, we also look into deep time. Rain Table is a new work produced for the festival and makes reference to the first telescopic observations of the Moon made by the mathematician, philosopher and astronomer, Galileo Galilei in 1610. The implication of Galileo’s observations gave rise to a radical new understanding of the heavens and our place in it and the final acceptance that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe.


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Rian Table and Water Table: Delicate splashes and droplets of water act like primitive lenses bringing transparency to the diffused images of celestial bodies. These two installation pieces are inspired by the beauty of the night sky and invite the viewer to consider the cosmos in relation to ones self and to contemplate the discoveries which have changed our understanding of the universe. Water Table and Rain Table are the two works being presented as part of Periscope. Through the form of the science bench or museum cabinet, luminous and projected images play against glass and water invoking the sublime sense of wonder that we have when we look to the starry night sky. Water Table In 1912 the astronomer, Vesto Slipher made the discovery that “Nebula” were moving at incredible velocities due to the expansion of space itself. This discovery revealed these “Nebula” to be vastly remote and independent galaxies. Water Table speculates on the understanding that when we look into deep space, we also look into deep time. Rain-Table is a new work produced for the festival and makes reference to the first telescopic observations of the Moon made by the mathematician, philosopher and astronomer, Galileo Galilei in 1610. The implication of Galileo’s observations gave rise to a radical new understanding of the heavens and our place in it and the final acceptance that the Earth was not the center of the Universe.


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Rian Table and Water Table: Delicate splashes and droplets of water act like primitive lenses bringing transparency to the diffused images of celestial bodies. These two installation pieces are inspired by the beauty of the night sky and invite the viewer to consider the cosmos in relation to ones self and to contemplate the discoveries which have changed our understanding of the universe. Water Table and Rain Table are the two works being presented as part of Periscope. Through the form of the science bench or museum cabinet, luminous and projected images play against glass and water invoking the sublime sense of wonder that we have when we look to the starry night sky. Water Table In 1912 the astronomer, Vesto Slipher made the discovery that “Nebula” were moving at incredible velocities due to the expansion of space itself. This discovery revealed these “Nebula” to be vastly remote and independent galaxies. Water Table speculates on the understanding that when we look into deep space, we also look into deep time. Rain-Table is a new work produced for the festival and makes reference to the first telescopic observations of the Moon made by the mathematician, philosopher and astronomer, Galileo Galilei in 1610. The implication of Galileo’s observations gave rise to a radical new understanding of the heavens and our place in it and the final acceptance that the Earth was not the center of the Universe.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to analyse teleoperation of an ABB industrial robot with an ABB IRC5 controller. A method to improve motion smoothness and decrease latency using the existing ABB IRC5 robot controller without access to any low-level interface is proposed. Design/methodology/ approach - The proposed control algorithm includes a high-level proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID) controller used to dynamically generate reference velocities for different travel ranges of the tool centre point (TCP) of the robot. Communication with the ABB IRC5 controller was performed utilising the ABB PC software development kit. The multitasking feature of the IRC5 controller was used to enhance the communication frequency between the controller and the remote application. Trajectory tracking experiments of a pre-defined three-dimensional trajectory were carried out and the benefits of the proposed algorithm were demonstrated. The robot was intentionally installed on a wobbly table and its vibrations were recorded using a six-degrees-of-freedom force/torque sensor fitted to the tool mounting interface of the robot. The robot vibrations were used as a measure of the smoothness of the tracking movements. Findings - A communication rate of up to 250 Hz between the computer and the controller was established using C#.Net. Experimental results demonstrating the robot TCP, tracking errors and robot vibrations for different control approaches were provided and analysed. It was demonstrated that the proposed approach results in the smoothest motion with tracking errors of < 0.2 mm. Research limitations/implications - The proposed approach may be employed to produce smooth motion for a remotely operated ABB industrial robot with the existing ABB IRC5 controller. However, to achieve high-bandwidth path following, the inherent latency of the controller must be overcome, for example by utilising a low-level interface. It is particularly useful for applications including a large number of short manipulation segments, which is typical in teleoperation applications. Social implications - Using the proposed technique, off-the-shelf industrial robots can be used for research and industrial applications where remote control is required. Originality/value - Although low-level control interface for industrial robots seems to be the ideal long-term solution for teleoperation applications, the proposed remote control technique allows out-of-the-box ABB industrial robots with IRC5 controllers to achieve high efficiency and manipulation smoothness without requirements of any low-level programming interface. © Copyright - 2014 Emerald Group Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.


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 This paper proposes a method to improve motion smoothness and decrease latency using existing ABB IRC5 robot controllers without access to any low level interface. The proposed control algorithm includes a high-level PID controller used to dynamically generate reference velocities for different travel ranges of the tool centre point (TCP) of the robot. Communication with the ABB IRC5 controller was performed utilising the ABB PC software development kit (SDK). The multitasking feature of the IRC5 controller was used in order to enhance the communication frequency between the controller and the remote application. Trajectory tracking experiments of a predefined 3D trajectory were carried out and the benefits of the proposed algorithm was demonstrated. The robot was intentionally installed on a wobbly table and its vibrations were recorded using a six degrees of freedom (DOF) force/torque sensor fitted to the tool mounting interface of the robot. The robot vibrations were used as a measure of the smoothness of the tracking movements. Experimental results demonstrating the robot tool centre point (TCP), tracking errors, and robot vibrations for different control approaches were provided and analysed. It was demonstrated that the proposed approach results in the smoothest motion with less than 0.2 mm tracking errors.