988 resultados para REACTION SYSTEM
FILTER is an innovative, CSIRO developed system for treating effluent using high rate land application and subsequent effluent recapture via a closely spaced, subsurface drainage network. We report on the summer performance of a FILTER system established in a subtropical environment on a relatively impermeable swelling clay soil underlain by a deep regional water table. Using secondary treated sewage effluent, the FILTER system produced effluent of tertiary nutrient standards (less than or equal to5 mg/L TN; less than or equal to1 mg/L TP), with salinity levels suitable for subsequent irrigation reuse (EC less than or equal to2.5 dS/m). Removal of faecal coliforms was considerably less effective. The hydraulic loading rate achieved was about two and a half times larger than conventional irrigation demand, but this was associated with high deep percolation losses (e 3 mm/day). Comparisons are made with the original FILTER system developed and tested by Jayawardane et al. in temperate Australia. Suggestions are made for modifications to, and further testing of FILTER in a subtropical environment.
Highly filled thermosets are used in applications such as integrated circuit (IC) packaging. However, a detailed understanding of the effects of the fillers on the macroscopic cure properties is limited by the complex cure of such systems. This work systematically quantifies the effects of filler content on the kinetics, gelation and vitrification of a model silica-filled epoxy/amine system in order to begin to understand the role of the filler in IC packaging cure. At high cure temperatures (100 degreesC and above) there appears to be no effect of fillers on cure kinetics and gelation and vitrification times. However, a decrease in the gelation and vitrification times and increase the reaction rate is seen with increasing filler content at low cure temperatures (60-90 degreesC). An explanation for these results is given in terms of catalysation of the epoxy amine reaction by hydrogen donor species present on the silica surface and interfacial effects.
Estrogen influences regional adipose tissue distribution and the accompanying cardiovascular disease risk. To elucidate the mechanisms of this link further, we assessed whether human preadipocytes (PAs) expressed estrogen receptors (ERs) and whether there were any regional or gender differences in ER complement. Human PAs expressed the ER alpha gene but not ERP by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, possessed ER alpha protein on Western blotting, and displayed specific 17 beta -estradiol (E-2) binding with calculated dissociation constants of 0.78 nM, 0.96 nM, and 1.19 nM and maximal binding capacities of 9.3 fmol/mg, 14.6 fmol/ mg, and 18.2 fmol/mg from three whole cell binding assays. There were no regional differences in ER alpha complement for males or females. There were no gender differences in ER alpha complement for subcutaneous or visceral samples. We conclude that ER alpha but not ERP is present in human PAs. This suggests that the effect of estrogen on adipose tissue deposition has a contribution from the direct effect of estrogen on human PAs via ER alpha.
Single cell genetic analysis is generally performed using PCR and FISH. Until recently, FISH has been the method of choice. FISH however is expensive, has significant misdiagnosis rates, can result in interpretation difficulties and is labour intensive making it unsuitable for high throughput processing. Recently fluorescent PCR reliability has increased to levels at or surpassing FISH whilst maintaining low cost. However, PCR accuracy has been a concern due to allelic dropout. Multiplex PCR can now increase accuracy by using multiple markers for each chromosome to firstly provide diagnosis if markers fail and,or secondly confirm diagnosis. We compare a variety of diagnostic methods and demonstrate for the first time a multiplex PCR system providing simultaneous diagnosis and confirmation of the major aneuploidy chromosomes (21, 18, 13) and sex as well as DNA fingerprint in single cells. We also discuss the implications of using PCR for aneuploidy screening in preimplantation genetic diagnosis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Problem: The present study was performed to explore the effects of pregnancy on experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced in Lewis rats by inoculation with myelin basic protein (MBP) (MBP-EAE). Method of study: MBP-EAE was induced in pregnant and non-pregnant rats and severity of disease evaluated. Serum from pregnant and non-pregnant rats was used in standard lymphocyte proliferation assays. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to investigate the expression of cytokine mRNA in the inflammatory cells obtained from the spinal cord of rats on day 15 after inoculation. Results: Pregnant rats developed less severe disease than non-pregnant rats. Serum from pregnant rats suppressed the proliferation of T lymphocytes in response to MBP. There was significantly increased expression of IL-4. IL-10 and TNF-alpha mRNA in the spinal cord infiltrate of pregnant rats. Conclusion: Circulating humoral factors and alteration in cytokine production by inflammatory cells may contribute to the suppression of EAE in pregnant rats.
Purpose. To demonstrate that the combination of impression cytology and single cell DNA fingerprinting represents a powerful tool that is suitable for detecting transplanted cells after corneal limbal allografting. Methods, Fifty single cells were obtained by corneal impression cytology from 12 patients undergoing cataract surgery. Individual cells were isolated from samples by micromanipulation. Polymerase chain reaction and short tandem repeat profiling was used to obtain forensic standard DNA fingerprints from single cells. Blood samples taken at the time of impression cytology provided control fingerprints. Results, informative DNA fingerprints were obtained from all corneal samples and 66% (33 of 50 cells) of isolated single cells, Of all fingerprints obtained, most (91%, 30 of 33 fingerprints) corneal fingerprints matched corresponding blond sample fingerprints. At least one corneal fingerprint matched the corresponding blood sample fingerprint in 83% (10 of 12 patients) of the patients in the study, Conclusions. This extremely specific single cell DNA fingerprinting system permits accurate identification of individual corneal epithelial cells, allowing very reliable determination of their origin, which will enable host and donor cells to be distinguished from each other after keratolimbal allografting procedures. even if the host and donor are the same sex or siblings. These DNA fingerprinting methods allow assessment of quality and quantity of donor cell survival, as well as survival time. The extreme sensitivity and accuracy of the technique means that should contamination occur, it would be identified, thus ensuring meaningful results.
The presence of an intrinsic renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in the rat epididymis has been previously established by showing the expression of several key RAS components, and in particular angiotensinogen, the indispensable element for the intracellular generation of angiotensin II. In this study, the possible involvement of this local epididymal RAS in the testicular effects of chronic hypoxia was investigated. Semi-quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), Western blotting and by in situ hybridization histochemistry of the rat epididymis were used to show changes in localization and expression of angiotensinogen. Results from RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that chronic hypoxia caused a marked decrease (60%) in the expression of angiotensinogen mRNA, when compared with that in the normoxic epididymis. Western blot analysis demonstrated a less decrease (35%) in the expression of angiotensinogen protein. In situ hybridization histochemistry showed that the reduced angiotensinogen mRNA in chronic hypoxia was specifically localized to the epididymal epithelium from the cauda, corpus and caput regions of the epididymis; a distribution similar to that of normoxic rats. It was concluded that chronic hypoxia decreases the transcriptional and translational expression of angiotensinogen, and thus local formation of angiotensin II, in the rat epididymis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The pancreas is a relative newcomer to the stable of tissues with an intrinsic angiotensin-generating system. The involvement of this system in pancreatic activity will be dependent on the angiotensin-generating paths present in the pancreas and their precise cellular location. Thus far, renin, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), angiotensin II and AT1 and AT2 receptors have been found. These are components of the "classical" renin-angiotensin system. But there is uncertainty as to their location and site of action. Furthermore, it is not known which, if any, alternative enzymes to renin and ACE are present, which angiotensins in addition to angiotensin II are generated and whether or not there are receptors to angiotensin IV and angiotensin-(1-7). Future research should focus on these aspects in order to provide a mechanistic basis to pancreatic physiological functions and to pathological conditions of clinical relevance.
Penalizing line management for the occurrence of lost time injuries has in some cases had unintended negative consequences. These are discussed. An alternative system is suggested that penalizes line management for accidents where the combination of the probability of recurrence and the maximum reasonable consequences such a recurrence may have exceeds an agreed limit. A reward is given for prompt effective control of the risk to below the agreed risk limit. The reward is smaller than the penalty. High-risk accidents require independent investigation by a safety officer using analytical techniques. Two case examples are given to illustrate the system. Continuous safety improvement is driven by a planned reduction in the agreed risk limit over time and reward for proactive risk assessment and control.
Due to the socio-economic inhomogeneity of communities in developing countries, the selection of sanitation systems is a complex task. To assist planners and communities in assessing the suitability of alternatives, the decision support system SANEX™ was developed. SANEX™ evaluates alternatives in two steps. First, Conjunctive Elimination, based on 20 mainly technical criteria, is used to screen feasible alternatives. Subsequently, a model derived from Multiattribute Utility Technique (MAUT) uses technical, socio-cultural and institutional criteria to compare the remaining alternatives with regard to their implementability and sustainability. This paper presents the SANEX™ algorithm, examples of its application in practice, and results obtained from field testing.
Riparian vegetation can be an effective measure for preventing degradation of streambanks and riparian areas. However, riparian revegetation imposes large costs on landholders associated with tree establishment and removal of land from cropping, while providing benefits to downstream landholders, fishers, the local community and environmentalists. Appropriate policy instruments are required to promote sustainable and balanced use of riparian zones. This article analyses the capacity of existing legislation and other instruments to promote restoration of degraded riparian zones on private land. The role of legislation. economic instruments, community engagement and extension programs, in persuading landholders to revegetate riparian areas and improve riparian vegetation cover; is examined in the context ofa small degraded catchment in an intensive farming area in tropical north Queensland. It is found that while legislation and regulations can control undesirable modification of riparian areas, in general they are unable to make a useful contribution to restoration of these areas; incentives and assistance measures appear to offer greater potential.
Management are keen to maximize the life span of an information system because of the high cost, organizational disruption, and risk of failure associated with the re-development or replacement of an information system. This research investigates the effects that various factors have on an information system's life span by understanding how the factors affect an information system's stability. The research builds on a previously developed two-stage model of information system change whereby an information system is either in a stable state of evolution in which the information system's functionality is evolving, or in a state of revolution, in which the information system is being replaced because it is not providing the functionality expected by its users. A case study surveyed a number of systems within one organization. The aim was to test whether a relationship existed between the base value of the volatility index (a measure of the stability of an information system) and certain system characteristics. Data relating to some 3000 user change requests covering 40 systems over a 10-year period were obtained. The following factors were hypothesized to have significant associations with the base value of the volatility index: language level (generation of language of construction), system size, system age, and the timing of changes applied to a system. Significant associations were found in the hypothesized directions except that the timing of user changes was not associated with any change in the value of the volatility index. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.