970 resultados para Prism Yearbooks


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Purpose: The aims of this study were to compare angle of deviation, fusional vergence measurements and fusion reserve ratio between esophoria and exophoria. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in children with best-corrected visual acuity of 0.0 LogMAR in either eye, compensated heterophoria within 10 prism dioptres (PD), full ocular rotations, presence of fusional vergence and stereopsis (60 seconds of arc or better). Fusional amplitudes were compared between angle of deviation (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 PD) in esophoria and exophoria. The fusion reserve ratio was calculated (to assess the effect of the underlying angle of deviation) as fusional convergence divided by prism alternating cover test measurements. Results: Two-hundred and eleven children (7.65±1.16 years) were recruited to this study. Exophoria was most common for near (n=181; 85.8%) and distance (n=20; 9.5%). Esophoria was present in 22 children for near (10.4%) and in 1 child for distance (0.5%). No significant differences were found between fusional amplitudes and angle of deviation for near (p>0.05). Children with exophoria of 10PD had a slight, but not, significant (p=0.264) increase in fusional convergence from 2PD (19.95±5.09) to 10PD (26.67±5.77). In esophoric children the variation of fusional convergence was smaller from 2P (25.00±0.00) to 10PD (22.50±3.54) and non significant (p=0.185). The fusion reserve ratio was significantly smaller in children with higher deviations (i.e. 10PD) for both esophoria (p=0.003) and exophoria (p>0.001). The fusion reserve ratio ranged between 12.50 (2PD) and 2.25±0.35 (10PD) for esophoria and between 9.98±2.55 (2PD) and 2.67±0.58 (10PD) for exophoria. Conclusions: Angle of deviation is not an efficient measure to predict fusional amplitudes. The fusion reserve ratio appears to be a better measurement to assess the effect of the underlying angle of deviation on fusional convergence. More studies are necessary to understand better the relationship between fusion amplitudes and angle of deviation.


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Purpose: It is important to establish a differential diagnosis between the different types of nystagmus, in order to give the appropriate clinical approach to every situation and to improve visual acuity. The nystagmus is normally blocked when the eyes are positioned in a particular way. This makes the child adopt a posture of ocular torticollis that reduces the nistagmiformes movements, improving the vision in this position. A way to promote the blocking of the nystagmic movements is by using prismatic lenses with opposite bases, to block or minimize the oscillatory movements. This results in a vision improvement and it reduces the anomalous head position. There is limited research on the visual results in children with nystagmus after using prisms with opposing bases. Our aim is to describe the impact on the visual acuity (VA ) of theprescription prism lenses in a nystagmus patient starting at 3 months of age. Methods: Case report on thirty month old caucasian male infant, with normal growth and development for their age, with an early onset of horizontal nystagmus at 3 months of age. Ophthalmic examination included slit lamp examination, fundus, refractive study, electrophysiological and magnetic resonance tests, measurement of VA over time with the Teller Acuity Cards (TAC ) in the distance agreed for the age. At age ten months, the mother noted a persistent turn to the right of the child’s head, which became increasingly more severe along the months. There’s no oscillopcia. At 24 months, an atropine refraction showed the following refractive error: 0D.: -1,50, OS: -0,50 and prismatic lens adapting OD 8 Δ nasal base and OE 8 Δ temporal base. Results: Thirty month old child, with adequate development for their age, with onset of idiopatic horizontal nystagmus, at 3 months of age. Normal ocular fundus and magnetic ressoance without alterations, sub-normal results in electrophysiological tests and VA with values below normal for age. At 6 months OD 20/300; OE 20/400; OU 20/300. At 9 months OD 20/250; OE 20/300; OU 20/150 (TAC a 38 cm). At 18 months OD 20/200; OE 20/100; OU 20/80 (TAC at 38 cm), when the head is turned to the right and the eyes in levoversão, the nystagmus decreases in a “neutral” area. At 24 month, with the prismatic glasses, OD 20/200 OE 20/100, OU20/80 (TAC at 54 cm, reference value is 20/30 – 20/100 para OU e 20/40 – 20/100 monocular), there was an increase in the visual acuity. The child did visual stimulation with multimedia devices and using glasses. After adaptation of prisms: at 30 months VA (with Cambridge cards) OD e OE = 6/18. The child improved the VA and reduced the anomalous head position. There is also improvement in mobility and fine motricity. Conclusion: Prisms with opposing bases., were used in the treatment of idiopathic nystagmus. Said prisms were adapted to reduce the skewed position of the head, and to improve VA and binocular function. Monitoring of visual acuity and visual stimulation was done using electronic devices. Following the use of prismatic, the patient improved significantly VA and the anomalous head position was reduced.


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A referente pesquisa possui como tema principal a Biblioteca Pública Delfina da Cunha: uma abordagem histórica (1972 a 2014), situada na cidade de São José do Norte - RS. Os sujeitos de pesquisa são as bibliotecárias Lizete Terezinha Santos Abreu e Sueli Thomazine, além das duas bibliotecárias teve a participação da funcionária Eliana Zogbi. Foi utilizado como método o estudo descritivo, e ainda como técnica de pesquisa uma abordagem de pesquisa quali-quantitativa para apresentar um breve estudo sobre a biblioteca pública, sob um prisma contextual. A ênfase na cultura, memória, identidade e ideologia, traçando o perfil da poetisa que foi uma das principais figuras para a história da Biblioteca, também são mencionadas os diferentes aspectos em que se constituiu a Biblioteca, analisando as influências que pode ter sobre a comunidade através das atividades de leitura, pesquisa e extensão. A pesquisa relaciona os diferentes períodos sucedidos na Biblioteca tendo a frente na administração diferentes funcionários, sendo assim, a proposta que norteou esse estudo e pesquisa aponta como objetivo principal apresentar uma abordagem histórica da Biblioteca Pública Delfina da Cunha através do tempo (1972 a 2014), buscando documentos que comprovem os diferentes períodos trabalhados pelas funcionárias frente a administração.


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Eventos climáticos extremos poderão ter conduzido à instabilidade de habitats e em última instância à sua fragmentação, causando repercussões ainda visíveis nos predadores de topo, tais como o boto (Phocoena phocoena). Consequentemente, os indivíduos que não se adaptaram, tiveram de procurar novos habitats com as respetivas condições ideais, nomeadamente os indivíduos da população de botos do Atlântico Este (norte e sul da Baía de Biscaia). O presente estudo focou-se em indivíduos da costa portuguesa (representando uma amostra da população residente a sul da Baía de Biscaia) e, recorrendo a informação proveniente de estudos previamente realizados, procurou salientar diferenças entre os botos que habitam ao longo do Atlântico Este. Foi aplicado um método de limpeza e branqueamento em crânios de boto, para posterior medição. Foram medidos 65 crânios de botos (programa Image J®), providenciados pela rede de arrojamentos de animais marinhos e obtidos no âmbito do projeto LIFE+ MarPro. As comparações das medidas dos crânios entre géneros foram realizadas a partir de modelos alométricos (programa GraphPad Prism ®) e as comparações entre géneros de cada estágio de desenvolvimento foram efetuadas com recurso a uma análise de PERMANOVA unifatorial (usando distâncias euclidianas), através do programa PAST® v. 2.12. Concluiu-se que na população em estudo, tanto as fêmeas como os machos apresentaram um modelo de alometria negativa. Reportou-se que as fêmeas apresentam comprimentos corporais superiores aos machos, assim como comprimentos e larguras cranianas. Comparativamente aos indivíduos da população a norte da Baía de Biscaia, a amostra de estudo da população do sul da Baía de Biscaia (representada pelos indivíduos da costa portuguesa) apresentou maiores comprimentos corporais e cranianos e maior largura craniana. Estes resultados corroboram observações prévias sobre a população de botos do Atlântico, que detetaram já diferenças genéticas e partilha limitada de genes, diferenças nos hábitos alimentares e habitats distintos nos botos de norte e sul da Baía de Biscaia.


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This dissertation project aims to establish Scandinavian trombone solo and chamber works as a major contribution to the trombone repertoire. From the late 19th century to modern day, Scandinavian composers have produced a steady output of trombone works of substantial musical quality. Deep-rooted in the traditions of strong military wind bands, Scandinavia has also produced an unusual number of trombone virtuosos, ranging from those holding positions in leading orchestras, and internationally renowned pedagogues, to trombonists enjoying careers as soloists. In this study I propose that it is the symbiotic relationship between strong performers and traditionally nationalist composers that created the fertile environment for the large number of popular trombone solo and chamber repertoire not seen in any other region besides the Paris Conservatory and its infamous test pieces. I also interpret the selected repertoire through the prism of nationalism and influence of folk music, and convey that the allure of the mystic Nordic folk influences enhances the appeal of the Scandinavian trombone repertoire to world-wide audiences and performers. The dissertation project was realized over three solo recitals, each showcasing the music of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark respectively. For each program, I looked to choose a standard work from the trombone solo repertoire, a work written for or by a native virtuoso, and a lesser-known work that warrants the attention of other performers for its musical qualities. The recital of Swedish music presented Mandrake in the Corner by Christian Lindberg, Subadobe by Frederik Högberg, A Christian Song by Jan Sandström, and Concertino for trombone and strings by Lars-Erik Larsson. The recital of Norwegian music presented Concerto for Trombone op. 76 by Egil Hovland, Ordner Seg by Øystein Baadsvik, Elegi by Magne Amdahl, and Concerto in F major by Ole Olsen. The recital of Danish music presented Rapsodia Borealis by Søren Hyldgaard, Madrigal by Bo Gunge, Romance for trombone and piano by Axel Jørgensen, Concerto for trombone by Launy Grøndahl, and Three Swedish Tunes by Mogens Andresen. Through the performance of works from these three countries, the dissertation establishes Scandinavia as a rich source of solo trombone repertoire perpetuated by nationalist composers and virtuosos, as well as providing a brief survey of Scandinavian trombone works of various instrumentation and difficulty levels to be enjoyed by student, professional, and amateur performers and their audience.


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Language provides an interesting lens to look at state-building processes because of its cross-cutting nature. For example, in addition to its symbolic value and appeal, a national language has other roles in the process, including: (a) becoming the primary medium of communication which permits the nation to function efficiently in its political and economic life, (b) promoting social cohesion, allowing the nation to develop a common culture, and (c) forming a primordial basis for self-determination. Moreover, because of its cross-cutting nature, language interventions are rarely isolated activities. Languages are adopted by speakers, taking root in and spreading between communities because they are legitimated by legislation, and then reproduced through institutions like the education and military systems. Pádraig Ó’ Riagáin (1997) makes a case for this observing that “Language policy is formulated, implemented, and accomplishes its results within a complex interrelated set of economic, social, and political processes which include, inter alia, the operation of other non-language state policies” (p. 45). In the Turkish case, its foundational role in the formation of the Turkish nation-state but its linkages to human rights issues raises interesting issues about how socio-cultural practices become reproduced through institutional infrastructure formation. This dissertation is a country-level case study looking at Turkey’s nation-state building process through the lens of its language and education policy development processes with a focus on the early years of the Republic between 1927 and 1970. This project examines how different groups self-identified or were self-identified (as the case may be) in official Turkish statistical publications (e.g., the Turkish annual statistical yearbooks and the population censuses) during that time period when language and ethnicity data was made publicly available. The overarching questions this dissertation explores include: 1.What were the geo-political conditions surrounding the development and influencing the Turkish government’s language and education policies? 2.Are there any observable patterns in the geo-spatial distribution of language, literacy, and education participation rates over time? In what ways, are these traditionally linked variables (language, literacy, education participation) problematic? 3.What do changes in population identifiers, e.g., language and ethnicity, suggest about the government’s approach towards nation-state building through the construction of a civic Turkish identity and institution building? Archival secondary source data was digitized, aggregated by categories relevant to this project at national and provincial levels and over the course of time (primarily between 1927 and 2000). The data was then re-aggregated into values that could be longitudinally compared and then layered on aspatial administrative maps. This dissertation contributes to existing body of social policy literature by taking an interdisciplinary approach in looking at the larger socio-economic contexts in which language and education policies are produced.


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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa


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Background: Leprosy can cause severe disability and disfigurement and is still a major health in different parts of the world. Only a subset of those individuals exposed to the pathogen will go on to develop clinical disease and there is a broad clinical spectrum amongst leprosy patients. The outcome of infection is in part due to host genes that influence control of the initial infection and the host´s immune response to that infection. Aim: Evaluate if polymorphisms type SNP in the 17q118q21 chromosomic region contribute to development of leprosy in Rio Grande do Norte population. Material and methods: A sample composed of 215 leprosy patients and 229 controls drawn from the same population were genotyped by using a Snapshot assay for eight genes (NOS2A, CCL18, CRLF3, CCL23, TNFAIP1, STAT5B, CCR7 and CSF3) located in chromosomic region 17q118q21. The genotype and allele frequency were measured and statistical analysis was performed by chi-square in SPSS version 15 and graph prism pad version 4 software. Results: Ours results indicated that the markers NOS2A8277, NOS2A8rs16949, CCR78rs11574663 and CSF38rs2227322 presented strong association with leprosy and their risk genotype were GG, TT, AA and GG respectively. The risk genotypes for all markers associated to leprosy presented recessive inheritance standard. When we compared the interaction among the markers in different combination we find that the marker NOS2A8277 associated with CCR78rs11574663 presented highest risk probability to development of leprosy. When we evaluated the haplotype of the risk markers it was found a haplotype associated with increase of the protection (CSF38rs22273228CC, CCR78 rs115746638GA, NOS2A8rs169498CT and NOS2A82778GA). The association of the clinical forms paucibacilary and multibacilary with markers showed that to the markers NOS2A8 2778GG, CCR78rs115746638AA and CSF38rs22273228GG there were a strong influence to migration to multibacilary pole and to marker NOS2A8rs169498TT the high proportion was found to the paucibacilary form. Conclusions: Changes in the genes NOS2A, CCR7 and CSF3 can influence the immune response against Mycobacterium leprae. The combination among these polymorphisms alters the risk probability to develop leprosy. The markers type SNP associated to development of the leprosy also are linked to clinical forms and its severity being the polymorphism NOS2A8rs169498TT associated with paucibacilar form and the polymorphisms NOS2A82778GG, CCR78rs115746638AA and CSF38rs22273228GG associated to multibacilar form


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During the transformation of the low tide to the high tide, an exactly inverse phenomenon is occurred and the high tidal delta is formed at the mouth upstream. Increasing the tidal range does not affect the nature of this phenomenon and just change its intensity. In this situation, the inlet will be balance over time. A new relationship between equilibrium cross section and tidal prism for different tidal levels as well as sediment grading has been provided which its results are corresponded with results of numerical modeling. In the combination state, the wave height significantly affects the current and sedimentary pattern such that the wave height dimensionless index (Hw/Ht) determines the dominant parameter (the short period wave or tide) in the inlet. It is notable that in this state, the inlet will be balanced over the time. In order to calculate sedimentary phenomena, each of which are individually determined under solely wave and only tide conditions and then they are added. Estimated values are similar to numerical modeling results of the combination state considering nonlinear terms. Also, it is clear that the wave and tide performance is of meaning in the direct relationship with the water level. The water level change causes variations of the position of the breaking line and sedimentary active area. It changes the current and sedimentary pattern coastward while does not change anything seaward. Based on modeling results of sediment transport due to the wave, tide and their combination, it could be said that the erosion at the mouth due to the wave is less than that due to the wave and tide combination. In these situations, tide and wave-tide combination increase the low tidal and high tidal delta volume, respectively. Hence, tide plays an effective role in changing sedimentary phenomena at the channel and mouth downstream. Whereas, short period and combined waves have a crucial role in varying the morphology and sediment transport coast ward.


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In this thesis, we present a quantitative approach using probabilistic verification techniques for the analysis of reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS) properties of satellite systems. The subject of our research is satellites used in mission critical industrial applications. A strong case for using probabilistic model checking to support RAMS analysis of satellite systems is made by our verification results. This study is intended to build a foundation to help reliability engineers with a basic background in model checking to apply probabilistic model checking to small satellite systems. We make two major contributions. One of these is the approach of RAMS analysis to satellite systems. In the past, RAMS analysis has been extensively applied to the field of electrical and electronics engineering. It allows system designers and reliability engineers to predict the likelihood of failures from the indication of historical or current operational data. There is a high potential for the application of RAMS analysis in the field of space science and engineering. However, there is a lack of standardisation and suitable procedures for the correct study of RAMS characteristics for satellite systems. This thesis considers the promising application of RAMS analysis to the case of satellite design, use, and maintenance, focusing on its system segments. Data collection and verification procedures are discussed, and a number of considerations are also presented on how to predict the probability of failure. Our second contribution is leveraging the power of probabilistic model checking to analyse satellite systems. We present techniques for analysing satellite systems that differ from the more common quantitative approaches based on traditional simulation and testing. These techniques have not been applied in this context before. We present the use of probabilistic techniques via a suite of detailed examples, together with their analysis. Our presentation is done in an incremental manner: in terms of complexity of application domains and system models, and a detailed PRISM model of each scenario. We also provide results from practical work together with a discussion about future improvements.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia, 2015.


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La evidencia de estudios alrededor del mundo relaciona altas concentraciones de contaminantes del aire con efectos agudos y crónicos en la salud. “Muertes por causas cardiovasculares, cáncer de pulmón e infecciones respiratorias en los niños se asoció a niveles de contaminantes que exceden las normas de calidad del aire exterior” (Cohen 2004). Marco teórico: la contaminación del aire se puede definir como “cualquier condición atmosférica en la que las sustancias presentes producen un efecto adverso medible, en la salud del humano, los animales y vegetales, o bien un daño físico en los materiales". Debido al tamaño fino de estas partículas (30 veces más pequeñas que el grosor de un cabello), estas pueden ingresar en las partes más profundas de los pulmones, como son los alvéolos, lo cual relaciona éstas partículas finas y varios problemas de salud incluyendo asma, bronquitis y síntomas respiratorios agudos y crónicos. Metodología: compuesta por 90 pacientes que provienen de dos centros asistenciales, residentes dentro de un radio de 4 km. alrededor de las torres de monitoreo. Método: análisis descriptivo basado en medidas de frecuencias medias y tendencias para caracterizar la población y la exposición a material particulado. Análisis de los datos mediante GRAPH PAD PRISM 6.0 usando las tablas de contingencia para la estimación de diferencia entre proporciones y el riesgo relativo. Se utilizó test de normalidad de D´Agostino Pearson para definir trato estadístico. Se utilizó test de KolmorogovSmirnov y Test de Fisher para encontrar la relación entre calidad de aire y aparecimiento de síntomas. Se aplicó regresión lineal de Deming para establecer relación en cuanto a los síntomas. Resultados: no hay relación estadísticamente significativa entre la calidad del aire y los síntomas respiratorios. La regresión lineal de Deming si encontró cambios estadísticos significativos para los síntomas: sibilancias, taquipnea y estornudos. Conclusiones: no se consideraron otros factores importantes como contaminación intradomiciliar y exposición a tabaco que pudo haber modificado el resultado del estudio. Se demostró que existe una tendencia a relacionar síntomas como la taquipnea, rinorrea, estornudos y sibilancias con niveles no satisfactorios de calidad del aire.


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Background: Thrombocytopenia has been shown to predict mortality. We hypothesize that platelet indices may be more useful prognostic indicators. Our study subjects were children one month to 14 years old admitted to our hospital. Aim: To determine whether platelet count, plateletcrit (PCT), mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW) and their ratios can predict mortality in hospitalised children. Methods: Children who died during hospital stay were the cases. Controls were age matched children admitted contemporaneously. The first blood sample after admission was used for analysis. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to identify the best threshold for measured variables and the ratios studied. Multiple regression analysis was done to identify independent predictors of mortality. Results: Forty cases and forty controls were studied. Platelet count, PCT and the ratios of MPV/Platelet count, MPV/PCT, PDW/Platelet count, PDW/PCT and MPV x PDW/Platelet count x PCT were significantly different among children who survived compared to those who died. On multiple regression analysis the ratio of MPV/PCT, PDW/Platelet count and MPV/ Platelet count were risk factors for mortality with an odds ratio of 4.31(95% CI, 1.69-10.99), 3.86 (95% CI, 1.53-9.75), 3.45 (95% CI, 1.38-8.64) respectively. In 67% of the patients who died MPV/PCT ratio was above 41.8 and PDW/Platelet count was above 3.86. In 65% of patients who died MPV/Platelet count was above 3.45. Conclusion: The MPV/PCT, PDW/Platelet count and MPV/Platelet count, in the first sample after admission in this case control study were predictors of mortality and could predict 65% to 67% of deaths accurately.


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Introducción: los avances en el conocimiento de las neoplasias han incrementado los índices de supervivencia de los pacientes hematooncológicos. La atención de estos enfermos en la unidad de terapia intensiva pediátrica (UTIP) se ha vuelto cada vez más frecuente. Objetivo: comparar las características del grupo linfoproliferativo o hematológico con las del grupo de neoplasias sólidas u oncológico. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo descriptivo de pacientes ingresados a la UTIP del Hospital Universitario de la UANL, de enero de 2005 a marzo de 2006, con diagnóstico linfoproliferativo (grupo A) o neoplásico (grupo B). Resultados: se incluyeron 38 pacientes, 18 (47.3%) en el grupo A y 20 (52.6%) en el B. No se encontraron diferencias en las variables estudiadas respecto al género, la edad, el desarrollo de metástasis y los días de estancia en la unidad de terapia intensiva pediátrica. Las disfunciones respiratoria, hemodinámica y renal fueron similares en los dos grupos; en cuanto a las hepáticas y hematológicas, el más afectado fue el A (p <0.05). En el B se observaron más alteraciones neurológicas. Los pacientes oncológicos requirieron un mayor soporte ventilatorio (p <0.05). La PRISM III (escala pronóstica de mortalidad pediátrica) no reveló discrepancias entre los grupos. La mortalidad fue de 36.8%, sin diferencias estadísticas. Conclusión: las características, el manejo intensivo y la supervivencia de todos los pacientes hemato-oncológicos son similares.


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The subject Responsibility Enterprise Social (RSE) is relatively recent in the half national academic and the world of the management businesses as practical. For the lack of socialization of experiences and clarity of concepts, shunting lines in the agreement of the subject and the conduction of the interventions occur. It was looked to inquire, in this research, the development of the project of Social Responsibility Enterprise ―School of Computer science and Citizenship‖ of a situated company in the State of Pará, objectifying to evaluate it and later to understand it. For this, one searched to describe the characteristics and structure of the School, to identify to the lines and lines of direction adopted for this Project and to identify to the influence and results of the same in the life of pupils, professors and egresses of the School. It is characterized for a study of case with qualitative boarding of descriptive character, carried through interviews structuralized in a sample of 21 divided members of the School between professors, pupils and egresses. It was used of the analysis of categorical content, having as axle for the interpretation of the data the Social Responsibility, the Digital Inclusion and the Education. The gotten results inform that the infrastructure has challenges to face, point disparities between the conception and practical of the categories characterized in the Politician-Pedagogical Project of the EIC and the influence that, exactly under limits, the life of the professors, pupils reaches and egress. One evidenced that Social action for damages of this company when come back toward this project, they had not been evidenced. For this prism, these actions had only remained in the assistencialist speech and not structural, being thus, the company is not fulfilling its paper of transforming element of the reality of its clientele and the population that lives in it s around