992 resultados para Plano plurianual (PPA), Brasil, 2016-2019


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In road safety studies that involve accidents comparisons in distinct geographical spaces or in different periods of time in the same geographical space, the index which lists the number of traffic fatalities with the distance traveled by road transport vehicles is considered more appropriate than the rates related to the population or the fleet. In this paper, the results of an original research are presented, in which the values of the rate of traffic deaths per billion kilometers traveled (IMBQ) by the motor vehicle fleet in Brazil and in each state of the country were estimated. The evaluation was performed based on the official number of fatalities provided by the Ministry of Health and on the amount of fuel sold informed by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels. In 2009, Brazil presented an index of 52.84 fatalities per billion kilometers, which reveals an extremely alarming situation considering that this value is from 7 to 12 times higher than the one for more developed countries. An important correlation between the death index in the states and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita was observed; in general, the less economically developed is the state, it means, lowest GDP, higher is the IMBQ.


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The ideal proposed by Decree No. 4901 of 26 November 2003 establishing the Brazilian System of Digital Television (SBTVD) still seems more remote from reality as possible in 2003, where it was believed more in digital inclusion (and social) through access Digital TV via internet than to the development of specifi c products for this media. The reality still shows up differently and it is possible to believe that there was an innocent vision and too optimistic a project that did not meet even the demands of society: SBTVD. The problem to be solved is to get Digital TV adds value to the needs of today’s consumers of content, space has been occupied quickly by computers and devices connected to the internet and even the informal trade of DVDs and video games.


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This study examines the relationship between theory and practice that emerges from two Environmental Projects that were carried out in a popular neighborhood of Bauru, SP, . In order to analyze the data, given the diversity of theoretical and practical approaches and concepts in environmental education, we chose as a theoretical foundation critical environmental education. Considering the techniques used in the methodological procedures of qualitative research in education, we elected, as a tool to collect information, content analysis. The results presented in this paper indicate the need to break the dichotomy between form (practice) and content (theory) in the environmental educational process, focusing on the systematized and historically constructed contents. Thus, we consider the environmental education process analyzed involve treating form and content as a dialectic unit.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this article, we present results that express the occurrence of narratives researches in the form of theses and dissertations in postgraduate programs in Brazil, from 2000 to 2010 in the Teaching of Science and Mathematics area. We consulted the Student Registration, on the site of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, through the keywords: narrative research, narrative inquiry and teacher training. Through reading the abstracts, we identified the area of knowledge, the IES and the supervisor. Of the 162 (one hundred, sixty two) academic productions identified, 31 (thirty-one) are in the area of Science and Mathematics teaching. The data obtained point to the existence of groups of studies and research training in the country engaged in narrative research in Mathematics and Science Teaching, in line with teacher training.


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This paper addresses the issue of access the industrial heritagerailway information integrating the EFNOB in the city of Bauru / SP, through the use of new technologiesinformation. For constitute a major challenge in gathering, organizing, scanning and providing such documentary collection, the research aims to organize and disseminate information document, supported by new access technologies, aiming to preserve and create conditions for setting up a database of documents and cartographic this collection. This research is part of our project entitled "EFNOB Bauru: Center for Memory and Virtual Information", which in turn is part of the larger project, called "EFNOB / Bauru, Km 0," FAPESP / CONDEPHAAT. One of the cornerstones of the work is to collect, treat, select and the heritagedisseminate of movable and immovable EFNOB through the creation of a MemoryCentre and Industrial HeritageRailwayInformation of EFNOB.


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This biographical and bibliographical research aimed understanding the circus and its clowns. The origin of the circus is presented taking into account its earliest manifestations in ancient Greece, until the creation of the modern circus in 1970 by Englishman Philip Astley. The clown, who was introduced in 1778 only after the circus has become an essential figure in the show, coming to represent the modern circus. Here, the different types of clowns are presented and their main characteristics are shown as a way to differentiate between them. The difficulties faced by circus companies are pointed, trying to understand the reduction of circus companies. To understand the formation and transformation of the clown in his years at the profession, the Clown Pára-quedas, artist of Bauru / SP was interviewed, their stories help to unravel some of the satisfactions of the profession and the problems faced by circus performers.


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The paper analyzes the regulatory framework for the Media in Brazil in the Federal Constitution and the nexus between democratization and constitutional process, interpreting relevant actors (government, political parties, civil society) and figured as the themes of communication and institutional political agenda. The obstacles to the regulation of many of the statements remain constitutional (right of communication; seal monopolies / oligopolies; regionalization of cultural production; nationalist character in control of broadcasting; compatibility between segments state, public and commercial; Social Communication Council), that replaces debate on the very principle of the right to communication regulation by analyzing the corresponding decisionmaking processes. This conflictual agenda-setting involves multiple interests, from strictly commercial aspirations of companies operating in this market, going by the increasing share of religious institutions who also want to expand upon practices of proselytizing until the interests of policy makers who also have control over a slice of that business.


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Saudada como consequência de um complexo processo de evolução do arcabouço jurídico-institucional brasileiro, a Lei Federal 12.527, denominada Lei de Acesso a Informações, sancionada em 18 de novembro de 2011 e regulamentada no âmbito do Poder Executivo federal pelo Decreto 7.724, de 16 de maio de 2012, atende o pressuposto do direito à informação fixado pela Constituição Federal de 1988. Valores e práticas historicamente construídos podem significar obstáculos e resistências importantes à sua aplicação. Características do próprio texto legal, que vêm à tona quando comparado aos seus congêneres internacionais, também sinalizam possíveis complicadores. Este artigo indica limites que a Lei de Acesso a Informações pode enfrentar à sua consolidação, originários principalmente do campo da cultura político-institucional, que se tornam mais nítidos com o exame de características brasileiras em comparação com outros países que possuem dispositivos semelhantes.


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O presente trabalho analisa as tendências apontadas pela configuração de uma sociedade pós-industrial colocando em cheque o atual modelo de TV aberta no Brasil. Com isto, toda relação entre a televisão e a audiência está se reconfigurando e estratégias estão surgindo na tentativa de se manter os mesmos níveis de recepção da TV analógica. Este artigo busca chamar a atenção para estas transformações e sua relação com a nova audiência.


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Cinco anos após o início das transmissões da TV Digital no Brasil, faltando próximo há três anos para o desligamento da transmissão analógica, observou-se o empenho das emissoras e da indústria de equipamentos para televisão, no que tange a substituição da atual tecnologia de produção, registro, edição e exibição de sons e imagens, inclusive em alta definição, da implantação dos equipamentos para transmissão, retransmissão e, principalmente, o impacto para o telespectador, que deverá se preparar para a recepção digital ou com substituição de seus televisores ou aquisição de set-top-box, em prazos já determinados pelo Ministério das Comunicações, sob o risco de não mais receber as transmissões de sinal da TV aberta brasileira a partir de 29 de junho de 2016. Este texto reflete sobre problemas no processo de implantação da transmissão digital brasileira que poderão comprometer a cobertura do território nacional com o sinal digital, limitar a capacidade de recepção em alta definição nas localidades mais afastadas dos grandes centros e, em consequência, implicar no atraso em se produzir conteúdo com os recursos disponibilizados pela nova tecnologia.


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Al principio, no parece ser difícil justificar la presencia del deporte en nuestro escenario de la vida contemporánea. Paradójicamente, sin embargo, ¿por qué el deporte, todavía, sigue siendo objeto de discriminación por la academia brasileña e incluso una parte importante del mercado de la comunicación? ¿Por qué en las entidades científicas brasileñas, con raras excepciones, el deporte sigue siendo visto como un "tema menor"? Frente a estas circunstancias, este ensayo pretende reflexionar sobre el enfoque del deporte con alumnos de los cursos de licenciatura en comunicación en instituciones brasileñas, con el fin de superar la vieja dicotomía entre la teoría y la práctica a través del valor epistemológico de la enseñanza de las humanidades.