990 resultados para Predacious fungi.
The genes involved in the biosynthesis of biotin were identified in the hyphal fungus Aspergillus nidulans through homology searches and complementation of Escherichia coli biotin-auxotrophic mutants. Whereas the 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase and dethiobiotin synthetase are encoded by distinct genes in bacteria and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, both activities are performed in A. nidulans by a single enzyme, encoded by the bifunctional gene bioDA. Such a bifunctional bioDA gene is a genetic feature common to numerous members of the ascomycete filamentous fungi and basidiomycetes, as well as in plants and oömycota. However, unlike in other eukaryota, the three bio genes contributing to the four enzymatic steps from pimeloyl-CoA to biotin are organized in a gene cluster in pezizomycotina. The A. nidulans auxotrophic mutants biA1, biA2 and biA3 were all found to have mutations in the 7,8-diaminopelargonic acid synthase domain of the bioDA gene. Although biotin auxotrophy is an inconvenient marker in classical genetic manipulations due to cross-feeding of biotin, transformation of the biA1 mutant with the bioDA gene from either A. nidulans or Aspergillus fumigatus led to the recovery of well-defined biotin-prototrophic colonies. The usefulness of bioDA gene as a novel and robust transformation marker was demonstrated in co-transformation experiments with a green fluorescent protein reporter, and in the efficient deletion of the laccase (yA) gene via homologous recombination in a mutant lacking non-homologous end-joining activity.
SUMMARY : Two-component systems are key mediators implicated in the response of numerous bacteria to a wide range of signals and stimuli. The two-component system comprised of the sensor kinase GacS and the response regulator GacA is broadly distributed among γ-proteobacteria bacteria and fulfils diverse functions such as regulation of carbon storage and expression of virulence. In Pseudomonas fluorescens, a soil bacterium which protects plants from root-pathogenic fungi and nematodes, the GacS/GacA two-component system has been shown to be essential for the production of secondary metabolites and exoenzymes required for the biocontrol activity of the bacterium. The regulatory cascade initiated by GacS/GacA consists of two translational repressor proteins, RsmA and RsmE, as well as three GacAcontrolled small regulatory RNAs RsmX, RsmY and RsmZ, which titrate RsmA and RsmE to allow the expression of biocontrol factors. Genetic analysis revealed that two additional sensor kinases termed RetS and Lads were involved as negative and positive control elements, respectively, in the Gac/Rsm pathway in P. fluoresens CHAO. Furthermore, it could be proposed that RetS and Lads interact with GacS, thereby modulating the expression of antibiotic compounds and hydrogen cyanide, as well as the rpoS gene encoding the stress and stationary phase sigma factor σ. Temperature was found to be an important environmental cue that influences the Gac/Rsm network. Indeed, the production of antibiotic compounds and hydrogen cyanide was reduced at 35°C, by comparison with the production at 30°C. RetS was identified to be involved in this temperature control. The small RNA RsmY was confirmed to be positively regulated by GacA and RsmA/RsmE. Two essential regions were identified in the rsmY promoter by mutational analysis, the upstream activating sequence (UAS) and the linker sequence. Although direct experimental evidence is still missing, several observations suggest that GacA may bind to the UAS, whereas the linker region would be recognized by intermediate RsmA/RsmEdependent repressors and/or activators. In conclusion, this work has revealed new elements contributing to the function of the signal transduction mechanisms in the Gac/Rsm pathway. RESUME : Les systèmes ä deux composants sont des mécanismes d'une importance notoire que beaucoup de bactéries utilisent pour faire face et répondre aux stimuli environnementaux. Le système à deux composants comprenant le senseur GacS et le régulateur de réponse GacA est très répandu chez les γ-protéobactéries et remplit des fonctions aussi diverses que la régulation du stockage de carbone ou l'expression de la virulence. Chez Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO, une bactérie du sol qui protège les racines des plantes contre des attaques de champignons et nématodes pathogènes, le système à deux composants GacS/GacA est essentiel à la production de métabolites secondaires et d'exoenzymes requis pour l'activité de biocontrôle de la bactérie. La cascade régulatrice initiée pas GacS/GacA fait intervenir deux protéines répresseur de traduction, RsmA et RsmE, ainsi que trois petits ARNs RsmX, RsmY et RsmZ, dont la production est contrôlée par GacA. Ces petits ARNs ont pour rôle de contrecarrer l'action des protéines répressseur de la traduction, ce qui permet l'expression de facteurs de biocontrôle. Des analyses génétiques ont révélé la présence de deux senseurs supplémentaires, appelés Rets et Lads, qui interviennent dans la cascade Gac/Rsm de P. fluorescens. L'impact de ces senseurs est, respectivement, négatif et positif. Ces interactions ont apparenunent lieu au niveau de GacS et permettent une modulation de l'expression des antibiotiques et de l'acide cyanhydrique, ainsi que du gène rpoS codant pour le facteur sigma du stress. La température s'est révélée être un facteur environnemental important qui influence la cascade Gac/Rsm. Il s'avère en effet que la production d'antibiotiques ainsi que d'acide cyanhydrique est moins importante à 35°C qu'à 30°C. L'implication du senseur Rets dans ce contrôle par la température a pu être démontrée. La régulation positive du petit ARN RsmY par GacA et RsmA/RsmE a pu être confirmée; par le biais d'une analyse mutationelle, deux régions essentielles ont pu être mises en évidence dans la région promotrice de rsmY. Malgré le manque de preuves expérimentales directes, certains indices suggèrent que GacA puisse directement se fixer sur une des deux régions (appelée UAS), tandis que la deuxième région (appelée linker) serait plutôt reconnue par des facteurs intermédiaires (activateurs ou répresseurs) dépendant de RsmA/RsmE. En conclusion, ce travail a dévoilé de nouveaux éléments permettant d'éclairer les mécanismes de transduction des signaux dans la cascade Gac/Rsm.
A new cell line, PC-0199-BR, was established from embryonated eggs of the mosquito Psorophora confinnis. To date (September 2000) it has had 62 continuous passages. This is the first report of a cell line of mosquitoes belonging to the genus Psorophora. Cell growth initially was achieved in the MM/VP12 medium, supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum; however, the subcultures were later adapted to Grace's medium with 10% fetal bovine serum. Cell morphology in the primary cultures was heterogeneous; but later in the established cell line, the predominant cell type was epithelioid. Cultured cells were predominantly diploid (2n=6); however, chromosome abnormalities were observed in a small proportion of the cells in later passages. C and G band patterns were also determined in the karyotype. The cell line isozyme profiles coincided with pupae and adult samples of the species taken from the same colony. A preliminary arbovirus susceptibility study for the cell line was undertaken. No evidence was observed of contamination of the cell line with bacteria, fungi or mycoplasma.
The sewage snail Physa acuta is a serious threat to certain economic plants and to the purification plant of sewage works by rendering the biofilters ineffective. Various attempts are being made to control it. The efficacy of the predacious water bugs Sphaerodema rusticum was judged experimentally, in the laboratory in the potential control of P. acuta. It is revealed that, when supplied separately, the first, second and third instar and the adult S. rusticum did not attack P. acuta belonging to 3.1-8 mm, 5.1-8 mm, 7.1-8 mm and <= 3 mm size classes respectively. In the remaining trials predation rate varied from zero to eight (average 2.3) individuals per predator per day. In experiments with P. acuta belonging to all the size classes supplied together, none, except the first instar S. rusticum, attacked the prey individuals belonging to the lowest (<= 3 mm) size class. The first and second instar S. rusticum, in both trials did not attack P. acuta larger than 4 mm and 5 mm in shell length respectively. The water bugs belonging to the third, fourth, fifth instar and adult stages though preyed upon P. acuta with 3.1-8 mm shell length. The average rate of predation by a single S. rusticum varied from 0.14-3.08 individuals per day depending upon the size of P. acuta and the stage of S. rusticum. A single S. rusticum, irrespective of instar and adult stages, destroyed on average 4.16 P. acuta daily irrespective of sizes. It is estimated that one S. rusticum could destroy 1,360 P. acuta in its life time. The results clearly indicate that the water bug S. rusticum may be used to control the snails P. acuta.
Opportunistic infections, which affect acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (Aids) patients, are frequently disseminated and may cause bloodstream infections (BSI). The aim of this study was to evaluate the main causes of BSI in Aids patients with advanced stage of the disease, with special emphasis on the identification of fungemia. During a 21 months period, all patients with Aids (CD4 < 200) and febrile syndrome admitted to 3 university hospitals were systematically evaluated. For each patient presenting fever, a pair of blood cultures was collected and processed by using a commercial lysis-centrifugation system. One hundred and eleven patients (75 males) with a mean age of 36 years (median 33 years) and mean CD4 count of 64 cells/ml were included. Among the 111 patients evaluated we documented 54 episodes of BSI, including 46 patients with truly systemic infections and 8 episodes considered as contaminants. BSI were caused by gram-positive bacteria (43%), fungi (20%), gram-negative bacteria (15%), mycobacteria (15%), and mixed flora (7%). The crude mortality rate of our patients was 39%, being 50% for patients with BSI and 31% for the others. In conclusion, BSI are a common related to systemic infections on Aids patients with advanced stage of disease and is associated with a high rate of mortality.
The amino acid cysteine has long been known to be toxic at elevated levels for bacteria, fungi, and humans. However, mechanisms of cysteine tolerance in microbes remain largely obscure. Here we show that the human pathogenic yeast Candida albicans excretes sulfite when confronted with increasing cysteine concentrations. Mutant construction and phenotypic analysis revealed that sulfite formation from cysteine in C. albicans relies on cysteine dioxygenase Cdg1, an enzyme with similar functions in humans. Environmental cysteine induced not only the expression of the CDG1 gene in C. albicans, but also the expression of SSU1, encoding a putative sulfite efflux pump. Accordingly, the deletion of SSU1 resulted in enhanced sensitivity of the fungal cells to both cysteine and sulfite. To study the regulation of sulfite/cysteine tolerance in more detail, we screened a C. albicans library of transcription factor mutants in the presence of sulfite. This approach and subsequent independent mutant analysis identified the zinc cluster transcription factor Zcf2 to govern sulfite/cysteine tolerance, as well as cysteine-inducible SSU1 and CDG1 gene expression. cdg1Δ and ssu1Δ mutants displayed reduced hypha formation in the presence of cysteine, indicating a possible role of the newly proposed mechanisms of cysteine tolerance and sulfite secretion in the pathogenicity of C. albicans. Moreover, cdg1Δ mutants induced delayed mortality in a mouse model of disseminated infection. Since sulfite is toxic and a potent reducing agent, its production by C. albicans suggests diverse roles during host adaptation and pathogenicity.
Eight species of Harpellales and three species of Eccrinales (Zygomycota: Trichomycetes) were found associated with the digestive tract of arthropods from terrestrial and aquatic environments in the central Amazon region of Brazil. New species of Harpellales include: Harpella amazonica, Smittium brasiliense, Genistellospora tropicalis in Simuliidae larvae and Stachylina paucispora in Chironomidae larvae. Axenic cultures of S. brasiliense were obtained. Probable new species of Enterobryus (Eccrinales), Harpella, and Stachylina (Harpellales) are described but not named. Also reported are the previously known species of Eccrinales, Passalomyces compressus and Leidyomyces attenuatus in adult Coleoptera (Passalidae), and Smittium culisetae and Smittium aciculare (Harpellales) in Culicidae and Simuliidae larvae, respectively. Comments on the distribution of some of these fungi and their hosts in the Neotropics are provided.
Ant queens that attempt to disperse and found new colonies independently face high mortality risks. The exposure of queens to soil entomopathogens during claustral colony founding may be particularly harmful, as founding queens lack the protection conferred by mature colonies. Here, we tested the hypotheses that founding queens (I) detect and avoid nest sites that are contaminated by fungal pathogens, and (II) tend to associate with other queens to benefit from social immunity when nest sites are contaminated. Surprisingly, in nest choice assays, young Formica selysi BONDROIT, 1918 queens had an initial preference for nest sites contaminated by two common soil entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium brunneum. Founding queens showed a similar preference for the related but non-entomopathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum. In contrast, founding queens had no significant preference for the more distantly related nonentomopathogenic fungus Petromyces alliaceus, nor for heat-killed spores of B. bassiana. Finally, founding queens did not increase the rate of queen association in presence of B. bassiana. The surprising preference of founding queens for nest sites contaminated by live entomopathogenic fungi suggests that parasites manipulate their hosts or that the presence of specific fungi is a cue associated with suitable nesting sites.
A total of 103 isolates of basidiomycetes, representing 84 species from different Brazilian ecosystems, were evaluated for their antifungal and antibacterial activity in a panel of pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms. Tissue plugs of the fruiting bodies were cultivated in liquid media and the whole culture extracted with ethyl acetate. Crude extracts from Agaricus cf. nigrecentulus, Agrocybe perfecta, Climacodon pulcherrimus, Gloeoporus thelephoroides, Hexagonia hydnoides, Irpex lacteus, Leucoagaricus cf. cinereus, Marasmius cf. bellus, Marasmius sp., Nothopanus hygrophanus, Oudemansiella canarii, Pycnoporus sanguineus, Phellinus sp., and Tyromyces duracinus presented significant activity against one or more of the target microorganisms. Eight isolates were active only against bacteria while three inhibited exclusively the growth of fungi. Two extracts presented wide antimicrobial spectrum and were active against both fungi and bacteria. Differences in the bioactivity of extracts obtained from isolates from the same species were observed.
The patterns of genetic variation of samples of Candida spp. isolated from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were examined. Thirty-seven strains were isolated from different anatomical sites obtained from different infection episodes of 11 patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These samples were subjected to randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using 9 different primers. Reproducible and complex DNA banding patterns were obtained. The experiments indicated evidence of dynamic process of yeast colonization in HIV-infected patients, and also that certain primers are efficient in the identification of species of the Candida genus. Thus, we conclude that RAPD analysis may be useful in providing genotypic characters for Candida species typing in epidemiological investigations, and also for the rapid identification of pathogenic fungi.
A total of 443 bat flies belonging to the families Nycteribiidae and Strelidae, were collected on 22 species of bats (Molossidae, Phyllostomidae, and Vespertilionidae) from Parque Estadual da Cantareira (São Paulo, Brazil), between January, 2000 and January, 2001. Eighteen new occurrences of bat flies were recorded on Anoura geoffroyi (Anastrebla caudiferae), Glossophaga soricina (A. caudiferae), Sturnira lilium (Trichobius phyllostomae, T. furmani, and Paraeuctenodes similis), Artibeus lituratus (A. caudiferae), A. fimbriatus (Megistopoda proxima), A. obscurus (Metelasmus pseudopterus), Myotis nigricans (M. proxima, M. aranea, Paratrichobius longicrus), M. ruber (Anatrichobius passosi, Joblingia sp.), M. levis (A. passosi), M. albescens (A. passosi, Basilia andersoni), and Histiotus velatus (M. aranea). Seven new occurrences were recorded for the state of São Paulo, increasing the range for T. tiptoni, T. furmani, M. proxima, Aspidoptera falcata, A. caudiferae, A. modestini and B. andersoni. The relationships between parasitism and host sex, reproductive stage, age hyperparasitism by fungi are discussed.
Although lethargic crab disease (LCD) is causing massive mortalities in populations of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus of Northeastern Brazil, the identity of its etiological agent was hitherto unknown. In this study we provide robust evidence suggesting that LCD is caused by an anamorph Ascomycota (Fungi). We examined specimens of U. cordatus collected from stocks affected by LCD. Histological and TEM methods detected the presence of hyphae, conidia, and condiophores in several host tissues. Moreover, the abundance of fungal stages is negatively associated with crab health. Finally, DNA was isolated from the fungus and a region of its 18S ribosomal gene was sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses not only confirm the diagnosis of the LCD fungus in crab tissues as an ascomycete, but also suggest a close relationship with members of the subphylum Pezizomycotina.
In this study it was compared the MAS-100 and the Andersen air samplers' performances and a similar trend in both instruments was observed. It was also evaluated the microbial contamination levels in 3060 samples of offices, hospitals, industries, and shopping centers, in the period of 1998 to 2002, in Rio de Janeiro city. Considering each environment, 94.3 to 99.4% of the samples were the allowed limit in Brazil (750 CFU/m³). The industries' results showed more important similarity among fungi and total heterotrophs distributions, with the majority of the results between zero and 100 CFU/m³. The offices' results showed dispersion around 300 CFU/m³. The hospitals' results presented the same trend, with an average of 200 CFU/m³. Shopping centers' environments showed an average of 300 CFU/m³ for fungi, but presented a larger dispersion pattern for the total heterotrophs, with the highest average (1000 CFU/m³). It was also investigated the correlation of the sampling period with the number of airborne microorganisms and with the environmental parameters (temperature and air humidity) through the principal components analysis. All indoor air samples distributions were very similar. The temperature and air humidity had no significant influence on the samples dispersion patterns.
A prospective study of fungal and bacterial flora of burn wounds was carried out from February 2004 to February 2005 at the Burns Unit of Hospital Regional da Asa Norte, Brasília, Brazil. During the period of the study, 203 patients were treated at the Burns Unit. Wound swab cultures were assessed at weekly intervals for four weeks. Three hundred and fifty four sampling procedures (surface swabs) were performed from the burn wounds. The study revealed that bacterial colonization reached 86.6% within the first week. Although the gram-negative organisms, as a group, were more predominant, Staphylococcus aureus (28.4%) was the most prevalent organism in the first week. It was however surpassed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa form third week onwards. For S. aureus and P. aeruginosa vancomycin and polymyxin were found to be the most effective drugs. Most of the isolates showed high level resistance to antimicrobial agents. Fungi were found to colonize the burn wound late during the second week postburn, with a peak incidence during the third and fourth weeks. Species identification of fungi revealed that Candida tropicalis was the most predominant, followed by Candida parapsilosis. It is crucial for every burn institution to determine the specific pattern of burn wound microbial colonization, the time-related changes in the dominant flora, and the antimicrobial sensitivity profiles. This would enable early treatment of imminent septic episodes with proper empirical systemic antibiotics, without waiting for culture results, thus improving the overall infection-related morbidity and mortality.
Basic aspects of cell biology of Pneumocystis carinii are reviewed with major emphasis on its life cycle and the structural organization of the trophozoites and cyst forms. Initially considered as a protozoan it is now established that Pneumocystis belongs to the Fungi Kingdom. Its life cycle includes two basic forms: (a) trophozoites, which are haploid cells that divide by binary fission and may conjugate with each other forming an early procyst and (b) cysts where division takes place through a meiotic process with the formation of eight nuclei followed by cytoplasmic delimitation and formation of intracystic bodies which are subsequently released and transformed into trophozoites. Basic aspects of the structure of the two developmental stages of P. carinii are reviewed.