991 resultados para Parasite Fauna


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Binding of infected erythrocytes to brain venules is a central pathogenic event in the lethal malaria disease complication, cerebral malaria. The only parasite adhesion trait linked to cerebral sequestration is binding to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). In this report, we show that Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) binds ICAM-1. We have cloned and expressed PfEMP1 recombinant proteins from the A4tres parasite. Using heterologous expression in mammalian cells, the minimal ICAM-1 binding domain was a complex domain consisting of the second Duffy binding-like (DBL) domain and the C2 domain. Constructs that contained either domain alone did not bind ICAM-1. Based on phylogenetic criteria, there are five distinct PfEMP1 DBL types designated α, β, γ, δ, and ɛ. The DBL domain from the A4tres that binds ICAM-1 is DBLβ type. A PfEMP1 cloned from a distinct ICAM-1 binding variant, the A4 parasite, contains a DBLβ domain and a C2 domain in tandem arrangement similar to the A4tres PfEMP1. Anti-PfEMP1 antisera implicate the DBLβ domain from A4var PfEMP1 in ICAM-1 adhesion. The identification of a P. falciparum ICAM-1 binding domain may clarify mechanisms responsible for the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria and lead to interventions or vaccines that reduce malarial disease.


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IL-12 plays a central role in both the induction and magnitude of a primary Th1 response. A critical question in designing vaccines for diseases requiring Th1 immunity such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Leishmania major is the requirements to sustain memory/effector Th1 cells in vivo. This report examines the role of IL-12 and antigen in sustaining Th1 responses sufficient for protective immunity to L. major after vaccination with LACK protein (LP) plus rIL-12 and LACK DNA. It shows that, after initial vaccination with LP plus rIL-12, supplemental boosting with either LP or rIL-12 is necessary but not sufficient to fully sustain long-term Th1 immunity. Moreover, endogenous IL-12 is also shown to be required for the induction, maintenance, and effector phase of the Th1 response after LACK DNA vaccination. Finally, IL-12 is required to sustain Th1 cells and control parasite growth in susceptible and resistant strains of mice during primary and secondary infection. Taken together, these data show that IL-12 is essential to sustain a sufficient number of memory/effector Th1 cells generated in vivo to mediate long-term protection to an intracellular pathogen.


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Schistosome parasites adjust the physiology and behavior of their intermediate molluscan hosts to their own benefit. Previous studies demonstrated effects of the avian-schistosome Trichobilharzia ocellata on peptidergic centers in the brain of the intermediate snail host Lymnaea stagnalis. In particular, electrophysiological properties and peptide release of growth- and reproduction-controlling neuroendocrine neurons were affected. We now have examined the possibility that the expression of genes that control physiology and behavior of the host might be altered during parasitosis. A cDNA library of the brain of parasitized Lymnaea was constructed and differentially screened by using mRNA from the brain of both parasitized and nonparasitized snails. This screening yielded a number of clones, including previously identified cDNAs as well as novel neuronal transcripts, which appear to be differentially regulated. The majority of these transcripts encode neuropeptides. Reverse Northern blot analysis confirmed that neuropeptide gene expression is indeed affected in parasitized animals. Moreover, the expression profiles of 10 transcripts tested showed a differential, parasitic stage-specific regulation. Changes in expression could in many cases already be observed between 1.5 and 5 hr postinfection, suggesting that changes in gene expression are a direct effect of parasitosis. We suggest that direct regulation of neuropeptide gene expression is a strategy of parasites to induce physiological and behavioral changes in the host.


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FULL-malaria is a database for a full-length-enriched cDNA library from the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum ( Because of its medical importance, this organism is the first target for genome sequencing of a eukaryotic pathogen; the sequences of two of its 14 chromosomes have already been determined. However, for the full exploitation of this rapidly accumulating information, correct identification of the genes and study of their expression are essential. Using the oligo-capping method, we have produced a full-length-enriched cDNA library from erythrocytic stage parasites and performed one-pass reading. The database consists of nucleotide sequences of 2490 random clones that include 390 (16%) known malaria genes according to BLASTN analysis of the nr-nt database in GenBank; these represent 98 genes, and the clones for 48 of these genes contain the complete protein-coding sequence (49%). On the other hand, comparisons with the complete chromosome 2 sequence revealed that 35 of 210 predicted genes are expressed, and in addition led to detection of three new gene candidates that were not previously known. In total, 19 of these 38 clones (50%) were full-length. From these obser­vations, it is expected that the database contains ∼1000 genes, including 500 full-length clones. It should be an invaluable resource for the development of vaccines and novel drugs.


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Apicomplexan parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii contain a primitive plastid, the apicoplast, whose genome consists of a 35-kb circular DNA related to the plastid DNA of plants. Plants synthesize fatty acids in their plastids. The first committed step in fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC). This enzyme is encoded in the nucleus, synthesized in the cytosol, and transported into the plastid. In the present work, two genes encoding ACC from T. gondii were cloned and the gene structure was determined. Both ORFs encode multidomain proteins, each with an N-terminal extension, compared with the cytosolic ACCs from plants. The N-terminal extension of one isozyme, ACC1, was shown to target green fluorescent protein to the apicoplast of T. gondii. In addition, the apicoplast contains a biotinylated protein, consistent with the assertion that ACC1 is localized there. The second ACC in T. gondii appears to be cytosolic. T. gondii mitochondria also contain a biotinylated protein, probably pyruvate carboxylase. These results confirm the essential nature of the apicoplast and explain the inhibition of parasite growth in cultured cells by herbicides targeting ACC.


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Parasitic plants in the Scrophulariaceae develop infective root structures called haustoria in response to chemical signals released from host-plant roots. This study used a simple in vitro assay to characterize natural and synthetic molecules that induce haustoria in the facultative parasite Triphysaria versicolor. Several phenolic acids, flavonoids, and the quinone 2,6-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone induced haustoria in T. versicolor root tips within hours after treatment. The concentration at which different molecules were active varied widely, the most active being 2,6-dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone and the anthocyanidin peonidin. Maize (Zea mays) seeds are rich sources of molecules that induce T. versicolor haustoria in vitro, and chromatographic analyses indicated that the active molecules present in maize-seed rinses include anthocyanins, other flavonoids, and simple phenolics. The presence of different classes of inducing molecules in seed rinses was substantiated by the observation that maize kernels deficient in chalcone synthase, a key enzyme in flavonoid biosynthesis, released haustoria-inducing molecules, although at reduced levels compared with wild-type kernels. We discuss these results in light of existing models for host perception in the related parasitic plant Striga.


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Papain family cysteine proteases are key factors in the pathogenesis of cancer invasion, arthritis, osteoporosis, and microbial infections. Targeting this enzyme family is therefore one strategy in the development of new chemotherapy for a number of diseases. Little is known, however, about the efficacy, selectivity, and safety of cysteine protease inhibitors in cell culture or in vivo. We now report that specific cysteine protease inhibitors kill Leishmania parasites in vitro, at concentrations that do not overtly affect mammalian host cells. Inhibition of Leishmania cysteine protease activity was accompanied by defects in the parasite’s lysosome/endosome compartment resembling those seen in lysosomal storage diseases. Colocalization of anti-protease antibodies with biotinylated surface proteins and accumulation of undigested debris and protease in the flagellar pocket of treated parasites were consistent with a pathway of protease trafficking from flagellar pocket to the lysosome/endosome compartment. The inhibitors were sufficiently absorbed and stable in vivo to ameliorate the pathology associated with a mouse model of Leishmania infection.


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Giardia lamblia, like most human intestinal parasitic protozoa, sustains fundamental morphological and biochemical changes to survive outside the small intestine of its mammalian host by differentiating into an infective cyst. However, the stimulus that triggers this differentiation remains totally undefined. In this work, we demonstrate the induction of cyst formation in vitro when trophozoites are starved for cholesterol. Expression of cyst wall proteins was detected within encystation-specific secretory vesicles 90 min after the cells were placed in lipoprotein-deficient TYI-S-33 medium. Four cloned lines derived from two independent Giardia isolates were tested, and all formed cysts similarly. Addition of cholesterol, low density or very low density lipoproteins to the lipoprotein-deficient culture medium, inhibited the expression of cyst wall proteins, the generation of encystation-specific vesicles, and cyst wall biogenesis. In contrast, high density lipoproteins, phospholipids, bile salts, or fatty acids had little or no effect. These results indicate that cholesterol starvation is necessary and sufficient for the stimulation of Giardia encystation in vitro and, likely, in the intestine of mammalian hosts.


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We used the common fish pathogen Ichthyophthirius multifiliis as a model for studying interactions between parasitic ciliates and their vertebrate hosts. Although highly pathogenic, Ichthyophthirius can elicit a strong protective immune response in fish after exposure to controlled infections. To investigate the mechanisms underlying host resistance, a series of passive immunization experiments were carried out using mouse monoclonal antibodies against a class of surface membrane proteins, known as immobilization antigens (or i-antigens), thought to play a role in the protective response. Such antibodies bind to cilia and immobilize I. multifiliis in vitro. Surprisingly, we found that passive antibody transfer in vivo caused rapid exit of parasites from the host. The effect was highly specific for a given I. multifiliis serotype. F(ab)2 subfragments had the same effect as intact antibody, whereas monovalent Fab fragments failed to protect. The activity of Fab could, nevertheless, be restored after subsequent i.p. injection of bivalent goat anti-mouse IgG. Parasites that exit the host had detectable antibody on their surface and appeared viable in all respects. These findings represent a novel instance among protists in which protective immunity (and evasion of the host response) result from an effect of antibody on parasite behavior.


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The association between human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) RNA load changes and the emergence of resistant virus variants was investigated in 24 HIV-1-infected asymptomatic persons during 2 years of treatment with zidovudine by sequentially measuring serum HIV-1 RNA load and the relative amounts of HIV-1 RNA containing mutations at reverse transcriptase (RT) codons 70 (K-->R), 41 (M-->L), and 215 (T-->Y/F). A mean maximum decline in RNA load occurred during the first month, followed by a resurgence between 1 and 3 months, which appeared independent of drug-resistance. Mathematical modeling suggests that this resurgence is caused by host-parasite dynamics, and thus reflects infection of the transiently increased numbers of CD4+ lymphocytes. Between 3 and 6 months of treatment, the RNA load returned to baseline values, which was associated with the emergence of virus containing a single lysine to arginine amino acid change at RT codon 70, only conferring an 8-fold reduction in susceptibility. Despite the relative loss of RNA load suppression, selection toward mutations at RT codons 215 and 41 continued. Identical patterns were observed in the mathematical model. While host-parasite dynamics and outgrowth of low-level resistant virus thus appear responsible for the loss of HIV-1 RNA load suppression, zidovudine continues to select for alternative mutations, conferring increasing levels of resistance.


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Bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchidae) have previously been considered to be confined to the Australo-Papuan continental plate. We provide molecular evidence that the extinct New Zealand Piopio Turnagra capensis is, in fact, a bowerbird. Such a finding is surprising on biogeographical grounds. However, recent molecular evidence on the relationships of the New Zealand moas and kiwis with the Australo-Papuan flightless birds suggests the need for a reassessment of current views on the origins of New Zealand's fauna.


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Hamilton and Zuk [Hamilton, W. D. & Zuk, M. (1982) Science 218, 384-387] proposed that females choosing mates based on the degree of expression of male characters obtain heritable parasite resistance for their offspring. Alternatively, the "contagion indicator" hypothesis posits that females choose mates based on the degree of expression of male characters because the latter indicate a male's degree of infestation of parasites and thus the risk that choosing females and their offspring will acquire these parasites. I examined whether parasite transmittability affects the probability that parasite intensity and male mating success are negatively correlated in intraspecific studies of parasite-mediated sexual selection. When females risk infection of themselves or their future offspring as a result of mating with a parasitized male, negative relationships between parasite intensity and male mating success are significantly more likely to occur than when females do not risk such infection. The direct benefit to females of avoiding parasitic infection is proposed to lead to the linkage between variable secondary sexual characters and the intensity of transmittable parasites. The direct benefits of avoiding associatively transmittable parasites should be considered in future studies of parasite-mediated sexual selection.


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Fecally dispersed parasites of 12 wild mammal species in Mudumalai Sanctuary, southern India, were studied. Fecal propagule densities and parasite diversity measures were correlated with host ecological variables. Host species with higher predatory pressure had lower parasite loads and parasite diversity. Host body weight, home range, population density, gregariousness, and diet did not show predicted effects on parasite loads. Measures of alpha diversity were positively correlated with parasite abundance and were negatively correlated with beta diversity. Based on these data, hypotheses regarding determinants of parasite community are discussed.


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To provide tools for functional molecular genetics of the protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, we investigated the use of the prokaryotic neomycin phosphotransferase (NEO) gene as a selectable marker for the transfection of the parasite. An Escherichia coli-derived plasmid vector was constructed (pA5'A3'NEO) containing the NEO coding region flanked by untranslated 5' and 3' sequences of an Ent. histolytica actin gene. Preceding experiments had revealed that amoebae are highly sensitive to the neomycin analogue G418 and do not survive in the presence of as little as 2 micrograms/ml. Transfection of circular pA5'A3'NEO via electroporation resulted in Ent. histolytica trophozoites resistant to G418 up to 100 micrograms/ml. DNA and RNA analyses of resistant cells indicated that (i) the transfected DNA was not integrated into the amoeba genome but was segregated episomally, (ii) in the amoebae, the plasmid replicated autonomously, (iii) the copy number of the plasmid and the expression of NEO-specific RNA were proportional to the amount of G418 used for selection, and (iv) under continuous selection, the plasmid was propagated over an observation period of 6 months. Moreover, the plasmid could be recloned into E. coli and was found to be unrearranged. To investigate the use of pA5'A3'NEO to coexpress other genes in Ent. histolytica, a second marker, the prokaryotic chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene under control of an Ent. histolytica lectin gene promoter was introduced into the plasmid. Transfection of the amoebae with this construct also conferred G418 resistance and, in addition, allowed continuous expression of CAT activity in quantities corresponding to the amount of G418 used for selection. When selection was discontinued, transfected plasmids were lost as indicated by an exponential decline of CAT activity in trophozoite extracts.