958 resultados para Punitive turn
Epithelial to Mesenchymal transition (EMT) in cancer, a process permitting cancer cells to become mobile and metastatic, has a signaling hardwire forged from development. Multiple signaling pathways that regulate carcinogenesis enabling characteristics in neoplastic cells such as proliferation, resistance to apoptosis and angiogenesis are also the main players in EMT. These pathways, as almost all cellular processes, are in their turn regulated by ubiquitination and the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System (UPS). Ubiquitination is the covalent link of target proteins with the small protein ubiquitin and serves as a signal to target protein degradation by the proteasome or to other outcomes such as endocytosis, degradation by the lysosome or specification of cellular localization. This paper reviews signal transduction pathways regulating EMT and being regulated by ubiquitination.
L'objectiu d'aquest article és doble. D'una banda, s'exposen els problemes que planteja l’anàlisi que la morfologia generativa ha proposat per a la sufixació apreciativa, especialment per a noms i adjectius. D'altra banda, es defensa la unificació de dos tipus d'afixos apreciatius que les gramàtiques tradicionals han considerat diferents: els sufixos que s'adjunten a arrels nominals (diminutius, augmentatius i despectius) i els que s'adjunten a arrels adjectivals (anomenats intensius ). Aquest treball es centra, fonamentalment, en les dades del català i es demostra que hi ha raons per suposar que tots els sufixos apreciatius formen una única classe d'afixos. Si bé es discuteixen diversos aspectes problemàtics d'aquests derivats, només es presenta una proposta de solució al de la interpretació semàntica. Es defensa que les diferències en la interpretació semàntica dels derivats es poden deduir de l'estructura lexicoconceptual (ELC) de la base i de l'element d'aquesta ELC que sigui modificat per l'afix
The authors focus on one of the methods for connection acceptance control (CAC) in an ATM network: the convolution approach. With the aim of reducing the cost in terms of calculation and storage requirements, they propose the use of the multinomial distribution function. This permits direct computation of the associated probabilities of the instantaneous bandwidth requirements. This in turn makes possible a simple deconvolution process. Moreover, under certain conditions additional improvements may be achieved
This paper explores the relationship between violence and displacement during civil war focusing on two different forms of population movements (i.e. incoming and outgoing), and two different forms of violence (i.e. direct and indirect). The paper explores the relationship between displacement and violence at the local level in the context of a civil war fought conventionally using fine-grained data from 1,062 municipalities of the region of Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). First, the paper suggests that exogenous and endogenous to the war factors combine to generate patterns of resettlement. Second, the evidence indicates that, in acivil war context, refugee flows and violence are interrelated in multiple ways: the arrival of internal refugees in a locality promotes the perpetration of direct violence against civilians; this, in turn, triggers the departure of people from the locality when the other group approaches. Third, indirect violence (i.e. bombings) shows to be the most significant factor accounting for external displacement at the local level, suggesting that bombing can serve as a strong signal for civilians of the type of armed group they are facing. Finally, the Spanish case suggests that the demographic changes provoked by displacement, combined with the lethality of the conflict, are likely to have long-term political consequences.
Time-lapse geophysical data acquired during transient hydrological experiments are being increasingly employed to estimate subsurface hydraulic properties at the field scale. In particular, crosshole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data, collected while water infiltrates into the subsurface either by natural or artificial means, have been demonstrated in a number of studies to contain valuable information concerning the hydraulic properties of the unsaturated zone. Previous work in this domain has considered a variety of infiltration conditions and different amounts of time-lapse GPR data in the estimation procedure. However, the particular benefits and drawbacks of these different strategies as well as the impact of a variety of key and common assumptions remain unclear. Using a Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo stochastic inversion methodology, we examine in this paper the information content of time-lapse zero-offset-profile (ZOP) GPR traveltime data, collected under three different infiltration conditions, for the estimation of van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters in a layered subsurface medium. Specifically, we systematically analyze synthetic and field GPR data acquired under natural loading and two rates of forced infiltration, and we consider the value of incorporating different amounts of time-lapse measurements into the estimation procedure. Our results confirm that, for all infiltration scenarios considered, the ZOP GPR traveltime data contain important information about subsurface hydraulic properties as a function of depth, with forced infiltration offering the greatest potential for VGM parameter refinement because of the higher stressing of the hydrological system. Considering greater amounts of time-lapse data in the inversion procedure is also found to help refine VGM parameter estimates. Quite importantly, however, inconsistencies observed in the field results point to the strong possibility that posterior uncertainties are being influenced by model structural errors, which in turn underlines the fundamental importance of a systematic analysis of such errors in future related studies.
Dengue is an acute febrile disease caused by the mosquito-borne dengue virus (DENV) that according to clinical manifestations can be classified as asymptomatic, mild or severe dengue. Severe dengue cases have been associated with an unbalanced immune response characterised by an over secretion of inflammatory cytokines. In the present study we measured type I interferon (IFN-I) transcript and circulating levels in primary and secondary DENV infected patients. We observed that dengue fever (DF) and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) patients express IFN-I differently. While DF and DHF patients express interferon-α similarly (52,71 ± 7,40 and 49,05 ± 7,70, respectively), IFN- β were associated with primary DHF patients. On the other hand, secondary DHF patients were not able to secrete large amounts of IFN- β which in turn may have influenced the high-level of viraemia. Our results suggest that, in patients from our cohort, infection by DENV serotype 3 elicits an innate response characterised by higher levels of IFN- β in the DHF patients with primary infection, which could contribute to control infection evidenced by the low-level of viraemia in these patients. The present findings may contribute to shed light in the role of innate immune response in dengue pathogenesis.
Using H-2Kd-restricted CTL clones, which are specific for a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide PbCS(252-260) (SYIPSAEKI) and permit assessment of TCR-ligand interactions by TCR photoaffinity labeling, we have previously identified several peptide derivative variants for which TCR-ligand binding and the efficiency of Ag recognition deviated by fivefold or more. Here we report that the functional CTL response (cytotoxicity and IFN-gamma production) correlated with the rate of TCR-ligand complex dissociation, but not the avidity of TCR-ligand binding. While peptide antagonists exhibited very rapid TCR-ligand complex dissociation, slightly slower dissociation was observed for strong agonists. Conversely and surprisingly, weak agonists typically displayed slower dissociation than the wild-type agonists. Acceleration of TCR-ligand complex dissociation by blocking CD8 participation in TCR-ligand binding increased the efficiency of Ag recognition in cases where dissociation was slow. In addition, permanent TCR engagement by TCR-ligand photocross-linking completely abolished sustained intracellular calcium mobilization, which is required for T cell activation. These results indicate that the functional CTL response depends on the frequency of serial TCR engagement, which, in turn, is determined by the rate of TCR-ligand complex dissociation.
L’explotació actual disposa d’una superfície de 1,8 ha i està situada en elmunicipi de Fornells de la Selva a la comarca del Gironès. Les comunicacions per accedir-hi són bones, ja es troba prop de la ciutat de Girona i dels seus accessos. Dins la finca s’hi poden trobar dos hivernacles que en total tenen unasuperfície de 180 m2, i la resta de finca està dividia en dues parcel!les, en les quals es desenvolupa cultiu a l’exterior i que anualment s’alterna el lloc de cultiu. El canvi que es proposa i es descriu en el projecte, es base en reconvertir el sistema productiu actual per un sistema d’agricultura ecològica. També es valora el canvi en el sistema de venda on s’estudia la possibilitat de realitzar la venda directa al consumidor mitjançant una cistella ecològica. Per realitzar el canvi de sistema productiu s’han dissenyat unes rotacions decultius i un augment de variabilitat d’espècies cultivades donant major importància a les especies locals. Les rotacions plantejades es basen en les famílies botàniques de les espècies cultivades i en la seva exigència en les extraccions de nutrients del sòl i la seva necessitat d’adobat. El sistema de reg s’ha utilitzat el mateix que ja hi havia en la situació actual fent una modificació en les vàlvules d’entrada als sectors de reg, col•locant electrovàlvules programades per automatitzar el reg
En els darrers temps, tan a nivell doctrinal com legislatiu, han augmentat progressivament els esforços encaminats a dotar de la deguda protecció processal la víctima d'un delicte. Sens dubte, la situació ha millorat notòriament d'uns anys ençà. No obstant, la proliferació de textos legals relatius a la matèria potser acabi provocant l'efecte contrari al que inicialment es tenia en ment. En altres paraules, el desconcert que pot causar a una víctima que les seves possibilitats d'intervenció siguin variables d'un procés a un altre no afavoreix gens ni mica el dret que té a una tutela judicial efectiva. En aquest treball es posa de relleu la situació prenent com a punt de referència dues de les reformes processals més recents que han incidit en matèria d'atenció a la víctima: les Lleis 8/2002 i 38/2002 sobre judicis ràpids i de modificació del procediment abreujat i la Llei 5/2000, reguladora dels processos de menors. Aparentment, els judicis de menors tenen poc a veure amb els d'adults, però, precisament per aquesta distància entre ells, resulta significatiu l'acostament que es podria produir en l'àmbit de la protecció de la víctima. Un dels objectius d'aquest treball és justament demostrar els aspectes en els quals es podrien unificar les normes referents a la matèria. Un cop aconseguit en aquests processos, no sembla que hi hagi cap obstacle que impedeixi postular la unificació pretesa en aquesta investigació de forma general. Una qüestió diferent és que en alguns punts no sigui possible dur a terme la unitat esmentada de forma immediata i resulti necessària una reforma legal. Ara bé, tan sols atenent a la legislació vigent, existeix l'opció de fer un gran pas en la direcció apuntada. Només cal canviar la manera com s'està practicant l'acte d'oferiment d'accions en l'actualitat. Això vol dir que no es limiti a la simple comunicació d'un escrit de difícil comprensió per algú no expert en dret, que la víctima firma sense entendre’n la transcendència. La importància d'aquest acte en relació a la tutela efectiva del perjudicat per un delicte, permet desenvolupar el contingut previst a la legislació processal per adequar-lo a les necessitats del seu destinatari. És aquí on s'obre un ampli ventall de possibilitats, que poden arribar a l'extrem de convertir l'acte de l'oferiment d'accions gairebé en una informació completa de totes les oportunitats d'actuació que tindrà una víctima en un procés i el que implica cadascuna d'elles. L'Administració Autonòmica hi pot jugar un paper important. Tenint en compte que les recents reformes processals han previst fer recaure en l'actuació de la Policia Judicial bona part de la pretesa major atenció a la víctima, ja que s'imposa de forma preceptiva que sigui aquesta autoritat la que ofereixi sempre en primer terme les accions a la víctima, seria molt oportú que la Policia Autonòmica fes ús d'un formulari d'oferiment d'accions adaptat a les necessitats de la víctima d'acord amb el que s'apunta en aquesta obra. De fet, a fi efecte que sigui d'utilitat, l'objectiu últim d'aquest treball és establir les bases que serveixin per a l'elaboració del model de formulari postulat.
Les écosystèmes fournissent de nombreuses ressources et services écologiques qui sont utiles à la population humaine. La biodiversité est une composante essentielle des écosystèmes et maintient de nombreux services. Afin d'assurer la permanence des services écosystémiques, des mesures doivent être prises pour conserver la biodiversité. Dans ce but, l'acquisition d'informations détaillées sur la distribution de la biodiversité dans l'espace est essentielle. Les modèles de distribution d'espèces (SDMs) sont des modèles empiriques qui mettent en lien des observations de terrain (présences ou absences d'une espèce) avec des descripteurs de l'environnement, selon des courbes de réponses statistiques qui décrive la niche réalisée des espèces. Ces modèles fournissent des projections spatiales indiquant les lieux les plus favorables pour les espèces considérées. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de fournir des projections plus réalistes de la distribution des espèces et des communautés en montagne pour le climat présent et futur en considérant non-seulement des variables abiotiques mais aussi biotiques. Les régions de montagne et l'écosystème alpin sont très sensibles aux changements globaux et en même temps assurent de nombreux services écosystémiques. Cette thèse est séparée en trois parties : (i) fournir une meilleure compréhension du rôle des interactions biotiques dans la distribution des espèces et l'assemblage des communautés en montagne (ouest des Alpes Suisses), (ii) permettre le développement d'une nouvelle approche pour modéliser la distribution spatiale de la biodiversité, (iii) fournir des projections plus réalistes de la distribution future des espèces ainsi que de la composition des communautés. En me focalisant sur les papillons, bourdons et plantes vasculaires, j'ai détecté des interactions biotiques importantes qui lient les espèces entre elles. J'ai également identifié la signature du filtre de l'environnement sur les communautés en haute altitude confirmant l'utilité des SDMs pour reproduire ce type de processus. A partir de ces études, j'ai contribué à l'amélioration méthodologique des SDMs dans le but de prédire les communautés en incluant les interactions biotiques et également les processus non-déterministes par une approche probabiliste. Cette approche permet de prédire non-seulement la distribution d'espèces individuelles, mais également celle de communautés dans leur entier en empilant les projections (S-SDMs). Finalement, j'ai utilisé cet outil pour prédire la distribution d'espèces et de communautés dans le passé et le futur. En particulier, j'ai modélisé la migration post-glaciaire de Trollius europaeus qui est à l'origine de la structure génétique intra-spécifique chez cette espèce et évalué les risques de perte face au changement climatique. Finalement, j'ai simulé la distribution des communautés de bourdons pour le 21e siècle afin d'évaluer les changements probables dans ce groupe important de pollinisateurs. La diversité fonctionnelle des bourdons va être altérée par la perte d'espèces spécialistes de haute altitude et ceci va influencer la pollinisation des plantes en haute altitude. - Ecosystems provide a multitude of resources and ecological services, which are useful to human. Biodiversity is an essential component of those ecosystems and guarantee many services. To assure the permanence of ecosystem services for future generation, measure should be applied to conserve biodiversity. For this purpose, the acquisition of detailed information on how biodiversity implicated in ecosystem function is distributed in space is essential. Species distribution models (SDMs) are empirical models relating field observations to environmental predictors based on statistically-derived response surfaces that fit the realized niche. These models result in spatial predictions indicating locations of the most suitable environment for the species and may potentially be applied to predict composition of communities and their functional properties. The main objective of this thesis was to provide more accurate projections of species and communities distribution under current and future climate in mountains by considering not solely abiotic but also biotic drivers of species distribution. Mountain areas and alpine ecosystems are considered as particularly sensitive to global changes and are also sources of essential ecosystem services. This thesis had three main goals: (i) a better ecological understanding of biotic interactions and how they shape the distribution of species and communities, (ii) the development of a novel approach to the spatial modeling of biodiversity, that can account for biotic interactions, and (iii) ecologically more realistic projections of future species distributions, of future composition and structure of communities. Focusing on butterfly and bumblebees in interaction with the vegetation, I detected important biotic interactions for species distribution and community composition of both plant and insects along environmental gradients. I identified the signature of environmental filtering processes at high elevation confirming the suitability of SDMs for reproducing patterns of filtering. Using those case-studies, I improved SDMs by incorporating biotic interaction and accounting for non-deterministic processes and uncertainty using a probabilistic based approach. I used improved modeling to forecast the distribution of species through the past and future climate changes. SDMs hindcasting allowed a better understanding of the spatial range dynamic of Trollius europaeus in Europe at the origin of the species intra-specific genetic diversity and identified the risk of loss of this genetic diversity caused by climate change. By simulating the future distribution of all bumblebee species in the western Swiss Alps under nine climate change scenarios for the 21st century, I found that the functional diversity of this pollinator guild will be largely affected by climate change through the loss of high elevation specialists. In turn, this will have important consequences on alpine plant pollination.
The mammalian Ku70 and Ku86 proteins form a heterodimer that binds to the ends of double-stranded DNA in vitro and is required for repair of radiation-induced strand breaks and V(D)J recombination [1,2]. Deletion of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes HDF1 and HDF2--encoding yKu70p and yKu80p, respectively--enhances radiation sensitivity in a rad52 background [3,4]. In addition to repair defects, the length of the TG-rich repeat on yeast telomere ends shortens dramatically [5,6]. We have shown previously that in yeast interphase nuclei, telomeres are clustered in a limited number of foci near the nuclear periphery [7], but the elements that mediate this localization remained unknown. We report here that deletion of the genes encoding yKu70p or its partner yKu80p altered the positioning of telomeric DNA in the yeast nucleus. These are the first mutants shown to affect the subnuclear localization of telomeres. Strains deficient for either yKu70p or yKu80p lost telomeric silencing, although they maintained repression at the silent mating-type loci. In addition, the telomere-associated silencing factors Sir3p and Sir4p and the TG-repeat-binding protein Rap1p lost their punctate pattern of staining and became dispersed throughout the nucleoplasm. Our results implicate the yeast Ku proteins directly in aspects of telomere organization, which in turn affects the repression of telomere-proximal genes.
Bioactive small molecules, such as drugs or metabolites, bind to proteins or other macro-molecular targets to modulate their activity, which in turn results in the observed phenotypic effects. For this reason, mapping the targets of bioactive small molecules is a key step toward unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying their bioactivity and predicting potential side effects or cross-reactivity. Recently, large datasets of protein-small molecule interactions have become available, providing a unique source of information for the development of knowledge-based approaches to computationally identify new targets for uncharacterized molecules or secondary targets for known molecules. Here, we introduce SwissTargetPrediction, a web server to accurately predict the targets of bioactive molecules based on a combination of 2D and 3D similarity measures with known ligands. Predictions can be carried out in five different organisms, and mapping predictions by homology within and between different species is enabled for close paralogs and orthologs. SwissTargetPrediction is accessible free of charge and without login requirement at http://www.swisstargetprediction.ch.
Background: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a subtype of stroke characterized by a haematoma within the brain parenchyma resulting from blood vessel rupture and with a poor outcome. In ICH, the blood entry into the brain triggers toxicity resulting in a substantial loss of neurons and an inflammatory response. At the same time, blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption increases water content (edema) leading to growing intracranial pressure, which in turn worsens neurological outcome. Although the clinical presentation is similar in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, the treatment is different and the stroke type needs to be determined beforehand by imaging which delays the therapy. C-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are a family of kinases activated in response to stress stimuli and involved in several pathways such as apoptosis. Specific inhibition of JNK by a TAT-coupled peptide (XG-102) mediates strong neuroprotection in several models of ischemic stroke in rodents. Recently, we have observed that the JNK pathway is also activated in a mouse model of ICH, raising the question of the efficacy of XG-102 in this model. Method: ICH was induced in the mouse by intrastriatal injection of bacterial collagenase (0,1 U). Three hours after surgery, animals received an intravenous injection of 100 mg/kg of XG-102. The neurological outcome was assessed everyday until sacrifice using a score (from 0 to 9) based on 3 behavioral tests performed daily until sacrifice. Then, mice were sacrificed at 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 5d after ICH and histological studies performed. Results: The first 24 h after surgery are critical in our ICH mice model, and we have observed that XG-102 significantly improves neurological outcome at this time point (mean score: 1,8 + 1.4 for treated group versus 3,4+ 1.8 for control group, P<0.01). Analysis of the lesion volume revealed a significant decrease of the lesion area in the treated group at 48h (29+ 11mm3 in the treated group versus 39+ 5mm3 in the control group, P=0.04). XG-102 mainly inhibits the edema component of the lesion. Indeed, a significant inhibition Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2009) 29, S490-S493 & 2009 ISCBFM All rights reserved 0271-678X/09 $32.00 www.jcbfm.com of the brain swelling was observed in treated animals at 48h (14%+ 13% versus 26+ 9% in the control group, P=0.04) and 5d (_0.3%+ 4.5%versus 5.1+ 3.6%in the control group, P=0.01). Conclusions: Inhibition of the JNK pathway by XG- 102 appears to lead to several beneficial effects. We can show here a significant inhibition of the cerebral edema in the ICH model providing a further beneficial effect of the XG-102 treatment, in addition to the neuroprotection previously described in the ischemic model. This result is of interest because currently, clinical treatment for brain edema is limited. Importantly, the beneficial effects observed with XG-102 in models of both stroke types open the possibility to rapidly treat stroke patients before identifying the stroke subtype by imaging. This will save time which is precious for stroke outcome.