967 resultados para Olio extra vergine di oliva, foto-ossidazione, idrolisi lipidica, conservazione, packaging, composti antiossidanti.
Background: British government policy for older people focuses on a vision of active ageing and independent living. In the face of diminishing personal capacities, the use of appropriate home-based technology (HBT) devices could potentially meet a wide range of needs and consequently improve many aspects of older people's quality of life such as physical health, psychosocial well-being, social relationships, and their physical or living environment. This study aimed to examine the use of HBT devices and the correlation between use of such devices and quality of life among older people living in extra-care housing (ECH). Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered for this study. Using purposive sampling 160 older people living in extra-care housing schemes were selected from 23 schemes in England. A face-to-face interview was conducted in each participant's living unit. In order to measure quality of life, the SEIQoL-Adapted and CASP-19 were used. Results: Although most basic appliances and emergency call systems were used in the living units, communally provided facilities such as personal computers, washing machines, and assisted bathing equipment in the schemes were not well utilised. Multiple regression analysis adjusted for confounders including age, sex, marital status, living arrangement and mobility use indicated a coefficient of 1.17 with 95% CI (0.05, 2.29) and p = 0.04 [SEIQoL-Adapted] and 2.83 with 95% CI (1.17, 4.50) and p = 0.001 [CASP-19]. Conclusions: The findings of the present study will be value to those who are developing new form of specialised housing for older people with functional limitations and, in particular, guiding investments in technological aids. The results of the present study also indicate that the home is an essential site for developing residential technologies.
Under många år har ”invandringsfrågan” varit en mycket debatterad fråga. Detta märks inte minst i alla de insändare som publicerats i Dalarnas morgontidningar. Integration och ekonomi är exempel på ämnen som nämns i dessa insändare då diskursen invandring diskuteras. En betydande faktor i debatten har bland annat varit Sverigedemokraternas valframgångar. Med denna undersökning vill vi försöka kartlägga hur diskursen invandring framställs i insändare från Dala-demokraten. Detta har gjorts med en innehålls- och diskursanalys. Analysen har utgått från insändare mellan tidsperioden augusti-april 2002/2003 och 2014/2015, vilket motsvarar tiden kring de båda riksdagsvalen.Analysen har genererat fyra teman (mångkultur och svenskhet, integrationsfrågan och invandring, demokrati och yttrandefrihet och ekonomi och välfärd) som diskursen invandring kretsar kring. Utifrån dessa teman har vår analys visat att Sverigedemokraternas valframgångar tenderar att delvis influera diskursen invandring som insändarskribenterna förmedlar. Diskursen invandring har gått från att kretsa kring integrationsproblematik 2002/2003 till ekonomisk problematik 2014/2015. Analysen har även visat på ett ”vi och dem”-tänk som genomsyrar diskursen invandring under bägge tidsperioder. Detta sker både genom fördomsfulla framställningar av andra människor och i uppdelningen av vilka som ”bör” få ta del av Sveriges gemensamma medel.
This paper describes the on-line teaching strategies for languages adopted at the University of Dalarna (Sweden) and the experience of a collaboration carried out with the Language Centre of the University of Parma that led to the administration of an international course in Italian for specific purposes. According to the results of its first administration, the promotion of advanced forms of "virtual mobility" together with the prospective of a joint degree in Italian language and culture will be outlined.