991 resultados para Patient positioning
Terveydenhuollon ja siihen liittyvien palvelujen kustannusten jatkuva kohoaminen ja kuntien paheneva taloustilanne sekä terveydenhuollon pienenevät henkilöstöresurssit ovat lisänneet painetta toimintojen kustannustehokkaaseen toteuttamiseen. Edellä mainitusta johtuen, terveydenhuollon toimijoita kehotetaan etsimään uusia ratkaisuja, joilla voidaan taata jatkossa riittävä asiakaspalvelutaso, kustannustehokkuus ja – palvelujen turvallisuus. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli vastata kysymyksiin tunnistus- ja paikannustoiminnan hyödyntämisen mahdollisuuksista Itä-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin Savonlinnan keskussairaalassa. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia paikannus ja tunnistusteknologiaan liittyviä tavoitteita ja vaatimuksia terveydenhuollon toimialalla ja erityisesti Itä-Savon sairaanhoitopiirissä on ja millä tavalla RFID ja WLAN – teknologioilla saadaan kehitettyä asetettuihin tavoitteisiin ja hyötyodotuksiin vastaavat ratkaisut. Työssä pyrittiin selvittämään myös millaisia rahallisia säästöjä tunnistus- ja paikannusteknologioilla voidaan saada aikaan. Työn yhteydessä kartoitettiin tarpeita ja vaatimuksia tunnistus- ja paikannusteknologian hyödyntämiseen. Tarpeet ja vaatimukset testattiin tunnistus- ja paikannuspilotissa. Lisäksi perehdyttiin kirjallisuuteen ja aiempiin tutkimuksiin tunnistus- ja paikannusteknologioista. Suunnitelman perusteella näyttää siltä, että hyödyntämällä tunnistus- ja paikannusteknologioita voitaisiin tehostaa Savonlinnan keskussairaalan toimintaa. Suunnitelman pilottivaiheen tuloksien perusteella toiminnan tehostaminen tarkoittaisi kustannussäästöjä, parantaisi potilasturvallisuutta sekä hoitotyön laatua. Tunnistus- ja paikannusteknologian käyttökohteita sairaalassa voisivat olla esimerkiksi reaaliaikaiseen prosessien ohjaaminen, kulunvalvonnan ja -ohjauksen automatisointi, potilaan automaattinen tunnistaminen, sekä sairaalan tutkimuslaitteiden seuranta.
This thesis focuses on tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 4 (TIMP4) which is the newest member of a small gene and protein family of four closely related endogenous inhibitors of extracellular matrix (ECM) degrading enzymes. Existing data on TIMP4 suggested that it exhibits a more restricted expression pattern than the other TIMPs with high expression levels in heart, brain, ovary and skeletal muscle. These observations and the fact that the ECM is of special importance to provide the cardiovascular system with structural strength combined with elasticity and distensibility, prompted the present molecular biologic investigation on TIMP4. In the first part of the study the murine Timp4 gene was cloned and characterized in detail. The structure of murine Timp4 genomic locus resembles that in other species and of the other Timps. The highest Timp4 expression was detected in heart, ovary and brain. As the expression pattern of Timp4 gives only limited information about its role in physiology and pathology, Timp4 knockout mice were generated next. The analysis of Timp4 knockout mice revealed that Timp4 deficiency has no obvious effect on the development, growth or fertility of mice. Therefore, Timp4 deficient mice were challenged using available cardiovascular models, i.e. experimental cardiac pressure overload and myocardial infarction. In the former model, Timp4 deficiency was found to be compensated by Timp2 overexpression, whereas in the myocardial infarct model, Timp4 deficiency resulted in increased mortality due to increased susceptibility for cardiac rupture. In the wound healing model, Timp4 deficiency was shown to result in transient retardation of re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds. Melanoma tumor growth was similar in Timp4 deficient and control mice. Despite of this, lung metastasis of melanoma cells was significantly increased in Timp4 null mice. In an attempt to translate the current findings to patient material, TIMP4 expression was studied in human specimens representing different inflammatory cardiovascular pathologies, i.e. giant cell arteritis, atherosclerotic coronary arteries and heart allografts exhibiting signs of chronic rejection. The results showed that cardiovascular expression of TIMP4 is elevated particularly in areas exhibiting inflammation. The results of the present studies suggest that TIMP4 has a special role in the regulation of tissue repair processes in the heart, and also in healing wounds and metastases. Furthermore, evidence is provided suggesting the usefulness of TIMP4 as a novel systemic marker for vascular inflammation.
The target of this thesis is to develop a brand positioning process model for the case company’s international operations. The model will make the process more effective and decrease the risk of relevant aspects being forgotten. The focus is on the international operations although generally the brand positioning can be seen as a standardized subject and, thus, there is no need to distinguish market areas. Constructive research approach is chosen as a research method. Internal interviews are done in order to give the much needed insight about the case company’s current processes and circumstances. Based on theory, interviews as well as internal and external material the model is built. The most difficult part in building the model is to determine the order of each phase. Also, deciding the number of each phase can be problematic. The model should be brief and assertive in order to reduce the risk of misunderstanding between employees from different units. Based on the analysis of the interviews and the theory the brand positioning process model is presented with indication of the order of each phase. The model is divided to three main groups: Analyzing the Environment, Determining the Brand Position, and Documenting the BPS. The benefits of the model are that overlapping work can be reduced, too similar brands can be noticed and it is easier to train new employees.
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate Crohn's disease recurrence and its possible predictors in patients undergoing surgical treatment. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study with Crohn's disease (CD) patients undergoing surgical treatment between January 1992 and January 2012, and regularly monitored at the Bowel Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas of the UFMG. RESULTS: we evaluated 125 patients, 50.4% female, with a mean age of 46.12 years, the majority (63.2%) diagnosed between 17 and 40 years of age. The ileum was involved in 58.4%, whereas stenotic behavior was observed in 44.8%, and penetrating, in 45.6%. We observed perianal disease in 26.4% of cases. The follow-up average was 152.40 months. Surgical relapse occurred in 29.6%, with a median time of 68 months from the first operation. CONCLUSION: The ileocolic location, penetrating behavior and perianal involvement (L3B3p) were associated with increased risk of surgical recurrence.
This three-phase study was conducted to examine the effect of the Breast Cancer Patient’s Pathway program (BCPP) on breast cancer patients’ empowering process from the viewpoint of the difference between knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge, knowledge level, quality of life, anxiety and treatment-related side effects during the breast cancer treatment process. The BCPP is an Internet-based patient education tool describing a flow chart of the patient pathway during the breast treatment process, from breast cancer diagnostic tests to the follow-up after treatments. The ultimate goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of the BCPP to the breast cancer patient’s empowerment by using the patient pathway as a patient education tool. In phase I, a systematic literature review was carried out to chart the solutions and outcomes of Internet-based educational programs for breast cancer patients. In phase II, a Delphi study was conducted to evaluate the usability of web pages and adequacy of their content. In phase III, the BCPP program was piloted with 10 patients and patients were randomised to an intervention group (n=50) and control group (n=48). According to the results of this study, the Internet is an effective patient education tool for increasing knowledge, and BCPP can be used as a patient education method supporting other education methods. However, breast cancer patients’ perceptions of received knowledge were not fulfilled; their knowledge expectations exceed the perceived amount of received knowledge. Although control group patients’ knowledge expectations were met better with the knowledge they received in hospital compared to the patients in the intervention group, no statistical differences were found between the groups in terms of quality of life, anxiety and treatment-related side effects. However, anxiety decreased faster in the intervention group when looking at internal differences between the groups at different measurement times. In the intervention group the relationship between the difference between knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge correlated significantly with quality of life and anxiety. Their knowledge level was also significant higher than in the control group. These results support the theory that the empowering process requires patient’s awareness of knowledge expectations and perceptions of received knowledge. There is a need to develop patient education to meet patients’ perceptions of received knowledge, including oral and written education and BCPP, to fulfil patient’s knowledge expectations and facilitate the empowering process. Further research is needed on the process of cognitive empowerment with breast cancer patients. There is a need for new patient education methods to increase breast cancer patients’ awareness of knowing.
Supporting patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), using a protective mechanical ventilation strategy characterized by low tidal volume and limitation of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is a standard practice in the intensive care unit. However, these strategies can promote lung de-recruitment, leading to the cyclic closing and reopening of collapsed alveoli and small airways. Recruitment maneuvers (RM) can be used to augment other methods, like positive end-expiratory pressure and positioning, to improve aerated lung volume. Clinical practice varies widely, and the optimal method and patient selection for recruitment maneuvers have not been determined, considerable uncertainty remaining regarding the appropriateness of RM. This review aims to discuss recent findings about the available types of RM, and compare the effectiveness, indications and adverse effects among them, as well as their impact on morbidity and mortality in ARDS patients. Recent developments include experimental and clinical evidence that a stepwise extended recruitment maneuver may cause an improvement in aerated lung volume and decrease the biological impact seen with the traditionally used sustained inflation, with less adverse effects. Prone positioning can reduce mortality in severe ARDS patients and may be an useful adjunct to recruitment maneuvers and advanced ventilatory strategies, such noisy ventilation and BIVENT, which have been useful in providing lung recruitment.
Internationally, Finland has been among the most respected countries during several decades in terms of public health. WHO has had the most significant influence on Finnish health policy and the relationship has traditionally been warm. However, the situation has slightly changed in the last 10-20 years. The objectives of Finnish national health policy have been to secure the best possible health for the population and to minimize disparities in health between different population groups. Nevertheless, although the state of public health and welfare has steadily improved, the socioeconomic disparities in health have increased. This qualitative case study will demonstrate why health is political and why health matters. It will also present some recommendations for research topics and administrative reforms. It will be argued that lack of political interest in health policy leads to absence of health policy visions and political commitment, which can be disastrous for public health. This study will investigate how Finnish health policy is defined and organised, and it will also shed light on Finnish health policy formation processes and actors. Health policy is understood as a broader societal construct covering the domains of different ministries, not just Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (MSAH). The influences of economic recession of the 1990s, state subsidy reform in 1993, globalisation and the European Union will be addressed, as well. There is not much earlier Finnish research done on health policy from political science viewpoint. Therefore, this study is interdisciplinary and combines political science with administrative science, contemporary history and health policy research with a hint of epidemiology. As a method, literature review, semi-structured interviews and policy analysi will be utilised. Institutionalism, policy transfer, and corporatism are understood as the theoretical framework. According to the study, there are two health policies in Finland: the official health policy and health policy generated by industry, media and various interest organisations. The complex relationships between the Government and municipalities, and on the other hand, the MSAH and National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) seemed significant in terms of Finnish health policy coordination. The study also showed that the Investigated case, Health 2015, does not fulfil all necessary criteria for a successful public health programme. There were also several features both in Health 2015 and Finnish health policy, which can be interpreted in NPM framework and seen having NPM influences.
In this positioning paper transition management (TM) and the sustainable nutrient economy are addressed. We discuss TM from its scholarly origins in the 1990’s to its implementation as a comprehensive sector-wide policy program on sustainability in The Netherlands during the first decade of the 2000´s. Although the program was innovative and provoked a new approach to environmental policy and governance, the program at large failed to set the right conditions under which sustainable transition take place. Lessons from the Netherlands, both successful and less successful, are addressed in this positioning paper to inform Finnish governmental and knowledge institutes on how (not) to implement TM on environmental issues. When looking at sustainable nutrient economy the paper takes a historical view at how problems with nutrients (especially phosphates) were dealt with in the Netherlands during the post World War II era. This transition did not occur easily. In the agricultural sector environmental policies to prevent nutrient problems were not easily accepted, as large agricultural economic interests were at stake and the sector’s main actors were generally opposed to (radical) environmental transition. Currently, sustainable nutrient economy initiatives are starting to receive attention on the political agenda once again. In 2011 a sector- and chain-wide covenant was signed, showing that sustainable nutrient transition goals get commitment from stakeholders throughout the nutrient chain. We judge that TM provides useful elements that are applicable to Finnish governance modes to support sustainable nutrient economy transition. However, the Finnish government should be careful when implementing TM to prevent making the same mistakes the Dutch government made in previous years.
It has become a popular method in marketing campaigns to use well-known and admired personalities to promote products. A famous person can draw attention to the brand and change consumers’ perceptions of the brand. The research problem of this study was to offer guidelines on how to use athlete endorsement effectively in brand positioning. This research tried to illustrate how athlete endorsement is a vital brand building factor. Athletes have been found to have special credibility, so this research concentrated on the sports goods industry. Furthermore, athlete endorsement has become a natural part of communicating a sports brand. Athletes highlight the performance of the brand to the consumers. The study was conducted as a qualitative research applying case study method. The two case companies selected for this study were Adidas and Puma. The main findings of the empirical research corresponded to the theoretical framework of the study. Brand positioning strategies in the sports goods industry often include athlete endorsement to some extent. Large multinational companies try to attract the best athletes to promote their brand. The key to successful brand positioning is to have a good product with the right personalities to promote it. However, large multinational companies may face difficulties in localizing their marketing efforts. As a result, global campaigns may not be lucrative everywhere. The role of an expert in an athlete’s sport has resulted in increasing credibility in promoting brands. Creating a superior product in consumers’ minds creates competitive advantage. A top athlete may be linked with superior equipment. After considering the goals of the positioning strategy, companies need to plan their brand awareness process, brand image and brand values. Then, athletes need to be selected based on their characteristics to meet the criteria. Sport sponsorship is a way to support the message delivered through athlete endorsement. Athlete endorsement and sport sponsorship complement the marketing communications mix of a brand. Additionally, companies raise brand awareness and communicate brand image through the athlete. Thus, athletes may earn more money through the sponsorship deals and even feature the advertisements after their professional career. Key words
This work presents recent results concerning a design methodology used to estimate the positioning deviation for a gantry (Cartesian) manipulator, related mainly to structural elastic deformation of components during operational conditions. The case-study manipulator is classified as gantry type and its basic dimensions are 1,53m x 0,97m x 1,38m. The dimensions used for the calculation of effective workspace due to end-effector path displacement are: 1m x 0,5m x 0,5m. The manipulator is composed by four basic modules defined as module X, module Y, module Z and terminal arm, where is connected the end-effector. Each module controlled axis performs a linear-parabolic positioning movement. The planning path algorithm has the maximum velocity and the total distance as input parameters for a given task. The acceleration and deceleration times are the same. Denavit-Hartemberg parameterization method is used in the manipulator kinematics model. The gantry manipulator can be modeled as four rigid bodies with three degrees-of-freedom in translational movements, connected as an open kinematics chain. Dynamic analysis were performed considering inertial parameters specification such as component mass, inertia and center of gravity position of each module. These parameters are essential for a correct manipulator dynamic modelling, due to multiple possibilities of motion and manipulation of objects with different masses. The dynamic analysis consists of a mathematical modelling of the static and dynamic interactions among the modules. The computation of the structural deformations uses the finite element method (FEM).
A Brazilian female infant presented delayed psychomotor development, skin pigmentary dysplasia and some dysmorphic features. Chromosome analysis from peripheral blood culture was normal, but the karyotype from skin fibroblasts revealed mosaicism for trisomy 13. This case demonstrates the relevance of performing chromosomal analysis of skin fibroblasts in patients with mental retardation, associated with pigmentary dysplasia of the skin and a normal karyotype in peripheral blood lymphocytes. To our knowledge, it is the first report of trisomy 13 demonstrated only in skin fibroblasts.
Parvovirus B19 has been associated by some investigators with cases of severe hepatitis. The aim of the present study was to determine the presence of active parvovirus B19 infection among 129 Brazilian patients with non-A-E hepatitis. The patients were assayed for antibodies against parvovirus B19, IgM class, by ELISA. In IgM-positive cases, parvovirus B19 DNA was assayed by PCR in serum and liver tissue and parvovirus VP1 antigen in liver tissue was assayed by immunohistochemistry. Antibodies against parvovirus B19, IgM class, were detected in 3 (2.3%) of 129 patients with non-A-E hepatitis. Previous surgery and blood transfusions were reported by these 3 patients. One patient was a 56-year-old female with severe hepatitis, with antimitochondrial antibody seropositivity and submassive necrosis at liver biopsy, who responded to corticosteroid therapy. Strong evidence for active parvovirus B19 infection was found in this patient, with parvovirus B19 DNA being detected by PCR in liver tissue. Furthermore, parvovirus VP1 antigen was also detected in liver tissue by immunohistochemistry. The other two IgM-positive patients were chronic hepatitis cases, but active infection was not proven, since neither viral DNA nor antigen were detected in their liver tissues. This and other reports suggest a possible relation between parvovirus B19 infection and some cases of hepatitis.
The purpose of the present report is to demonstrate the long-term efficacy and safety of heparin-induced extracorporeal lipoprotein precipitation (HELP) of LDL-c and fibrinogen in the management of familial hypercholesterolemia. From June 1992 to June 1998 a 22-year-old young male patient with familial hypercholesterolemia (double heterozygote for C660X and S305C) resistant to medication and diet and with symptomatic coronary artery disease (angina) was treated weekly with 90-min sessions of the HELP system. The patient had also been previously submitted to right coronary artery angioplasty. The efficacy of the method was evaluated by comparing the reduction of total cholesterol, LDL-c and fibrinogen before and after the sessions and before and after initiation of the study (data are reported as averages for each year). During the study, angina episodes disappeared and there were no detectable adverse effects of the treatment. Total cholesterol (TC), fibrinogen, and LDL-c decreased significantly after each session by 59.6, 66.1 and 64%, respectively. HDL-c showed a nonsignificant reduction of 20.4%. Comparative mean values pre- and post-treatment values in the study showed significant differences: TC (488 vs 188 mg/dl), LDL-c (416.4 vs 145 mg/dl), and fibrinogen (144.2 vs 57.4 mg/dl). There was no significant change in HDL-c level: 29.4 vs 23 mg/dl. These data show that the HELP system, even for a long period of time, is a safe and efficient mode of treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia and is associated with disappearance of angina symptoms.