949 resultados para Nursing homes and assisted living facilities


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O número de pessoas com idade superior a 65 anos aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos 40 anos. Este incremento de longevidade tem levado ao aparecimento de varias patologias relacionadas com a idade e ao aumento da prevalência das patologias cronicas. Uma grande maioria desta população e poli-medicada e assim sendo a gestão de medicamentos e uma área que pode proporcionar grandes benefícios aos idosos. A grande quantidade de medicamentos assim como as diferentes dosagens e os diferentes horários de toma fazem com que os idosos se confundam no cumprimento do esquema terapêutico aconselhado pelo medico, nomeadamente devido ao declínio cognitivo a que estão sujeitos devido ao envelhecimento humano. Torna-se, portanto, fundamental o desenvolvimento de sistemas inteligentes que auxiliem os idosos na gestão da sua medicação. A presente dissertação de mestrado foi materializada num dispositivo, designado ElderlySafety, que visa responder aos problemas da poli-medicação, através de uma solução tecnológica que incorpora as vertentes de controlo e comunicação. O objectivo do ElderlySafety e relembrar, de forma automática, o idoso da toma atempada dos seus medicamentos e consiste num prototipo de um dispositivo com varias compartições para organização dos vários medicamentos. Este aparelho apresenta 24 compartimentos, um deles referente a uma posição estática, considerada a posição `home' e os restantes dizem respeito a 23 tomas de medicação durante uma semana. Os compartimentos em questão devem ser preenchidos com a devida medicação, pelo cuidador do idoso, no inicio de cada semana. O aparelho esta conectado via Bluetooth a uma aplicação denominada ElderlySafety Online que permite monitorizar todo o sistema. E aqui que e feito o registo, com data, hora e nome do medicamento, de toda a medicação prescrita ao paciente. Também e possível a verificação de possíveis interações medicamentosas, bem como o acesso a informações acerca do que fazer em caso de esquecimento de uma ou mais tomas. Aquando a chegada da data e hora da toma de cada medicação, o aparelho desenvolvido emite um lembrete ao idoso e esse lembrete e feito através de um alerta luminoso. Se o sistema ElderlySafety verificar que o idoso se esquece da toma dos medicamentos tem a capacidade de interagir via e-mail com o cuidador, que poder a ser um familiar próximo, alertando-o para o esquecimento da toma de medicação do paciente a seu cuidado. Os testes de validação realizados ao ElderlySafety revelaram que o prototipo se mostra funcional e apto para integrar um ambiente de vida assistido de qualquer idoso.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Hospitals transferring patients retain responsibility until admission to the new health care facility. We define safe transfer conditions, based on appropriate risk assessment, and evaluate the impact of this strategy as implemented at our institution. METHODS: An algorithm defining transfer categories according to destination, equipment monitoring, and medication was developed and tested prospectively over 6 months. Conformity with algorithm criteria was assessed for every transfer and transfer category. After introduction of a transfer coordination centre with transfer nurses, the algorithm was implemented and the same survey was carried out over 1 year. RESULTS: Over the whole study period, the number of transfers increased by 40%, chiefly by ambulance from the emergency department to other hospitals and private clinics. Transfers to rehabilitation centres and nursing homes were reassigned to conventional vehicles. The percentage of patients requiring equipment during transfer, such as an intravenous line, decreased from 34% to 15%, while oxygen or i.v. drug requirement remained stable. The percentage of transfers considered below theoretical safety decreased from 6% to 4%, while 20% of transfers were considered safer than necessary. A substantial number of planned transfers could be "downgraded" by mutual agreement to a lower degree of supervision, and the system was stable on a short-term basis. CONCLUSION: A coordinated transfer system based on an algorithm determining transfer categories, developed on the basis of simple but valid medical and nursing criteria, reduced unnecessary ambulance transfers and treatment during transfer, and increased adequate supervision.


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Repeated antimalarial treatment for febrile episodes and self-treatment are common in malaria-endemic areas. The intake of antimalarials prior to participating in an in vivo study may alter treatment outcome and affect the interpretation of both efficacy and safety outcomes. We report the findings from baseline plasma sampling of malaria patients prior to inclusion into an in vivo study in Tanzania and discuss the implications of residual concentrations of antimalarials in this setting. In an in vivo study conducted in a rural area of Tanzania in 2008, baseline plasma samples from patients reporting no antimalarial intake within the last 28 days were screened for the presence of 14 antimalarials (parent drugs or metabolites) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Among the 148 patients enrolled, 110 (74.3%) had at least one antimalarial in their plasma: 80 (54.1%) had lumefantrine above the lower limit of calibration (LLC = 4 ng/mL), 7 (4.7%) desbutyl-lumefantrine (4 ng/mL), 77 (52.0%) sulfadoxine (0.5 ng/mL), 15 (10.1%) pyrimethamine (0.5 ng/mL), 16 (10.8%) quinine (2.5 ng/mL) and none chloroquine (2.5 ng/mL). The proportion of patients with detectable antimalarial drug levels prior to enrollment into the study is worrying. Indeed artemether-lumefantrine was supposed to be available only at government health facilities. Although sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine is only recommended for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp), it was still widely used in public and private health facilities and sold in drug shops. Self-reporting of previous drug intake is unreliable and thus screening for the presence of antimalarial drug levels should be considered in future in vivo studies to allow for accurate assessment of treatment outcome. Furthermore, persisting sub-therapeutic drug levels of antimalarials in a population could promote the spread of drug resistance. The knowledge on drug pressure in a given population is important to monitor standard treatment policy implementation.


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The study focuses on five lower secondary school pupils’ daily use of their one-toone computers, the overall aim being to investigate literacy in this form of computing. Theoretically, the study is rooted in the New Literacy tradition with an ecological perspective, in combination with socio-semiotic theory in a multimodal perspective. New Literacy in the ecological perspective focuses on literacy practices and place/space and on the links between them. Literacy is viewed as socially based, in specific situations and in recurring social practices. Socio-semiotic theory embodying the multimodal perspective is used for the text analysis. The methodology is known as socio-semiotic ethnography. The ethnographic methods encompass just over two years of fieldwork with participating observations of the five participants’ computing activities at home, at school and elsewhere. The participants, one boy and two girls from the Blue (Anemone) School and two girls from the White (Anemone) School, were chosen to reflect a broad spectrum in terms of sociocultural and socioeconomic background. The study shows the existence of a both broad and deep variation in the way digital literacy features in the participants’ one-to-one computing. These variations are associated with experience in relation to the home, the living environment, place, personal qualities and school. The more varied computer usage of the Blue School participants is connected with the interests they developed in their homes and living environments and in the computing practices undertaken in school. Their more varied usage of the computer is reflected in their broader digital literacy repertoires and their greater number and variety of digital literacy abilities. The Blue School participants’ text production is more multifaceted, covers a wider range of subjects and displays a broader palette of semiotic resources. It also combines more text types and the texts are generally longer than those of the White School participants. The Blue School girls have developed a text culture that is close to that of the school. In their case, there is clear linkage between school-initiated and self-initiated computing activities, while other participants do not have the same opportunities to link and integrate self-initiated computing activities into the school context. It also becomes clear that the Blue School girls can relate and adapt their texts to different communicative practices and recipients. In addition, the study shows that the Blue School girls have some degree of scope in their school practice as a result of incorporating into it certain communicative practices that they have developed in nonschool contexts. Quite contrary to the hopes expressed that one-to-one computing would reduce digital inequality, it has increased between these participants. Whether the same or similar results apply in a larger perspective, on a more structural level, is a question that this study cannot answer. It can only draw attention to the need to investigate the matter. The study shows in a variety of ways that the White School participants do not have the same opportunity to develop their digital literacy as the Blue School participants. In an equivalence perspective, schools have a compensational task to perform. It is abundantly clear from the study that investing in one-to-one projects is not enough to combat digital inequality and achieve the digitisation goals established for school education. Alongside their investments in technology, schools need to develop a didactic that legitimises and compensates for the different circumstances of different pupils. The compensational role of schools in this connection is important not only for the present participants but also for the community at large, in that it can help to secure a cohesive, open and democratic society.