998 resultados para Poder constituinte - Catolicismo. São Paulo (Estado)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo, mostrar a evolução do sistema de transporte coletivo intermunicipal do Estado de São Paulo. Nesse sentido, partimos do processo de industrialização e nacionalização da indústria automobilística. Procuramos também mostrar a evolução do Departamento de Estradas e Rodagem [DER], no papel de direcionador e gerenciador do sistema. Nesse processo, detalhamos o papel de todos os governos do Estado de São Paulo, na implantação de sistema viário estadual [1950-2006]. Também procuramos demonstrar o surgimento dos principais grupos que monopolizam cada vez mais o setor dos transportes coletivo intermunicipal. Assim, vamos comprovar a tese de que as empresas do transporte coletivo intermunicipal estão utilizando as linhas suburbanas para fazer frente ao grande avanço do transporte clandestino intermunicipal no Estado de São Paulo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Identificar as famílias que apresentem estoque e que façam uso de medicamentos, bem como avaliar as condições de armazenamento, segurança e uso desses produtos pelos usuários. O estudo foi conduzido em um município do estado de São Paulo e realizado com usuários cadastrados na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) localizada no bairro Jardim das Hortências (uma das dez unidades de ESF que o município possui), que conta com 1132 domicílios cadastrados. Para a seleção da amostra foi realizado sorteio aleatório estratificado (134 domicílios, IC 95%). Para a coleta, realizada durante o primeiro semestre de 2011, os usuários dos domicílios selecionados foram entrevistados aplicando-se um formulário semi-estruturado. Participaram do estudo 118 (88,0%) domicílios, dos quais 112 (95,0%) possuíam medicamentos, que eram estocados em lugares inseguros ou inadequados em 75,4% destes. A automedicação – tanto com Medicamentos Isentos de Prescrição (MIP), quanto com Medicamentos Sujeitos a Prescrição (MSP) e aqueles Sujeitos a Controle Especial (SCE) – era prática comum em 46 (47,4%) domicílios. Falta de identificação e segurança nos medicamentos armazenados foi observada em 60 (53,6%) domicílios. A maioria dos domicílios possui estoque de medicamentos (feito de forma inadequada ou insegura) e/ou apresenta especialidades com falta de identificação e segurança, o que pode levar a intoxicações ou inefetividade terapêutica. A Assistência Farmacêutica, no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), carece de iniciativas sociais com ações voltadas ao usuário de medicamentos, deficiência que pode ser sanada pela presença do farmacêutico, essencial para a promoção do Uso Racional de Medicamentos (URM), nas unidades da ESF, que, por meio da Atenção Farmacêutica, pode: identificar, corrigir e prevenir problemas (reais e potenciais) relacionados a medicamentos, os quais podem estar associados com agravos a saúde
This work presents structural studies in the northwestern portion of the Pitanga Structural High, between the towns of Ipeúna and Charqueada. The area is composed by the sedimentary rocks from Paraná Basin, represented basically by Paleozoic rocks (Itararé Group, Tatuí, Irati and Corumbataí formations) and Mesozoics rocks (Pirambóia and Botucatu formations), in association with lower Cretaceous intrusive basic rocks expressed by dikes and sills. The most important structural features are distensive faults, which put together unleveled tectonic blocks and are frequently filled by diabase dikes. In this context, the main objective of this work is the study of local structures and the recognition of the tectonic association between dropped and uplifted blocks, jointly with the caracterization of a production, migration and storage model for hydrocarbons. Through the interpretation of aerial photos, field recognitions, structural and laboratorial analysis, a normal fault with direction of N30W and a slip of 20-25 meters located south of Ipeúna was recognized this fault puts the Tatuí and Irati Formations side by side. At this place and by the SP-191 route (north of Ipeúna city), sandstones from the top of Tatuí Formation are impregnated by asfaltic material. The data interpretation shows that local fault systems with NW directions have played a determinant part in the fault blocks arrangement, placing sandstone lenses from Tatuí Formation topographically above the oil shales from Irati Formation. In addition, these systems acted as migration paths to transport and storage hydrocarbon in sanstone lenses from Tatuí Formation
This study aims to discuss the social media presence of the Brazilian newspapers Estadão and Folha de São Paulo, and how both have been working their way of communication on Facebook, the world famous social network. This study conducts a theoretical and conceptual review on the social media field and the digital media tendencies of journalism. It is also pointed out how the fanpages development was conceived -- recently, these fanpages have been aiming to find a way to approach their readers and interact with them. How both newspapers found a brand-new model on their social networks and how this model contributed to a more participative and equal communication, which involves the social network users, are worth of mention goals in this research
Nos últimos anos, têm se notado a grande preocupação com relação às condições climáticas do planeta e suas implicações. As discussões sobre as mudanças climáticas têm se tornado cada vez mais relevantes à medida que as adversidades climáticas têm implicações diretas na sociedade. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e avaliar episódios atmosféricos severos ocorridos no Estado de São Paulo no ano de 2005, elaborando posteriormente o estudo de caso do tornado ocorrido na cidade de Indaiatuba (SP). No levantamento sobre o evento atmosférico levou-se em conta a condição atmosférica que o originaram, além dos impactos ambientais e sócio-econômicos do fenômeno na sua região de abrangência. Para isso foram realizados levantamentos bibliográficos mais completos possíveis sobre o assunto, utilizando revistas credenciadas em âmbito nacional ou internacional. Logo após esta etapa foram coletados os dados de estações meteorológicas e dados atmosféricos como vento, temperatura, pressão disponibilizados pelo (NCEP) National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Estes dados atmosféricos disponibilizados pelo (NCEP) foram avaliados e analisados para a caracterização do episódio atmosférico e o cruzamento de informações por meio dos (SIGs) Sistema de Informação Geográfica, referentes à dinâmica atmosférica e topografia. A interpretação de todos os dados gerados relacionados e suas implicações no contexto ambiental e sócio-econômico está organizada em forma de uma síntese na redação final.
The main purpose of this work is to evaluate the chemical composition of the groundwaters from Guarani Aquifer System and Serra Geral Aquifer System in the Rio Pardo basin, located at the southwestern of São Paulo state. To the hydrochemical characterization, physicalchemical analyses from 32 sampled wells were used. These results were plotted in Piper diagrams allowing the classification of groundwater as calcium or calcium-magnesium bicarbonate type and sodium bicarbonate type for both aquifer systems. Distribution of hydrochemical facies over the study area was obtained using Stiff diagrams. The groundwater can be classified, representing in this sequence its hydrochemical evolution. The recognized mechanisms responsible for groundwater evolution are dissolution of minerals magnesium, such as olivine, present in the basalt, dissolution of feldspars and removal of the carbonate cement of the sandstones mineral framework. Ionic exchange may represent an important processes in the groundwater evolution, responsible for the increase in the sodium concentration and decrease of calcium
Given the importance of preserving the water quality of the Guarani Aquifer, the work done in the hydrographic basin of the rivers Jacaré-Guaçú e Jacaré-Pepira, located in the central-northern São Paulo state, was made to map the hydraulic conductivity from the use of some empirical methods associated with granulometric analysis and in situ testing, specifically with the Guelph permeameter. All results were submitted to a correlation analysis and subsequently mapped using the methodology of minimum curvature, based on numerical techniques Spline. These procedures provide for studies of aquifer vulnerability and assist in decision making in environmental projects and guidelines for urban planning
The challenge of coexistence in a socio-economic development with the recuperation and maintenance of environmental quality drove the control instruments implementation and planning of capable activities to cause the environment degradation which detaches the environmental license. However, the expressive number of applicable norms and the fragmented form whose are formulated injure its comprehension and its application. Therefore, the objectives of this present work was raise and discuss in a systematic and integrated form the main lawful directives and its co accounts technical procedures to the environmental license in the State of São Paulo.
Não disponível
The Itararé Group is the record of one of the most significant glaciation events of the Gondwana. Of neocarboniferous-eopermian age, this unit has facies associations interpreted as resulted from shallow marine settings with glacial and deglacial water influence. The role of glaciers on the tectonic-sedimentary processes of the Itararé Group is striking, as typical facies such as diamictites, tilites, shales and rhythmites with dropstones are generated, besides the existence of glacially striated and polished surfaces. This work had as main goal to contribute to the geological knowledge of the Itararé Group in the central eastern portion of São Paulo State, using as basis outcrops from Itu, Salto and Porto Feliz, and also pertinent bibliographic data and well profiles located in the surrounding areas. About the stratigraphic framework, genetic association and paleogeography of these deposits, this work concludes that the area studied comprises the basal section of the Itararé Group. The stacking of the facies recognized during the field work begins with the striated and polished surfaces of the basement, described in Salto, superposed by tilites and diamictites with glacial movement features. Over these are the turbidites from Itu, associated with the glacier retreat. The outcrops of Porto Feliz are at the top of this succession, with deposits generated by flows with lateral and vertical variations, sometimes with prevalence of tractive conditions, and sometimes with sediments transported largely by suspension. Paleocurrent measurements show main flow directions towards NW, the same as glacial striae, suggesting the influence of reworking of sediments by the meltwater during deglacial periods
This paper analyzes the evolution of the sugar cane plantation area in the State of São Paulo in the last ten years. It presents a concise report about the history of this raw material in the country and describes how the sector relating to sugar cane was before the economic deregulation and what changes occurred after 1990, emphasizing the territorially expansion occurred in the State of São Paulo. The paper concludes that the expansion of the sector relating to sugar cane occurred much more territorially than through productivity gains, considering that these ganis were bigger in the State of São Paulo, and that the economic deregulation left a legate of heterogeneity in this sector