This article describes first, aspects of the general biology of Acanthamoeba and second, the incidence, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis.
Objective - To investigate visual habituation – a measure of visual cortical excitability – in photosensitive patients in pediatric age and compare the findings with a matched sample with idiopathic generalized epilepsies without photosensitivity and with normally developing children. Methods - We presented a full-field black-and-white checkerboard pattern, at 3 reversal/s with 100% contrast binocularly for 600 consecutive trials and measured the N75–P100 and P100–N145 pattern-reversal visual evoked potential inter-peak amplitudes and N75, P100, N145 latencies for the six blocks of 100 responses. As a measure of habituation we used the slope of the linear regression line of the N75–P100 and P100–N145 peak-to-peak amplitudes. The slope of the linear regression line of the N75–P100 and P100–N145 latencies was also analyzed. Results - Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the three groups in the slope index of N75–P100 PR-VEP amplitude, with increased or constant amplitude in the PS group compare to the IGE and ND across the six blocks. Conclusions - Our results support the notion that photosensitivity is associated with altered control of excitatory and inhibitory cortical processes. The causal relationship between habituation deficit and photo-paroxysmal response needs to be further investigated with longitudinal studies. Significance This study supports the hypothesis that suppression of PR-VEP is a sensitive intermediate phenotype, which discriminates patients with photosensitivity from those with generalized epilepsies in pediatric age.
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) offers significant opportunities for the localization and characterization of focal and generalized epilepsies, but its potential has so far not been fully exploited, as the evidence for its effectiveness is still anecdotal. This is particularly true for pediatric epilepsy. MEG recordings on school-age children typically rely on the use of MEG systems that were designed for adults and children's smaller head-size and stature can cause significant problems. Reduced signal-to-noise ratio when recording from smaller heads, increased movement, reduced sensor coverage of anterior temporal regions and incomplete insertion into the MEG helmet can all reduce the quality of data collected from children. We summarize these challenges and suggest some practical solutions.
Background: In December 2007, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence and the National Patient Safety Agency in the UK (NICE-NPSA) published guidance that recommends all adults admitted to hospital receive medication reconciliation, usually by pharmacy staff. A costing and report tool was provided indicating a resource requirement of d12.9 million for England per year. Pediatric patients are excluded from this guidance. Objective: To determine the clinical significance of medication reconciliation in children on admission to hospital. Methods: A prospective observational study included pediatric patients admitted to a neurosurgical ward at Birmingham Childrens Hospital, Birmingham, England, between September 2006 and March 2007. Medication reconciliation was conducted by a pharmacist after the admission of each of 100 consecutive eligible patients aged 4 months to 16 years. The clinical significance of prescribing disparities between pre-admission medications and initial admission medication orders was determined by an expert multidisciplinary panel and quantified using an analog scale. The main outcome measure was the clinical signficance of unintentional variations between hospital admission medication orders and physician-prescribed pre-admission medication for repeat (continuing) medications. Results: Initial admission medication orders for children differed from prescribed pre-admission medication in 39%of cases. Half of all resulting prescribing variations in this setting had the potential to cause moderate or severe discomfort or clinical deterioration. These results mirror findings for adults. Conclusions: The introduction of medication reconciliation in children on admission to hospital has the potential to reduce discomfort or clinical deterioration by reducing unintentional changes to repeat prescribed medication. Consequently, there is no justification for the omission of children from the NICENPSA guidance concerning medication reconciliation in hospitals, and costing tools should include pediatric patients. © 2010 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.
Hospitalization can be a very stressful experience, especially for children. With the use of technology, Intranet communication can be successful in obtaining interaction that these individuals lack to accomplish a positive adjustment to the hospital setting. The purpose of this exploratory, pilot project is to examine the use of networking chronically ill, hospitalized children with other hospitalized chronically ill children through Intranet communication.^ A target population of chronically ill hospitalized children, in at least Piaget's concrete operational stage, was asked to use the Intranet system to network with other chronically ill hospitalized children during their hospital stay, for one month or until discharge. The length of time of usage was recorded on a log sheet, and questionnaires were filled out at the end of the study.^ Statistical analysis was utilized to determine frequency of network usage, duration, demographics, and the impact on hospitalization. Results indicated that Intranet communication between chronically ill hospitalized children was utilized by the participants from 7-15 age groups; and had a positive impact on their hospitalization. ^
The purpose of this study was to investigate the beliefs and attitudes of nurses regarding the effects of visitation in pediatric intensive care units (PICU).^ Questionnaires were used to gather data from nurses (n = 48) in four study sites. Data were analyzed according to the Theory of Reasoned Action.^ A predominant theme among the beliefs was that visitation should be individualized. It was found that PICU nurses have more positive attitudes regarding traditional visitation as opposed to open visitation (p $<$.01). Significant relationships were found between nurses' years of education and attitudes toward traditional (p $<$.01) and open (p $<$.05) visitation.^ In light of the literature suggesting the positive effects of open visitation, it appears that PICU nurses' attitudes may present a barrier when implementing open policies. Since years of education shows a positive correlation with nurses' attitudes, educational intervention may be helpful in overcoming this obstacle. ^
Despite the frequency with which fevers occur in children ages 1–3 years, lack of knowledge and understanding about the implications of fever and methods of fever management often results in anxiety among caretakers, sometimes prompting them to seek help at nearby emergency departments. Caretakers often look to health care professionals for advice and guidance over the telephone. The purpose of this study was to investigate caretakers' knowledge of the implications of fever, methods of fever management, perceptions of pediatric telephone triage and advice services regarding fever, and the effectiveness of after hour telephone triage directed toward improving the caretakers' ability to manage their child's fever at home. Pre-triage questionnaires were completed by 72 caretakers over the telephone before the triage encounter. Twenty-two of those same caretakers whose children were triaged using the fever guideline completed and returned the mailed post-triage questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze responses for the larger pre-intervention group and describe comparisons for the pre and post-triage responses in the smaller sample subset (n = 22). ^