955 resultados para Plants-Nitrogen effect


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Lupinus mariae-josephae (Lmj) es una especie de lupino endémica de una pequeña y específica área de Comunidad Valenciana (Este de España), donde prospera en suelos alcalinoscalcáreos, un hábitat singular para los altramuces, que crecen preferentemente en suelos ácidos o neutros. Esto hace de Lmj una especie de lupino única. Cuando se inició este trabajo, la extensión conocida de este endemismo abarcaba unos 700 kilómetros cuadrados, confinados en la provincia de Valencia. En esta área, Lmj prospera en pequeñas poblaciones aisladas que contienen un número reducido de plantas por lo que se la consideró una especie en peligro de extinción. Todos los esfuerzos, utilizando estrategias clásicas dirigidas a ampliar el área de crecimiento de Lmj y garantizar su conservación, han tenido un éxito limitado. El trabajo que se presenta está dirigido a mejorar el conocimiento de la ecología de Lmj, en particular la interacción simbiótica que establece con bacterias del suelo denominadas rizobios y se centra en la caracterización fenotípica, filogenética y genómica de esos rizobios. También se investiga la posible contribución de la simbiosis en mejorar la conservación de Lmj. Para este fin, se han estudiado diferentes aspectos que se describen a continuación. El primero objetivo se centró en aislar y estudiar de la diversidad genética de las bacterias endosimbióticas de Lmj. . Se realizó un análisis filogenético de genes esenciales que mostró que las cepas de Lmj pertenecen al género Bradyrhizobium y que presentan una gran diversidad con características fenotípicas y simbióticas diferentes de cepas de Bradyrhizobium que nodulan otras especies de lupinos nativos de España (cepas ISLU). Las cepas estudiadas se dividieron en dos grupos (Clado I y Clado II). El Clado I, incluye a las cepas Lmj, definiendo un nuevo linaje, filogenéticamente relacionado con otras especies de Bradyrhizobium, como B. jicamae y B. elkanii. El Clado II contiene cepas ISLU relacionadas con cepas de B. canariense y B. japonicum que establecen simbiosis con lupinos de suelos ácidos. Otro análisis filogenético basado en genes simbióticos, distribuyó las cepas de Lmj en sólo dos grupos diferentes. La singularidad y gran diversidad de estas cepas en una pequeña área geográfica, hacen de este, un atractivo sistema para el estudio de la evolución y adaptación de las bacterias simbióticas a su respectiva planta huésped. Adicionalmente, se estudio la presencia de bacterias capaces de nodular Lmj en suelos básicos de Chiapas, México. Sorprendentemente, estos suelos contienen bacterias capaces establecer interacciones simbióticas eficientes con Lmj en ensayos de invernadero. A continuación se investigó la taxonomía de los endosimbiontes de Lmj analizando la secuencia de cuatro genes esenciales (16S rRNA, recA, glnII y atpD) y el promedio de identidad de nucleótidos de genomas completos de algunas cepas representativas de la diversidad (ANIm). Se identificaron nuevas especies de Bradyrhizobium dentro del Clado I y se definió una de ellas: 'Bradyrhizobium valentinum' sp. nov (cepa tipo LmjM3T = CECT 8364T, LMG 2761T). También se abordó cómo conservar Lmj en su hábitat natural mediante inoculación con alguna de las cepas aisladas. Se demostró la ausencia de bacterias capaces de nodular Lmj en suelos rojos alcalinos o ‘‘terra rossa’’ de la Península Ibérica y Baleares. Dos cepas, altamente eficientes en cuanto a la fijación de nitrógeno, LmjC y LmjM3T, fueron seleccionadas para ser empleadas como inoculantes. Dos experimentos de campo llevados a cabo en años consecutivos en áreas con características edafoclimáticas similares a las que presentan las poblaciones de Lmj, lograron la reproducción exitosa de la planta. Se concluyó que un ciclo reproductivo exitoso de Lmj es absolutamente dependiente de la inoculación con sus simbiontes naturales y que la simbiosis debe ser considerada un factor esencial en estrategias de conservación de leguminosas en peligro. La obtención de varias secuencias genómicas de cepas aisladas de Lmj y de otras cepas de Bradyrhizobium reveló una alta similitud entre los genomas de las cepas del Clado I, y permitió la identificación de cinco posibles nuevas especies. Además, se estudiaron tres agrupaciones de genes relacionados con la simbiosis (nod, nif y fix) definiendo un nuevo linaje para las cepas de Lmj, diferente del symbiovar “genistearum” de B. canariense y B. japonicum. La baja diversidad encontrada en el análisis filogenético de los genes simbióticos contrasta con la gran diversidad asociada a genes esenciales. La presencia de plásmidos en cepas del género Bradyrhizobium ha sido descrita en muy pocas ocasiones, sin embargo el análisis de la secuencia genómica de la cepa ISLU101, aislada de Lupinus angustifolius, reveló la presencia de un origen de replicación extracromosómico homólogo al operón repABC, presente en el plásmido de Bradyrhizobium sp BTAi1. Gracias a esta secuencia se identificaron genes homólogos en 19 de 72 cepas ISLU. Filogenéticamente, las secuencias de repABC se agruparon en un grupo monofilético con las de pBTAi1 y separadas de los rizobios de crecimiento rápido. Finalmente, se identificaron sistemas de secreción de proteínas de tipo III (T3SS) en nueve genomas de cepas de Lmj. Los T3SS pueden inyectar proteínas efectoras al interior de células vegetales. Su presencia en rizobios se ha relacionado con la gama de hospedador que pueden nodular y puede tener un efecto beneficioso, neutro o perjudicial en la simbiosis. Los T3SS de las cepas de Lmj codifican para una proteína efectora similar a NopE, un efector dependiente de T3SS descrito en B. diazoefficiens USDA 110T. La proteína NopE de la cepa LmjC se ha caracterizado bioquímicamente. ABSTRACT Lupinus mariae-josephae (Lmj) is a lupine species endemic of a unique small area in Valencia region (Eastern Spain) where the lupine plants thrive in alkaline-limed soils, which preferentially grow in acid or neutral soils. This is the type of soils native lupines of Spain. When this work was initiated, the extension of the endemic area of Lmj was of about 700 squared kilometers confined to the Valencia province. In this area, Lmj thrives in small, isolated patches containing a reduced number of plants, and points to an endemism that can easily became endangered or extinct. Consequently, the Valencia Community authorities gave a ‘‘microreserve” status for conservation of the species. All efforts, using classical strategies directed to extend the area of Lmj growth and ensure its conservation have been so far unsuccessful. The work presented here is directed to improve our knowledge of Lmj ecology and it is centered in the characterization of the rhizobial symbiosis by phenotypic, phylogenetic and genomic analysis as well as in investigate the potential contribution of the symbiosis to improve its conservation. To this end, five different topics have been studied, and results are briefly described here. Extensive details can be followed en the attached, published articles. The first topic deals with the indigenous rhizobial symbionts of the Lmj endemism, and its genetic diversity was investigated. The Lmj root symbionts belong to the Bradyrhizobium genus, and phylogenetic analysis based on core genes identified a large diversity of Bradyrhizobium strains with phenotypic and symbiotic characteristics different from rhizobia nodulating other Lupinus spp. native of Spain. The strains were split in two clades. Clade II contained strains close to classical B. canariense and B. japonicum lineages that establish symbioses with lupines in acid soils of the Mediterranean area. Clade I included Lmj strains that define a new lineage, close to other Bradyrhizobium species as B. jicamae and B. elkanii. The phylogenetic analysis based on symbiotic genes identified only two distinct clusters. The singularity and large diversity of these strains in such a small geographical area makes this an attractive system for studying the evolution and adaptation of the rhizobial symbiont to the plant host. Additionally, the presence of bacteria able to nodulate Lmj in basic soils from Chiapas, Mexico was investigated. Surprisingly, these soils contain bacteria able to effectively nodulate and fix nitrogen with Lmj plants in greenhouse assays. In the second topic, the taxonomic status of the endosymbiotic bacteria of Lmj from Valencia endemism and Chiapas was investigated. Results from phylogenetic analysis of core genes and Average Nucleotide Identity (ANIm) using draft genomic sequences identified new Bradyrhizobium species within strains of Clade I of Lmj endosymbiotic bacteria. Only one of these potentially new species has been defined, meanwhile the others are under process of characterization. The name ‘Bradyrhizobium valentinum’ sp. nov. was proposed for the defined species (type strain LmjM3T= CECT 8364T, LMG 2761T). The third topic was directed to conservation of endangered Lmj in its natural habitat. The relevant conclusion of this experimentation is that the symbiosis should be considered as a relevant factor in the conservation strategies for endangered legumes. First, we showed absence of bacteria able to nodulate Lmj in all the inspected ‘‘terra rossa’’ or alkaline red soils of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. Then, two efficient nitrogen fixing strains with Lmj plants, LmjC and LmjM3T, were selected as inoculum for seed coating. Two planting experiments were carried out in consecutive years under natural conditions in areas with edapho-climatic characteristics identical to those sustaining natural Lmj populations, and successful reproduction of the plant was achieved. The relevant conclusion from these assays was that the successful reproductive cycle was absolutely dependent on seedling inoculation with effective bradyrhizobia The forth topic deep into the analysis of the genomic of Lmj representative strains. To this end, draft genomic sequences of selected Lmj strains and type strains of Bradyrhizobium spp. were assembled. The comparison analysis of the draft genomic sequences of Lmj strains and related Bradyrhizobium species grouped in Clade I, revealed a high genomic homology among them, and allowed the definition of five potentially new species of Lmj nodulating bacteria. Also, based on the available draft genomic sequences, only three clusters of nod, fix and nif genes from Lmj strains were identified and showed to define a new symbiotic lineage, distant from that of B. canariense and B. japonicum bv. genistearum. The low diversity exhibited by the phylogenetic analysis of symbiotic genes contrast with the large diversity of strains as regards the housekeeping genes analyzed. Besides, the genomic analysis of a Lupinus angustifolius strain ISLU101, revealed the presence of an extrachromosomal replication origin homologous to repABC cluster from plasmid present in Bradyrhizobium spp BTAi1. This repABC cluster gene sequence allowed the identification of extrachromosomic replication origin in 19 out of 72 Bradyrhizobium strains from Lupinus spp., a highly significant result since the absence of plasmids in the Bradyrhizobium genus was traditionally assumed. The repABC gene sequences of these strains grouped them in a unique monophyletic group, related to B. sp. BTAi1 plasmid, but differentiated from the repABC gene cluster of plasmids in fast growing rhizobium strains. The last topic was focused on characterization of type III secreted effectors present in Lmj endosymbiotic bacteria. Type III secretion systems (T3SS) are specialized protein export machineries which can deliver effector proteins into plant cells. The presence of T3SS in rhizobia has frequently been related to the symbiotic nodulation host-range and may have a beneficial or detrimental effect on the symbiosis with legumes. In this context, the presence of T3SS in genomes of nine Lmj strains was investigated, and it was shown the presence of clusters encoding NopE type III-secreted protein similar to the NopE1 and NopE2 of B. diazoefficiens USDA 110T. The putative NopE protein of LmjC strain is at present being characterized regarding its structure and function.


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El 1 de enero de 2014 entró en vigor la Directiva Europea 2009/128/CE sobre uso sostenible de plaguicidas y el Real Decreto 1311/2012 por el cual se traspone dicha normativa comunitaria al ámbito nacional. Estos reglamentos establecen el marco legal por el que las explotaciones agrícolas deben cumplir los principios generales de la Gestión Integrada de Plagas (GIP). Los principios de la GIP dan preferencia a aquellos métodos de control que sean sostenibles y respetuosos con el medio ambiente, dando prioridad al control biológico, al físico y a otros de carácter no químico. Sin embargo, el uso de insecticidas selectivos con los enemigos naturales es necesario en ocasiones para el adecuado manejo de las plagas en cultivos hortícolas. Por ello, el objetivo general de esta Tesis ha sido aportar conocimientos para la mejora del control de plagas en cultivos hortícolas, mediante la integración de estrategias de lucha biológica, física y química. La primera de las líneas de investigación de esta Tesis se centró en el estudio del efecto de la presencia dos depredadores, larvas Chrysoperla carnea y adultos de Adalia bipunctata, en la dispersión del virus de transmisión no persistente Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) y del virus de transmisión persistente Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV), transmitidos por el pulgón Aphis gosypii en cultivo de pepino. La tasa de transmisión de CMV fue baja para los dos tiempos de evaluación ensayados (1 y 5 días), debido al limitado movimiento de su vector A. gossypii. Las plantas que resultaron infectadas se localizaron próximas a la fuente de inóculo central y la presencia de ambos enemigos naturales no incrementó significativamente el porcentaje de plantas ocupadas por pulgones ni la tasa de transmisión de CMV. Los patrones de distribución de A. gossypii y de CMV tan solo fueron coincidentes en las proximidades de la planta central infectada en la que se liberaron los insectos. En los ensayos con CABYV, la presencia de C. carnea y de A. bipunctata respectivamente provocó un incremento significativo de la dispersión de A. gossypii tras 14 días, pero no tras 7 días desde la liberación de los insectos. La reducción en el número inicial de pulgones en la planta central infectada con CABYV fue siempre mayor tras la liberación de C. carnea en comparación con A. bipunctata. Sin embargo, la tasa de transmisión de CABYV y su distribución espacial no se vieron significativamente modificadas por la presencia de ninguno de los depredadores, ni tras 7 días ni tras 14 días desde el inicio de los ensayos. Al igual que se estudió el efecto de la presencia de enemigos naturales en el comportamiento de las plagas y en la epidemiología de las virosis que transmiten, en una segunda línea de investigación se evaluó el posible efecto del consumo de pulgones portadores de virus por parte de los enemigos naturales. Este trabajo se llevó a cabo en el Laboratorio de Ecotoxicología del Departamento de Entomología de la Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) (Brasil). En él se evaluó la influencia en los parámetros biológicos del enemigo natural Chrysoperla externa al alimentarse de Myzus persicae contaminados con el virus de transmisión persistente Potato leafroll virus (PLRV). El consumo de M. persicae contaminados con PLRV incrementó significativamente la duración de la fase larvaria, reduciendo también la supervivencia en comparación a otras dos dietas a base de M. persicae no contaminados con el virus y huevos del lepidóptero Ephestia kuehniella. La duración de la fase de pupa de C. externa no difirió significativamente entre las dietas a base de pulgones contaminados con PLRV y pulgones no contaminados, pero ambas fueron menores que con la dieta con huevos de E. kuehniella. Sin embargo, ni la supervivencia en la fase de pupa ni los parámetros reproductivos de los adultos emergidos mostraron diferencias significativas entre las dietas evaluadas. Por el contrario, la supervivencia de los adultos durante los 30 primeros días desde su emergencia sí se vio significativamente afectada por la dieta, siendo al término de este periodo del 54% para aquellos adultos de C. externa que durante su fase larvaria consumieron pulgones con PLRV. Dentro de la GIP, una de las estrategias de carácter físico que se emplean para el control de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos hortícolas protegidos es el uso de plásticos con propiedades fotoselectivas de absorción de la radiación ultravioleta (UV). Por ello, la tercera línea de investigación de la Tesis se centró en el estudio de los efectos directos e indirectos (mediados por la planta) de condiciones especiales de baja radiación UV sobre el crecimiento poblacional del pulgón A. gossypii y los parámetros biológicos del enemigo natural C. carnea, así como sobre las plantas de pepino en las que se liberaron los insectos. Los ensayos se realizaron en jaulones dentro de invernadero, utilizándose en el primero de ellos plantas de pepino sanas, mientras que en el segundo las plantas de pepino fueron previamente infectadas con CABYV para estudiar de qué manera afectaba la incidencia del virus en las mismas condiciones. Las condiciones de baja radiación UV (bajo plástico Térmico Antivirus®) ejercieron un efecto directo en las fases iniciales del cultivo de pepino, promoviendo su crecimiento, mientras que en fases más avanzadas del cultivo indujeron un aumento en el contenido en nitrógeno de las plantas. Las plantas de pepino que fueron sometidas a mayor intensidad de radiación UV (bajo plástico Térmico Blanco®) al inicio del cultivo mostraron un engrosamiento significativo de las paredes de las células epidérmicas del haz de las hojas, así como de la cutícula. El uso del plástico Térmico Antivirus®, utilizado como barrera fotoselectiva para crear condiciones de baja radiación UV, no alteró con respecto al plástico Térmico Blanco® (utilizado como control) el desarrollo poblacional del pulgón A. gossypii ni los parámetros biológicos evaluados en el depredador C. carnea. En el segundo experimento, realizado con plantas infectadas con CABYV, la incidencia de la virosis enmascaró las diferencias encontradas en experimento con plantas sanas, reduciendo aparentemente la influencia de las distintas condiciones de radiación UV. Por último, para el desarrollo de las estrategias de GIP es importante estudiar los posibles efectos secundarios que los plaguicidas pueden tener en los enemigos naturales de las plagas. Es por ello que en la Tesis se evaluaron la toxicidad y los efectos subletales (fecundidad y fertilidad) de flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona, spirotetramat, sulfoxaflor y deltametrina en los enemigos naturales C. carnea y A. bipunctata. Los efectos secundarios fueron evaluados por contacto residual tanto para larvas como para adultos de ambos enemigos naturales en condiciones de laboratorio. Flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona y spirotetramat fueron inocuos para larvas de último estadio y adultos de C. carnea y A. bipunctata. Por este motivo, estos insecticidas se presentan como buenos candidatos para ser incorporados dentro de programas de GIP en combinación con estos enemigos naturales para el control de plagas de cultivos hortícolas. Sulfoxaflor fue ligeramente tóxico para adultos de C. carnea y altamente tóxico para larvas de último estadio de A. bipunctata. Para A. bipunctata, sulfoxaflor y deltametrina fueron los compuestos más dañinos. Deltametrina fue también el compuesto más tóxico para larvas y adultos de C. carnea. Por tanto, el uso de deltametrina y sulfoxaflor en programas de GIP debería tomarse en consideración cuando se liberasen cualquiera de estos dos enemigos naturales debido al comportamiento tóxico que mostraron en condiciones de laboratorio. ABSTRACT On 1 January 2014 came into effect the Directive 2009/128/EC of the European Parliament about sustainable use of pesticides and the Royal Decree 1311/2012 that transposes the regulation to the Spanish level. These regulations establish the legal framework that agricultural holdings must adhere to in order to accomplish the general principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The guidelines of IPM give priority to sustainable and eco-friendly pest control techniques, such as biological and physical measures. Nevertheless, the use of pesticides that are selective to natural enemies is sometimes a necessary strategy to implement accurate pest management programs in horticultural protected crops. Therefore, the general objective of this Thesis was to contribute to the improvement of pest management strategies in horticultural crops, by means of the integration of biological, physical and chemical techniques. The first research line of this Thesis was focused on the evaluation of the effects of two aphidophagous predators, Chrysoperla carnea larvae and Adalia bipunctata adults, on the spread of the non-persistently transmitted Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Cucumovirus) and the persistently transmitted Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV, Polerovirus), by the aphid vector Aphis gossypii in a cucumber crop under greenhouse conditions. The CMV transmission rate was generally low, both after 1 and 5 days, due to the limited movement of its aphid vector A. gossypii. Infected plants were mainly located around the central virusinfected source plant, and the percentage of aphid occupation and CMV-infected plants did not differ significantly in absence and presence of natural enemies. The distribution patterns of A. gossypii and CMV were only coincident close to the central plant where insects were released. In the CABYV experiments, the presence of C. carnea larvae and A. bipunctata adults induced significant A. gossypii dispersal after 14 days but not after 7 days. The reduction in the initial aphid population established in the central plant was always higher for C. carnea than for A. bipunctata. Nevertheless, CABYV spread was not significantly modified by the presence of each predator either in the short term (7 days) or in the long term (14 days). Furthermore, the percentage of CABYV-infected plants did not significantly differ when each natural enemy was present in any evaluation period. It is important to evaluate the influence that natural enemies have on pest dynamics and on the spread of viral diseases, but it should be also taken into account the possible effect on the performance of natural enemies when they feed on preys that act as vectors of viruses. Thus, in a second research line developed in the Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Department of Entomology, of the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) (Brazil), it was evaluated the performance of Chrysoperla externa under the condition of consuming Myzus persicae acting as vector of Potato leafroll virus (PLRV). The diet composed of PLRV-infected M. persicae significantly increased the length and reduced the survival rate, of the larval period in regard to the other two diets, composed of non-infected M. persicae and Ephestia kuehniella eggs. The lengths of the pupal stage were not significantly different between the aphid diets, but both were significantly shorter than that of E. kuehniella eggs. Neither pupal survival nor reproductive parameters revealed significant differences among the diets. Nevertheless, the adult survival curves during the first 30 days after emergence showed significant differences, reaching at the end of this interval a value of 54% for those C. externa adults fed on PLRVinfected aphids during their larval period. According to the IPM guidelines, one of the physical strategies for the control of pests and diseases in horticultural protected crops is the use of plastic films with photoselective properties that act as ultraviolet (UV) radiation blocking barriers. In this sense, the third research line of the Thesis dealt with the study of the direct and plant-mediated influence of low UV radiation conditions on the performance of the aphid A. gossypii and on the biological parameters of the natural enemy C. carnea, as well as on the cucumber plants where insects were released. The experiments were conducted inside cages under greenhouse conditions, using for the first one healthy cucumber plants, while for the second experiment the cucumber plants were previously infected with CABYV in order to assess the influence of the virus in the same conditions. The low UV radiation conditions (under Térmico Antivirus® plastic film) seemed to exert a direct effect in the early stages of cucumber plants, enhancing their growth, and in an increasing nitrogen content at further developmental stages. The higher UV radiation exposure (under Térmico Blanco® plastic film) in the early stages of the cucumber crop induced the thickening of the adaxial epidermal cell walls and the cuticle of leaves. The use of Térmico Antivirus® plastic film as a photoselective barrier to induce low UV radiation conditions did not modify, in regard to Térmico Blanco® plastic film (used as control), neither the population development of A. gossypii nor the studied biological parameters of the predator C. carnea. In the second experiment, done with CABYV-infected cucumber plants, the incidence of the virus seemed to mask the direct and plant-mediated influence of the different UV radiation conditions. In last term, for the development of IPM strategies it is important to study the potential side effects that pesticides might have on natural enemies. For this reason, in the Thesis were tested the toxicity and sublethal effects (fecundity and fertility) of flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone, spirotetramat, sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin on the natural enemies C. carnea and A. bipunctata. The side effects of the active ingredients of the insecticides were evaluated with residual contact tests for the larvae and adults of these predators under laboratory conditions. Flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone and spirotetramat were innocuous to last instar larvae and adults of C. carnea and A. bipunctata. Therefore, these pesticides are promising candidates for being incorporated into IPM programs in combination with these natural enemies for the control of particular greenhouse pests. In contrast, sulfoxaflor was slightly toxic to adults of C. carnea and was highly toxic to last instar larvae of A. bipunctata. For A. bipunctata, sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin were the most damaging compounds. Deltamethrin was also the most toxic compound to larvae and adults of C. carnea. In accordance with this fact, the use of sulfoxaflor and deltamethrin in IPM strategies should be taken into consideration when releasing either of these biological control agents, due to the toxic behavior observed under laboratory conditions.


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Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae (Rlv) is a soil bacterium able to establish specific root-nodule symbioses with legumes of four different genera: Pisum, Vicia, Lens and Lathyrus. Rlv isolates from nodules of any of these legumes can nodulate any of them; however, it has been shown that plants select specific rhizobial genotypes from those present in the soil (1,2). We have previously shown this at the genomic level by following a population genomics approach. Pool genomic sequences from 100 isolates from each of four plant species: P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. faba and V. sativa, show different, specific profiles at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) level for relevant genes. In this work, the extent of Rlv selection from a well-characterized soil population by different legume plant hosts: P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. faba and V. sativa, after a medium-term mesocosm study is described. Direct soil isolates from each of these mesocosm studies have been tested for specific rhizobial genes (glnII and fnrN) and symbiotic genes (nodC and nifH). Different populations were characterized further by Sanger sequencing of both the rpoB phylogenetic marker gene and the symbiotic genes nodC and nifH. The distribution and size of the rhizobial population for each legume host showed changes during the medium-term mesocosm study. Particularly, a non-symbiotic group of rhizobia was enriched by all four hosts, in contrast to the symbiotic rhizobia profile, which was specific for each legume plant host.


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BACKGROUND: The effect of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) on the phytoprostane (PhytoP) content in extra virgin olive (Olea europaea L., cv. Cornicabra) oil (EVOO) was studied. During the 2012 and 2013 seasons, T0 plants were irrigated at 100% ETc, while T1 and T2 plants were irrigated avoiding water deficit during phases I and III of fruit growth and saving water during the non-critical phenological period of pit hardening (phase II), developing amore severewater deficit in T2 plants. In 2013, a fourth treatment (T3) was also performed, which was similar to T2 except that water saving was from the beginning of phase II to 15 days after the end of phase II. RESULTS: 9-F1t-PhytoP, 9-epi-9-F1t-PhytoP, 9-epi-9-D1t-PhytoP, 9-D1t-PhytoP, 16-B1-PhytoP and 9-L1-PhytoP were present in Cornicabra EVOO, and their contents increased in the EVOO fromRDI plants. CONCLUSION: Deficit irrigation during pit hardening or for a further period of 2 weeks thereafter to increase irrigation water saving is clearly critical for EVOO composition because of the enhancement of free PhytoPs, which have potential beneficial effects on human health. The response of individual free PhytoPs to changes in plant water status was not as perceptible as expected, preventing their use as biomarkers of water stress.


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A multiresidue method was developed for the simultaneous determination of 31 emerging contaminants (pharmaceutical compounds, hormones, personal care products, biocides and flame retardants) in aquatic plants. Analytes were extracted by ultrasound assisted-matrix solid phase dispersion (UA-MSPD) and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after sylilation. The method was validated for different aquatic plants (Typha angustifolia, Arundo donax and Lemna minor) and a semiaquatic cultivated plant (Oryza sativa) with good recoveries at concentrations of 100 and 25 ng g-1 wet weight, ranging from 70 to 120 %, and low method detection limits (0.3 to 2.2 ng g-1 wet weight). A significant difference of the chromatographic response was observed for some compounds in neat solvent versus matrix extracts and therefore quantification was carried out using matrix-matched standards in order to overcome this matrix effect. Aquatic plants taken from rivers located at three Spanish regions were analyzed and the compounds detected were parabens, bisphenol A, benzophenone-3, cyfluthrin and cypermethrin. The levels found ranged from 6 to 25 ng g-1 wet weight except for cypermethrin that was detected at 235 ng g-1 wet weight in Oryza sativa samples.


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Gene silencing is an important but little understood regulatory mechanism in plants. Here we report that a viral sequence, initially identified as a mediator of synergistic viral disease, acts to suppress the establishment of both transgene-induced and virus-induced posttranscriptional gene silencing. The viral suppressor of silencing comprises the 5′-proximal region of the tobacco etch potyviral genomic RNA encoding P1, helper component-proteinase (HC-Pro) and a small part of P3, and is termed the P1/HC-Pro sequence. A reversal of silencing assay was used to assess the effect of the P1/HC-Pro sequence on transgenic tobacco plants (line T4) that are posttranscriptionally silenced for the uidA reporter gene. Silencing was lifted in offspring of T4 crosses with four independent transgenic lines expressing P1/HC-Pro, but not in offspring of control crosses. Viral vectors were used to assess the effect of P1/HC-Pro expression on virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS). The ability of a potato virus X vector expressing green fluorescent protein to induce silencing of a green fluorescent protein transgene was eliminated or greatly reduced when P1/HC-Pro was expressed from the same vector or from coinfecting potato virus X vectors. Expression of the HC-Pro coding sequence alone was sufficient to suppress virus-induced gene silencing, and the HC-Pro protein product was required for the suppression. This discovery points to the role of gene silencing as a natural antiviral defense system in plants and offers different approaches to elucidate the molecular basis of gene silencing.


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PII is a protein allosteric effector in Escherichia coli and other bacteria that indirectly regulates glutamine synthetase at the transcriptional and post-translational levels in response to nitrogen availability. Data supporting the notion that plants have a nitrogen regulatory system(s) includes previous studies showing that the levels of mRNA for plant nitrogen assimilatory genes such as glutamine synthetase (GLN) and asparagine synthetase (ASN) are modulated by carbon and organic nitrogen metabolites. Here, we have characterized a PII homolog (GLB1) in two higher plants, Arabidopsis thaliana and Ricinus communis (Castor bean). Each plant PII-like protein has high overall identity to E. coli PII (50%). Western blot analyses reveal that the plant PII-like protein is a nuclear-encoded chloroplast protein. The PII-like protein of plants appears to be regulated at the transcriptional level in that levels of GLB1 mRNA are affected by light and metabolites. To initiate studies of the in vivo function of the Arabidopsis PII-like protein, we have constructed transgenic lines in which PII expression is uncoupled from its native regulation. Analyses of these transgenic plants support the notion that the plant PII-like protein may serve as part of a complex signal transduction network involved in perceiving the status of carbon and organic nitrogen. Thus, the PII protein found in archaea, bacteria, and now in higher eukaryotes (plants) is one of the most widespread regulatory proteins known, providing evidence for an ancestral metabolic regulatory mechanism that may have existed before the divergence of these three domains of life.


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Limitation of water loss and control of gas exchange is accomplished in plant leaves via stomatal guard cells. Stomata open in response to light when an increase in guard cell turgor is triggered by ions and water influx across the plasma membrane. Recent evidence demonstrating the existence of ATP-binding cassette proteins in plants led us to analyze the effect of compounds known for their ability to modulate ATP-sensitive potassium channels (K-ATP) in animal cells. By using epidermal strip bioassays and whole-cell patch-clamp experiments with Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts, we describe a pharmacological profile that is specific for the outward K+ channel and very similar to the one described for ATP-sensitive potassium channels in mammalian cells. Tolbutamide and glibenclamide induced stomatal opening in bioassays and in patch-clamp experiments, a specific inhibition of the outward K+ channel by these compounds was observed. Conversely, application of potassium channel openers such as cromakalim or RP49356 triggered stomatal closure. An apparent competition between sulfonylureas and potassium channel openers occurred in bioassays, and outward potassium currents, previously inhibited by glibenclamide, were partially recovered after application of cromakalim. By using an expressed sequence tag clone from an Arabidopsis thaliana homologue of the sulfonylurea receptor, a 7-kb transcript was detected by Northern blot analysis in guard cells and other tissues. Beside the molecular evidence recently obtained for the expression of ATP-binding cassette protein transcripts in plants, these results give pharmacological support to the presence of a sulfonylurea-receptor-like protein in the guard-cell plasma membrane tightly involved in the outward potassium channel regulation during stomatal movements.