956 resultados para Obesity management


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação


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OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão de estudos sobre programa de tratamento assertivo na comunidade (PACT) e case management para verificar se os resultados demonstram desfechos mais favoráveis quando tais modelos são implementados na rede comunitária de assistência para portadores de doença mental grave e persistente. MÉTODOS: A coleta de artigos - publicados entre 1985 e 2005 - foi realizada em duas etapas: a primeira, na base de dados PubMed, com expressões-chave mental health, community care, services evaluation e seleção de artigos cuja temática era PACT e case management, e a segunda, no banco de dados da revista Psychiatric Services, com palavras-chave assertive community treatment, PACT e case management. Foram desconsiderados estudos que analisavam serviços exclusivos para crianças, idosos e pacientes com diagnóstico único de abuso de álcool/drogas; abordavam unicamente os custos da intervenção e se referiam exclusivamente a serviços hospitalares. RESULTADOS: A partir da leitura dos 73 estudos selecionados, os autores descreveram oito categorias nas quais os artigos foram agrupados, visto que um artigo poderia pertencer a mais de uma categoria. CONCLUSÕES: O PACT e o case management são estratégias importantes e reconhecidamente mais eficazes, quando comparados a outros modelos de cuidado, em trazer evoluções favoráveis para indivíduos com doença mental grave e persistente.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Sistemas de Informação


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Large scale distributed data stores rely on optimistic replication to scale and remain highly available in the face of net work partitions. Managing data without coordination results in eventually consistent data stores that allow for concurrent data updates. These systems often use anti-entropy mechanisms (like Merkle Trees) to detect and repair divergent data versions across nodes. However, in practice hash-based data structures are too expensive for large amounts of data and create too many false conflicts. Another aspect of eventual consistency is detecting write conflicts. Logical clocks are often used to track data causality, necessary to detect causally concurrent writes on the same key. However, there is a nonnegligible metadata overhead per key, which also keeps growing with time, proportional with the node churn rate. Another challenge is deleting keys while respecting causality: while the values can be deleted, perkey metadata cannot be permanently removed without coordination. Weintroduceanewcausalitymanagementframeworkforeventuallyconsistentdatastores,thatleveragesnodelogicalclocks(BitmappedVersion Vectors) and a new key logical clock (Dotted Causal Container) to provides advantages on multiple fronts: 1) a new efficient and lightweight anti-entropy mechanism; 2) greatly reduced per-key causality metadata size; 3) accurate key deletes without permanent metadata.


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Objective Investigate binge eating (BE) prevalence in women according to the obesity degree and assess the associated factors. Methods Cross-sectional study with female adults presenting body mass index (BMI) ≥ 35 kg/m2. The analyzed variables were: sociodemographics, health status, obesity history, lifestyle, eating behavior and obesity degree. In order to analyse BE it was used the Binge Eating Scale (BES), which is considered positive when BES ≥ 18 points. Prevalence and prevalence ratios (PR) were calculated with confidence intervals (CI) of 95%. Multivariate analysis was carried out using Poisson regression. Results BE prevalence was 53.2%, and the prevalence in super superobese women (BMI ≥ 60 kg/m2) was 75%. After multivariate analysis, associations were observed between the age group 40-49 years old (PR = 2.0; 95% CI = 1.2-3.4) and the “snacking habit” (PR = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.2-2.9). Conclusion The prevalence of BE in severe obese women was high. Association with the “snacking habit” can be a BE marker that should be monitored in the severely obese individuals that fit this profile.


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The selection of spawning habitat of a population of Octopus vulgaris that is subject to a small-scale exploitation was studied in the Cíes Islands within the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia (NW Spain). The technique used was visual censuses by scuba diving. We conducted 93 visual censuses from April 2012 to April 2014. The total swept area was 123.69 ha. Habitat features (season, depth, zone, bottom temperature, swept area, bottom substrate type, and creels fishing impact) were evaluated as predictors of the presence/absence of spawning dens using GAM models. O. vulgaris has a noteworthy preference for spawning in areas with hard bottom substrate and moderate depth (approximately 20 m). The higher density of spawning dens (1.08ha−1) was found in a surveyed area of 50.14ha located in the northeastern part of the northern Cíes Island. We propose to protect the area comprised from Punta Escodelo to Punta Ferreiro between 5 and 30 m depth. This area has a surface of 158 ha equivalent to 5.98% of the total marine area of the Cíes islands. The strengths and weaknesses of a management strategy based on the protection of the species’ spawning habitat are discussed.


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The evolution of the construction caused a need to use more effective equipments, capable of meeting the increasingly demanding deadlines for the completion of works. In this context, the safety and efficiency of equipment have become key aspects in order to optimize the execution time of the works, as well as reducing labor costs and loss of materials. With the evolution of construction and construction processes, cranes have come to represent a signal of the construction of buildings, revealing to be, in most of the cases, the main equipment of construction sites. Currently, some engineers revels some apprehension regarding the use and handling of cranes which is natural and acceptable, since an equipment failure can lead to serious or fatal accidents. The factors affecting safety management of the cranes in construction sites were investigated, identified, classified and evaluated according to their degree of importance, through interviews with representatives of the general contractors of a set of selected construction sites.