994 resultados para Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973.
La produzione Dalla-Roversi si iscrive nella cornice storica degli anni’70, quelli che nell'immaginario comune vengono chiamato “anni piombo”. In realtà gli anni ’70, in particolare il Settantasette bolognese, sono molto altro: sono anni di fervore culturale e di sperimentazione del linguaggio, grazie anche alla nascita delle radio libere. La collaborazione tra i due artisti dura tre anni, dal 1973 al 1976, e porterà alla pubblicazione di tre album: Il giorno aveva cinque teste, Anidride solforosa e Automobili. I tre dischi cambieranno la vita di Lucio Dalla, sia dal punto di vista professionale che personale. Nel 1977, infatti, dopo la “rottura” con Roversi, Dalla pubblicherà il suo capolavoro: Come è profondo il mare, primo album scritto e musicato interamente dal cantautore. A questo punto della sua carriera può essere definito tale, in quanto dimostra di essere capace di scrivere testi che possono essere considerati e poetici e di musicarli in maniera consapevole.
This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.
This digital object was funded in part through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The digitalization of this object was part of a collaborative effort with the Washington Research Library Consortium and George Washington University.
This paper analyzes the stock price effect of equity issues in Switzerland. There, insiders are not legally prevented from using their information for personal trades, and security offerings are with almost no exception rights issues. Unlike what we find for a comprehensive sample of U.S. rights issues and a sample of U.S. general cash offerings, a significant majority of firms experiences a positive monthly announcement effect. The average abnormal return itself, however, is not significant. Also, we find evidence inconsistent with infinitely price-elastic demand functions for common stock, as well as some evidence that offer prices convey new information.
This report presents the proceedings of the Biochemical Engineering Symposium held at Kansas State University, April 28, 1973. Since a number of the contributions will be published in detail elsewhere, only brief summaries of each contribution are included here. Requests for additional information on projects conducted at The University of Nebraska should be directed to Dr. Peter J. Reilly, and those at Kansas State University to the editors. ContentsKenneth J. Jacobson, Andrew H.C. Chan, and Raymond C. Eliason, "Properties and Utilization of Small Particulates in Cattle Manure" Cady R. Engler and James S. Yohn, "Protein from Manure" Robert J. Williams, "Kinetics of Sucrose Inversion Using Invertase Immobilized on Hollow Fibers of Cellulose Acetate" David F. Aldis and Thomas A. Carlisle, "Study of a Triiodide-Resin Complex Disinfection System" John C. Heydweiller, "Modeling and Analysis of Symbiotic Growth" Kenneth J. Jacobson, "Synchronized Growth of the Blue Green Alga Microcystis aeruginosa" Clarence C. Y. Ron arui Lincoln L. S. Yang, "Computer Modeling of the Reductive Pentose Phosphate Cycle" Ming-ching T. Kuo, "Application of a Parallel Biochemical Oxidation Kinetic Model to the Design of an Activated Sludge System Including a Primary Clarifier" Prakash N. Mishra, "Optimal Synthesis of Water Renovation Systems"
von G. Graue