987 resultados para Perceptions of Bereavement Questionnaire


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Objetivo:traduzir o instrumento Venous legulcer quality of life questionnaire (VLU-QoL), adaptá-lo culturalmente para o português do Brasil e validá-lo com pacientes do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (FMB) da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). Métodos:o questionário foi traduzido por um tradutor profissional e por dois dermatologistas especialistas na área de úlceras venosas (UV), sendo reformulado em reunião com os três tradutores. O constructo (VLU-QoL-Br) foi submetido a pré-entrevista com 10 portadores de UV para a adaptação da linguagem. Posteriormente, foi aplicado em pacientes do HC-Unesp, e como teste-reteste para verificação de sua reprodutibilidade. Resultados:foram avaliados 82 pacientes, sendo 56 (68%) do sexo feminino. A idade média foi de 67,3 anos. O questionário foi traduzido, adaptado e aplicado aos pacientes. O constructo apresentou alta consistência interna (alfa= 0,94) e adequada correlação item-total. Quando avaliados os 32 retestes, observou-se correlação intraclasse para concordância de 0,78 (p < 0,01), indicando boa reprodutibilidade do constructo. A análise fatorial confirmatória corroborou as dimensões do questionário original: atividades, psicológico e sintomas. Escores do VLU-QoL-Br se associaram, independentemente, à área total das úlceras e a menor escolaridade dos sujeitos (p < 0,01). Conclusão:a tradução, a adaptação e a validação do questionário VLU-Qol-Br demonstrou boa performance psicométrica, permitindo seu uso clínico no Brasil. É importante avaliar seu desempenho em outras regiões e em diferentes amostras de indivíduos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the perceptions and opinions of public school teachers and students in the city of Araçatuba, SP, Brazil, on the importance of using fluoridated mouthwashes, the difficulties of the method and the procedure in general. Methods: Students from grades 5 through 8 in schools with and without dental services were asked about their opinion on the use of fluoridated mouthwashes. The educators answered questions about the importance of preventive methods in oral health and the difficulties in performing those methods at school. Data were collected using a faces scale, a categorization method, and a Likert scale with five levels of responses to check the level of agreement with the questions. Results: The sample consisted of 264 (40.3%) teachers and 5,788 (73.6%) students. A total of 254 (96.2%) and 72 (27.3%) teachers responded favorably to the first and second questions, respectively. A total of 1,128 (19.5%) students had negative feelings about the fluoridated mouthwash. Conclusion: The majority of the teachers supported the use of fluoridated mouthwashes; however, a large number of teachers believed that the practice disrupts the class routine. Most of the students had a positive opinion about the use of fluoridated mouthwash, although they highlighted some negative aspects, which were overcome by the benefits that the method provides.


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William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark has been the source of question, debate, and research since its theatrical debut. In the midst of readings performances and one particular question has remained open and unresolved: was Ophelia's death an accident or a suicide? Some see Ophelia's death as an accident; others see it as a suicide resulting from the accumulation of a series of unfortunate events: her rejection by her boyfriend, her father’s murder, and her possible pregnancy. This paper will explore that age-old question from the perspectives of two historically different audiences: those of sixteenth-century and nineteenth-century England. I will argue that, despite the 300-year expanse between these two audiences, both emerged with the same conclusion: Ophelia's death was accidental. However, cultural and scientific changes affected the reasons why each came to that conclusion.


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The September l1th Victim Compensation Fund (the Fund) was created in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Much has been written about the Fund, both pro and con, in both popular media and scholarly literature. Perhaps the most widely used term in referring to the Fund is "unprecedented." The Fund is intriguing for many reasons, particularly for its public policy implications and its impact on the claimants themselves. The federal government has never before provided compensation to victims of terrorism through a special master who had virtually unlimited discretion in determining awards. Consequently, this formal allocation of money by a representative of the federal government to its citizens has provided an opportunity to test theories of procedural and distributive justice in a novel context. This article tests these theories by analyzing the results of a study of the Fund's claimants. Part I provides general background, summarizes existing commentary on the Fund, and discusses prior research on social justice that is relevant to the 9/11 claimants' experiences with the Fund. Part II of this article describes the methodology behind the study, in which seventy-one individuals who filed claims with the Fund completed surveys about their experiences with and perceptions of the Fund. Part III discusses the survey results. We found that participants were reasonably satisfied with the procedural aspects of the Fund, such as representatives' impartiality and respectful treatment. Participants were less satisfied, however, with the distributive aspects of the Fund, such as the unequal distribution of compensation and the reduction in compensation if claimants received compensation from other sources (e.g., life insurance). Part IV of this article addresses the implications of the study results for public policy and for theories of social justice.


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Educational institutions of all levels invest large amounts of time and resources into instructional technology, with the goal of enhancing the educational effectiveness of the learning environment. The decisions made by instructors and institutions regarding the implementation of technology are guided by perceptions of usefulness held by those who are in control. The primary objective of this mixed methods study was to examine the student and faculty perceptions of technology being used in general education courses at a community college. This study builds upon and challenges the assertions of writers such as Prensky (2001a, 2001b) and Tapscott (1998) who claim that a vast difference in technology perception exists between generational groups, resulting in a diminished usefulness of technology in instruction. In this study, data were gathered through student surveys and interviews, and through faculty surveys and interviews. Analysis of the data used Kendall’s Tau test for correlation between various student and faculty variables in various groupings, and also typological analysis of the transcribed interview data. The analysis of the quantitative data revealed no relationship between age and perception of technology’s usefulness. A positive relationship was found to exist between the perception of the frequency of technology use and the perception of technology’s effectiveness, suggesting that both faculty members and students believed that the more technology is used, the more useful it is in instruction. The analysis of the qualitative data revealed that both faculty and students perceive technology to be useful, and that the most significant barriers to technology’s usefulness include faulty hardware and software systems,lack of user support, and lack of training for faculty. The results of the study suggest that the differences in perception of technology between generations that are proposed by Prensky may not exist when comparing adults from the younger generation with adults from the older generation. Further, the study suggests that institutions continue to invest in instructional technology, with a focus on high levels of support and training for faculty, and more universal availability of specific technologies, including web access, in class video, and presentation software. Adviser: Ronald Joekel


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Aim: To use published literature and experts' opinion to investigate the clinical meaning and magnitude of changes in the Quality of Life (QOL) of groups of patients measured with the European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30). Methods: An innovative method combining systematic review of published studies, expert opinions and meta-analysis was used to estimate large, medium, and small mean changes over time for QLQ-C30 scores. Results: Nine hundred and eleven papers were identified, leading to 118 relevant papers. One thousand two hundred and thirty two mean changes in QOL over time were combined in the meta-analysis, with timescales ranging from four days to five years. Guidelines were produced for trivial, small, and medium size classes, for each subscale and for improving and declining scores separately. Estimates for improvements were smaller than respective estimates for declines. Conclusions: These guidelines can be used to aid sample size calculations and interpretation of mean changes over time from groups of patients. Observed mean changes in the QLQ-C30 scores are generally small in most clinical situations, possibly due to response shift. Careful consideration is needed when planning studies where QOL changes over time are of primary interest; the timing of follow up, sample attrition, direction of QOL changes, and subscales of primary interest are key considerations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To validate the freezing of gait questionnaire (FOG-Q) for a Brazilian population of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Methods: One hundred and seven patients with a diagnosis of PD were evaluated by shortened UPDRS motor scale (sUPDRm), Hoehn and Yahr (HY), Schwab and England scale (SE), Berg balance scale (BBS), falls efficacy scale international (FES-I), gait and balance scale (GABS), and the FOG-Q Brazilian version. Results: 47.7% of PD patients had FOG episodes; this group had worse scores on sUPDRSm, FOGQ, FES-I, BBS, GABS and FOG item of UPDRS when compared to the PD group without FOG. The internal consistency was 0.86, intra-rater 0.82 and inter-rater 0.78. The FOG-Q Brazilian version was significantly correlated with items related to gait and balance. The ROC curve was 0.94, the sensitivity was 0.90 and specificity was 0.92. Conclusion: Our study suggests that the FOG-Q Brazilian version is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing FOG in PD patients.


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The aim of this methodological study was to translate, culturally adapt and assess the internal consistency and validity of the Spanish version of the "Spirituality Questionnaire". The sample comprised 204 young people between 18 and 25 years of age from two universities in Bogota. Cronbach's Alpha was used for reliability, while groups of experts and young people were used for construct validity. The reliability score of the total instrument was 0.88. The overall index of content validity corresponded to 0.90. Exploratory factor analysis showed that four factors explain 52.60% of the variance. The originally proposed theoretical model was confirmed and, in two dimensions, a different structure was proposed. In conclusion, the instrument "Spirituality Questionnaire" by Parsian and Dunning is reliable and valid in the Spanish version.


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Background: There are no available statistical data about sudden cardiac death in Brazil. Therefore, this study has been conducted to evaluate the incidence of sudden cardiac death in our population and its implications. Methods: The research methodology was based on Thurstone's Law of Comparative Judgment, whose premise is that the more an A stimulus differs from a B stimulus, the greater will be the number of people who will perceive this difference. This technique allows an estimation of actual occurrences from subjective perceptions, when compared to official statistics. Data were collected through telephone interviews conducted with Primary and Secondary Care physicians of the Public Health Service in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP). Results: In the period from October 19, 2009, to October 28, 2009, 196 interviews were conducted. The incidence of 21,270 cases of sudden cardiac death per year was estimated by linear regression analysis of the physicians responses and data from the Mortality Information System of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, with the following correlation and determination coefficients: r = 0.98 and r2= 0.95 (95% confidence interval 0.81.0, P < 0.05). The lack of waiting list for specialized care and socioadministrative problems were considered the main barriers to tertiary care access. Conclusions: The incidence of sudden cardiac death in the MASP is high, and it was estimated as being higher than all other causes of deaths; the extrapolation technique based on the physicians perceptions was validated; and the most important bureaucratic barriers to patient referral to tertiary care have been identified. (PACE 2012; 35:13261331)


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Abstract Background Food handlers have a very important role in preventing food contamination during its preparation and distribution. This responsibility is even greater in hospitals, since a large number of patients have low immunity and consequently food contamination by pathogenic bacteria could be particularly harmful. Therefore, a good working environment and periodic training should be provided to food handlers by upper management. Methods This study is qualitative research by means of focus group and thematic content analysis methodologies to examine, in detail, the statements by food handlers working in the milk and specific-diet kitchens in a hospital to understand the problems they face in the workplace. Results We found that food handlers are aware of the role they play in restoring patients' health; they consider it important to offer a good-quality diet. However, according to their perceptions, a number of difficulties prevent them from reaching this aim. These include: upper management not prioritizing human and material resources to the dietetic services when making resource allocation decisions; a perception that upper management considers their work to be of lesser importance; delayed overtime payments; lack of periodic training; managers lacking administrative skills; insufficient dietitian staff assistants, leading to overwork, at the same time as there is an excess of dietitians; unhealthy environmental working conditions – high temperature, high humidity, loud and constant noise level, poor ventilation; lack of food, and kitchen utensils and equipment; and relationship conflicts with chief dieticians and co-workers. Conclusion From these findings, improvement in staff motivation could be achieved by considering non-financial incentives, such as improvement in working conditions and showing appreciation and respect through supervision, training and performance appraisal. Management action, such as investments in intermediary management so that managers have the capacity to provide supportive supervision, as well as better use of performance appraisal and access to training, may help overcome the identified problems.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand the perception of nurses from the Family Health Strategy in relation to palliative care in the home. METHODS: A descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach conducted with nine nurses from the Family Health Strategy of the municipality of Lavras - MG. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and data were subjected to content analysis. RESULTS: The various dimensions of care in the home context were identified, along with the performance and limitations of nurses in the care of the patient and his family at end of life. The capacity to establish a bond, by the proximity to people who receive their care, is a remarkable point of the action of these nurses with patients and families in end of life situations. CONCLUSION: The nurses consider the patient and his family as the unit of care, they have the opportunity to share solidarity, experiences and learning, not only from a professional standpoint, but above all, from a human one.