994 resultados para Pulp washer


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Operation of pulp and paper mills generates waste including wastewater treatment sludge and deinking sludge. Both sludge types are generated in large amounts and are mainly disposed of in landfills in the Leningrad Region resulting in environmental degradation. The thesis was aimed at seeking new sustainable ways of sludge utilization. Two paper mills operating in the Leningrad Region and landfilling their sludge were identified: “SCA Hygiene Products Russia” and “Knauf”. The former generates 150 t/day of deinking sludge, the latter – 145 t/day of secondary sludge. Chemical analyses of deinking sludge were performed to assess applicability of sludge in construction materials production processes. Higher heating value on dry basis of both sludge types was determined to evaluate energy potential of sludge generated in the Leningrad Region. Total energy output from sludge incineration was calculated. Deinking sludge could be utilized in the production process of “LSR-Cement” or “Slantsy Cement Plant Cesla” factories, and “Pobeda” and “Nikolsky” brick mills without exceeding current sludge management costs.


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Hihnakuljettimia käytetään muun muassa voimalaitos- ja sellutehdasympäristöissä kuljettamaan kiinteää polttoainetta tai haketta pitkiä matkoja. Pitkät hihnakuljettimet asennetaan yleensä teräsristikoista rakennettujen kuljetinsiltojen sisään. Kuljetinsilta toimii siis hihnakuljettimen ja hoitokäytävän runkona sekä suojaa kuljetinta ja kuljetettavaa materiaalia säältä. Tässä diplomityössä on laadittu mitoitustyökalu, jolla voidaan nopeasti mitoittaa ristikkorakenteisen hihnakuljetinsillan sauvat sekä määrittää rakenteen massa. Laskentaohjelma on toteutettu Microsoft Excel -taulukkolaskentana. Sillan poikkileikkaus voi olla suljettu symmetrinen umpirakenne tai avorakenne, jossa on ulokkeellinen hoitotaso. Ristikon sauvat ovat RHS-putkia. Rakenteeseen voi vaikuttaa jatkuvia kuormia, pistekuormia sekä näistä johdetut, ekvivalenttiin staattiseen voimaan perustuvat maanjäristyskuormat. Diplomityössä on perehdytty mitoitustyökalussa sovellettuihin teorioihin. Voimasuureiden laskenta perustuu 2-tukisina palkkeina käsiteltävien siltalohkojen ratkaisuun ja palkkianalogiaan, jossa ristikon sauvavoimat ratkaistaan käsittelemällä ristikkoa palkkina. Sauvojen kestävyyden laskenta perustuu SFS-EN 1993-1-1 -normiin, joka on osa Eurocode -rakennesuunnittelunormistoa. Lisäksi työssä on käsitelty ristikkoliitosten mitoitusta SFS-EN 1993-1-8 mukaan. Mitoitusohjelman toimivuutta on testattu tarkastelemalla esimerkkisiltaa laaditulla mitoituspohjalla ja Autodesk Robot Professional 2013 -FE-analyysiohjelmisuolla. Tulosten perusteella mitoitustyökalua voidaan käyttää ainakin tarjousvaiheen nopeisiin tarkasteluihin ja omamassan määritykseen, mutta myös lopulliseen mitoitukseen, mikäli hyväksytään konservatiivinen mitoitus.


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Brittleness is a well-known material characteristic but brittleness of paper is vaguely covered. The objective of this thesis was to characterize the phenomenon and causes around brittleness of paper and to clarify if it is a measurable property. Brittleness of paper was approached from the perspectives of paper physics and paper mills. Brittleness is a property of dry paper and it causes problems at the finishing stages of paper machine. According to paper physics, brittle materials fail in the elastic regime, while ductile materials can locally accumulate a plastic deformation prior to the fracture and they are often able to withstand higher stresses. Brittleness of paper is vastly affected by the surrounding conditions: paper as a hygroscopic material tries to get to the equilibrium. It is also affected by the quality of the pulp used. Measurement techniques can be divided into two categories: based on the viscoelastic behavior of paper and on the exposure to the mechanical stress of sort. The experimental part of the thesis was based on the trials with brittle and non-brittle mill-made LWC papers. It is divided into three parts: strength testing of the brittle and non-brittle papers, analysis of the conditions that may contribute the brittleness and the experimental methods to evaluate brittle behavior. The strength measurements confirmed the influence of the moisture content, but only tensile energy absorption and the fracture toughness measurements provided modest differences between the brittle and non-brittle papers. Versatile analysis of the possible contributing factors resulted into speculation, while the brittle papers contained higher amount of starch, triglycerides and steryl esters. The experimental research proved that the formation, the sensory impression and the variation of local strains may contain the crucial information of paper brittleness.


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Utilization of biomass-based raw materials for the production of chemicals and materials is gaining an increasing interest. Due to the complex nature of biomass, a major challenge in its refining is the development of efficient fractionation and purification processes. Preparative chromatography and membrane filtration are selective, energy-efficient separation techniques which offer a great potential for biorefinery applications. Both of these techniques have been widely studied. On the other hand, only few process concepts that combine the two methods have been presented in the literature. The aim of this thesis was to find the possible synergetic effects provided by combining chromatographic and membrane separations, with a particular interest in biorefinery separation processes. Such knowledge could be used in the development of new, more efficient separation processes for isolating valuable compounds from complex feed solutions that are typical for the biorefinery environment. Separation techniques can be combined in various ways, from simple sequential coupling arrangements to fully-integrated hybrid processes. In this work, different types of combined separation processes as well as conventional chromatographic separation processes were studied for separating small molecules such as sugars and acids from biomass hydrolysates and spent pulping liquors. The combination of chromatographic and membrane separation was found capable of recovering high-purity products from complex solutions. For example, hydroxy acids of black liquor were successfully recovered using a novel multistep process based on ultrafiltration and size-exclusion chromatography. Unlike any other separation process earlier suggested for this challenging separation task, the new process concept does not require acidification pretreatment, and thus it could be more readily integrated into a pulp-mill biorefinery. In addition to the combined separation processes, steady-state recycling chromatography, which has earlier been studied for small-scale separations of high-value compounds only, was found a promising process alternative for biorefinery applications. In comparison to conventional batch chromatography, recycling chromatography provided higher product purity, increased the production rate and reduced the chemical consumption in the separation of monosaccharides from biomass hydrolysates. In addition, a significant further improvement in the process performance was obtained when a membrane filtration unit was integrated with recycling chromatography. In the light of the results of this work, separation processes based on combining membrane and chromatographic separations could be effectively applied for different biorefinery applications. The main challenge remains in the development of inexpensive separation materials which are resistant towards harsh process conditions and fouling.


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More discussion is required on how and which types of biomass should be used to achieve a significant reduction in the carbon load released into the atmosphere in the short term. The energy sector is one of the largest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters and thus its role in climate change mitigation is important. Replacing fossil fuels with biomass has been a simple way to reduce carbon emissions because the carbon bonded to biomass is considered as carbon neutral. With this in mind, this thesis has the following objectives: (1) to study the significance of the different GHG emission sources related to energy production from peat and biomass, (2) to explore opportunities to develop more climate friendly biomass energy options and (3) to discuss the importance of biogenic emissions of biomass systems. The discussion on biogenic carbon and other GHG emissions comprises four case studies of which two consider peat utilization, one forest biomass and one cultivated biomasses. Various different biomass types (peat, pine logs and forest residues, palm oil, rapeseed oil and jatropha oil) are used as examples to demonstrate the importance of biogenic carbon to life cycle GHG emissions. The biogenic carbon emissions of biomass are defined as the difference in the carbon stock between the utilization and the non-utilization scenarios of biomass. Forestry-drained peatlands were studied by using the high emission values of the peatland types in question to discuss the emission reduction potential of the peatlands. The results are presented in terms of global warming potential (GWP) values. Based on the results, the climate impact of the peat production can be reduced by selecting high-emission-level peatlands for peat production. The comparison of the two different types of forest biomass in integrated ethanol production in pulp mill shows that the type of forest biomass impacts the biogenic carbon emissions of biofuel production. The assessment of cultivated biomasses demonstrates that several selections made in the production chain significantly affect the GHG emissions of biofuels. The emissions caused by biofuel can exceed the emissions from fossil-based fuels in the short term if biomass is in part consumed in the process itself and does not end up in the final product. Including biogenic carbon and other land use carbon emissions into the carbon footprint calculations of biofuel reveals the importance of the time frame and of the efficiency of biomass carbon content utilization. As regards the climate impact of biomass energy use, the net impact on carbon stocks (in organic matter of soils and biomass), compared to the impact of the replaced energy source, is the key issue. Promoting renewable biomass regardless of biogenic GHG emissions can increase GHG emissions in the short term and also possibly in the long term.


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Tässä työssä tarkoituksena on tutkia mahdollisuuksia sellutehtaan eri jätevesien puhdistukseen uudelleenkäyttöä varten. Yleensä tutkimuksen kohteena ovat yleensä valkaisun alkalisen suodokset, koska niiden suodattaminen on ollut helppoa membraanitekniikalla. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuitenkin kiinnostuksen kohteena ovat valkaisun happamat suodokset ja kuorimon jätevedet. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin viittä membraania, joista kolme on ultrasuodatusmembraaneja ja kaksi nanosuodatusmembraaneja. Näiden katkaisukoot ovat väillä 30 000 -200 Da. Konsentraatiosuodatukset suoritettiin CR 250 -suodattimella. Syötöstä, konsentraatista ja permeaatista otettujen näytteiden analyysien pohjalta laskettujen retentioiden perusteella nanosuodatusmembraani NF270 antoi parhaan tuloksen. Tällä membraanilla kuorimon jätevesien suodatuksessa retentioksi saatiin kaikilla osa-alueilla vähintään 80 %, mutta valkaisun happamien suodosten tulokset olivat alhaisempia. Suodatusten perusteella voitiin laskea tarvittava kapasiteetti ja suodatuspinta-ala suodatus yksiköille. Kummassakin tapauksessa suodatuksen syöttömäärät määräytyivät erään suomalaisen sellutehtaan valkaisussa ja kuorimolla syntyvien jätevesimäärien mukaan. Suodatusyksiköiden kooksi saatiin valkaisun happamien suodosten suodattamiseen 54 CR 1010 -suodatinta ja kuorimon jätevesien suodattamiseen 4 CR 1010-suodatinta.


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Inorganic-organic sol-gel hybrid coatings can be used for improving and modifying properties of wood-based materials. By selecting a proper precursor, wood can be made water repellent, decay-, moisture- or UV-resistant. However, to control the barrier properties of sol-gel coatings on wood substrates against moisture uptake and weathering, an understanding of the surface morphology and chemistry of the deposited sol-gel coatings on wood substrates is needed. Mechanical pulp is used in production of wood-containing printing papers. The physical and chemical fiber surface characteristics, as created in the chosen mechanical pulp manufacturing process, play a key role in controlling the properties of the end-use product. A detailed understanding of how process parameters influence fiber surfaces can help improving cost-effectiveness of pulp and paper production. The current work focuses on physico-chemical characterization of modified wood-based materials with surface sensitive analytical tools. The overall objectives were, through advanced microscopy and chemical analysis techniques, (i) to collect versatile information about the surface structures of Norway spruce thermomechanical pulp fiber walls and understand how they are influenced by the selected chemical treatments, and (ii) to clarify the effect of various sol-gel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates. A special emphasis was on understanding the effect of sol-gel coatings on the water repellency of modified wood and paper surfaces. In the first part of the work, effects of chemical treatment on micro- and nano-scale surface structure of 1st stage TMP latewood fibers from Norway spruce were investigated. The chemicals applied were buffered sodium oxalate and hydrochloric acid. The outer and the inner fiber wall layers of the untreated and chemically treated fibers were separately analyzed by light microscopy, atomic force microscopy and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. The selected characterization methods enabled the demonstration of the effect of different treatments on the fiber surface structure, both visually and quantitatively. The outer fiber wall areas appeared as intact bands surrounding the fiber and they were clearly rougher than areas of exposed inner fiber wall. The roughness of the outer fiber wall areas increased most in the sodium oxalate treatment. The results indicated formation of more surface pores on the exposed inner fiber wall areas than on the corresponding outer fiber wall areas as a result of the chemical treatments. The hydrochloric acid treatment seemed to increase the surface porosity of the inner wall areas. In the second part of the work, three silane-based sol-gel hybrid coatings were selected in order to improve moisture resistance of wood and paper substrates. The coatings differed from each other in terms of having different alkyl (CH3–, CH3-(CH2)7–) and fluorocarbon (CF3–) chains attached to the trialkoxysilane sol-gel precursor. The sol-gel coatings were deposited by a wet coating method, i.e. spraying or spreading by brush. The effect of solgel coatings on surface structural and chemical properties of wood-based substrates was studied by using advanced surface analyzing tools: atomic force microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion spectroscopy. The results show that the applied sol-gel coatings, deposited as thin films or particulate coatings, have different effects on surface characteristics of wood and wood-based materials. The coating which has a long hydrocarbon chain (CH3-(CH2)7–) attached to the silane backbone (octyltriethoxysilane) produced the highest hydrophobicity for wood and wood-based materials.


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Surface chemistry is of great importance in plant biomass engineering and applications. The surface chemical composition of biomass which includes lignin, carbohydrates and extractives influences its interactions with chemical agents, such as pulp processing/papermaking chemicals, or enzymes for different purposes. In this thesis, the changes in the surface chemical composition of lignocellulosic biomass after physical modification for the improvement of resulting paper properties and chemical treatment for the enhancement of enzymatic hydrolysis were investigated. Low consistency (LC) refining was used as physical treatment of bleached softwood and hardwood pulp samples, and the surface chemistry of refined samples was investigated. The refined pulp was analysed as whole pulp while the fines-free fibre samples were characterized separately. The fines produced in LCrefining contributed to an enlarged surface specific area as well as the change of surface coverage by lignin and extractives, as investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The surface coverage by lignin of the whole pulp decreased after refining while the surface coverage by extractives increased both for pine and eucalyptus. In the case of pine, the removal of fines resulted in reduction of the surface coverage by extractives, while the surface coverage by lignin increased on fibre sample (without fines). In the case of eucalyptus, the surface coverage by lignin of fibre samples decreased after the removal of fines. In addition, the surface distribution of carbohydrates, lignin and extractives of pine and eucalyptus samples was determined by Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). LC-refining increased the amounts of pentose, hexose and extractives on the surface of pine samples. ToF-SIMS also gave clear evidence about xylan deposition and reduction of surface lignin distribution on the fibre of eucalyptus. However, the changes in the surface chemical composition during the physical treatment has led to an increase in the adsorption of fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) on fibres due to a combination of electro-static forces, specific surface area of fibres and hydrophobic interactions. Various physicochemical pretreatments were conducted on wood and non-wood biomass for enhancing enzymatic hydrolysis of polysaccharides, and the surface chemistry of the pretreated and enzymatically hydrolysed samples was investigated by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), XPS and ToF-SIMS. A hydrotrope was used as a relatively novel pretreatment technology both in the case of wood and non-wood biomass. For comparison, ionic liquid and hydrothermal pretreatments were applied on softwood and hardwood as well. Thus, XPS analysis showed that the surface lignin was more efficiently removed by hydrotropic pretreatment compared to ionic liquid or hydrothermal pretreatments. SEM analysis also found that already at room temperature the ionic liquid pretreatments were more effective in swelling the fibres compared with hydrotropic pretreatment at elevated temperatures. The enzymatic hydrolysis yield of hardwood was enhanced due to the decrease in surface coverage of lignin, which was induced by hydrotropic treatment. However, hydrotropic pretreatment was not appropriate for softwood because of the predominance of guaiacyl lignin structure in this material. In addition, the reduction of surface lignin and xylan during pretreatment and subsequent increase in cellulose hydrolysis by enzyme could be observed from ToF-SIMS results. The characterisation of the non-wood biomass (e.g. sugarcane bagasse and common reed) treated by hydrotropic method, alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatments were carried out by XPS and ToF-SIMS. According to the results, the action for the removal of the surface lignin of non-wood biomass by hydrotropic pretreatment was more significant compared to alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatments, although a higher total amount of lignin could be removed by alkaline and alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreatment. Furthermore, xylan could be remarkably more efficiently removed by hydrotropic method. Therefore, the glucan yield achieved from hydrotropic treated sample was higher than that from samples treated with alkaline or alkaline hydrogen peroxide. Through the use of ToF-SIMS, the distribution and localization of lignin and carbohydrates on the surface of ignocelluloses during pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis could be detected, and xylan degradation during enzymatic hydrolysis could also be assessed. Thus, based on the results from XPS and ToF-SIMS, the mechanism of the hydrotropic pretreatment in improving the accessibility of enzymes to fibre and further ameliorating of the enzymatic saccharification could be better elucidated.


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Papperstillverkningen störs ofta av oönskade föreningar som kan bilda avsättningar på processytor, vilket i sin tur kan ge upphov till störningar i pappersproduktionen samt försämring av papperskvaliteten. Förutom avsättningar av vedharts är stenliknande avlagringar av svårlösliga salter vanliga. I vårt dagliga liv är kalkavlagringar i kaffe- och vattenkokare exempel på liknande problem. I massa- och pappersindustrin är en av de mest problematiska föreningarna kalciumoxalat; detta salt är nästan olösligt i vatten och avlagringarna är mycket svåra att avlägsna. Kalciumoxalat är också känt som en av orsakerna till njurstenar hos människor. Veden och speciellt barken innehåller alltid en viss mängd oxalat men en större källa är oxalsyra som bildas när massan bleks med oxiderande kemikalier, t.ex. väteperoxid. Kalciumoxalat bildas när oxalsyran reagerar med kalcium som kommer in i processen med råvattnet, veden eller olika tillsatsmedel. I denna avhandling undersöktes faktorer som påverkar bildningen av oxalsyra och utfällningen av kalciumoxalat, med hjälp av bleknings- och utfällningsexperiment. Forskningens fokus låg speciellt på olika sätt att förebygga uppkomsten av avlagringar vid tillverkning av trähaltigt papper. Resultaten i denna avhandling visar att bildningen av oxalsyra samt utfällning av kalciumoxalat kan påverkas genom processtekniska och våtändskemiska metoder. Noggrann avbarkning av veden, kontrollerade förhållanden under den alkaliska peroxidblekningen, noggrann hantering och kontroll av andra lösta och kolloidala substanser, samt utnyttjande av skräddarsydd kemi för kontroll av avlagringar är nyckelfaktorer. Resultaten kan utnyttjas då man planerar blekningssekvenser för olika massor samt för att lösa problem orsakade av kalciumoxalat. Forskningsmetoderna som användes i utfällningsstudierna samt för utvärdering av tillsatsmedel kan också utnyttjas inom andra områden, t.ex. bryggeri- och sockerindustrin, där kalciumoxalatproblem är vanligt förekommande. -------------------------------------------- Paperinvalmistusta häiritsevät usein erilaiset epäpuhtaudet, jotka kiinnittyvät prosessipinnoille ja haittaavat tuotantoa sekä paperin laatua. Puun pihkan lisäksi eräs yleinen ongelma on niukkaliukoisten suolojen aiheuttamat kivettymät. Kalkkisaostuma kahvinkeittimessä on esimerkki vastaavasta ongelmasta arkielämässä. Massa- ja paperiteollisuudessa yksi hankalimmista kivettymien muodostajista on kalsiumoksalaatti, koska se on lähes liukenematonta ja sen aiheuttamat saostumat ovat erittäin vaikeasti poistettavia. Kalsiumoksalaatti on yleisesti tunnettu myös munuaiskivien aiheuttajana ihmisillä. Puu ja varsinkin sen kuori sisältää aina jonkin verran oksalaattia, mutta suurempi lähde on kuitenkin oksaalihappo jota muodostuu valkaistaessa massaa hapettavilla kemikaaleilla, kuten vetyperoksidilla. Kalsiumoksalaattia syntyy kun veden, puun ja lisäaineiden mukana prosessiin tuleva kalsium reagoi oksalaatin kanssa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin oksaalihapon muodostumiseen ja kalsiumoksalaatin saostumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä valkaisu- ja saostumiskokeiden avulla. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli saostumien ehkäisemisessä puupitoisten painopaperien valmistuksessa. Työssä saadut tulokset osoittavat että oksaalihapon muodostumiseen ja kalsiumoksalaatin saostumiseen voidaan vaikuttaa sekä prosessiteknisten että märänpään kemian keinojen avulla. Tehokas puun kuorinta, optimoidut olosuhteet peroksidivalkaisussa, muiden liuenneiden ja kolloidisten aineiden hallinta sekä räätälöidyn kemian hyödyntäminen kalsiumoksalaattisaostumien torjunnassa ovat keskeisissä rooleissa ongelmien välttämiseksi. Väitöskirjatyön tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää massan valkaisulinjoja suunniteltaessa sekä kalsiumoksalaatin aiheuttamien ongelmien ratkaisemisessa. Tutkimusmenetelmiä, joita käytettiin saostumiskokeissa ja eri lisäaineiden vaikutusten arvioinnissa, voidaan hyödyntää massa- ja paperiteollisuuden lisäksi myös muilla alueilla, kuten sokeri- ja panimoteollisuudessa, joissa ongelma on myös yleinen.


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Depletion of high grade mineral resources, tightening of environmental regulations and the environmental impact of acid mine drainage caused by sulfidic minerals continuously increase the interest in processing tailings and other mine waste. Treating waste requires additional capital and operational input, but the decrease in size and need of tailings ponds and permits decrease the overall costs. Treatment and utilization of the tailings could also bring added revenue by the recovery of valuables. Leaching of metal sulfides is very demanding and time consuming and hence process conditions need to be carefully optimized. The leaching of sulfides is affected by for example the choice of leaching agent, its concentration and temperature, pH, the redox potential, pressure, pulp density and particle size distribution. With reference to the mine case study the leaching of nickel and copper sulfides, especially the primary minerals pentlandite and chalcopyrite were investigated. Leaching behavior and recoveries for nickel, copper and iron were found out by sulfuric and citric acid leaching experiments using tailings samples of high and low sulfur content. Moderate recoveries were obtained and citric acid seemed more attractive. Increase in temperature and decrease in pulp density had positive effect on the recovery and pH was also proven to have a significant effect on the recovery of valuables. The rate determining step was determined through kinetic modeling in case of all valuables separately. Leaching was controlled by diffusion. The investigated multimetal tailing showed moderate potential in recovering of metal valuables from low grade tailing deposits. The process conditions should however be further optimized.


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Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a thermochemical process used in the production of charred matter similar in composition to coal. It involves the use of wet, carbohydrate feedstock, a relatively low temperature environment (180 °C-350 °C) and high autogenous pressure (up to 2,4 MPa) in a closed system. Various applications of the solid char product exist, opening the way for a range of biomass feedstock materials to be exploited that have so far proven to be troublesome due to high water content or other factors. Sludge materials are investigated as candidates for industrial-scale HTC treatment in fuel production. In general, HTC treatment of pulp and paper industry sludge (PPS) and anaerobically digested municipal sewage sludge (ADS) using existing technology is competitive with traditional treatment options, which range in price from EUR 30-80 per ton of wet sludge. PPS and ADS can be treated by HTC for less than EUR 13 and 33, respectively. Opportunities and challenges related to HTC exist, as this relatively new technology moves from laboratory and pilot-scale production to an industrial scale. Feedstock materials, end-products, process conditions and local markets ultimately determine the feasibility of a given HTC operation. However, there is potential for sludge materials to be converted to sustainable bio-coal fuel in a Finnish context.


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ABSTRACT - (Phenology, fruit set and dispersal of Cordia multispicata Cham., an important weed shrub of abandoned pastures in eastern Amazonia). The reproductive ecology of the distylous tropical shrub Cordia multispicata was studied in an abandoned pasture in Paragominas County , Pará state, Brazil. It is a common species in the Amazon basin where it occurs as a weed in open and disturbed habitats. C. multispicata has many flowers per inflorescence (85 ± 12) but 84% abort before fertilization. Flowering occurs throughout the year. Fruits are small, with a red fleshy pericarp (skin-pulp) attractive to birds. Fruit set is lower during the dry season (less than 30%) and higher during the rainy season when there are many visits of insects to the flowers. Fruiting has a peak between the end of the dry season and the middle of the rainy season. Nineteen bird species were observed foraging for the fruits of C. multispicata, and 79% of those species can be considered as potential dispersal agents. The efficient seed dispersal and aggregated spatial distribution associated with some characteristics of the dispersors greatly contributed to the success of this species in abandoned pastures of eastern Amazonia.


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Träfibrernas naturliga egenskaper begränsar deras användning i många tillämpningar. Träfibrernas egenskaper kan modifieras genom att binda nya komponenter med önskade egenskaper till fiberns yta. DI Stina Grönqvist bevisade i sin avhandling att nya funktionella grupper kan bindas till ligninhaltiga träfibrer genom att aktivera ytligninet med lackasenzym. Resultaten kan utnyttjas till att förbättra de traditionella träfibrernas och fiberprodukternas egenskaper samt att hitta nya tillämpningar för träfibrerna. ”Om träfibrerna t.ex. modifieras så att de blir vattenavstötande kan de modifierade träfibrerna användas istället för plast i förpackningar” berättar Stina Grönqvist. Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka effekterna av lackasenzym på TMP (termomekanisk massa) och dess fraktioner. I Finland tillverkas TMP av gran och massan innehåller rikligt med lignin. När ytligninet på träfibrernas yta modifieras med hjälp av oxiderande enzymer, såsom lackas, bildas reaktiva radikaler i ligninen på fibrernas ytor. De bildade radikalerna kan utnyttjas till att binda komponenter med nya egenskaper till fiberytan. För att kunna utnyttja den fulla potentialen av den lackasbaserade modifieringsmetoden behövs mera information om så väl de faktorer som påverkar bildningen av radikaler som om mekanismerna hur de nya komponenterna binds till fibrerna ___________________________________ Puukuitujen luontaiset ominaisuudet rajoittavat niiden hyödyntämistä joissakin sovelluksissa. Ominaisuuksia voidaan kuitenkin muuttaa liittämällä kuidun pintaan uusia yhdisteitä. DI Stina Grönqvist osoitti väitöstyössään, että uusia kuitujen ominaisuuksia muuttavia funktionaalisia yhdisteitä voidaan sitoa ligniinipitoisiin puukuituihin aktivoimalla kuitujen pinnan ligniiniä lakkaasi-entsyymillä. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää ligniinipitoisten puukuitujen ominaisuuksien parantamiseen ja jopa täysin uusien ominaisuuksien kehittämiseen. ”Jos kuituja muutetaan vettä hylkiväksi sitomalla kuituihin vettä hylkiviä yhdisteitä entsyymien avulla, voidaan puukuituja käyttää korvaamaan muovia pakkauksissa”, kertoo Stina Grönqvist. Väitöstyön kohteena oli TMP-massan eli kuumahiertämällä valmistetun mekaanisen puumassojen ja niiden fraktioiden muokkaaminen lakkaasi-entsyymillä (TMP, Thermomechanical pulp). Suomalainen TMP-massa valmistetaan kuusesta ja siinä on runsaasti muokkaamatonta ligniiniä. Kun puukuidun pinnan ligniiniä muokataan hapettavilla entsyymeillä, muodostuu kuidun pintaan reaktiivisia radikaaleja. Syntyneiden radikaalien avulla kuituihin voidaan liittää yhdisteitä, jotka antavat kuidulle uusia ominaisuuksia. Menetelmän tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien hyödyntämiseksi tarvitaan tietoa kuidun radikalisointiin ja yhdisteiden liittämiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä.


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Cupuassu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schumann) is a fruit tree that is attracting attention in Brazil and also in other tropical countries. Its pulp is used to prepare ice-cream, juices, jellies and many other home-made sweets. This species has a very low fecundity, attributed to problems with pollination and self-incompatibility, noted as being restrictive to the agronomic productivity of the species. Controlled pollinations between compatible and incompatible parents were made and flowers were collected at three times: 24, 48 and 72 h after pollinations, during the floral seasons of 1995 and 1998. In flowers collected 24 h after pollination, in both compatible and incompatible crosses, around 70% of ovules showed egg apparatus without evidences of sperm cell delivery; nevertheless some pollen tubes had been observed. Ovaries collected at 48 h showed different behaviors according to the type of cross. In the compatibles, 35% of ovules did not show evidences of gamete fusion. In incompatible crosses this number rose to 50%. Collected ovaries with 72 h, from compatible and incompatible crosses, showed respectively 1.2% and 14.2% of the ovules with the egg apparatus and polar nuclei only. In these ovaries, for the two types of crosses, the presence of sperm nuclei was common and the zygote was still undivided. The incompatibility action is occurring after fertilization, in a late self-incompatibility action.


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