967 resultados para Plant disease


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Malnutrition is common in children with end-stage liver disease (ESLD) awaiting orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT), and nutritional support is assuming an important role in preoperative management. To evaluate preoperative nutritional therapy, 19 children (median age 1.25 y) with ESLD awaiting OLT were prospectively studied. Two high-energy, isoenergetic and isonitrogenous nutritional formulations delivered nasogastrically were compared: a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA)-enriched semielemental formulation and a matched standard semielemental formulation. Twelve of 19 patients completed a randomized controlled study before OLT and 10 of 19 completed a full crossover study. Improvements in weight and height occurred during the BCAA supplements, with no statistical change on the standard formulation. Significant increases in total body potassium, midupper arm circumference, and subscapular skinfold thickness occurred during the BCAA supplements, whereas no significant changes occurred during the standard formulation period. Significantly fewer albumin infusions were required during the BCAA supplement. These findings suggest that BCAA-enriched formulas have advantages over standard semielemental formulas in improving nutritional status in children with ESLD. and are deserving of wider application and study.


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To evaluate malnutrition in chronic liver disease, and its relationship to nutrient deficiencies and hepatic dysfunction. 27 children with end-stage liver disease were studied. Mean protein-energy intakes were 70% of recommended daily intakes. The patients were underweight and stunted with reduced mean triceps and subscapular skinfold thicknesses and midupper arm circumference. Mean total body potassium was only 63 ± 18% of that expected for age and sex. Deficiency of essential fatty acids (32%), and low concentrations of fat-soluble vitamins (A, 92%; E, 32%), iron (32%), zinc (42%), and selenium (13%) were common. Serum ammonia concentrations were raised in all patients, and increased methionine, tyrosine, and glutamic acid, and reduced glutamine concentrations were noted. There was no correlation between the degree of malnutrition and the degree of liver synthetic function, the degree of cholestasis, or the degree of liver injury. We suggest that potentially correctable factors in addition to liver failure (eg, inadequate absorbed intake) were important determinants of malnutrition in these patients.


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The nutritional profiles of 37 children (aged 0.5-14.0 years) with chronic liver disease at the time of acceptance for orthotopic liver transplantation (OLTP) have been evaluated using clinical, biochemical and body composition methods. Nutritional progress while waiting for a donor has been related to outcome, whether transplanted or not. At the time of acceptance, most children were underweight (mean standard deviation (s.d.) weight = -1.4 ± 0.2) and stunted (mean s.d. height = - 2.2 ± 0.4), had low serum albumin (27/35) and had reduced body fat and depleted body cell mass (measured by total body potassium - mean % expected for age = 58 ± 5%, n = 15). Mean ad libitum nutrient intake was 63 ± 5% of recommended daily intake (RDI). Those who died while waiting (n = 8) had significantly lower mean initial s.d. weight compared with those transplanted. The overall actuarial 1 year survival of those who were transplanted (mean waiting time = 75 days) was 81% but those who were initially well nourished (s.d. weight >-1.0) had an actuarial 1 year survival of 100%. There were no significant differences in actuarial survival in relationship to age, type of transplant (whole liver or segmental), liver biochemistry or the presence or absence of ascites. Of the total group accepted for OLTP, whether transplanted or not, the overall 1 year survival for those who were relatively well nourished was 88% and for those undernourished (initial s.d. weight <-1.0) was 38% (P<0.003). Declining nutritional status during the waiting period also adversely affected outcome. We conclude that malnutrition and/or declining nutritional status is a major factor adversely affecting survival in children awaiting OLTP. In transplant units where waiting time is greater than 40 days, earlier referral, prioritization of cases and the use of adult donor livers may reduce this risk and efforts to maintain or improve nutritional status deserve further study.


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Cellular materials that are often observed in biological systems exhibit excellent mechanical properties at remarkably low densities. Luffa sponge is one of such materials with a complex interconnecting porous structure. In this paper, we studied the relationship between its structural and mechanical properties at different levels of its hierarchical organization from a single fiber to a segment of whole sponge. The tensile mechanical behaviors of three single fibers were examined by an Instron testing machine and the ultrastructure of a fractured single fiber was observed in a scanning electronic microscope. Moreover, the compressive mechanical behaviors of the foam-like blocks from different locations of the sponge were examined. The difference of the compressive stress-strain responses of four sets of segmental samples were also compared. The result shows that the single fiber is a porous composite material mainly consisting of cellulose fibrils and lignin/hemicellulose matrix, and its Young's modulus and strength are comparable to wood. The mechanical behavior of the block samples from the hoop wall is superior to that from the core part. Furthermore, it shows that the influence of the inner surface on the mechanical property of the segmental sample is stronger than that of the core part; in particular, the former's Young's modulus, strength and strain energy absorbed are about 1.6 times higher. The present work can improve our understanding of the structure-function relationship of the natural material, which may inspire fabrication of new biomimetic foams with desirable mechanical efficiency for further applications in anti-crushing devices and super-light sandwich panels.


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Background: Inflammation and biomechanical factors have been associated with the development of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques. Lipid-lowering therapy has been shown to be effective in stabilizing them by reducing plaque inflammation. Its effect on arterial wall strain, however, remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of high- and low-dose lipid-lowering therapy using an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, atorvastatin, on arterial wall strain. Methods and Results: Forty patients with carotid stenosis >40% were successfully followed up during the Atorvastatin Therapy: Effects on Reduction Of Macrophage Activity (ATHEROMA; ISRCTN64894118) Trial. All patients had plaque inflammation as shown by intraplaque accumulation of ultrasmall super paramagnetic particles of iron oxide on magnetic resonance imaging at baseline. Structural analysis was performed and change of strain was compared between high- and low-dose statin at 0 and 12 weeks. There was no significant difference in strain between the 2 groups at baseline (P=0.6). At 12 weeks, the maximum strain was significantly lower in the 80-mg group than in the 10-mg group (0.085±0.033 vs. 0.169±0.084; P=0.001). A significant reduction (26%) of maximum strain was observed in the 80-mg group at 12 weeks (0.018±0.02; P=0.01). Conclusions: Aggressive lipid-lowering therapy is associated with a significant reduction in arterial wall strain. The reduction in biomechanical strain may be associated with reductions in plaque inflammatory burden.


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Objectives: There is considerable evidence that patients with carotid artery stenosis treated immediately after the ischaemic cerebrovascular event have a better clinical outcome than those who have delayed treatment. Biomechanical assessment of carotid plaques using high-resolution MRI can help examine the relationship between the timing of carotid plaque symptomology and maximum simulated plaque stress concentration. Methods: Fifty patients underwent high-resolution multisequence in vivo MRI of their carotid arteries. Patients with acute symptoms (n=25) underwent MRI within 72 h of the onset of ischaemic cerebrovascular symptoms, whereas recently symptomatic patients (n=25) underwent MRI from 2 to 6 weeks after the onset of symptoms. Stress analysis was performed based on the geometry derived from in vivo MRI of the symptomatic carotid artery at the point of maximum stenosis. The peak stresses within the plaques of the two groups were compared. Results: Patient demographics were comparable for both groups. All the patients in the recently symptomatic group had severe carotid stenosis in contrast to patients with acute symptoms who had predominantly mild to moderate carotid stenosis. The simulated maximum stresses in patients with acute symptoms was significantly higher than in recently symptomatic patients (median (IQR): 313310 4 dynes/cm 2 (295 to 382) vs 2523104 dynes/cm 2 (236 to 311), p=0.02). Conclusions: Patients have extremely unstable, high-risk plaques, with high stresses, immediately after an acute cerebrovascular event, even at lower degrees of carotid stenoses. Biomechanical stress analysis may help us refine our risk-stratification criteria for the management of patients with carotid artery disease in future.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of low-dose (10 mg) and high-dose (80 mg) atorvastatin on carotid plaque inflammation as determined by ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO)-enhanced carotid magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The hypothesis was that treatment with 80 mg atorvastatin would demonstrate quantifiable changes in USPIO-enhanced MRI-defined inflammation within the first 3 months of therapy. Background: Preliminary studies indicate that USPIO-enhanced MRI can identify macrophage infiltration in human carotid atheroma in vivo and hence may be a surrogate marker of plaque inflammation. Methods: Forty-seven patients with carotid stenosis >40% on duplex ultrasonography and who demonstrated intraplaque accumulation of USPIO on MRI at baseline were randomly assigned in a balanced, double-blind manner to either 10 or 80 mg atorvastatin daily for 12 weeks. Baseline statin therapy was equivalent to 10 mg of atorvastatin or less. The primary end point was change from baseline in signal intensity (ΔSI) on USPIO-enhanced MRI in carotid plaque at 6 and 12 weeks. Results: Twenty patients completed 12 weeks of treatment in each group. A significant reduction from baseline in USPIO-defined inflammation was observed in the 80-mg group at both 6 weeks (ΔSI 0.13; p = 0.0003) and at 12 weeks (ΔSI 0.20; p < 0.0001). No difference was observed with the low-dose regimen. The 80-mg atorvastatin dose significantly reduced total cholesterol by 15% (p = 0.0003) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol by 29% (p = 0.0001) at 12 weeks. Conclusions: Aggressive lipid-lowering therapy over a 3-month period is associated with significant reduction in USPIO-defined inflammation. USPIO-enhanced MRI methodology may be a useful imaging biomarker for the screening and assessment of therapeutic response to "anti-inflammatory" interventions in patients with atherosclerotic lesions. (Effects of Atorvastatin on Macrophage Activity and Plaque Inflammation Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging [ATHEROMA]; NCT00368589).


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The genomic sequences of several RNA plant viruses including cucumber mosaic virus, brome mosaic virus, alfalfa mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus have become available recently. The former two viruses are icosahedral while the latter two are bullet and rod shaped, respectively in particle morphology. The non-structural 3a proteins of cucumber mosaic virus and brome mosaic virus have an amino acid sequence homology of 35% and hence are evolutionarily related. In contrast, the coat proteins exhibit little homology, although the circular dichroism spectrum of these viruses are similar. The non-coding regions of the genome also exhibit variable but extensive homology. Comparison of the brome mosaic virus and alfalfa mosaic virus sequences reveals that they are probably related although with a much larger evolutionary distance. The polypeptide folds of the coat protein of three biologically distinct isometric plant viruses, tomato bushy stunt virus, southern bean mosaic virus and satellite tobacco necrosis virus have been shown to display a striking resemblance. All of them consist of a topologically similar 8-standard β-barrel. The implications of these studies to the understanding of the evolution of plant viruses will be discussed.


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Ordinal qualitative data are often collected for phenotypical measurements in plant pathology and other biological sciences. Statistical methods, such as t tests or analysis of variance, are usually used to analyze ordinal data when comparing two groups or multiple groups. However, the underlying assumptions such as normality and homogeneous variances are often violated for qualitative data. To this end, we investigated an alternative methodology, rank regression, for analyzing the ordinal data. The rank-based methods are essentially based on pairwise comparisons and, therefore, can deal with qualitative data naturally. They require neither normality assumption nor data transformation. Apart from robustness against outliers and high efficiency, the rank regression can also incorporate covariate effects in the same way as the ordinary regression. By reanalyzing a data set from a wheat Fusarium crown rot study, we illustrated the use of the rank regression methodology and demonstrated that the rank regression models appear to be more appropriate and sensible for analyzing nonnormal data and data with outliers.


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Pre-operative nutritional support was studied in 28 children with end-stage liver disease awaiting orthotopic liver transplantation. Nasogastric supplemental administration of a standard semi-elemental enteral nutritional formula was compared with a similar formula enriched with branched chain amino acids, and with a group receiving oral nutrition only. The duration of treatment in all groups was similar (mean 90 days). Energy intakes in the supplemented groups were 120-150% of recommended daily intakes (RDI), whereas ad libitum intakes in the oral group ranged 58-100% RDI. A significant improvement in mean Z-score for body weight (denoting catch-up) was noted only in those children who received nasogastric supplements enriched with branched-chain amino acids. The standard enterally-fed group maintained their body weight and Z-scores did not change significantly. In contrast, body weight Z-scores in those fed orally declined significantly. Nutritional supportive therapy of malnourished children with end-stage liver disease can minimize or improve nutritional status in children awaiting liver transplantation. The use of nutritional formulae rich in branche-chain amino acids may have nutritional advantages in children with chronic liver disease which require further study and evaluation.