963 resultados para Patriarcado-capitalismo


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Our objective is to present the concept of «proletariancondition”, considered by us as the fundamental existential condition (and foundational) of modern finances, which involves men and women deprived of the means of production for their social life,in the situation of «social class» of the proletariat. The (quote, unquote)«class» of the proletariat is the social group of men and women, alienated from the social ownership/control of the means of life production, who are subsumed to a particular historical existential condition: the condition of proletarians.


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We will discuss the new determinations of the degradation of work in the historical conditions of the 21st century. Thus, considering the determinations of the structural value appreciation crisis and the prevalence of machinefacture as a new form of capital production, the degradation of work sets itself not only as wage degradation but also as existential degradation, changing the historical records of the social issue in the 21st century. We will briefly explain the concepts of global capitalism, machinefacture, structural value appreciation crisis, existential degradation, just-in-time way of life, and ideological work.


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The objective of this study is to emphasize the fundamental points of the theoretical discussion about late modernity. In the two last decades, authors like Giddens, Beck, Bauman, Sennett and Garland have emphasized the social, historical and theoretical characterization of modernity in the advanced occidental societies. This discussion, despite being indispensable, does not allow the comprehension of the problems of this new stage of occidental capitalism in terms of its technical dimension and social control. The article arguments in favor of the incorporation of analysis of Michel Foucault’s power and stresses its present reality and potential. This author renewed the theoretical possibilities of the human sciences as he criticized a naturalized view of History and historical events. The influence of his works, an analysis of modernity, may be observed in the debate around the crisis of modernity and the emerging society of control. At the same time, his work helps us understand the main dilemmas and hesitations of contemporary societies.


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The belief in the existence of an ecological crisis that would affect the future of the planet, is one of the factors that causes the appearance of ecological concern, resulting in the adoption of non-predatory consumer practices and more respectful relationships with non-humans beings. This study starts from the assumption of the existence of an environmental question, and aims to investigate some of the cultural causes of human predation and identify possible ways in which environmental question can be treated critically to search overcomes. Follows the reasoning that western society as a complex of social relations, the capitalism, as a mode of production utilities and rational right, are all consequences of the modern rationality, cognitive and moral logic that transforms people and nature in satisfaction instruments of individual interests. However, despite being identified as the causative root of environmental question, modern rationality takes with it enough to promote the development of ecological respect, necessary in confronting and overcoming the environmental question, as it will be applied as a principle in redefinition of the relationship of human beings with themselves and with nature. And modern rationality can also make capitalism more efficient in the use and reuse of materials so as to consume fewer resources on the planet to satisfy human needs.


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The objective of this essay is to make a connection between E. P. Thompson and Georg Lukács seeking rescue the ontological foundations of the concept of “experience”, as used by Thompson. At first, we present the category of experience in Thompson and then, category of work and the ontology of social being, according to Lukács. Approximate the concrete historical analysis developed by E. P. Thompson of reason dialectical-materialist presupposed in the ontology of social being of Georg Lukács is a contribution to overcoming the poverty of reason, just so you can achieve the necessary dialectical understanding of the category of experience that while social praxis is modeled the work category.


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Procuramos discutir no presente artigo o caráter da revolução burguesa no Brasil. Para tanto buscamos delinear os elementos essenciais que marcam a particularidade histórica brasileira, demonstrando que tais elementos condicionam a forma de ser do capitalismo no país em sua reprodução sociometabólica, apontando para o elemento de permanência na mudança, marca fundamental do sentido da modernização no Brasil.


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O presente artigo procura analisar o posicionamento político-econômico da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo diante do processo de reestruturação do Estado Brasileiro na década de 1990, e a correspondente inserção do país na nova etapa de acumulação do capital. A principal entidade da fração industrial da burguesia brasileira elabora uma proposta para o “Brasil Moderno”, que se baseia no resgate dos pressupostos liberais como conditio sine qua non para o desenvolvimento econômico e social do país. Tais propostas fazem coro com as diretrizes dos organismos burgueses internacionais, explicitadas através do documento intitulado Consenso de Washington, e reafirmam a condição do país como economia periférica e subordinada aos pólos centrais do capitalismo mundial.


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This paper analyzes recent policies of teacher eduation in Brazil related to the employment and professional dimmensions of the teaching career. It analyzes teacher education policies, and the guidelines established by the World Bank in the 1990s, to reform higher education in the so-called developing countries, focusing on th implementation of neolibera educational policies. These policies have produced a "new" value for educational insititutions: they are emptying schools of education; “defertilization” of schools; “deintellectualization” of the teacher profession; pauperization, fragmentation and emptying the contents teacher education programs and recontextualization of the nexus theory-practice. The reforms after the Directives and Bases of Education - Law No. 9394/1996, with respect to the education of teachers, are analyzed in relation to the process of productive restructuring. We analyze the relation between theory and practice, given the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education Course (DCNCP, 2006), focusing on the Course of Pedagogy for the Faculty of Philosophy and Science, at the Paulista State University, Campus of Marilia. This course offers an extensive practical training, but restricted as to the academic content offered, limiting the possibilities of an in-depth training for the future teachers. Discussing these relations, this article presents the assessment of the students in the course and concludes offering perspectives for a humanizing and critical training.


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The present article concerns on the development of Brazil, Argentina and South Korea in a comparative manner during the 1970s and 1980s. We tried to show that the structural crisis of capitalism and the restructuring of the system have closed the possibilities of Brazil and Argentina‘s development while Korea that engaged in an export strategy achieved a qualitative jump on its economy.


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The restructuring of the state productive sector of the central government of China is a phenomenon that has occurred since 1978, and is not yet complete. In a centrally planned economy, China's government introduced a series of economic and social transformations in order to modernize the country's economic structure. The flagship of these reforms was the reintroduction of a market economy, living side by side with a strong state control over key economic variables of the country. In this process, there was a restructuring of ownership of enterprises by means of collectivization, the creation of joint stock companies, establishing joint ventures with foreign companies or privatization. The result of this process was the creation of a set of holding companies that operate in strategic sectors of China's economy such as energy, transport, telecom, capital goods and defense. Within this brief article we will focus on the process of opening up and modernization as the expression of a national project that sought to understand the changes in the international economy and sought to adapt the demographic characteristics of China and productive so you get the best out of globalization.