1000 resultados para Planejamento familiar, Brasil


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Os empreendimentos hidrelétricos são alternativas favoráveis economicamente em função do grande potencial hidrelétrico disponível no território brasileiro. Apesar de serem notórias em causar significativa degradação ambiental, conformam historicamente uma importante controvérsia do setor energético brasileiro. Orientado por esta problemática, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar o histórico e as tendências do planejamento espacial de usinas hidrelétricas no Brasil, interpretando-os a partir da relação entre o potencial hidrelétrico disponível no espaço e o grau de disciplinamento do uso e ocupação do espaço no tempo. Até a década de 1970, a implantação de hidrelétricas ocorreu, relativamente, à luz de menor grau de disciplinamento de uso e ocupação do espaço, como foi o caso das hidrelétricas de Balbina e Tucuruí, as quais também induziram a primeira grande crise ambiental do setor e favoreceram a criação dos instrumentos de política ambiental, em 1981. As décadas de 1980 e 1990 são caracterizadas por um vazio de planejamento de hidrelétricas, o que é retomado a partir de 2000 em função de um ambiente econômico internacional favorável aos investimentos em infraestrutura, resultando no aumento da exploração do potencial hidrelétrico orientada especialmente para a região Amazônica. Porém, esta reorientação depara-se com um maior grau de disciplinamento do uso do espaço que acaba vinculando novas dimensões para o planejamento espacial de hidrelétricas, especialmente em regiões com alta sensibilidade socioambiental, como é o caso da Amazônica. Ainda assim, esta região é aquela que ainda detêm o maior potencial hidrelétrico a ser explorado, o que faz dela a escolhida como a fronteira hidrelétrica da década de 2010.


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O projeto „Por uma Biblioteca Brasiliana Digital‟ é parte integrante do projeto BRASILIANA USP, uma iniciativa da Reitoria da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), que tem por objetivo facultar para a pesquisa a maior Brasiliana custodiada por uma universidade, tornando-a disponível na internet. O trabalho que ora apresentamos é resultado da implantação de um modelo de biblioteca digital que atende aos padrões de interoperabilidade e compartilhamento de informações. Especificamente, apresentaremos os procedimentos e processos de descrição de conteúdos das diversas tipologias documentais (livros, periódicos, mapas, gravuras etc.) e formatos digitais (pdf, mp3, jpeg entre outros), bem como a consolidação de um esquema de metadados gerenciais e administrativos que contemplam as informações e dados produzidos pelo Projeto da Brasiliana Digital.


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No Brasil, a indução do aborto é legalmente permitida somente quando necessária para salvar a vida da mulher ou quando a concepção ocorreu de estupro. Apesar das restrições legais, morais e religiosas, a indução do aborto é amplamente praticada. Com o objetivo de identificar as características do aborto incompleto nas mulheres admitidas na maternidade pública de Florianópolis, foram entrevistadas 620 mulheres, entre 1o de julho de 1993 e 30 de junho de 1994. Com base em dados coletados por meio de questionário estruturado, são apresentadas características sócio-demográficas, reprodutivas e médicas dos abortos, classificados como certamente provocados, possivelmente provocados e espontâneos. Entre os 141 casos de aborto provocado, cerca de 50% das mulheres reportaram uso isolado do Cytotec® (misoprostol), ou deste associado a outro método abortivo. Os resultados revelam que na população estudada a indução do aborto é prática comum entre mulheres jovens, solteiras ou sem parceiro estável, de bom nível de escolaridade e não usuárias de métodos anticonceptivos. Foi também registrada uma redução do número de complicações graves relacionadas ao aborto provocado admitido ao hospital.


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Este trabajo busca analizar la influencia en el entorno familiar de los estudiantes en su rendimiento académico, prestando especial atención a la riqueza familiar. Luego se realizar comparaciones entre Argentina, Chile y Brasil.


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El presente trabajo pretende analizar teóricamente los arreglos institucionales y su relación con la política pública brasileña, centrándose en las perspectivas de "desarrollo" urbano-territorial de las ciudades de Brasil. Está siendo examinada de forma preliminar, a cargo de la capacidad de los arreglos institucionales en las ciudades de su marcha funcional, porque cuanto mayor sea el franqueo será una mayor cantidad de intervenciones de agentes exógenos sobre el territorio. Por otro lado, las ciudades más pequeñas no tendrán una funcionalidad y una complejidad muy grandes, por eso serán las actuaciones endógenas que dominarán el territorio - los arreglos institucionales locales. Para la promoción del debate ha sido insertados dos estudios prácticos: el primero en la ciudad de Recife Metropolitana y sus relaciones con las principales desarrolladoras de vivienda en la intervención de las políticas públicas de planificación urbana y otra en la ciudad media de Petrolina-PE con el caso de la aplicación de la incubadora do Vale do Sao Francisco (INVASF). Finalmente es importante tener en cuenta que es un debate preliminar en la que requiere más pruebas (estudios y investigaciones) sobre la relación entre los arreglos institucionales (endógenos y exógenos) promotores de las políticas públicas y el tamaño de las ciudades


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The new pattern of modernization of agriculture and rural, in force in most rural areas of Brazil, is also present in the Southwest of Paraná. Thus, considering the marks left by this process, this research tried to see what were the factors that interfere in generational succession and began to influence the family farm's social reproduction strategy. For that, from a qualitative approach, this study sought to compare two rural communities by establishing 25 interviews each and two focus group sessions. The results of this study, it was noticed that the factors that favor the permanence of young people in rural areas were mainly: income, living in society and the inclusion of life projects of the children in the family's social reproduction strategies.


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The article discusses the memories and the history stored in the family archive of Francis Mouro, migrant in Rio de Janeiro, in the first half of the twentieth century. The Mouro family, since the nineteenth century, decided to adopt Brazil as preferred destination. However, like so many Galician families also choose other destinations, moving to Portugal, Uruguay and Argentina. Through letters and personal documents preserved by the immigrant family is possible to reconstruct the migratory chains formed over more than half a century, the solidarity networks and migration of a city of intense immigration to Rio de Janeiro, as the galego city Santa Comba


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The paper aims to diagnose obstacles to the commercialization of agricultural production of the settlement of São Domingos dos Olhos D'Água, municipality of Morrinhos, Goiás state. The research is characterized as exploratory, with qualitative approach and field research. The results show that the difficulties in the commercialization of production, especially those produced with the based on agribusiness and intermediaries, can be overcome with the expansion of public programs to support family farms. It follows that family farming can be a viable alternative to combat the expropriation of the wealth produced by resettled farmers, especially with the establishment of commercializationmechanisms that connect them directly with the final consumer, such as the Food Acquisition Program (Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos).


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It is analyzed, in this paper, the conflicts involving a family of small dairy cattle breeders, faced with the opposition of society and restrictions imposed by the local authorities, against the livestock grazing on public lands in peri-urban zone of a medium-sized Amazonian city. The case study employed participant observation, interviews and document research. Despite the subordinate position occupied by the focused group in the credibility hierarchy of versions issued on the conflict, the group maintains a resistance conduct, based both in the need for sustenance, and in an attempt to preserve a way of life cherished by its members


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Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).


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This article aims to analyze the occurrence of changes in the countryside, in Brazil, from the observation of variables such as type of job, income, family profile, access to consumer goods, services, and information and communication technology. There had been used exploratory analysis and logistic regression method, based on data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios (Brazilian National Household Sample Survey - PNAD) for the state of Espirito Santo. The study found that about 27.2 of individuals who had lived in the countryside report an urban profile, revealing that the urban lifestyle is encompassed not only in the city


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Considering agrarian legislation of the last 50 years, this article expressed the objetive to identify and describe the concepts that are used for the characterization and understanding of the conformation of the brazilian agrarian space. We noted, in this context, a process of change in the laws, which suppressed the concepts of latifundio (landlordism) and minifundio (small parcels property), which created concepts of small property, of average property, of productive property and of family agriculture, but which not considered other important definitions: large farms and paternal agriculture. This substitution of interpretative concepts limits the understanding of the brazilian agrarian dynamics, especially if we consider the analysis of contradictory process of development capitalism in the field, in Brazil.


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The new pattern of modernization of agriculture and rural, in force in most rural areas of Brazil, is also present in the Southwest of Paraná. Thus, considering the marks left by this process, this research tried to see what were the factors that interfere in generational succession and began to influence the family farm's social reproduction strategy. For that, from a qualitative approach, this study sought to compare two rural communities by establishing 25 interviews each and two focus group sessions. The results of this study, it was noticed that the factors that favor the permanence of young people in rural areas were mainly: income, living in society and the inclusion of life projects of the children in the family's social reproduction strategies.


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The article discusses the memories and the history stored in the family archive of Francis Mouro, migrant in Rio de Janeiro, in the first half of the twentieth century. The Mouro family, since the nineteenth century, decided to adopt Brazil as preferred destination. However, like so many Galician families also choose other destinations, moving to Portugal, Uruguay and Argentina. Through letters and personal documents preserved by the immigrant family is possible to reconstruct the migratory chains formed over more than half a century, the solidarity networks and migration of a city of intense immigration to Rio de Janeiro, as the galego city Santa Comba


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The paper aims to diagnose obstacles to the commercialization of agricultural production of the settlement of São Domingos dos Olhos D'Água, municipality of Morrinhos, Goiás state. The research is characterized as exploratory, with qualitative approach and field research. The results show that the difficulties in the commercialization of production, especially those produced with the based on agribusiness and intermediaries, can be overcome with the expansion of public programs to support family farms. It follows that family farming can be a viable alternative to combat the expropriation of the wealth produced by resettled farmers, especially with the establishment of commercializationmechanisms that connect them directly with the final consumer, such as the Food Acquisition Program (Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos).