982 resultados para Prime


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Proyecto de coeducacin que se centra en la realizacin de juegos y deportes alternativos que proporcionen al alumnado mltiples posibilidades para su tiempo libre y de ocio ms acordes a sus intereses y aptitudes, pero alejadas de actividades y deportes estereotipados. Los objetivos son: promover la participacin ldica de todo el alumnado y sobre todo las chicas; fomentar los juegos y deportes alternativos como estrategia para corregir los estereotipos sexistas en la Educacin Fsica; conocer y analizar la aplicacin y utilidad de las guas y documentos para una educacin no sexista; desarrollar la habilidad motriz; y proporcionar al alumnado modelos deportivos no estereotipados. Para ello se trabajan juegos, actividades y deportes en los que prime ante todo el carcter ldico y cooperativo y donde la premisa no sea competir sino jugar con otras personas para alcanzar fines comunes y no excluyentes. La evaluacin de la experiencia destaca que la realizacin de juegos deportivos alternativos ha facilitado la participacin de las alumnas en los mismos y ha supuesto un gran avence en la 'coeducacin fsica'.


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Incluye anexos con normativa


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Esta unidad didctica intenta iniciar a los alumnos de tercero de E.S.O en los valores de la argumentacin, en el rea de Lengua, a travs de la columna periodstica. El motivo de la eleccin de este material didctico es la brevedad, escasa dificultad de comprensin y la posibilidad de manejar noticias periodsticas de actualidad con las que el alumno est ms o menos familiarizado. El contenido est estructurado en materiales para el profesor y actividades para el alumno, basados en diferentes textos periodsticos que tienen como finalidad que el alumno analice, resuma, redacte y participe en un debate donde prime la fundamentacin argumentativa..


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Monogrfico con el ttulo: 'La gestin del conocimiento en el sistema educativo'


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A finales del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX la provincia de Vizcaya despunt en el contexto internacional como importe centro extractor de mineral de hierro y como relevante foco productor siderometalrgico. Las explotaciones mineras se aduearon de los Montes de Triano y las fbricas conquistaron las mrgenes del Ro Nervin, arrastrando tras de s una densa marea humana. Alojar a esa poblacin se convirti en una cuestin de primer orden. Paralelamente, las instituciones estatales desbordadas por problemas similares en otros puntos de la geografa espaola, idearon y pusieron en prctica un complejo engranaje administrativo para erigir las primeras viviendas sociales. As, las denominadas Casas Baratas fueron la respuesta oficial a la insuficiencia de vivienda obrera y Vizcaya fue una de las provincias donde mayor desarrollo tuvieron este tipo de propuestas constructivas. De este modo, la presente investigacin comienza indagando sobre el origen de la problemtica en Bilbao y la Cuenca del Bajo Nervin, para despus repasar las medidas adoptadas por el Estado y la Diputacin de Vizcaya en esta materia. Hecho esto, se da paso a un concienzudo repaso de las caractersticas principales de la edificacin de Casas Baratas en toda la provincia de Vizcaya, descendiendo, posteriormente, a la realidad de Bilbao, Baracaldo, Sestao, Portugalete, Guecho y Erandio, haciendo hincapi en las inquietudes locales. El estudio finaliza con un ejercicio comparativo con las Casas Baratas de Barcelona, Sabadell y Tarrasa, establecindose similitudes y divergencias con el foco industrial ms importante del momento en el panorama nacional.


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RESUMO: Os dados estatsticos evidenciam uma tendncia para o aumento de casos de HIV/SIDA em indivduos com mais de 50 anos (OMS, 2008) e apontam a transmisso por via sexual como uma das causas das novas infeces nesta faixa etria. A inexistncia de um tratamento ou de uma vacina para o HIV/SIDA faz com que a alterao de comportamentos de risco seja ainda o nico meio disponvel e universal de prevenir a doena, independentemente da faixa etria considerada. Reconhecendo a dimenso social do fenmeno, e a funo preventiva e educativa inerente actividade dos assistentes sociais, constitui-se como principal objectivo deste estudo compreender o papel do Servio Social na preveno do HIV /SIDA e dos comportamentos de risco nos idosos frequentadores de centros de convvio e academias. Especificamente pretendemos identificar o entendimento dos assistentes sociais face SIDA, sexualidade e aos comportamentos de risco da populao idosa; compreender o papel do Servio Social na preveno do HIV/SIDA por relao a outros profissionais; identificar que aces de mbito preventivo so utilizadas e em que nvel da preveno se situa a interveno dos assistentes sociais e perceber se a mesma contribui para a mudana de comportamentos de risco. Situmos o estudo numa abordagem qualitativa, e seguimos uma estratgia indutiva. Os dados foram recolhidos atravs de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, aplicadas a oito assistentes sociais que exercem a sua actividade em Centros de Convvio ou Academias Seniores, no concelho de Cascais. Pela anlise e interpretao dos discursos das entrevistadas verifica-se que, a maioria, tm conhecimentos acerca da sexualidade dos idosos no geral e nas respectivas instituies. Percepcionam a sexualidade como algo existente nos idosos, embora se tenham identificado, concomitantemente alguns preconceitos, no sendo um assunto comummente abordado nas suas aces quotidianas. O conhecimento que revelam relativamente ao HIV/SIDA e expresso do problema a nvel global ou local tem uma relao muito directa com a existncia, ou no, de casos concretos na instituio. Constatmos que as aces preventivas sobre os comportamentos sexuais de risco so feitas por profissionais exteriores instituio e de outras reas, como a enfermagem e a psicologia. Face regularidade e proximidade com os destinatrios da interveno sublinhamos a importncia que os assistentes sociais podem ter no mbito da preveno primria, promovendo aces que capacitem, eduquem e motivem os idosos para a adopo de comportamentos saudveis, sendo tambm condio sine qua non que os profissionais se reposicionem e assumam esse papel investindo na sua qualificao e especializao. ABSTRACT: The statistical data shows that the number of HIV/AIDS cases in individuals over 50 is rising (OMS, 2008), with the sexual transmission being the prime cause of the new infections in this age group. The non-existence of a treatment or a vaccine for HIV/AIDS leads the change in risk behaviors to remain the only available and universal method to prevent the spreading of this disease, regardless of the age group we are considering. Acknowledging the social dimension of the phenomenon and the inherent preventive and educational function of the Social Workers, the main objective of this study is to understand the role of the Social Work in HIV/AIDS prevention and the risk behaviors of the elderly. Specifically we intend to identify the knowledge the social workers have about HIV/AIDS, about the sexuality and risk behaviors of the elderly; understand the role of the social worker in HIV/AIDS prevention by comparison to other professionals; identify which preventive actions are taken in intervention and in which level of prevention the intervention of social workers takes place, and understand if prevention leads to changing the risk behaviors. We based the study in a qualitative approach, and followed an inductive strategy. The data was gathered by semi-structured interviews, applied to eight Social Workers working in Recreational Centers or Seniors Academies in Cascais district. By analyzing and interpreting the interviews we see, that the majority, knows about the sexuality of the elderly in general and in their respective institutions. They see sexuality as something that the elderly possess, although we have also identified some prejudices towards it, and it isnt a theme usually approached in their daily actions. The knowledge that they reveal about HIV/AIDS and the impact of this problem at a global and local level, is directly linked to the existence, or not, of actual cases in the institution they work. We noticed that the preventive actions on sexual risk behaviors are conducted by professionals that dont belong to the institution and of other areas of expertise, as Nursing and Psychology. Due to the regularity and proximity with whom the intervention is destined to, we emphasize the importance that the social workers may have in primary prevention, promoting actions that enable, educate and encourage the elderly to adopt health promoting behaviors, also being a sine qua non condition the professionals must reposition themselves and take that role investing in their qualification and specialization.


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Los organismos de derechos humanos del Per han subrayado que la (re)institucionalizacin democrtica del pas requiere que las polticas pblicas integren y sirvan a la gente y no al revs; que la definicin del rumbo de tales polticas refleje la participacin substantiva de las y los ciudadanos y que, por tanto, estos -en especial los ms pobres- no sigan siendo excluidos de las decisiones que les conciernen; que la legislacin refleje y no confronte los estndares internacionales de proteccin de la dignidad a los que voluntariamente se comprometi el Per; que se erradique el racismo, la impunidad y la discriminacin, as como que prime, por sobre todo, el deber primario de respetar y proteger todos los derechos humanos, prestando especial atencin a los derechos econmicos, sociales y culturales (DESC).


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El presente estudio apunta a proveerle al lector con elementos para responder a un conjunto de preguntas relevantes para el diseo de una poltica bilateral Ecuador-Brasil coherente, entre otras: Qu explica el surgimiento de Brasil como una potencia econmica global?, Cmo ese exitoso desarrollo econmico y social ha influido en la poltica internacional de esta nacin?, Cmo podra afectar a Ecuador la creciente influencia internacional de Brasil en algunos de los organismos centrales para la toma de decisiones econmicas mundiales, tales como el Grupo de los 20 (G-20), la Organizacin Mundial del Comercio (OMC) y el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)? A continuacin mostrar que esas preguntas no solo se relacionan entre s, sino que, de hecho, tienen una respuesta comn: la economa poltica del desarrollo brasileo tanto histrico como de los ltimos veinte aos explica su emergencia econmica, los notables cambios en su poltica exterior en los noventa y la presente dcada, y los lmites y oportunidades de la proyeccin internacional brasilea en el presente y el futuro ms o menos inmediato.


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This paper reflects on the challenges facing the effective implementation of the new EU fundamental rights architecture that emerged from the Lisbon Treaty. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and its ability to function as a fundamental rights tribunal. The paper first analyses the praxis of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and its long-standing experience in overseeing the practical implementation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Against this analysis, it then examines the readiness of the CJEU to live up to its consolidated and strengthened mandate on fundamental rights as one of the prime guarantors of the effective implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We specifically review the role of third-party interventions by non-governmental organisations, international and regional human rights actors as well as interim relief measures when ensuring effective judicial protection of vulnerable individuals in cases of alleged violations of fundamental human rights. To flesh out our arguments, we rely on examples within the scope of the relatively new and complex domain of EU legislation, the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ), and its immigration, external border and asylum policies. In view of the fundamental rights-sensitive nature of these domains, which often encounter shifts of accountability and responsibility in their practical application, and the Lisbon Treatys expansion of the jurisdiction of the CJEU to interpret and review EU AFSJ legislation, this area can be seen as an excellent test case for the analyses at hand. The final section puts forth a set of policy suggestions that can assist the CJEU in the process of adjusting itself to the new fundamental rights context in a post-Lisbon Treaty setting.


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As David Cameron prepares to deliver his momentous Europe speech, Adam azowski warns the British Prime Minister that a divorce from the EU will not be easy and that the decision should be based on a very thorough political, economic and legal analysis, as the consequences in all possible respects will be profound.


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As the date approaches for Prime Minister Camerons long-awaited speech setting out his policy intentions towards the EU, a new CEPS Commentary by Michael Emerson chronicles a plethora of problems his propositions are going to encounter for their successful implementation in the both the British and European interests.


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The impact of doubled CO2 concentration on the Asian summer monsoon is studied using a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Both the mean seasonal precipitation and interannual monsoon variability are found to increase in the future climate scenario presented. Systematic biases in current climate simulations of the coupled system prevent accurate representation of the monsoon-ENSO teleconnection, of prime importance for seasonal prediction and for determining monsoon interannual variability. By applying seasonally varying heat flux adjustments to the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean surface in the future climate simulation, some assessment can be made of the impact of systematic model biases on future climate predictions. In simulations where the flux adjustments are implemented, the response to climate change is magnified, with the suggestion that systematic biases may be masking the true impact of increased greenhouse gas forcing. The teleconnection between ENSO and the Asian summer monsoon remains robust in the future climate, although the Indo-Pacific takes on more of a biennial character for long periods of the flux-adjusted simulation. Assessing the teleconnection across interdecadal timescales shows wide variations in its amplitude, despite the absence of external forcing. This suggests that recent changes in the observed record cannot be distinguished from internal variations and as such are not necessarily related to climate change.


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These notes have been issued on a small scale in 1983 and 1987 and on request at other times. This issue follows two items of news. First, WaIter Colquitt and Luther Welsh found the 'missed' Mersenne prime M110503 and advanced the frontier of complete Mp-testing to 139,267. In so doing, they terminated Slowinski's significant string of four consecutive Mersenne primes. Secondly, a team of five established a non-Mersenne number as the largest known prime. This result terminated the 1952-89 reign of Mersenne primes. All the original Mersenne numbers with p < 258 were factorised some time ago. The Sandia Laboratories team of Davis, Holdridge & Simmons with some little assistance from a CRAY machine cracked M211 in 1983 and M251 in 1984. They contributed their results to the 'Cunningham Project', care of Sam Wagstaff. That project is now moving apace thanks to developments in technology, factorisation and primality testing. New levels of computer power and new computer architectures motivated by the open-ended promise of parallelism are now available. Once again, the suppliers may be offering free buildings with the computer. However, the Sandia '84 CRAY-l implementation of the quadratic-sieve method is now outpowered by the number-field sieve technique. This is deployed on either purpose-built hardware or large syndicates, even distributed world-wide, of collaborating standard processors. New factorisation techniques of both special and general applicability have been defined and deployed. The elliptic-curve method finds large factors with helpful properties while the number-field sieve approach is breaking down composites with over one hundred digits. The material is updated on an occasional basis to follow the latest developments in primality-testing large Mp and factorising smaller Mp; all dates derive from the published literature or referenced private communications. Minor corrections, additions and changes merely advance the issue number after the decimal point. The reader is invited to report any errors and omissions that have escaped the proof-reading, to answer the unresolved questions noted and to suggest additional material associated with this subject.


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We study generalised prime systems P (1 < p(1) <= p(2) <= ..., with p(j) is an element of R tending to infinity) and the associated Beurling zeta function zeta p(s) = Pi(infinity)(j=1)(1 - p(j)(-s))(-1). Under appropriate assumptions, we establish various analytic properties of zeta p(s), including its analytic continuation, and we characterise the existence of a suitable generalised functional equation. In particular, we examine the relationship between a counterpart of the Prime Number Theorem (with error term) and the properties of the analytic continuation of zeta p(s). Further we study 'well-behaved' g-prime systems, namely, systems for which both the prime and integer counting function are asymptotically well-behaved. Finally, we show that there exists a natural correspondence between generalised prime systems and suitable orders on N-2. Some of the above results are relevant to the second author's theory of 'fractal membranes', whose spectral partition functions are given by Beurling-type zeta functions, as well as to joint work of that author and R. Nest on zeta functions attached to quasicrystals.


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This document provides and comments on the results of the Lucas-Lehmer testing and/or partial factorisation of all Mersenne Numbers Mp = 2^p-1 where p is prime and less than 100,000. Previous computations have either been confirmed or corrected. The LLT computations on the ICL DAP is the first implementation of Fast-Fermat-Number-Transform multiplication in connection with Mersenne Number testing. This paper championed the disciplines of systematically testing the Mp, and of double-sourcing results which were not manifestly correct. Both disciplines were adopted by the later GIMPS initiative, the 'Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, which was itself one of the first web-based distributed-community projects.