Thermography for scientific research and practical purposes requires a series of procedures to obtain images that should be standardized; one of the most important is the time required for acclimatization in the controlled environment. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the appropriate acclimatization time in rest to reach a thermal balance on young people skin. Forty-four subjects participated in the study, 18 men (22.3 ± 3.1 years) and 26 women (21.7 ± 2.5 years). Thermographic images were collected using a thermal imager (Fluke ®), totaling 44 images over a period of 20 minutes. The skin temperature (TSK) was measured at the point of examination which included the 0 minute, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. The body regions of interest (ROI) analyzed included the hands, forearms, arms, thighs, legs, chest and abdomen. We used the Friedman test with post hoc Dunn?s in order to establish the time at rest required to obtain a TSK balance and the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare age, BMI, body fat percentage and temperature variations between men and women, considering always a significance level of pmenor que0.05. Results showed that women had significantly higher temperature variations than men (pmenor que0.01) along the time. In men, only the body region of the abdomen obtained a significant variance (pmenor que0.05) on the analyzed period, both in the anterior and posterior part. In women, the anterior abdomen and thighs, and the posterior part of the hands, forearms and abdomen showed significant differences (pmenor que0.05). Based on our results, it can be concluded that the time in rest condition required reaching a TSK balance in young men and women is variable, but for whole body analysis it is recommended at least 10 minutes for both sexes.
Measuring skin temperature (TSK) provides important information about the complex thermal control system and could be interesting when carrying out studies about thermoregulation. The most common method to record TSK involves thermocouples at specific locations; however, the use of infrared thermal imaging (IRT) has increased. The two methods use different physical processes to measure TSK, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the mean skin temperature (MTSK) measurements using thermocouples and IRT in three different situations: pre-exercise, exercise and post-exercise. Analysis of the residual scores in Bland-Altman plots showed poor agreement between the MTSK obtained using thermocouples and those using IRT. The averaged error was -0.75 °C during pre-exercise, 1.22 °C during exercise and -1.16 °C during post-exercise, and the reliability between the methods was low in the pre- (ICC = 0.75 [0.12 to 0.93]), during (ICC = 0.49 [-0.80 to 0.85]) and post-exercise (ICC = 0.35 [-1.22 to 0.81] conditions. Thus, there is poor correlation between the values of MTSK measured by thermocouples and IRT pre-exercise, exercise and post-exercise, and low reliability between the two forms of measurement.
La termografía infrarroja (TI) registra el calor irradiado de un cuerpo, que es emitido en un rango del espectro electromagnético que la visión humana no es capaz de identificar. La respuesta térmica depende de una serie de ajustes fisiológicos específicos como la homeostasis corporal y salud del deportista, lo cual permite establecer interesantes aplicaciones en el deporte. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido revisar la literatura en torno a las aplicaciones de la TI en el ámbito del deporte, y proponer las características óptimas del registro en relación al evaluado, las condiciones ambientales y la cámara utilizada. Concluimos que la principal contribución de la TI en el ámbito del deporte es ayudar a identificar signos de lesión antes de que la lesión se produzca, permitiéndonos actuar de manera preventiva durante el proceso de entrenamiento.
We present and validate a test able to provide reliable body sway measurements in air pistol shooting, without the use of a gun. 46 senior male pistol shooters who participated in Spanish air pistol championships participated in the study. Body sway data of two static bipodal balance tests have been compared: during the first test, shooting was simulated by use of a dumbbell, while during the second test the shooters own pistol was used. Both tests were performed the day previous to the competition, during the official training time and at the training stands to simulate competition conditions. The participants performance was determined as the total score of 60 shots at competition. Apart from the commonly used variables that refer to movements of the shooters centre of pressure (COP), such as COP displacements on the X and Y axes, maximum and average COP velocities and total COP area, the present analysis also included variables that provide information regarding the axes of the COP ellipse (length and angle in respect to X). A strong statistically significant correlation between the two tests was found (with an interclass correlation varying between 0.59 and 0.92). A statistically significant inverse linear correlation was also found between performance and COP movements. The study concludes that dumbbell tests are perfectly valid for measuring body sway by simulating pistol shooting.
Validity and reliability of AMPET Greek versión: a first examination of learning motivation in Greek PE settings
Writing an efficient abstract is always a difficult and significant work in academic writing. What kinds of abstracts are well reputed in sport science? To answer this question, 20 abstracts from top journals of sport science were analyzed in the current research. The number of words and rhetorical moves were studied to assess the structures of the abstracts. Meanwhile, the key clauses, citations, the use of first person pronoun, the adoption of abbreviations and acronyms, hedging and the main tense were included in the analysis of the writing skills. Results have show: (1) Almost all of the abstracts were non-structured, and the length varied a lot, but the average word count was about 210-220; (2) the use of writing skills, such as key clauses, citations and hedging differed depending on the preference of the journal where the abstract appeared, and the main tense was selected based on the context of the abstract. In most cases, abbreviations and acronyms were allowed to be used, while the first person pronoun was always avoided
The aim of the present study was to identify the importance of floorball tactical variables to predict ball possession effectiveness, when controlling quality of opposition and game periods. The sample was composed by 1500 ball possessions, corresponding to 14 games randomly selected from the International Championships played during 2008 and 2010 (World Championship, Four nations tournament and classificatory phases for World Championship) by teams from different competition levels (HIGH, INTERMEDIATE and LOW). The effects of the predictor variables on successful ball possessions according to the three game contexts (HIGH vs. HIGH; HIGH vs. LOW; LOW vs. LOW games) were analyzed using Binomial Logistic Regressions. The results showed no interaction with the game period. In HIGH vs. HIGH games, quality of opposition showed an association with ball possession effectiveness with ending zone, offensive system, possession duration, height of shooting and defensive pressures previous to the shot. In HIGH vs. LOW games the important factors were the starting zone, possession duration, defensive pressure previous to the last pass and to the shot, technique of shooting and the number players involved in each ball possession. Finally, in LOW vs. LOW games, the results emphasized the importance of starting and ending zones, the number of passes used and the technique of shooting. In conclusion, elite floorball performance is mainly affected by quality of opposition showing different game patterns in each context that should be considered by coaches when preparing practices and competitions.
The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of a program of moderate physical exercise throughout pregnancy on maternal and fetal parameters.
el objetivo del presente estudio ha sido evaluar los componentes del entrenamiento y del ejercicio en baloncesto, a partir del análisis de la intervención de los entrenadores involucrados en las diferentes etapas de preparación deportiva. La muestra estaba compuesta por 185 entrenadores, de equipos de género masculino y femenino, de las distintas categorías. de acuerdo con los objetivos formulados para el presente estudio, se ha elaborado un cuestionario destinado a los entrenadores, previamente validado por especialistas en Ciencias del deporte. en lo referente al componente técnico, fueron identificadas diferencias en los movimientos fundamentales del atacante (con y sin balón) y en los movimientos fundamentales del defensa, probablemente resultado de la mayor valoración otorgada al componente técnico por parte de los entrenadores que intervienen en las etapas iníciales de preparación deportiva (principalmente hasta los 14 años de edad). Con respecto al componente táctico, han sido identificadas diferencias entre los entrenadores en las situaciones de superioridad e inferioridad numérica, así como en el trabajo ofensivo y defensivo del juego de baloncesto. en el baloncesto masculino, los valores medios más elevados fueran alcanzados en las capacidades condicionales, mientras que en el baloncesto femenino han sido las capacidades coordinativas las más valoradas. Finalmente, los resultados de los componentes del ejercicio demostraron importantes diferencias entre los entrenadores que componen la muestra de nuestro estudio, en relación al tiempo de los ejercicios, la toma de decisión y el componente lúdico.
The number of breast cancer survivors increases every year, thanks to the development of new treatments and screening techniques. However, patients present with numerous side effects that may affect their quality of life. Exercise has been demostrated to reduce some of these side effects, but in spite of this, few breast cancer patientes know and follow the exercise recommendations needed to remain healthy. In this review, we describe the differente breast cancer treatments and the related side effects and implications of exercise in relation to these. We propose that exercise could be and integrative complementary intervention to improve physiological, physical and psychological factors that affect survival and quality of life of these patients. For that reason, the main objective of this review is to provide a general overview of exercise benefits in breast cancer patients and recommendations of how to design exercise interventions in patients with different side effects.
This paper aims to analyse the use of anabolic drugs among Greek students participating in school championships of physical education (PE). In order to do it, a survey was conducted during the 2008 to 2009 academic year in suburban, urban and metropolitan areas in Greece. The sample was 2,535 high school students from the 10 to 12th grade, participating in the school physical education championships. The results showed that 9.6% of boys and 3.7% of girls reported that they had used anabolic drugs sometime in the past whereas 11.2% boys and 4.8% girls reported that they would intend to use them in the future. This confirms that anabolic steroids are an important problem among adolescents, and educational programs should increase their knowledge about these drugs. Information should come not only from the state, but also from coaches, teachers, trainers and parents.
Objective: To examine the association of breakfast consumption with objectively measured and self-reported physical activity, sedentary time and physical fitness. Design: The HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence) Cross-Sectional Study. Breakfast consumption was assessed by two non-consecutive 24 h recalls and by a ‘Food Choices and Preferences’ questionnaire. Physical activity, sedentary time and physical fitness components (cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular fitness and speed/agility) were measured and self-reported. Socio-economic status was assessed by questionnaire. Setting: Ten European cities. Subjects: Adolescents (n 2148; aged 12?5–17?5 years). Results: Breakfast consumption was not associated with measured or self-reported physical activity. However, 24 h recall breakfast consumption was related to measured sedentary time in males and females; although results were not confirmed when using other methods to assess breakfast patterns or sedentary time. Breakfast consumption was not related to muscular fitness and speed/agility in males and females. However, male breakfast consumers had higher cardiorespiratory fitness compared with occasional breakfast consumers and breakfast skippers, while no differences were observed in females. Overall, results were consistent using different methods to assess breakfast consumption or cardiorespiratory fitness (all P#0?005). In addition, both male and female breakfast skippers (assessed by 24 h recall) were less likely to have high measured cardiorespiratory fitness compared with breakfast consumers (OR50?33; 95% CI 0?18, 0?59 and OR50?56; 95 %CI 0?32, 0?98,respectively). Results persisted across methods. Conclusions: Skipping breakfast does not seem to be related to physical activity,sedentary time or muscular fitness and speed/agility as physical fitness components in European adolescents; yet it is associated with both measured and self-reported cardiorespiratory fitness, which extends previous findings.
Sistema para recopilar datos sobre deportistas militares
Descripción de un modelo evaluativo de la calidad del servicio.
Análisis empresarial de una Comunidad Autónoma del servicio de las empresas de turismo activo