1000 resultados para Perda de retorno


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Nas últimas décadas, o mundo vem enfrentando o sério problema da obesidade e suas respectivas conseqüências: Aumento da incidência de diabetes mellitus, hipertensão arterial sistêmica, agravos cardiovasculares, doenças inflamatórias crônicas e vários tipos de câncer. Em Parque Santa Eugênia (Guapimirim/RJ) não é diferente. Na unidade de saúde dessa área de adscrição verificou-se uma grande prevalência tanto de sobrepeso/obesidade quanto das doenças associadas. O objetivo desse trabalho é o de promover a saúde da população do bairro através da perda de peso e da melhoria de hábitos de vida. Para isso, propõe-se que, durante as consultas clínicas, os pacientes com sobrepeso ou obesidade sejam convidados a participar do projeto designado como ‘Projeto Saúde Total’, recebendo instruções sobre dieta, exercícios físicos e adoção de hábitos de vida saudáveis. Os pacientes serão acompanhados através de consultas mensais com a clínica geral desta unidade de saúde e convidados a participar de grupos específicos com encontros semanais. Espera-se que ao final do período da intervenção os pacientes tenham sido sensibilizados a adotarem hábitos saudáveis, obtendo resultados efetivos em relação à saúde, como a perda de peso, melhores controles metabólicos e de níveis tensionais, além de se sentirem mais satisfeitos e poderem exercer reflexões sobre questões relativas à melhoria de sua própria qualidade de vida.


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No município de Aricanduva há uma grande demanda de pacientes que buscam o serviço odontológico da prefeitura municipal com a finalidade de remover dentes permanentes. Assim, esse trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o número de dentes permanentes removidos no serviço de saúde bucal da prefeitura municipal de Aricanduva no ano de 2009. O trabalho evidenciou que foram removidos 464 dentes permanentes em 230 pacientes que procuram o serviço uma ou mais vezes no decorrer do ano. Houve maior procura das mulheres (120), na idade adulta, em detrimento aos homens (110). O grupo de dente mais removidos foram os molares, seguidos dos pré-molares e, por último, os incisivos. Tais resultados nos indicam que um elevado número de dentes foram removidos tornando-se necessária uma mudança no modelo assistencial com promoção à saúde e intervenções assistenciais para melhorias nas condições de saúde bucal da população adulta do município.


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A perda precoce de dentes permanentes constitui problema de saúde pública e de saúde bucal, demandando cuidados ostensivos e acompanhamento contínuo, tanto para prevenção quanto para erradicação dos fatores que culminam em tal problema. Este projeto foi realizado com o objetivo de diminuir as perdas precoces de dentes permanentes na comunidade de São João Marques, através de medidas com foco na assistência odontológica e intervenções interdisciplinares. Para o desenvolvimento do Projeto de Intervenção foi utilizado o Método do Planejamento Estratégico Situacional - PES, e revisão de literatura em bases de dados Scielo e Lilacs, assim como pesquisas em sites como IBGE, SIABS e DATASUS. Foram propostos três projetos visando minimizar ou eliminar os nós críticos e deficiências observados e detalhados durante o curso. Em curto prazo, já se percebe um aumento da conscientização sobre higiene bucal, e uma melhor resposta às orientações propostas pelos odontólogos, assim como mais disposição para seguir os encaminhamentos realizados na ESF.


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Os molares que nascem aos seis anos de idade são os primeiros dentes permanentes a irromper no arco, formando a primeira e mais importante das dez chaves de oclusão propostas por Angle e Andrews (chave de oclusão molar de Angle). Sendo assim, o primeiro molar permanente é muito importante no período de transição da dentição decídua para a dentição permanente, fazendo-se necessário um levantamento da prevalência da perda precoce desse dente. Após revisão de literatura, realizada em Bibliotecas Virtuais disponíveis na internet (Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Google Acadêmico e Biblioteca Virtual da Plataforma Ágora) utilizando as seguintes palavras chaves: "perda do primeiro molar permanente", "extração do primeiro molar permanente", "perda precoce do primeiro molar permanente", analisou-se prontuários odontológicos (dados secundários) de crianças na faixa etária dos 06 a 10 anos, atendidas no período 2003 a 2010, na UBS "Por Amor a São João da Ponte" do município de São João da Ponte/MG, que tiveram perda do primeiro molar inferior permanente. A perda precoce dos primeiros molares permanentes poderia indicar uma ineficácia na promoção e controle da doença cárie na área de abrangência, além de provocar alteração da função mastigatória, continuidade da erupção dos dentes antagonistas (levando a uma extrusão dos mesmos) e rotação dos molares adjacentes. O maior índice de extração do Primeiro Molar Permanente Inferior, encontrado ao serem analisados os prontuários da Equipe de Saúde Bucal -Por amor a São João da Ponte foi na faixa etária dos 10 anos. A inserção da ESB na ESF tem como objetivo a diminuição dos índices epidemiológicos odontológicos e ampliar o acesso da população as ações de Saúde Bucal. Existem várias consequências, como na função mastigatória, na harmonia oclusal, quando ocorre perda precoce do Primeiro Molar Permanente. A perda precoce do Primeiro Molar Permanente indica ineficácia na promoção e controle da doença cárie.


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O aumento da mortalidade relacionada à obesidade é devido principalmente pela maior incidência de eventos cardiovasculares, atribuídas muitas vezes a algumas condições associadas como: Hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (HVE), diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), conhecidos também como fatores de risco coronariano. A obesidade em homens é associada também a aumentos nos casos câncer de próstata, reto e cólon, enquanto que em mulheres tem se associado à maior frequência de câncer de endométrio, mamas e vesícula. Há demonstrado a maior predisposição a outras condições mórbidas tais como: esteatose hepática, osteoartrose, osteoartrites, colelitíase, apneia obstrutiva do sono, alterações dos ciclos menstruais, redução da fertilidade e alteração da ventilação pulmonar, exemplos citados que denotam melhora significativa com a perda ponderal. Diante disto foi iniciado esse projeto de intervenção através do estímulo a perda de peso com uma dieta hipocalórica e de baixo custo, em pacientes obesos da Estratégia Saúde da Família São João-Uruguaiana-RS, com reuniões mensais de apoio e catalogação dos dados antropométricos desses, a exemplo de: peso, Pressão arterial, IMC, medida da circunferência abdominal.


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Electroacoustic stimulation is an excellent option for people with residual hearing in the low frequencies, who obtain insufficient benefit with hearing aids. To be effective, the subject's residual hearing should be preserved during cochlear implant surgery. To evaluate the hearing preservation in patients that underwent implant placement and to compare the results in accordance with the approach to the inner ear. 19 subjects underwent a soft surgical technique, and the electrode MED-EL FLEX™ EAS, designed to be atraumatic, was used. We evaluated pre- and postoperative tonal audiometric tests with an average of 18.4 months after implantation, to measure the rate of hearing preservation. 17 patients had total or partial preservation of residual hearing; 5 had total hearing preservation and two individuals had no preservation of hearing. The insertion of the electrode occurred through a cochleostomy in 3 patients, and in 2 of these there was no hearing preservation; the other 16 patients experienced electrode insertion through a round window approach. All patients benefited from the cochlear implant, even those who are only using electrical stimulation. The hearing preservation occurred in 89.4% of cases. There was no significant difference between the forms of inner ear approach.


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BACKGROUND: Restorative proctocolectomy is the procedure of choice to treat familial adenomatous polyposis, however it can be associated to short-term and long-term postoperative complications. AIM: To evaluate the occurrence of complications related to the surgical treatment of familial adenomatous polyposis with ileal pouch technique. METHODS: Retrospective study of 69 patients with familial adenomatous polyposis after rectocolectomy with ileal reservoir between 1984 and 2006, operated on Coloproctology Group, Medical Sciences Faculty, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil. The median follow-up period was 82 (2-280) months. Data obtained were surgical techniques and postoperative complications. RESULTS: The morbidity and mortality were 63.8% and 2.9%, respectively. The most frequent complications were small-bowel obstruction (17.4%), anastomotic stricture (15.9%) and pelvic sepsis (10.1%). Acute ischemia of the ileal pouch (4.3%), pouchitis (2.9%) and ileal pouch-related fistula (2.9%) had poorer frequency than others. CONCLUSIONS: The morbid-mortality was similar to the literature?s data and it is acceptable for a complex surgery in two terms like the ileal reservoir-anal anastomosis. The small-bowel obstruction was the most frequent complication. However, ischemia of the reservoir, pouchitis and pelvic sepsis were important complications and was related to the failure of the ileal reservoir.


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Brain death results in the breakdown of effective central regulatory mechanisms of cardiocirculatory stability, even in patients with artificial mechanical ventilation, correction of electrolytic and acid-basic disorders and maximal conventional pharmacological support of the circulation. Recent evidences have shown that the fall of vasopressin levels in the blood circulation significantly influences the cardiocirculatory stability of patients with brain death, and its exogenous administration is defended by many authors for the management of multiorgan donor patients. In this brief review we analyse and discuss some experimental and clinical relevant studies about the role of vasopressin in the control of cardiocirculatory stability in brain death, and its potential usefulness in the management of multiorgan donor. We conclude that the role of vasopressin in the pathophysiology of brain death and its usefulness as a pharmacological agent in the management of multiorgan donor are not well elucidated, deserving further investigations.


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From November 1982 to May 1999, 28 children with Rett syndrome were followed-up for a medium period of 6 years and 2 months. Regression of developmental milestones started at the age between 5 and 20 months. Nineteen cases of typical Rett syndrome had uneventful pre and perinatal periods, loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills, mental and motor regression and developed hand stereotypies; sixteen had head growth deceleration and 12 gait apraxia. Nine patients were atypical cases, 2 formes frustres, 2 congenital, 3 with early seizure onset, 1 preserved speech and 1 male. Epilepsy was present in 21 patients, predominantly partial seizures and the drug of choise was carbamazepine (15 patients). In the initial evaluation most patients were distributed on Stages II and III and on follow-up on Stages III and IV. Three children died.


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We report the case of a 73-year-old female who presented facial numbness and pain in the first division of the trigeminal nerve, ptosis, diplopia and visual loss on the right side for the previous four months. The neurological, radiological and histological examination demonstrated a rare case of invasive fungal aspergillosis of the central nervous system, causing orbital apex syndrome, later transformed in temporal brain abscess. She died ten months later due to respiratory and renal failure in spite of specific antimycotic therapy.


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The difficulty in adapting European dairy cows breeds in Brazil affect considerably the milk production sector. Brazilian climatic conditions are not totally favorable and the development of new tecnologies is needed for the animals express their genetic potential, as well as their best feed conversion. An economical analysis of the applied investment in the free-stall climatization equipment in dairy housing, for estimating studies related to profit, possibility of return investment as well as time for this return is necessary. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of climatization investment in the milk production process and analyze the economical aspect of this investment. There were used 470 high productive dairy cows with genetic and morphologic homogeneous characteristics, and analyzed in two similar periods. Investment calculations were done using Excell®. The results were satisfactory and the invested capital was proved to return to the producer in a short term, 57 days.


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This research studied the effect of low density polyethylene packaging and storage temperature on the preservation of fresh-cut (minimally processed) cabbage. The cabbages, previously cooled to a temperature of 10 ºC, were selected, washed, cut in four parts (with the central stalk removed), sanitized, cut in strips, rinsed, put in the centrifuge, weighed and stored in plastic packaging of low density polyethylene (70 µm), and then stored in cold chambers at temperatures of 1 and 10 ºC for 20 days. The following aspects were evaluated: carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene in the internal atmosphere of the package as well as, pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and the total soluble solids/acidity in the fresh-cut cabbage ratio. The experimental design was entirely casual, with three repetitions. The analysis parameters, except for the vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and ethylene, presented significant variation between the temperatures and days of storage. The cabbage stored at a temperature of 1 ºC presented a shelf life of around 15 days, significantly higher than that stored at 10 ºC. At this temperature, on the 8th day of storage, the product was completely decayed, unfit for commercialization or consumption.


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Tomato postharvest losses are very high in Brazil and the goal of this research was to evaluate the effect of handling and the transport of tomato fruits, cultivar Romana on the steps of harvesting, weight and transportation to the packinghouse, pointing some critical points. Tomatoes were harvested at plastic boxes, weighted and shipped to a packinghouse. Fruits taken directly from the plant were determined as reference. The parameters evaluated were weight loss and mechanical injury and tomato physical quality after storage during 21 days. It was observed an increasing on the weight loss, external damage, and postharvest losses, after storage. Handling and transportation were the cause of an increase in 6.6% in external damage and 1.93% of weight loss after storage, when comparing harvested fruits and fruits evaluated on the packing-house. The main reason for postharvest losses was due to mechanical injury caused during transportation mainly due to the compressure force among fruits and against the plastic boxes.


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Application of mechanical vibration to aid fluidization and to improve heat, mass and momentum transfer are usual processes in agricultural industry and it has found nowadays extensive applications in particle processing of materials difficult-to-fluidized. Equations and experimental data found in literature for the aerodynamics characteristics of vibro-fluidized beds are presented and discussed, emphasizing the vibration effect in the bed.


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Postharvest losses vary among the different vegetable products. However, among fruits and vegetables the losses generally range from 30% to 50%. Thus, this paper aimed the application of 1-methylcycloprene (1-MCP) and fast cooling with forced air (PC) on peaches, in order to estimate their effects in the ripening process of this fruit. Physiological analyses were performed, such as loss of fresh mass, firmness, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ratio and CO2 production, as well as sensorial analyses such as color, texture and flavor. The experiment was divided in two phases. In the first one, concentrations of 30, 60, and 90 nL/L 1-MCP, applied at 0 ºC and 20 ºC, were tested. The fruits treated without 1-MCP were denominated control for both temperatures studied. The second phase was composed by the following treatments: cold storage (CS) or control, cooling with forced air (CFA), cooling with forced air followed by 1-MCP application (CFA + 1-MCP) and 1-MCP application (1-MCP). Among these, the CFA + 1-MCP treatment provided more firmness of the fruits in comparison to the control fruits. The respiratory rate of peaches under CFA and CFA + 1-MCP treatments decreased in comparison to the control fruit respiratory rates.