951 resultados para R factor
This work presents an optical non-contact technique to evaluate the fatigue damage state of CFRP structures measuring the irregularity factor of the surface. This factor includes information about surface topology and can be measured easily on field, by techniques such as optical perfilometers. The surface irregularity factor has been correlated with stiffness degradation, which is a well-accepted parameter for the evaluation of the fatigue damage state of composite materials. Constant amplitude fatigue loads (CAL) and realistic variable amplitude loads (VAL), representative of real in- flight conditions, have been applied to “dog bone” shaped tensile specimens. It has been shown that the measurement of the surface irregularity parameters can be applied to evaluate the damage state of a structure, and that it is independent of the type of fatigue load that has caused the damage. As a result, this measurement technique is applicable for a wide range of inspections of composite material structures, from pressurized tanks with constant amplitude loads, to variable amplitude loaded aeronautical structures such as wings and empennages, up to automotive and other industrial applications.
La enfermedad renal crónica ha aumentado a nivel mundial y nacional, mientras que el número de donantes viene en descenso, y los pacientes en lista de espera aumentan. Los donantes cadavéricos son una opción para estos pacientes, y han sido utilizados en últimos años para aumentar los órganos disponibles. La evaluación de la calidad de estos es importante para optimizar su uso. Estudio analítico tipo cohorte retrospectiva, cálculo de KDPI en donantes cadavéricos, seguimiento función renal creatinina sérica 1 mes, 3 meses, 6 meses y un año. Correlación supervivencia del injerto, función renal, KDPI y EPTS. Análisis de supervivencia y regresión logística con variables del donante, receptor y acto quirúrgico.
El objetivo de este estudio de caso es analizar el agua como factor reordenador del territorio, en el caso específico de las inundaciones sucedidas en el 2011 en el territorio de la Universidad de la Sabana. Durante la ola invernal del 2011 todo el país sufrió las consecuencias de los errores en la planeación de los asentamientos humanos. La no inclusión de la gestión del riesgo dentro del Ordenamiento Territorial, sumado la falta de comprensión de las dinámicas del territorio y del rol del agua como factor ordenador del territorio, causaron inundaciones y desastres naturales que afectaron la vida de miles de ciudadanos, entre eso los estudiantes, profesores y demás afectados por las inundaciones de la Universidad de la Sabana.
Pantaneiro horses were submitted to a performance test.
According to the SM, while Lepton Flavour Violation is allowed in the neutral sector, Charged Lepton Flavour Violation (CLFV) processes are forbidden. The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab will search for the CLFV process of neutrinoless conversion of a muon into an electron within the field of an Al nucleus. The Mu2e detectors and its state-of-the-art superconducting magnetic system are presented, with special focus put to the electromagnetic crystal calorimeter. The calorimeter is composed by two annular disks, each one hosting pure CsI crystals read-out by custom silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). The SiPMs are amplified by custom electronics (FEE) and are glued to copper holders in group of 2 SiPMs and 2 FEE boards thus forming a crystal Readout Unit. These Readout Units are being tested at the Quality Control (QC) Station, whose design, realization and operations are presented in this work. The QC Station allows to determine the gain, the response and the photon detection efficiency of each unit and to evaluate the dependence of these parameters from the supply voltage and temperature. The station is powered by two remotely-controlled power supplies and monitored thanks to a Slow Control system which is also illustrated in this work. In this thesis, we also demonstrated that the calorimeter can perform its own measurement of the Mu2e normalization factor, i.e. the counting of the 1.8 MeV photon line produced in nuclear muon captures. A specific calorimeter sub-system called CAPHRI, composed by four LYSO crystals with SiPM readout, has been designed and tested. We simulated the capability of this system on performing this task showing that it can get a faster and more reliable measurement of the muon capture rates with respect to the current Mu2e detector dedicated to this measurement. The characterization of energy resolution and response uniformity of the four procured LYSO crystals are llustrated.