987 resultados para Occasional speeches
The freshwater ostracod Tonnacypris glaciallis (Sars, 1890) is reported from the European Pleistocene for the first time. The historical allocation of the species is discussed, and the species composition and characteristics of Tonnacypris is Diebel & Pietrzeniuk (1975) and its phylozoogeography are considered. The significance of T. glacialis is reviewed, particularly from the viewpoint of the possible implications of parthenogenesis (and occasional-male production) for the Quaternary history of the genus, and for the use of the species in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. It is suggested that the Pleistocene fossil occurrence of I: glacialis in modern temperate latitudes is a robust indicator of mean summer temperatures of 6 degrees C.
The effect of the microfilament inhibitor cytochalasin B (10 and 100 micrograms/ml) on the ultrastructure of adult Fasciola hepatica was determined in vitro by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) using both intact flukes and tissue-slice material. SEM revealed that initial swelling of the tegument led to surface blebbing and limited areas of sloughing after 24 h treatment at 100 micrograms/ml. In the tegumental syncytium, basal accumulations of secretory bodies (especially T2s) were evident in the earlier time periods but declined with longer incubations, until few secretory bodies remained in the syncytium overall. Blebbing of the apical plasma membrane and occasional areas of breakdown and sloughing of the tegument were observed over longer periods of treatment at 100 micrograms/ml. In the tegumental cell bodies, the Golgi complexes gradually decreased in size and activity, and few secretory bodies were produced. In the later time periods, the cells assumed abnormal shapes, the cytoplasm shrinking in towards the nucleus. In the vitelline follicles, a random dispersion of shell protein globules was evident within the intermediate-type cells, rather than their being organized into distinct shell globule clusters. Disruption of this process was more severe at the higher concentration of 100 micrograms/ml and again was more evident in tissue-slice material. In the latter, after prolonged (12 h) exposure to cytochalasin B, the intermediate and mature vitelline cells were filled with loosely packed and expanded shell globule clusters, containing few shell protein globules. The mature vitelline cells continued to lay down "yolk" globules and glycogen deposits. Disruption of the network of processes from the nurse cells was evident at the higher concentration of cytochalasin. Spaces began to appear between the vitelline cells and grew larger with progressively longer incubation periods, and the cells themselves assumed abnormal shapes. A number of binucleate stem cells were observed in tissue-slice material at the longest incubation period (12 h).
In November 2014, a new EU Regulation to address Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and protect biodiversity was published. This entered into force across the EU in January 2015. The aim of the Regulation is to ‘prevent the introduction of, control or eradicate alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species’. In an effort to provide focus to the Regulation prior to its publishing and to identify the major issues relating to Invasive Alien Species in Europe, the views of invasive species experts from around the world were sought. These were consolidated at an international conference (Freshwater Invasives - Networking for Strategy (FINS)) that was held in Ireland in April 2013. A major outcome from this meeting of experts was the production of the Top 20 IAS issues that relate primarily to freshwater habitats but are also directly relevant to marine and terrestrial ecosystems. This list will support policy makers throughout the EU as preparations are made to implement this important piece of legislation. A further outcome from the conference was the formation of an expert IAS Advisory Group to support EIFAAC in its work on invasive species
Recent analyses of sediment samples from "black mat" sites in South America and Europe support previous interpretations of an ET impact event that reversed the Late Glacial demise of LGM ice during the Bølling Allerød warming, resulting in a resurgence of ice termed the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling episode. The breakup or impact of a cosmic vehicle at the YD boundary coincides with the onset of a 1-kyr long interval of glacial resurgence, one of the most studied events of the Late Pleistocene. New analytical databases reveal a corpus of data indicating that the cosmic impact was a real event, most possibly a cosmic airburst from Earth's encounter with the Taurid Complex comet or unknown asteroid, an event that led to cosmic fragments exploding interhemispherically over widely dispersed areas, including the northern Andes of Venezuela and the Alps on the Italian/French frontier. While the databases in the two areas differ somewhat, the overall interpretation is that microtextural evidence in weathering rinds and in sands of associated paleosols and glaciofluvial deposits carry undeniable attributes of melted glassy carbon and Fe spherules, planar deformation features, shock-melted and contorted quartz, occasional transition and platinum metals, and brecciated and impacted minerals of diverse lithologies. In concert with other black mat localities in the Western USA, the Netherlands, coastal France, Syria, Central Asia, Peru, Argentina and Mexico, it appears that a widespread cosmic impact by an asteroid or comet is responsible for deposition of the black mat at the onset of the YD glacial event. Whether or not the impact caused a 1-kyr interval of glacial climate depends upon whether or not the Earth had multiple centuries-long episodic encounters with the Taurid Complex or asteroid remnants; impact-related changes in microclimates sustained climatic forcing sufficient to maintain positive mass balances in the reformed ice; and/or inertia in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation system persisted for 1kyr.
The majority of children in our society are loved andcherished. The occasional cases of intentional injury to a childresulting in death or significant harm evoke powerful anduncomfortable feelings (Devaney et al, 2013), and the publicoutcry may result in health and social workers facing criticism.Identifying whether an infant is at risk of abuse is a challengefor practitioners, and can be a source of stress and anxiety(Brandon et al, 2011). Bruising is a strong indicator of childabuse involving intentional injury (Kemp et al, 2014). Theincidence of bruising correlates to developmental stage, withnon-mobile infants least likely to incur bruising. Therefore, itspresence in pre-mobile infants requires immediate assessment.A search of the literature around bruising in pre-mobile infantsrevealed themes of missed opportunities for early intervention,the role of the father in the family and the significance of childdevelopment. Sharing of knowledge and expertise within themultidisciplinary team is key to safeguarding infants.
The Antrim Coast Road stretching from the seaport of Larne in the East of Northern Ireland has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most spectacular roads in Europe (Day, 2006). However the problematic geology; Jurassic Lias Clay and Triassic Mudstone overlain by Cretaceous Limestone and Tertiary Basalt, and environmental variables result in frequent instances of slope instability manifested in both shallow debris flows and occasional massive rotational movements, creating a geotechnical risk to this highway. This paper describes how a variety of techniques are being used to both assess instability and monitor movement of these active slopes near one site at Straidkilly Point, Glenarm. An in-depth understanding of the geology was obtained via boreholes, resistivity surveys and laboratory testing. Environmental variables recorded by an on-site weather station were correlated with measured pore water pressure and soil moisture infiltration data. Terrestrial LiDAR (TLS), with surveys carried out on a bi-monthly basis allowed for the generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) of difference, highlighting areas of recent movement, accumulation and depletion. Morphology parameters were generated from the DEMs and include slope, curvature and multiple measures of roughness. Changes in the structure of the slope coupled with morphological parameters were characterised and linked to progressive failures from the temporal monitoring. In addition to TLS monitoring, Aerial LiDAR datasets were used for the spatio-morphological characterisation of the slope on a macro scale. A Differential Global Positioning System (dGPS) was also deployed on site to provide a real-time warning system for gross movements, which were also correlated with environmental conditions. Frequent electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys were also implemented to provide a better understanding of long-term changes in soil moisture and help to define the complex geology. The paper describes how the data obtained via a diverse range of methods has been combined to facilitate a more informed management regime of geotechnical risk by the Northern Ireland Roads Service.
We propose to observe the M8.5 dwarf SCR J1845-6357 with XMM-Newton EPIC for 60 ks. Very low-mass M dwarfs show a distinct drop in X-ray luminosity compared to slightly more massive M dwarfs. Surprisingly, this does not happen at the mass threshold where M dwarfs become fully convective (M4), but at significantly lower masses (M8). These very low mass stars seem to have a flaring behaviour different from earlier type stars: they display either occasional large flares or a very low-level "flickering" in their X-ray light curves, but not the canonical power-law flare-energy distribution observed for the Sun and other cool stars. Our aim is to collect a long-duration light curve for one of the most nearby ultracool dwarfs to quantify how its flare-energy distribution differs from earlier type stars.
The first report of the disease (“pine wilt disease”) associated with the pinewood nematode, goes back to 1905, when Yano reported an unusual decline of pines from Nagasaki. For a long time thereafter, the cause of he disease was sought, but without success. Because of the large number of insect species that were usually seen around and on infected trees, it had always been assumed that the causal agent would prove to be one of these. However, in 1971, Kiyohara and Tokushike found a nematode of the genus Bursaphelenchus in infected trees. The nematode found was multiplied on fungal culture, inoculated into healthy trees and then re-isolated from the resulting wilted trees. The subsequent published reports were impressive: this Bursaphelenchus species could kill fully-grown trees within a few months in the warmer areas of Japan, and could destroy complete forests of susceptible pine species within a few years. Pinus densiflora, P. thunbergii und P. luchuensis were particularly affected. In 1972, Mamiya and Kiyohara described the new species of nematode extracted from the wood of diseased pines; it was a named Bursaphelenchus lignicolus. Since 1975, the species has spread to the north of Japan, with the exception of the most northerly prefectures. In 1977, the loss of wood in the west of the country reached 80%. Probably as a result of unusually high summer temperatures and reduced rainfall in the years 1978 and 1979, the losses were more than 2 million m3 per year. From the beginning, B. lignicolus was always considered by Japanese scientists to be an exotic pest. But where did it come from? That this nematode could also cause damage in the USA became clear in 1979 when B. lignicolus was isolated in great numbers from wood of a 39 year-old pine tree (Pinus nigra) in Missouri which had suddenly died after the colour of its needles changed to a reddish-brown colour (Dropkin und Foudin, 2 1979). In 1981, B. lignicolus was synonymised by Nickle et al. with B. xylophilus which had been found for the first time in the USA as far back as 1929, and reported by Steiner and Buhrer in 1934. It had originally been named Aphelenchoides xylophilus, the wood-inhabiting Aphelenchoides but was recognised by Nickle, in 1970,to belong in the genus Bursaphelenchus. Its common name in the USA was the "pine wood nematode" (PWN. After its detection in Missouri, it became known that B. xylophilus was widespread throughout the USA and Canada. It occurred there on native species of conifers where, as a rule, it did not show the symptoms of pine wilt disease unless susceptible species were stressed eg., by high temperature. This fact was an illuminating piece of evidence that North America could be the homeland of PWN. Dwinell (1993) later reported the presence of B. xylophilus in Mexico. The main vector of the PWN in Japan was shown to be the long-horned beetle Monochamus alternatus, belonging to the family Cerambycidae. This beetle lays its eggs in dead or dying trees where the developing larvae then feed in the cambium layer. It was already known in Japan in the 19th century but in the 1930s, it was said to be present in most areas of Japan, but was generally uncommon. However, with the spread of the pine wilt disease, and the resulting increase of weakened trees that could act as breeding sites for beetles, the populations of Monochamus spp. increased significantly In North America, other Monochamus species transmit PWN, and the main vector is M. carolinensis. In Japan, there are also other, less efficient vectors in the genus Monochamus. Possibly, all Monochamus species that breed in conifers can transmit the PWN. The occasional transmission by less efficient species of Monochamus or by some of the many other beetle genera in the bark or wood is of little significance. In Europe, M. galloprovincialis and M. sutor transmits the closely related species B. mucronatus. Some speculate that these two insect species are “standing by” and waiting for the arrival of B. xylophilus. In 1982, the nematode was detected and China. It was first found in dead pines near the Zhongshan Monument of Nanjing (CHENG et. al. 1983); 265 trees were then killed by pine wilt disease. Despite great efforts at eradication in China, the nematode spread further and pine wilt disease has been 3 reported from parts of the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Guangdong, Shandong, Zhejiang and Hubei (YANG, 2003). In 1986, the spread of the PWN to Taiwan was discovered and in 1989, the nematode was reported to be present in the Republic of Korea where it had first been detected in Pinus thunbergii and P. densiflora. It was though to have been introduced with packing material from Japan. PWN was advancing. In 1984, B. xylophilus was found in wood chips imported into Finland from the USA and Canada, and this was the impetus to establish phytosanitary measures to prevent any possible spread into Europe. Finland prohibited the import of coniferous wood chips from these sources, and the other Nordic countries soon followed suit. EPPO (the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) made a recommendation to its member countries in 1986 to refuse wood imports from infested countries. With its Directive of 1989 (77/93 EEC), the European Community (later called the European Union or EU) recognised the potential danger of B. xylophilus for European forests and imposed restrictions on imports into the Europe. PWN was placed on the quarantine list of the EU and also of other European countries. Later, in 1991, a dispensation was allowed by the Commission of the EU(92/13 EEC) for coniferous wood from North America provided that certain specified requirements were fulfilled that would prevent introduction.
Esta dissertação procura identificar os desígnios que orientaram as decisões do Estado português em relação à aquisição de documentos de arquivo, com o objectivo de verificar se esses desígnios se formalizaram numa política de avaliação e aquisição de documentos de arquivo coerente e sistemática. A análise incidiu no Arquivo Nacional e nos arquivos distritais durante o período cronológico que abrange o século XIX e a primeira metade do século XX. Partindo da discussão teórica presente nos discursos de arquivistas e investigadores, da evolução das práticas no Arquivo Nacional e das incorporações realizadas nos arquivos distritais, esta tese defende que existiu uma visão constitutiva dos arquivos enquanto repositórios documentais da memória da nação. No entanto, esta visão não se concretizou numa política arquivística articulada e estrutural; ABSTRACT:This dissertation aims to identify portuguese state’s goals that guided its intervention on acquisition of archival records. Our purpose is to verify if those goals meant a coherent and systematic appraisal and acquisition policy. Our analysis took as object Portugal’s national and regional archives from nineteenth to twentieth century’s first half. Beginning from theoretical discussion that can be seen on archivists and investigators speeches, National Archive’s practices and acquisitions occurred in regional archives, this thesis sustains that there was a vision on the archives as national memory documental repositories. However, this vision was not translated on an articulated and structured archival policy.
A tese analisa o empreendedorismo do imigrante português na cidade do Recife, Estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil, durante a primeira metade do século XX. O foco da tese pode ser assim formulado: teria o imigrante português sido empreendedor nesse cenário de mudança econômica e cultural dos primeiros cinquenta anos do século XX, seja como grupo étnico, seja como pessoa de comportamento empreendedor? O corpus teórico principal é, portanto, derivado do campo do empreendedorismo. É uma pesquisa interdisciplinar, que se ampara nas áreas de história, estudos migratórios, econômicos e organizacionais. De acordo com a literatura consultada, esse tipo de abordagem não é incomum no vasto campo do empreendedorismo (Fillion, 1999 e Martinelli, 2007). À luz dessa visão interdisciplinar, a investigação debruça-se sobre o período referido, resgata a trajetória desse imigrante no país e no Recife e discute sua inserção na economia e sociedade locais. Identifica características do dinamismo econômico comercial existente no período e reconstrói a atmosfera de modernidade que a cidade atravessava no mesmo interregno histórico. Para seu desenvolvimento, a pesquisa se apóia em conteúdos de estudos migratórios, históricos e econômicos porque nesse interregno de tempo, a cidade do Recife estava atravessando a chamada era da modernidade nas esferas econômica, cultural e comportamental. No que diz respeito às questões migratórias, a pertinência é óbvia porque o tema do trabalho tem como alvo o imigrante luso. Já quanto à esfera econômica e ao contexto histórico da modernidade, seus conteúdos são trabalhados como o cenário ou o teatro de operações no qual o ator social, imigrante luso, movimentou-se. O trabalho adota, portanto, o olhar de ourives a procurar e a espiar nos textos, livros, discursos visitados e entrevistas realizadas, eventos ou sinais que conduzam à compreensão e interpretação do comportamento do ator econômico, o imigrante português, na história empresarial da cidade do Recife, na condição de empreendedor. Trata-se, por assim dizer, de uma pesquisa de postura quase arqueológica voltada a procurar achados, materiais e imateriais, que denunciem e permitam a discussão e análise do foco acima citado. Diferentemente de pesquisas recentes a serem referidas no capítulo III que exploram o comportamento empreendedor e o empreendedorismo étnico no cenário dos dias de hoje, o estudo olha pelo retrovisor para quase um século atrás e tenta reconstituir e identificar, na história do imigrante português na cidade, conteúdos empreendedorísticos. Está estruturada em 09 (nove) capítulos. No primeiro, são indicados os objetivos perseguidos, a relevância do estudo sob o ponto de vista teórico e os percalços que a pesquisa atravessou para atingir seu termo final. Faz-se, ainda, uma apresentação detalhada dos demais capítulos do trabalho. No corpo do texto, estão ainda, estampadas imagens que testemunham a presença lusa na cidade e documentam a atmosfera da vida do Recife, no período pesquisado. Os resultados encontrados sinalizam para evidências consistentes de empreendedorismo de natureza étnico lusitana nas cadeias produtivas – conceito a ser definido no 9º capítulo– das indústrias da panificação; de terreno, ferragens e construção; e alimentos em geral. Indica, ainda, comportamento empreendedor do imigrante português em diversas atividades econômicas, desde exportação e importação, cafés, restaurantes até o setor de entretenimento em geral. Acredita-se, destarte, que os resultados alcançados podem aditar contribuições relevantes nos campos referidos acima, bem como indicar novos temas de investigação que desdobrem sugestões formuladas nas considerações finais da investigação.
The study of the Portuguese Hydrozoa fauna has been abandoned for more than half a century, except for the Azores archipelago. One of the main aims of this Ph.D. project was to contribute new hydrozoan records leading to a more accurate perception of the actual hydrozoan diversity found in Portuguese waters, including the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira, and neighbouring geographical areas, for habitats ranging from the deep sea to the intertidal. Shallow water hydroids from several Portuguese marine regions (including the Gorringe Bank) were sampled by scuba-diving. Deep-water hydroids, from the Azores, Madeira, Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea, were collected by researchers of different institutions during several oceanographic campaigns. Occasional hydroid sampling by scuba-diving was performed in the UK, Malta and Spain. Over 300 hydroid species were identified and about 600 sequences of the hydrozoan ‘DNA barcode’ 16S mRNA were generated. The families Sertulariidae, Plumulariidae, Lafoeidae, Hebellidae, Aglaopheniidae, Campanulinidae, Halopterididae, Kirchenpaueriidae, Haleciidae and Eudendriidae, were studied in greater detail. About 350 16S sequences were generated for these taxa, allowing phylogenetic, phylogeographic and evolutionary inferences, and also more accurate taxonomic identifications. Phylogenetic analyses integrated molecular and morphological characters. Subsequent results revealed: particularly high levels of cryptic biodiversity, polyphyly in many taxonomic groups, pairs of species that were synonymous, the identity of several varieties as valid species, and highlighted phylogeographic associations of hydroids in deep and shallow-water areas of the NE Atlantic and W Mediterranean. It was proved that many (but not all) marine hydroid species with supposedly widespread vertical and/or horizontal geographical distributions, correspond in fact to complexes of cryptic taxa. This study further revealed that, in the NE Atlantic, shallow environments sustain higher hydrozoan diversity and abundance, but the importance of bathyal habitats as a source of phylogenetic diversity was also revealed. The Azorean seamounts were shown to be particularly important in the segregation of populations of hydroids with reduced dispersive potential. The bathyal habitats of the Gulf of Cadiz proved to harbour a considerably high number of cryptic species, which may mainly be a consequence of habitat heterogeneity and convergence of various water masses in the Gulf. The main causes proposed for speciation and population divergence of hydroids were: species population size, dispersal mechanisms and plasticity to inhabit different environmental conditions, but also the influence of oceanic currents (and its properties), habitat heterogeneity, climate change and continental drift. Higher phylogenetic resolution obtained for the family Plumulariidae revealed particularly that glacial cycles likely facilitated population divergence, ultimately speciation, and also faunal evolutionary transitions from deep to shallow waters.
Este doutoramento em Estudos de Arte centra-se no artista plástico, em Portugal, hoje. De acordo com o seu carácter projectual, estrutura-se em dois vectores distintos, ainda que relacionados entre si e devedores um do outro: -Um corpo prático, assente na prática artística de atelier e dando continuidade ao percurso artístico autoral próprio (conducente à série de imagens fotográficas “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal”); -Um eixo reflexivo, construído a partir da análise qualitativa do conteúdo de um conjunto de entrevistas presenciais realizadas a artistas plásticos portugueses (conducente ao manifesto artístico “O Artista pelo Artista”). Neste sentido, este estudo vai ao encontro de vinte e seis artistas plásticos contemporâneos portugueses reunidos numa amostra seleccionada pelo crítico de arte Miguel von Hafe Pérez. A saber: Alberto Carneiro, André Cepeda, André Gonçalves, Ângela Ferreira, António Olaio, Carla Cruz, Carla Filipe, Cristina Mateus, Daniel Blaufuks, Eduardo Batarda, Fernando José Pereira, Francisco Queirós, Gerardo Burmester, Joana Vasconcelos, João Pedro Vale, João Tabarra, José de Guimarães, Mafalda Santos, Marta de Menezes, Miguel Leal, Miguel Palma, Paulo Mendes, Pedro Calapez, Pedro Proença, Rui Chafes e Zulmiro de Carvalho. O documento que reúne o conjunto das entrevistas realizadas, anexo a esta investigação, distancia-se do discurso utilizado nas retóricas das narrativas históricas, teóricas ou críticas. Aqui, procuram-se as palavras dos criadores, sem mais. Decorrente do percurso metodológico que orientou a análise qualitativa do conteúdo, este estudo propõe o manifesto artístico "O Artista pelo Artista" enquanto resultado do exercício de investigação. Ainda, este trabalho apresenta a série de imagens fotográficas “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal” como projecto-tese centrado no movimento que guiou todo o processo investigativo: da reflexão sobre o outro (e sobre as suas palavras) para a reflexão sobre o próprio (e sobre a sua intimidade). Através das vinte e seis entrevistas, do manifesto “O Artista pelo Artista” e da série de imagens “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal”, esta investigação devolve a palavra aos próprios artistas, a todos os outros operadores da esfera artística e ao público interessado em conhecer o criador apresentado por si próprio, sem mediadores, num acto sincero, franco e generoso.
O advento da Internet e da Web, na década de 1990, a par da introdução e desenvolvimento das novas TIC e, por consequência, a emergência da Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento, implicaram uma profunda alteração na forma de análise dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem, já não apenas segundo um prisma cognitivista, mas, agora, também social, isto é, segundo a(s) perspetiva(s) construtivista(s). Simultaneamente, torna-se imperativo que, para que possam transformar-se em futuros trabalhadores de sucesso, isto é, trabalhadores de conhecimento (Gates, 1999), os sujeitos aprendentes passem a ser efetivamente educados/preparados para a Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento e, tanto quanto possível, através da educação/formação ao longo da vida (Moore e Thompson, 1997; Chute, Thompson e Hancock, 1999). Todavia, de acordo com Jorge Reis Lima e Zélia Capitão, não se deve considerar esta mudança de paradigma como uma revolução mas, antes, uma evolução, ou, mais concretamente ainda, uma “conciliação de perspectivas cognitivas e sociais” (Reis Lima e Capitão, 2003:53). Assim, às instituições de ensino/formação cumprirá a tarefa de preparar os alunos para as novas competências da era digital, promovendo “a aprendizagem dos pilares do conhecimento que sustentarão a sua aprendizagem ao longo da vida” (Reis Lima e Capitão, Ibidem:54), isto é, “aprender a conhecer”, “aprender a fazer”, “aprender a viver em comum”, e “aprender a ser” (Equipa de Missão para a Sociedade da Informação, 1997:39; negritos e sublinhados no original). Para outros, a Internet, ao afirmar-se como uma tecnologia ubíqua, cada vez mais acessível, e de elevado potencial, “vem revolucionando a gestão da informação, o funcionamento do mercado de capitais, as cadeias e redes de valor, o comércio mundial, a relação entre governos e cidadãos, os modos de trabalhar e de comunicar, o entretenimento, o contacto intercultural, os estilos de vida, as noções de tempo e de distância. A grande interrogação actual reside em saber se a Internet poderá também provocar alterações fundamentais nos modos de aprender e de ensinar” (Carneiro, 2002:17-18; destaques no original). Trata-se, portanto, como argumenta Armando Rocha Trindade (2004:10), de reconhecer que “Os requisitos obrigatórios para a eficácia da aprendizagem a ser assim assegurada são: a prévia disponibilidade de materiais educativos ou de formação de alta qualidade pedagógica e didáctica, tanto quanto possível auto-suficientes em termos de conteúdos teóricos e aplicados, bem como a previsão de mecanismos capazes de assegurar, permanentemente, um mínimo de interactividade entre docentes e aprendentes, sempre que quaisquer dificuldades destes possam manifestarse”. Esta questão é também equacionada pelo Eng.º Arnaldo Santos, da PT Inovação, quando considera que, à semelhança da “maioria dos países, a formação a distância em ambientes Internet e Intranet, vulgo e-Learning, apresenta-se como uma alternativa pedagógica em franca expansão. Portugal está a despertar para esta nova realidade. São várias as instituições nacionais do sector público e privado que utilizam o e-Learning como ferramenta ou meio para formar as suas pessoas” (Santos, 2002:26). Fernando Ramos acrescenta também que os sistemas de educação/formação que contemplam componentes não presenciais, “isto é que potenciam a flexibilidade espacial, têm vindo a recorrer às mais variadas tecnologias de comunicação para permitir a interacção entre os intervenientes, nomeadamente entre os professores e os estudantes. Um pouco por todo o mundo, e também em Portugal, se têm implantado sistemas (habitualmente designados como sistemas de ensino a distância), recorrendo às mais diversas tecnologias de telecomunicações, de que os sistemas de educação através de televisão ou os sistemas de tutoria por rádio ou telefone são exemplos bem conhecidos” (Ramos, 2002b:138-139). Ora, o nosso estudo entronca precisamente na análise de um sistema ou plataforma tecnológica de gestão de aprendizagens (Learning Management System - LMS), o MOODLE, procurando-se, deste modo, dar resposta ao reconhecimento de que “urge investigar sobre a utilização real e pedagógica da plataforma” (Carvalho, 2007:27). Por outro lado, não descurando o rol de interrogações de outros investigadores em torno da utilização do MOODLE, nem enveredando pelas visões mais céticas que inclusive pressagiam a sua “morte” (Fernandes, 2008b:134), também nós nos questionamos se esta ferramenta nem sequer vai conseguir transpor “a fase de final de entusiasmo, e tornar-se uma ferramenta de minorias e de usos ocasionais?” (Fernandes, Op. cit.:133).
The case study looked at psychological and physiological responses to stress in musicians, comparing a newly formed and a consolidated violin-piano duo. The common element between these duos was the pianist. Using the psychological tests (STAI Y1 and Y2, K-MPAI, MMPI-2, ICAC), the immunoassay saliva test to measure cortisol (stress hormone) and non- invasive device VitalJacket® developed at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, participants were monitored under various performance conditions. Others quantitative and qualitative dataset were collected including a pianist’s personal diary (analyzed by psychiatrist), semi-structured interviews with members of long-terms chamber music duo and perceptual evaluations (listening test) of the performances by expert listeners. The variables included two performance venues (European university and secondary school), as well as well-known repertoire, recently known repertoire and newly known repertoire. The latter was given approximately one week before each recital. The psychological and physiological dataset were collected for a total of eight recitals – two series of four recitals each. The unexpected results show that state anxiety levels and stress of the pianist, who does not present an anxious profile, either in social or in musical terms, are always higher when playing with a well-known partner. Possible explanations may be due to the highest expectations for quality of performance and implications of mirror neurons (since the reactions are very different according to the partner). In other words, the “known” (i.e., the consolidated duo) can become “trapped” within a predetermined space, especially at the psychological level, while the “unknown” (the occasional duo) seems to be less involved and therefore more reassuring and exciting in positive terms. In addition, the preference of the expert audience is for the consolidated duo.