971 resultados para Power Sensitivity Model


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The growth of wind power in some power systems is hampered by the system requirement for emergency reserve to cover loss of the biggest infeed. The study demonstrates that reserve provision from the wind sector itself has economic and operational benefits. A heuristic algorithm has been developed that can model the relevant aspects of emergency reserve provision in a system with both thermal and wind generations. The proposed algorithm is first validated by comparing its performance with established economic scheduling methods applied to a representative power system. The algorithm is then used to demonstrate the economic benefit of reserve provision from the wind sector. It is shown that such provision reduces wind energy curtailment and thermal unit ramping. Finally, it is shown that a wind sector capable of providing emergency reserve can expand economically beyond the capacity limit that would otherwise apply.


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This paper proposes a continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) based sequential analytical approach for composite generation and transmission systems reliability assessment. The basic idea is to construct a CTMC model for the composite system. Based on this model, sequential analyses are performed. Various kinds of reliability indices can be obtained, including expectation, variance, frequency, duration and probability distribution. In order to reduce the dimension of the state space, traditional CTMC modeling approach is modified by merging all high order contingencies into a single state, which can be calculated by Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). Then a state mergence technique is developed to integrate all normal states to further reduce the dimension of the CTMC model. Moreover, a time discretization method is presented for the CTMC model calculation. Case studies are performed on the RBTS and a modified IEEE 300-bus test system. The results indicate that sequential reliability assessment can be performed by the proposed approach. Comparing with the traditional sequential Monte Carlo simulation method, the proposed method is more efficient, especially in small scale or very reliable power systems.


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With the integration of combined heat and power (CHP) units, air-conditioners and gas boilers, power, gas, and heat systems are becoming tightly linked to each other in the integrated community energy system (ICES). Interactions among the three systems are not well captured by traditional methods. To address this issue, a hybrid power-gas-heat flow calculation method was developed in this paper. In the proposed method, an energy hub model was presented to describe interactions among the three systems incorporating various CHP operating modes. In addition, three operating modes were proposed for the ICES including fully decoupled, partially coupled, and fully coupled. Numerical results indicated that the proposed algorithm can be used in the steady-state analysis of the ICES and reflect interactions among various energy systems.


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The use of geothermal energy as a source for electricity and district heating has increased over recent decades. Dissolved As can be an important constituent of the geothermal fluids brought to the Earth's surface. Here the field application of laboratory measured adsorption coefficients of aqueous As species on basaltic glass surfaces is discussed. The mobility of As species in the basaltic aquifer in the Nesjavellir geothermal system, Iceland was modelled by the one-dimensional (1D) reactive transport model PHREEQC ver. 2, constrained by a long time series of field measurements with the chemical composition of geothermal effluent fluids, pH, Eh and, occasionally, Fe- and As-dissolved species measurements. Di-, tri- and tetrathioarsenic species (As(OH)S22-, AsS3H2-, AsS33- and As(SH)4-) were the dominant form of dissolved As in geothermal waters exiting the power plant (2.556μM total As) but converted to some extent to arsenite (H3AsO3) and arsenate HAsO42- oxyanions coinciding with rapid oxidation of S2- to S2O32- and finally to SO42- during surface runoff before feeding into a basaltic lava field with a total As concentration of 0.882μM following dilution with other surface waters. A continuous 25-a data set monitoring groundwater chemistry along a cross section of warm springs on the Lake Thingvallavatn shoreline allowed calibration of the 1D model. Furthermore, a series of ground water wells located in the basaltic lava field, provided access along the line of flow of the geothermal effluent waters towards the lake. The conservative ion Cl- moved through the basaltic lava field (4100m) in less than10a but As was retarded considerably due to surface reactions and has entered a groundwater well 850m down the flow path as arsenate in accordance to the prediction of the 1D model. The 1D model predicted a complete breakthrough of arsenate in the year 2100. In a reduced system arsenite should be retained for about 1ka. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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With the increasing utilization of electric vehicles (EVs), transportation systems and electrical power systems are becoming increasingly coupled. However, the interaction between these two kinds of systems are not well captured, especially from the perspective of transportation systems. This paper studies the reliability of integrated transportation and electrical power system (ITES). A bidirectional EV charging control strategy is first demonstrated to model the interaction between the two systems. Thereafter, a simplified transportation system model is developed, whose high efficiency makes the reliability assessment of the ITES realizable with an acceptable accuracy. Novel transportation system reliability indices are then defined from the view point of EV’s driver. Based on the charging control model and the transportation simulation method, a daily periodic quasi sequential reliability assessment method is proposed for the ITES system. Case studies based on RBTS system demonstrate that bidirectional charging controls of EVs will benefit the reliability of power systems, while decrease the reliability of EVs travelling. Also, the optimal control strategy can be obtained based on the proposed method. Finally, case studies are performed based on a large scale test system to verify the practicability of the proposed method.


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Distributed control techniques can allow Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to coordinate their responses via TSO-TSO communication, providing a level of control that lies between that of centralised control and communication free decentralised control of interconnected power systems. Recently the Plug and Play Model Predictive Control (PnPMPC) toolbox has been developed in order to allow practitioners to design distributed controllers based on tube-MPC techniques. In this paper, some initial results using the PnPMPC toolbox for the design of distributed controllers to enhance AGC in AC areas connected to Multi-Terminal HVDC (MTDC) grids, are illustrated, in order to evaluate the feasibility of applying PnPMPC for this purpose.


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Tanpura string vibrations have been investigated previously using numerical models based on energy conserving schemes derived from a Hamiltonian description in one-dimensional form. Such time-domain models have the property that, for the lossless case, the numerical Hamiltonian (representing total energy of the system) can be proven to be constant from one time step
to the next, irrespective of any of the system parameters; in practice the Hamiltonian can be shown to be conserved within machine precision. Models of this kind can reproduce a jvari effect, which results from the bridge-string interaction. However the one-dimensional formulation has recently been shown to fail to replicate the jvaris strong dependence on the thread placement. As a first step towards simulations which accurately emulate this sensitivity to the thread placement, a twodimensional model is proposed, incorporating coupling of controllable level between the two string polarisations at the string termination opposite from the barrier. In addition, a friction force acting when the string slides across the bridge in horizontal direction is introduced, thus effecting a further damping mechanism. In this preliminary study, the string is terminated at the position of the thread. As in the one-dimensional model, an implicit scheme has to be used to solve the system, employing Newton's method to calculate the updated positions and momentums of each string segment. The two-dimensional model is proven to be energy conserving when the loss parameters are set to zero, irrespective of the coupling constant. Both frequency-dependent and independent losses are then added to the string, so that the model can be compared to analogous instruments. The influence of coupling and the bridge friction are investigated.


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PURPOSE: To assess the sensitivity and specificity of models predicting myopia onset among ethnically Chinese children. METHODS: Visual acuity, height, weight, biometry (A-scan, keratometry), and refractive error were assessed at baseline and 3 years later using the same equipment and protocol in primary schools in Xiamen (China) and Singapore. A regression model predicting the onset of myopia < -0.75 diopters (D) after 3 years in either eye among Xiamen children was validated with Singapore data. RESULTS: Baseline data were collected from 236 Xiamen children (mean age, 7.82 ± 0.63 years) and from 1979 predominantly Chinese children in Singapore (7.83 ± 0.84 years). Singapore children were significantly taller and heavier, and had more myopia (31.4% vs. 6.36% < -0.75 D in either eye, P < 0.001) and longer mean axial length. Three-year follow-up was available for 80.0% of Xiamen children and 83.1% in Singapore. For Xiamen, the area under the receiver-operator curve (AUC) in a model including ocular biometry, height, weight, and presenting visual acuity was 0.974 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.945-0.997). In Singapore, the same model achieved sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of 0.844, 0.650, and 0.669, with an AUC of 0.815 (95% CI, 0.791-0.839). CONCLUSIONS: Accuracy in predicting myopia onset based on simple measurements may be sufficient to make targeted early intervention practical in settings such as Singapore with high myopia prevalence. Models based on cohorts with a greater prevalence of high myopia than that in Xiamen could be used to assess accuracy of models predicting more severe forms of myopia.


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Li-ion batteries have been widely used in the EVs, and the battery thermal management is a key but challenging part of the battery management system. For EV batteries, only the battery surface temperature can be measured in real-time. However, it is the battery internal temperature that directly affects the battery performance, and large temperature difference may exist between surface and internal temperatures, especially in high power demand applications. In this paper, an online battery internal temperature estimation method is proposed based on a novel simplified thermoelectric model. The battery thermal behaviour is first described by a simplified thermal model, and battery electrical behaviour by an electric model. Then, these two models are interrelated to capture the interactions between battery thermal and electrical behaviours, thus offer a comprehensive description of the battery behaviour that is useful for battery management. Finally, based on the developed model, the battery internal temperature is estimated using an extended Kalman filter. The experimental results confirm the efficacy of the proposed method, and it can be used for online internal temperature estimation which is a key indicator for better real-time battery thermal management.


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The advent of high-power laser facilities has, in the past two decades, opened a new field of research where astrophysical environments can be scaled down to laboratory dimensions, while preserving the essential physics. This is due to the invariance of the equations of magneto-hydrodynamics to a class of similarity transformations. Here we review the relevant scaling relations and their application in laboratory astrophysics experiments with a focus on the generation and amplification of magnetic fields in cosmic environment. The standard model for the origin of magnetic fields is a multi stage process whereby a vanishing magnetic seed is first generated by a rotational electric field and is then amplified by turbulent dynamo action to the characteristic values observed in astronomical bodies. We thus discuss the relevant seed generation mechanisms in cosmic environment including resistive mechanism, collision-less and fluid instabilities, as well as novel laboratory experiments using high power laser systems aimed at investigating the amplification of magnetic energy by magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. Future directions, including efforts to model in the laboratory the process of diffusive shock acceleration are also discussed, with an emphasis on the potential of laboratory experiments to further our understanding of plasma physics on cosmic scales.


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Models of ground source heat pump (GSHP) systems are used as an aid for the correct design and optimization of the system. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop models which correctly reproduce the dynamic thermal behavior of each component in a short-term basis. Since the borehole heat exchanger (BHE) is one of the main components, special attention should be paid to ensuring a good accuracy on the prediction of the short-term response of the boreholes. The BHE models found in literature which are suitable for short-term simulations usually present high computational costs. In this work, a novel TRNSYS type implementing a borehole-to-ground (B2G) model, developed for modeling the short-term dynamic performance of a BHE with low computational cost, is presented. The model has been validated against experimental data from a GSHP system located at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Validation results show the ability of the model to reproduce the short-term behavior of the borehole, both for a step-test and under normal operating conditions.


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Statistical distributions have been extensively used in modeling fading effects in conventional and modern wireless communications. In the present work, we propose a novel κ − µ composite shadowed fading model, which is based on the valid assumption that the mean signal power follows the inverse gamma distribution instead of the lognormal or commonly used gamma distributions. This distribution has a simple relationship with the gamma distribution, but most importantly, its semi heavy-tailed characteristics constitute it suitable for applications relating to modeling of shadowed fading. Furthermore, the derived probability density function of the κ − µ / inverse gamma composite distribution admits a rather simple algebraic representation that renders it convenient to handle both analytically and numerically. The validity and utility of this fading model are demonstrated by means of modeling the fading effects encountered in body centric communications channels, which have been known to be susceptible to the shadowing effect. To this end, extensive comparisons are provided between theoretical and respective real-time measurement results. It is shown that these comparisons exhibit accurate fitting of the new model for various measurement set ups that correspond to realistic communication scenarios.


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In this paper we propose a new composite fadingmodel which assumes that the mean signal power of an η−µ signalenvelope follows an inverse gamma distribution. The inversegamma distribution has a simple relationship with the gammadistribution and can be used to model shadowed fading due to itssemi heavy-tailed characteristics. To demonstrate the utility of thenew η−µ / inverse gamma composite fading model, we investigatethe characteristics of the shadowed fading behavior observed inbody centric communications channels which are known to besusceptible to shadowing effects, particularly generated by thehuman body. It is shown that the η−µ / inverse gamma compositefading model provided an excellent fit to the measurement data.Moreover, using Kullback-Leibler divergence, the η −µ / inversegamma composite fading model was found to provide a better fitto the measured data than the κ − µ / inverse gamma compositefading model, for the communication scenarios considered here.


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A first stage collision database is assembled which contains electron-impact excitation, ionization,\r and recombination rate coefficients for B, B + , B 2+ , B 3+ , and B 4+ . The first stage database\r is constructed using the R-matrix with pseudostates, time-dependent close-coupling, and perturbative\r distorted-wave methods. A second stage collision database is then assembled which contains\r generalized collisional-radiative ionization, recombination, and power loss rate coefficients as a\r function of both temperature and density. The second stage database is constructed by solution of\r the collisional-radiative equations in the quasi-static equilibrium approximation using the first\r stage database. Both collision database stages reside in electronic form at the IAEA Labeled Atomic\r Data Interface (ALADDIN) database and the Atomic Data Analysis Structure (ADAS) open database.


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A first-stage collision database is assembled which contains electron-impact excitation, ionization, and recombination rate coefficients for Be, Be+, Be2+, and Be3+. The first-stage database is constructed using the R-matrix with pseudo-states, time-dependent close-coupling, and perturbative, distorted-wave methods. A second-stage collision database is then assembled which contains generalized collisional-radiative and radiated power loss coefficients. The second-stage database is constructed by solution of collisional-radiative equations in the quasi-static equilibrium approximation using the first-stage database. Both collision database stages reside in electronic form at the ORNL Controlled Fusion Atomic Data Center and in the ADAS database, and are easily accessed over the worldwide internet. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.