965 resultados para POSTURAL INSTABILITY


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Experimental and analytical studies were conducted to explore thermo-acoustic coupling during the onset of combustion instability in various air-breathing combustor configurations. These include a laboratory-scale 200-kW dump combustor and a 100-kW augmentor featuring a v-gutter flame holder. They were used to simulate main combustion chambers and afterburners in aero engines, respectively. The three primary themes of this work includes: 1) modeling heat release fluctuations for stability analysis, 2) conducting active combustion control with alternative fuels, and 3) demonstrating practical active control for augmentor instability suppression. The phenomenon of combustion instabilities remains an unsolved problem in propulsion engines, mainly because of the difficulty in predicting the fluctuating component of heat release without extensive testing. A hybrid model was developed to describe both the temporal and spatial variations in dynamic heat release, using a separation of variables approach that requires only a limited amount of experimental data. The use of sinusoidal basis functions further reduced the amount of data required. When the mean heat release behavior is known, the only experimental data needed for detailed stability analysis is one instantaneous picture of heat release at the peak pressure phase. This model was successfully tested in the dump combustor experiments, reproducing the correct sign of the overall Rayleigh index as well as the remarkably accurate spatial distribution pattern of fluctuating heat release. Active combustion control was explored for fuel-flexible combustor operation using twelve different jet fuels including bio-synthetic and Fischer-Tropsch types. Analysis done using an actuated spray combustion model revealed that the combustion response times of these fuels were similar. Combined with experimental spray characterizations, this suggested that controller performance should remain effective with various alternative fuels. Active control experiments validated this analysis while demonstrating 50-70\% reduction in the peak spectral amplitude. A new model augmentor was built and tested for combustion dynamics using schlieren and chemiluminescence techniques. Novel active control techniques including pulsed air injection were implemented and the results were compared with the pulsed fuel injection approach. The pulsed injection of secondary air worked just as effectively for suppressing the augmentor instability, setting up the possibility of more efficient actuation strategy.


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L'enfant ayant une déficience motrice cérébrale (DMC) légère présente des déficits posturaux qui limitent son intégration sociale. L'hippothérapie est une forme d'intervention utilisant le mouvement du cheval pour stimuler des réajustements posturaux. L’objectif de cette recherche était de quantifier l’effet de 10 semaines d’hippothérapie sur le contrôle postural et la motricité d'enfants ayant une DMC légère. Un devis pré-expérimental à mesures répétées où chaque enfant (n=13) est son propre contrôle a été utilisé. Les critères d’inclusion étaient: être âgés entre 4 et 16 ans et avoir une DMC légère. L’intervention d’une durée de 10 semaines consistait en une séance par semaine d’hippothérapie de 30 minutes, où l'enfant était placé dans différentes positions sur le cheval. La motricité globale, particulièrement la capacité à se tenir debout, marcher, courir et sauter a été mesurée par les dimensions D et E du Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88) et la coordination, la vitesse, la force et l’équilibre par le Bruininks-Oseretski Test of Motor Proficiency-Short Form (BOT2-SF). La motricité fine a été évaluée par différentes tâches de précision, d’intégration et de dextérité manuelle (BOT2-SF). Les variables biomécaniques évaluant la stabilité posturale en position assise et debout ont été quantifiées par le déplacement du centre de pression (CdeP). Le déplacement des membres supérieurs a été enregistré lors de tâches unilatérales à l'aide d’un système d’analyse tridimensionnelle du mouvement (VICON). Treize sujets (âgés de 7,3 ± 2,7 ans) ont été évalués avant (mesure de base), après l’intervention et à 10 semaines post-intervention (mesure de suivi). La stabilité posturale de l’enfant sur le cheval a été évaluée à l’aide de modules inertiels multiaxiaux fixés sur le cheval et sur l’enfant (tête, tronc) à deux temps pendant l’intervention. À la suite de l’intervention, la motricité globale s’est améliorée significativement (GMFM-88 dimensions; p=0,005 et BOT2-SF total; p=0,006), et spécifiquement au niveau de la force des abdominaux et des membres supérieurs (p=0,012), de l’équilibre (p=0,025) et des activités de précision de la main (p=0,013). Les analyses du contrôle postural sur le cheval montrent une augmentation de la fréquence cumulée dans la direction médiolatérale (M/L) (p=0,033), et une diminution de l’amplitude de la fréquence cumulée en vertical (p=0,007). Ces résultats peuvent s’interpréter comme étant une augmentation de la rapidité d'adaptation dans la direction M/L doublée d'un amortissement du tronc diminué dans l’axe vertical. Le contrôle postural debout statique s'est amélioré (p=0,013) dans l'axe M/L attribuable aux enfants diplégiques de l'étude. Ces résultats se sont maintenus après la fin de l’intervention. Aucune amélioration du déplacement des membres supérieurs n'a été notée. Nos résultats permettent de suggérer l’utilisation de l'hippothérapie, par les professionnels de la réadaptation, comme complément à l'intervention traditionnelle.


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Human standing posture is inherently unstable. The postural control system (PCS), which maintains standing posture, is composed of the sensory, musculoskeletal, and central nervous systems. Together these systems integrate sensory afferents and generate appropriate motor efferents to adjust posture. The PCS maintains the body center of mass (COM) with respect to the base of support while constantly resisting destabilizing forces from internal and external perturbations. To assess the human PCS, postural sway during quiet standing or in response to external perturbation have frequently been examined descriptively. Minimal work has been done to understand and quantify the robustness of the PCS to perturbations. Further, there have been some previous attempts to assess the dynamical systems aspects of the PCS or time evolutionary properties of postural sway. However those techniques can only provide summary information about the PCS characteristics; they cannot provide specific information about or recreate the actual sway behavior. This dissertation consists of two parts: part I, the development of two novel methods to assess the human PCS and, part II, the application of these methods. In study 1, a systematic method for analyzing the human PCS during perturbed stance was developed. A mild impulsive perturbation that subjects can easily experience in their daily lives was used. A measure of robustness of the PCS, 1/MaxSens that was based on the inverse of the sensitivity of the system, was introduced. 1/MaxSens successfully quantified the reduced robustness to external perturbations due to age-related degradation of the PCS. In study 2, a stochastic model was used to better understand the human PCS in terms of dynamical systems aspect. This methodology also has the advantage over previous methods in that the sway behavior is captured in a model that can be used to recreate the random oscillatory properties of the PCS. The invariant density which describes the long-term stationary behavior of the center of pressure (COP) was computed from a Markov chain model that was applied to postural sway data during quiet stance. In order to validate the Invariant Density Analysis (IDA), we applied the technique to COP data from different age groups. We found that older adults swayed farther from the centroid and in more stochastic and random manner than young adults. In part II, the tools developed in part I were applied to both occupational and clinical situations. In study 3, 1/MaxSens and IDA were applied to a population of firefighters to investigate the effects of air bottle configuration (weight and size) and vision on the postural stability of firefighters. We found that both air bottle weight and loss of vision, but not size of air bottle, significantly decreased balance performance and increased fall risk. In study 4, IDA was applied to data collected on 444 community-dwelling elderly adults from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Four out of five IDA parameters were able to successfully differentiate recurrent fallers from non-fallers, while only five out of 30 more common descriptive and stochastic COP measures could distinguish the two groups. Fall history and the IDA parameter of entropy were found to be significant risk factors for falls. This research proposed a new measure for the PCS robustness (1/MaxSens) and a new technique for quantifying the dynamical systems aspect of the PCS (IDA). These new PCS analysis techniques provide easy and effective ways to assess the PCS in occupational and clinical environments.


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O ballet baseia-se na precisão e harmonia dos movimentos. Requerendo um alto nível de desenvolvimento de algumas qualidades físicas, o equilíbrio é um fator decisivo para a execução graciosa de movimentos. No entanto, para que se consiga realizar com perfeição todos os movimentos exigidos, muitas são as dificuldades e limitações encontradas pelo bailarino, potenciando assim o surgimento de um grande número de lesões neste grupo (Salles, 2008). Para este trabalho foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica, onde se determinou a entorse da articulação tibiotársica como sendo a lesão mais comum no ballet bem como a importância de um programa de treino propriocetivo com a finalidade de a prevenir. A proprioceção é uma entidade complexa, que engloba diversas variações de modalidade, sendo elas: a sensação de posição, velocidade de resposta e a capacidade de deteção do movimento (Leporace, Metsavaht, & Sposito, 2009). O treino propriocetivo visa restabelecer estabilidade articular (Dias, Pezarat-Correia, Esteves, & Fernandes, 2010).Objetivos. Estudou o efeito de um programa de treino propriocetivo na estabilidade da tibiotársica e no controlo postural nos alunos de danças do Conservatório de Música de Coimbra. Método. Estudo de natureza experimental. Os participantes não tiveram acesso aos resultados das avaliações, até ao final do estudo. A amostra foi de conveniência, de entre os alunos do 1.º curso de dança do Conservatório de Música de Coimbra, tendo-se previsto a inclusão da totalidade do grupo, constituído por 22 alunos (11 no grupo experimental; 11 no grupo de controlo). Resultados. A utilização de testes paramétricos e não paramétricos mostrou que houve diferença estatística significativa entre os dois grupos para as posições bipodal, unipodal meia ponta direita, unipodal meia ponta esquerda e intragrupo para a posição unipodal direita (p<0,05), antes e depois do programa de treino propriocetivo. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois grupos para o risco de entorse (p>0,05), mas houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre o grupo controlo e grupo experimental para a perceção da instabilidade (p<0,05). Conclusão. O programa de treino propriocetivo na preparação do bailarino possibilita um aumento qualitativo do controlo da postura e da perceção da instabilidade da tibiotársica, no entanto não apresenta nenhuma alteração no risco de entorses.


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Une caractéristique intéressante de la protéine Bcl-xL est la présence d'un domaine en boucle non-structurée entre les hélices α1 and α2 de la protéine. Ce domaine protéique n'est pas essentiel pour sa fonction anti-apoptotique et absent chez CED-9, la protéine orthologue chez Caenorhabditis elegans. A l'intérieur de ce domaine, Bcl-xL subit une phosphorylation et déphosphorylation dynamique sur les résidus Ser49 et Ser62 en phase G2 du cycle cellulaire et lors de la mitose. Lorsque ces résidus sont mutés et les protéines exprimées dans des cellules cancéreuses, les cellules démontrent plusieurs défauts mitotiques liés à l'instabilité chromosomique. Pour analyser les effets de Bcl-xL Ser49 et Ser62 dans les cellules normales, les présentes études ont été réalisées dans des cellules diploïdes humaines normales, et in vivo chez Caenorhabditis elegans. Dans une première étude, nous avons utilisé la lignée cellulaire de cellules fibroblastiques diploïdes humaines normales BJ, exprimant Bcl-xL (type sauvage), (S49A), (S49D), (S62A), (S62D) et les double (S49/62A) et (S49/62D) mutants. Les cellules exprimant les mutants de phosphorylation ont montré des cinétiques de doublement de la population cellulaire réduites. Ces effets sur la cinétique de doublement de la population cellulaire corrèle avec l'apparition de la sénescence cellulaire, sans impact sur les taux de mort cellulaire. Ces cellules sénescentes affichent des phénotypes typiques de sénescence associés notamment à haut niveau de l'activité β-galactosidase associée à la sénescence, la sécrétion d' interleukine-6, l'activation de p53 et de p21WAF1/ Cip1, un inhibiteur des complexes kinase cycline-dépendant, ainsi que la formation de foyers de chromatine nucléaire associés à γH2A.X. Les analyses de fluorescence par hybridation in situ et des caryotypes par coloration au Giemsa ont révélé que l'expression des mutants de phosphorylation de Bcl-xL provoquent de l'instabilité chromosomique et l'aneuploïdie. Ces résultats suggèrent que les cycles de phosphorylation et déphosphorylation dynamiques de Bcl-xL Ser49 et Ser62 sont importants dans le maintien de l'intégrité des chromosomes lors de la mitose dans les cellules normales. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons entrepris des expériences chez Caenorhabditis elegans pour comprendre l'importance des résidus Ser49 et Ser62 de Bcl-xL in vivo. Les vers transgéniques portant les mutations de Bcl-xL (S49A, S62A, S49D, S62D et S49/62A) ont été générés et leurs effets ont été analysés sur les cellules germinales des jeunes vers adultes. Les vers portant les mutations de Bcl-xL ont montré une diminution de ponte et d'éclosion des oeufs, des variations de la longueur de leurs régions mitotiques et des zones de transition, des anomalies chromosomiques à leur stade de diplotène, et une augmentation de l'apoptose des cellules germinales. Certaines de ces souches transgéniques, en particulier les variants Ser/Ala, ont également montré des variations de durée de vie par rapport aux vers témoins. Ces observations in vivo ont confirmé l'importance de Ser49 et Ser62 à l'intérieur du domaine à boucle de Bcl-xL pour le maintien de la stabilité chromosomique. Ces études auront une incidence sur les futures stratégies visant à développer et à identifier des composés qui pourraient cibler non seulement le domaine anti-apoptotique de la protéine Bcl-xL, mais aussi son domaine mitotique pour la thérapie du cancer.


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INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVOS: A dor lombar (DL) é considerada um dos maiores problemas socioeconómicos dos países industrializados e está associada à manutenção da posição de ereta em atividades ocupacionais e laborais. O objetivo do presente estudo é descrever e analisar o efeito de um programa de exercícios para prevenção da DL ao nível do endurance e co-ativação bilateral do músculo médio glúteo (MG), sway postural e a intensidade da DL em indivíduos que desenvolvem dor (DD) numa tarefa prolongala em pé. É expetável que os indivíduos DD, após o programa de exercícios, reduzam a intensidade subjetiva da dor, o nível de co-ativação bilateral e o sway postural e que aumentem o endurance do músculo MG. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Os participantes (19 homens, 31 mulheres), sem história prévia de DL, foram sujeitos ao teste de indução de DL transitória. Antes do teste foi avaliado o endurance da musculatura lombo-pélvica pelo side-bridge teste (SBT); e durante o teste foram recolhidos dados da atividade do músculo MG através de eletromiografia (EMG) de superfície, avaliado o sway postural com recurso a um acelerómetro 3D e intensidade subjetiva da dor, pela EVA. Um aumento>10mm na EVA durante o teste categorizou os indivíduos como DD. Os participantes foram aleatoriamente distribuídos por sexo e por desenvolver ou não dor (DD/NDD) em grupo experimental (Exp) e controlo (Cont). O grupo Exp realizou um programa e exercícios no domicílio e o grupo Cont manteve as suas atividades. Após 4 semanas procedeu-se à reavaliação. RESULTADOS: Os individuos que constituem a amostra deste estudo foram agrupados de acordo com diversos critérios e avaliados vários aspectos relacionados com a DL. Os resultados revelaram que 48% dos participantes foram classificados como DD. Em muitos aspectos analisados, o comportamento dos indivíduos foi semelhante não existindo diferenças significativas (p≥0,05). No entanto, os resultados mostram que existem diferenças quanto à intensidade subjetiva da dor onde se obteve uma variação significativa entre os dois dias de teste (p<0,05) em indivíduos DDExp. Também se observou um efeito clinicamente relevante na interação da intervenção e sexo enquanto medidas repetidas ao nível do endurance. CONCLUSÕES: O programa de exercícios provou ser benéfico na redução da intensidade da dor durante uma tarefa prolongada em pé. O endurance muscular revelou uma variação positiva ao exercício. Nos participantes em estudo não houve alteração relevante nas medidas de co-ativação muscular e sway postural.


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Temporally-growing frontal meandering and occasional eddy-shedding is observed in the Brazil Current (BC) as it flows adjacent to the Brazilian Coast. No study of the dynamics of this phenomenon has been conducted to date in the region between 22 degrees S and 25 degrees S. Within this latitude range, the flow over the intermediate continental slope is marked by a current inversion at a depth that is associated with the Intermediate Western Boundary Current (IWBC). A time series analysis of 10-current-meter mooring data was used to describe a mean vertical profile for the BC-IWBC jet and a typical meander vertical structure. The latter was obtained by an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis that showed a single mode explaining 82% of the total variance. This mode structure decayed sharply with depth, revealing that the meandering is much more vigorous within the BC domain than it is in the IWBC region. As the spectral analysis of the mode amplitude time series revealed no significant periods, we searched for dominant wavelengths. This search was done via a spatial EOF analysis on 51 thermal front patterns derived from digitized AVHRR images. Four modes were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Modes 3 and 4, which together explained 18% of the total variance, are associated with 266 and 338-km vorticity waves, respectively. With this new information derived from the data, the [Johns, W.E., 1988. One-dimensional baroclinically unstable waves on the Gulf Stream potential vorticity gradient near Cape Hatteras. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 11, 323-350] one-dimensional quasi-geostrophic model was applied to the interpolated mean BC-IWBC jet. The results indicated that the BC system is indeed baroclinically unstable and that the wavelengths depicted in the thermal front analysis are associated with the most unstable waves produced by the model. Growth rates were about 0.06 (0.05) days(-1) for the 266-km (338-km) wave. Moreover, phase speeds for these waves were low compared to the surface BC velocity and may account for remarks in the literature about growing standing or stationary meanders off southeast Brazil. The theoretical vertical structure modes associated with these waves resembled very closely to the one obtained for the current-meter mooring EOF analysis. We interpret this agreement as a confirmation that baroclinic instability is an important mechanism in meander growth in the BC system. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We explore the recently developed snapshot-based dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) technique, a matrix-free Arnoldi type method, to predict 3D linear global flow instabilities. We apply the DMD technique to flows confined in an L-shaped cavity and compare the resulting modes to their counterparts issued from classic, matrix forming, linear instability analysis (i.e. BiGlobal approach) and direct numerical simulations. Results show that the DMD technique, which uses snapshots generated by a 3D non-linear incompressible discontinuous Galerkin Navier?Stokes solver, provides very similar results to classical linear instability analysis techniques. In addition, we compare DMD results issued from non-linear and linearised Navier?Stokes solvers, showing that linearisation is not necessary (i.e. base flow not required) to obtain linear modes, as long as the analysis is restricted to the exponential growth regime, that is, flow regime governed by the linearised Navier?Stokes equations, and showing the potential of this type of analysis based on snapshots to general purpose CFD codes, without need of modifications. Finally, this work shows that the DMD technique can provide three-dimensional direct and adjoint modes through snapshots provided by the linearised and adjoint linearised Navier?Stokes equations advanced in time. Subsequently, these modes are used to provide structural sensitivity maps and sensitivity to base flow modification information for 3D flows and complex geometries, at an affordable computational cost. The information provided by the sensitivity study is used to modify the L-shaped geometry and control the most unstable 3D mode.


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A Investigação científica que se apresenta enquadra-se no âmbito do Projeto Educativo, integrado no Mestrado em Ensino da Música, especialidade em Música de Conjunto, realizado no Conservatório Superior de Música de Gaia (CSMG). Esta Investigação-ação, de análise qualitativa, centrou-se na implementação de um Programa de Intervenção: A Reeducação Postural Global (RPG) e As Autoposturas Respiratórias, na Produção Sonora Musical no Canto (Philippe Souchard, 1987; 1997; 2011). Assente no modelo de Relação Pedagógica (RP) de Renald Legendre (2005), teve como Sujeitos (S) de aprendizagem dois grupos das Classes de Conjunto de Coro, da Fundação Conservatório de Música de Gaia: o Grupo de Ação (GA) e o Grupo de Controlo (GC). Aplicadas sessões de fisioterapia ao GA, ambos os grupos interpretaram a Obra Coral Pange Lingua, de Zoltán Kodály. Pelos registos apresentados na análise de dados, ditos em diários de bordo dos Sujeitos (S) e do Agente (A) professor da Classe de Conjunto, e em imagens fílmicas e fotográficas realizadas, verificamos a eficácia deste Programa. À luz dos exercícios da Reeducação Postural Global (RPG) e das Autoposturas Respiratórias, de Philippe Souchard, aplicados ao estudo da obra mencionada, pudemos verificar que os Sujeitos (S) do Grupo de Ação apresentaram progressos vocais de significativa importância.


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The hypothesis that price stability would reliably increase with the fraction of women operating in financial markets has been frequently suggested in policy discussions. To test this hypothesis we conducted 10 male-only, 10 female-only and 10 mixed-gender experimental asset markets, and compared the effects of gender composition, confidence, risk attitude and cognitive skills. Male and female markets have comparable volatility and deviations from fundamentals, whereas mixed-gender markets are substantially more stable. On the other hand, higher average cognitive skills of the group are associated with reduced market volatility. Individual-level analysis shows that subjects with higher cognitive skills trade at prices closer to fundamental values and earn significantly higher profits; similarly, mixed markets exhibit lower mispricing, particularly for traders with lower cognitive skills. Our results are demonstrated to hold in other experimental asset market studies, suggesting that a mixed-gender composition reduces mispricing across different types of asset markets.


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Neuromuscular training of the spinal stabilizing musculature is relevant for lower back pain prevention and treatment. instability resistance exercises promote cocontractions, increasing joint stability. of greatest importance to joint stability is not necessarily strength or endurance but motor control. dynamic provocative calisthenic exercises may improve core stabilizing functions. higher core muscle activation is possible with stable ground-based exercises. performing resistance exercises on unstable surfaces may have benefits in joint injury prevention and improving balance; however, strength gains could be compromised. higher levels of dynamic stabilization may be recommended with rehabilitation but should only be one component of a periodized plan.


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The use of instability devices and exercises to train the core musculature is an essential feature of many training centres and programs. It was the intent of this position stand to provide recommendations regarding the role of instability in resistance training programs designed to train the core musculature. The core is defined as the axial skeleton and all soft tissues with a proximal attachment originating on the axial skeleton, regardless of whether the soft tissue terminates on the axial or appendicular skeleton. Core stability can be achieved with a combination of muscle activation and intra-abdominal pressure. Abdominal bracing has been shown to be more effective than abdominal hollowing in optimizing spinal stability. When similar exercises are performed, core and limb muscle activation are reported to be higher under unstable conditions than under stable conditions. However, core muscle activation that is similar to or higher than that achieved in unstable conditions can also be achieved with ground-based free-weight exercises, such as Olympic lifts, squats, and dead lifts. Since the addition of unstable bases to resistance exercises can decrease force, power, velocity, and range of motion, they are not recommended as the primary training mode for athletic conditioning. However, the high muscle activation with the use of lower loads associated with instability resistance training suggests they can play an important role within a periodized training schedule, in rehabilitation programs, and for nonathletic individuals who prefer not to use ground-based free weights to achieve musculoskeletal health benefits.


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Training of the trunk or core muscles for enhanced health, rehabilitation, and athletic performance has received renewed emphasis. Instability resistance exercises have become a popular means of training the core and improving balance. Whether instability resistance training is as, more, or less effective than traditional ground-based resistance training is not fully resolved. The purpose of this review is to address the effectiveness of instability resistance training for athletic, nonathletic, and rehabilitation conditioning. The anatomical core is defined as the axial skeleton and all soft tissues with a proximal attachment on the axial skeleton. Spinal stability is an interaction of passive and active muscle and neural subsystems. Training programs must prepare athletes for a wide variety of postures and external forces, and should include exercises with a destabilizing component. While unstable devices have been shown to be effective in decreasing the incidence of low back pain and increasing the sensory efficiency of soft tissues, they are not recommended as the primary exercises for hypertrophy, absolute strength, or power, especially in trained athletes. For athletes, ground-based free-weight exercises with moderate levels of instability should form the foundation of exercises to train the core musculature. Instability resistance exercises can play an important role in periodization and rehabilitation, and as alternative exercises for the recreationally active individual with less interest or access to ground-based free-weight exercises. Based on the relatively high proportion of type I fibers, the core musculature might respond well to multiple sets with high repetitions (e.g., >15 per set); however, a particular sport may necessitate fewer repetitions.