980 resultados para Order of Convergence


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The contents of the heavy metals Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Pb, Cd and As were examined in the liver, heart, gills, kidney and muscles of the fish Clarias gariepinus from Eko-Ende dam in Ikirun, the capital of Ifelodun Local Government of Osun State, Nigeria. C. gariepinus is the fish of choice and the most demanded in the southwest of Nigeria. The highest metal concentrations were in the liver and the gills while the lowest was in the muscles. The general deceasing order of metal accumulation in the organs was Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn > Cd. Lead and arsenic were not detected in any organ. The values were of lower concentrations than found in many other dams and rivers in Nigeria and some other countries. The values were also lower than the FAO/WHO recommended maximum limits in fish samples, making the fish to be safe and not of any hazards for the consumers.


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Quality deterioration of seer held directly in contact with ice, in different forms, fillets and chunks, and of chunks held in ice but without direct contact, was studied for a period of 15 days. While the chunks held out of contact with ice were acceptable up to 13 days based on organoleptic evaluations, the chunks and fillets held in direct contact with ice were acceptable only up to 10 days. The order of preference of the samples at any interval of ice storage was chunks held out of contact with ice>chunks held directly in ice>fillets held directly in ice. The changes in the chemical quality of these samples were also in the same order, the deterioration being maximum in fillets and least in chunks kept out of contact with ice.


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During the 1973 experimental fishing operations in the Hirakud Reservoir, it was found that though 11 species of fish occur in the reservoir only four species (Silondia silondia, Labeo fimbriatus, Cirrhina mrigala and Catla catla) predominate the catch in the order of abundance. This paper gives details of fishing operations and gears utilised.


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Miscellaneous fish from the catches of shrimp trawlers constitute a major portion of the marine fish catch in India, its quantity in annual landing being of the order of 50,000 tons. At present it is often not brought to the shore since it fetches only very low price. It consists of several species and is a cheap source of animal protein. Attempts are made in India in various centres (Anon. 1972-73) to utilise them effectively by formulating various speciality products acceptable to consumers.


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Oil sardines in prime condition were subjected to onboard chilling. Two lots were chilled in CSW (samples C and CI), a third lot was chilled in crushed ice (sample I) and a fourth lot left not iced on deck (Sample AI). Upon landing sample AI was iced and sample CI was removed from the CSW and iced. All the four samples were kept in a chilled room for storage studies. The fish chilled and stored in CSW recorded the least, and the fish subjected to delayed icing, the highest values for all the indices of spoilage namely, free amino nitrogen, trimethylamine (TMA) and total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN). The total psychrophilic bacterial number also showed a similar trend. The organoleptic assessment of the cooked samples revealed C I, CI, AI to be the order of preference throughout the storage. This assessment was found to hold good for the rest of the parameters as well. The CSW held fishes were found to be distinctly superior to the iced ones for the first five days of storage. Such a marked prevalence in quality for five days would suffice for the fish to fetch a premium in the market over other landings of the same fish whether chilled or not chilled. Chilling on board in CSW and icing the same after landings, did not show encouraging results.


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Relation of weight to height, length and breadth in the Indian backwater oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) is reported. The relative importance of the variables on weight was found to be height, length and breadth in their order of preference. The multiple regression V = -0.4017 + 0.46743 X + 0.8278 Y + 0.1130 Z can be used to estimate the meat weight (logarithm) for given dimensions of length, height and breadth (all in logarithms). An exponential relation between weight and height is also observed.


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The stability of a plane liquid sheet is studied experimentally and theoretically, with an emphasis on the effect of the surrounding gas. Co-blowing with a gas velocity of the same order of magnitude as the liquid velocity is studied, in order to quantify its effect on the stability of the sheet. Experimental results are obtained for a water sheet in air at Reynolds number Rel = 3000 and Weber number W e = 300, based on the half-thickness of the sheet at the inlet, water mean velocity at the inlet, the surface tension between water and air and water density and viscosity. The sheet is excited with different frequencies at the inlet and the growth of the waves in the streamwise direction is measured. The growth rate curves of the disturbances for all air flow velocities under study are found to be within 20 % of the values obtained from a local spatial stability analysis, where water and air viscosities are taken into account, while previous results from literature assuming inviscid air overpredict the most unstable wavelength with a factor 3 and the growth rate with a factor 2. The effect of the air flow on the stability of the sheet is scrutinized numerically and it is concluded that the predicted disturbance growth scales with (i) the absolute velocity difference between water and air (inviscid effect) and (ii) the square root of the shear from air on the water surface (viscous effect).


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The stability of a plane liquid sheet is studied experimentally and theoretically, with an emphasis on the effect of the surrounding gas. Co-blowing with a gas velocity of the same order of magnitude as the liquid velocity is studied, in order to quantify its effect on the stability of the sheet. Experimental results are obtained for a water sheet in air at Reynolds number Rel = 3000 and Weber number We = 300, based on the half-thickness of the sheet at the inlet, water mean velocity at the inlet, the surface tension between water and air and water density and viscosity. The sheet is excited with different frequencies at the inlet and the growth of the waves in the streamwise direction is measured. The growth rate curves of the disturbances for all air flow velocities under study are found to be within 20% of the values obtained from a local spatial stability analysis, where water and air viscosities are taken into account, while previous results from literature assuming inviscid air overpredict the most unstable wavelength with a factor 3 and the growth rate with a factor 2. The effect of the air flow on the stability of the sheet is scrutinized numerically and it is concluded that the predicted disturbance growth scales with (i) the absolute velocity difference between water and air (inviscid effect) and (ii) the square root of the shear from air on the water surface (viscous effect).


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Commercial samples of frozen shrimp of different styles of presentation and size grades were tested for sensory, physical (cooked yield and pH) and biochemical characteristics (moisture, total nitrogen, water extractable nitrogen, nonprotein nitrogen, alpha amino nitrogen, total volatile nitrogen and trimethylamine nitrogen). The test results are compared and correlated. The order of preference of the samples were HL>PUD>P & D. There was significant correlation between sensory score of cooked sample and WEN, NPN and ∞ – NHsub(2)-N values. TVN and TMA-N did not exhibit any correlation with sensory score. It is inferred that in quality measurement of frozen shrimps of commerce the quantity of water soluble components and the total dry matter can be used to support the sensory test results.


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This study explores the stabilisation mechanisms of turbulent lifted flames by examining the scalar dissipation rate (SDR) of both passive and reactive scalars and their cross dissipation (CDR) in the stabilisation region. DNS results of a laboratory scale hydrogen turbulent lifted flame has been used for this analysis. Various definitions of the flame leading edge (FLE) has been compared and differences are illustrated. Time and spatial averaged statistic of SDR and CDR were examined. It was found that the averaged SDR for the mixture fraction at FLE was well below the reference quenching value for stoichiometric mixture. The averaged SDR for the progress variable is in the same order of the unstrained premixed laminar flame value. It was observed that the averaged CDR changed from negative to weakly positive at FLE. The change in sign was explained by a change in the relative alignment of the gradients of mixture fraction and progress variable. It was thus evident that the CDR was a good marker for stabilisation region and an important quantity in stabilisation mechanism.


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This study includes determination and discussion of the texture and heavy mineral compositions of some modem Nile Delta coastal sands (river, coastal dune, beach-face, and nearshore marine) in order to delineate the process and factors that regulate the size distribution of heavy mineral grains comprising these coastal sands. Textural analysis of unseparated bulk samples indicate that the examined four types of sands differ in their mean grain sizes and degree of sorting. However, analysis of size distribution curves of 10 heavy mineral species or group of species in the four environments having the same general shape and nearly similar in that general order of arrangement. However, these curves vary both in median sizes and sorting. The size distribution of a heavy mineral in the Nile Delta coastal sands appear to depend on: (1) range of grain size fractions in each sample, (2) relative availability of heavy mineral in each size grade of the sample, (3) specific gravity of minerals comprising these sands, and (4) some other unknown factor or factors. Results of size measurement of heavy minerals indicated that increasing specific gravity is accompanied by increasing fineness of the heavy minerals. This study may be useful in search for marine placers and understanding the processes of grain-sorting on the sea beaches.


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A total of 91 species under 44 genera were identified among the phytoplankton community during the course of one year's investigation between May 1982 and April 1983. Bacillariophyta was the most dominant group with 72 specie, Chlorophyta 11 spp, Cyanophyta 6 spp and Pyrrophyta was represented by 2 species. The yearly percentage composition of 4 groups of phytoplankton in order of abundance were Bacillariophyta 50.77%, Cyanophyta 47.70%, Chlorophyta 1.5% and Pyrrophyta 0.02%. The highest densities of phytoplankton were recorded in monsoon months (June-July) with a peak in July (31550 cells/l) and the minimum in February (770 cells/1). Higher concentration of phytoplankton was recorded at station 2, nearer to the Chakaria Sundarbans (mangroves), but abundance of phytoplankton showed no significant difference in the two stations (Mann Whitney U test, P=0.64, Z=-0.642, U=64). Phytoplankton population in this area were positively correlated with rainfall (r=0.655, P=<0.5, df.22) and water temperature (r=0.523, P=<0.05). Skeletonema costatum was the dominant member of phytoplankton and occupied 35.23% of the annual population and occurred throughout the period of study except in September and January. Its abundance was recorded during the monsoon months (April- July) with a maximum density (24185 cells/l) in July. No significant correlation was found between abundance of S. costatum and the hydro-meteorological parameters recorded in the Chakaria mangrove area.


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Class Condrichthyes consist of two sub-classes: Holocehali and. Elasmobranchii, the second one are more divers and has more importance. Selachimorpha (sharkes) and Batidoidimorpha (rays and skates) are two super-order of Elasmobranchii, which they have crucial role in ecological balance in marine ecosystmes. Except few cases, most of sharks and rays (rays and skates) are not well identified, so a lot of works need to be done in this regards. The area of study is located between 49°, 35' and 52°, 33' E and between 27°, 21' and 30°, 02' N in depth of 7 to 78 in. Study were conducted diuring August 1998, September 1999. Samples were taken during 3 sea cruises from 70 bottom trawl net. All sharks and batoid fishes were identified based on biometric specifications (weight, total, length and sexuality for both group and extra biometric specifications, disc width, disc length, and tail length only for, batoid fishes). The 1140 specimens of batoid fishes identified belonged to 6 families, and 18 species. 3 new species were identified, they are Himantura sp.1 and Himantura sp.2 belonged to Dasyatidae family and Rhinobatos sp. belonged to Rhinobatidae Familiy. It needs more works and more adaquate ducuments for cl.earfing scientific names of these species. The 275 specimens of sharks identified belonged to 6 families and 10 species. Chiloscyllium sp. belonged to Hemiscylliidae, family as a new species was identified.


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The samples were collected from Lake Edward at Rwenshama, Kisenyi and Katwe, and from Lake George at Mahyoro, Kashaka and Kasenyi and in Kazinga Channel at Katunguru. The organisms identified from the water samples obtained irrespective of station or depth were mainly the phytoplankton (diatoms, blue-green algae and green algae). Of the phytoplankton, blue green-algae were the most abundant both in quantity and number of species especially in L. George. In order of importance were Microcystis spp, Planktolyngbya spp and Anabaenopsis spp were the dominant blue greens. Diatoms and green algae were present but less abundant. The estimated proportions of different types of phytoplankton identified in O. niloticus stomach contents indicate that bluegreen algae were the most abundant followed by the diatoms and green algae.


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A new theoretical model that predicts the magnetostriction of multilayered composites has been developed. The model takes into account the shear stress between the composite layers and consequently predicts a non-uniform strain along their thickness. The model has been experimentally validated by producing composites formed from three materials with different magnetostrains and mechanical properties, and controlled layer thicknesses in the order of micrometers. Deformations of several ppm, up to 7.5% of the saturation magnetostrain were measured between the edge and the centre of such composites. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.