959 resultados para Numerical slope stability


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Endemic stability is a widely used term in the epidemiology of ticks and tick-borne diseases. It is generally accepted to refer to a state of a host tick pathogen interaction in which there is a high level of challenge of calves by infected ticks, absence of clinical disease in calves despite infection, and a high level of immunity in adult cattle with consequent low incidence of clinical disease. Although endemic stability is a valid epidemiological concept, the modelling studies that underpinned subsequent studies on the epidemiology of tick-borne diseases were specific to a single host tick pathogen system, and values derived from these models should not be applied in other regions or host tick pathogen systems.


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The properties of the S-strain of cucumber mosaic virus (S-CMV) and the B-strain of tomato aspermy virus (B-TAV) have been studied with respect to their (i) size and sedimentation behavior, (ii) requirement of divalent metal ions for stability, (iii) sensitivity towards chloride salts and the anionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate, (iv) solubility in ammonium sulfate-containing buffers, and (v) pH-dependent structural transitions. The results indicate that the coat protein of B-TAV is more hydrophobic than the other well-studied strains of TAV and CMV. Circular dichroism and uv absorption studies reveal pH-dependent structural transitions, although these do not result in particle swelling. These transitions appear to alter the strength of protein-nucleic acid interactions in these viruses.


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The stability characteristics of parallel magnetic fields when fluid motions are present along the lines of force is studied. The stability criterion for both symmetric (m=0) and asymmetric (m=1) modes are discussed and the results obtained by Trehan and Singh (1978) are amended in the present study. The results obtained for the cylindrical geometry are shown to play an important role forka<4, wherek is the wave number,a is the radius of the cylinder, compared to the results obtained by Geronicolas (1977) for the slab geometry.


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Input-output stability of linear-distributed parameter systems of arbitrary order and type in the presence of a distributed controller is analyzed by extending the concept of dissipativeness, with certain modifications, to such systems. The approach is applicable to systems with homogeneous or homogenizable boundary conditions. It also helps in generating a Liapunov functional to assess asymptotic stability of the system.


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Amino functionalised mesoporous silica nanoparticles (AM-41) have been identified as a promising vaccine delivery material. The capacity of AM-41 to stabilise vaccine components at ambient temperature (23–27 °C) was determined by adsorbing the model antigen ovalbumin (OVA) to AM-41 particles (OVA-41). The OVA-41 was successfully freeze-dried using the excipients 5% trehalose and 1% PEG8000. Both the immunological activity of OVA and the nanoparticle structure were maintained following two months storage at ambient temperature. The results of immunisation studies in mice with reconstituted OVA-41 demonstrated the induction of humoral and cell-meditated immune responses. The capacity of AM-41 particles to facilitate ambient storage of vaccine components without loss of immunological potency will underpin the further development of this promising vaccine delivery platform.


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This paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical program to investigate the circular hollow section (CHS) beams, strengthened using Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) sheets. The circular hollow shaped steel beams bonded with different CFRP layer orientations were tested under four-point bending. The mid-span deflection, service load and failure load were recorded. The LHL (where L, first inner longitudinal layer, H, second hoop layer and L, third outer longitudinal layer) and LLH (where L, first inner longitudinal layer, L, second longitudinal layer and H, third outer hoop layer) layer oriented strengthened beams perform slightly better than HHL (where H, first inner hoop layer, H, second hoop layer and L, third outer longitudinal layer) layer oriented strengthened beams. The LHL and LLH layer oriented treated beams showed very similar structural behaviour. Numerical analyses were then conducted on the CFRP strengthened steel CHS beams. The validity of the models has been assessed by comparing the failure loads and mid-span deflections. The effects of various parameters such as bond length, section types, tensile modulus of CFRP, adhesive layer thickness and adhesive types have been studied.


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Euler–Bernoulli beams are distributed parameter systems that are governed by a non-linear partial differential equation (PDE) of motion. This paper presents a vibration control approach for such beams that directly utilizes the non-linear PDE of motion, and hence, it is free from approximation errors (such as model reduction, linearization etc.). Two state feedback controllers are presented based on a newly developed optimal dynamic inversion technique which leads to closed-form solutions for the control variable. In one formulation a continuous controller structure is assumed in the spatial domain, whereas in the other approach it is assumed that the control force is applied through a finite number of discrete actuators located at predefined discrete locations in the spatial domain. An implicit finite difference technique with unconditional stability has been used to solve the PDE with control actions. Numerical simulation studies show that the beam vibration can effectively be decreased using either of the two formulations.


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This thesis introduces a new animal model, kangaroo, to biomechanical investigations of shoulder cartilage research. It examines the effect of cartilage structure and constituents on tissue behavior and its adaptation to mechanical loading. In doing so, the study explains the relationship of tissue's functional behaviors to its structure and constituents which has important implications for tissue engineering strategies catering joint specific cartilage tissue generation.


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Structural stability of small sized nonstoichiometric CdS nano clusters between zincblende and wurtzite structures has been investigated using first-principles density functional calculations. Our study shows that the relative stability of these two structures depends sensitively on whether the surface is S-terminated or Cd-terminated. The associated band gap also exhibits non-monotonic behavior as a function of cluster size. Our findings may shed light on contradictory reports of experimentally observed structures of CdS nano clusters found in the literature.


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The concept of orbital compatibility is used to explain the relative energies of different macropolyhedral structural patterns such as closo-closo, closo-nido, and nido-nido. A large polyhedral borane condenses preferentially with a smaller polyhedron owing to orbital compatibility. Calculations carried out at the B3LYP/6-31G* level show that the macropolyhedron closo(12)-closo(6) is the most preferred structural pattern among the face-sharing closo-closo systems. The relative stabilities of four-shared-atom closo-closo, three-shared-atom closo-closo, three-shared-atom closo-nido, edge-sharing closo-nido, and edge-sharing nido-nido structures are in accordance with the difference in the number of vertices of the individual polyhedra of the macropolyhedra. When the difference in the number of vertices of the individual polyhedra is large, the stability of the macropolyhedra is also large. Calculations further show that the orbital compatibility plays an important role in deciding the stability of the macropolyhedral boranes with more than two polyhedral units. The dependence of the orbital compatibility on the relative stability of the macropolyhedron varies with other factors such as inherent stability of the individual polyhedron and steric factors.


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The parametric resonance in a system having two modes of the same frequency is studied. The simultaneous occurence of the instabilities of the first and second kind is examined, by using a generalized perturbation procedure. The region of instability in the first approximation is obtained by using the Sturm's theorem for the roots of a polynomial equation.


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Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) applies advanced analytical methods to quantify drug residues in wastewater with the aim to estimate illicit drug use at the population level. Transformation processes during transport in sewers (chemical and biological reactors) and storage of wastewater samples before analysis are expected to change concentrations of different drugs to varying degrees. Ignoring transformation for drugs with low to medium stability will lead to an unknown degree of systematic under- or overestimation of drug use, which should be avoided. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge related to the stability of commonly investigated drugs and, furthermore, suggest a more effective approach to future experiments. From over 100 WBE studies, around 50 mentioned the importance of stability and 24 included tests in wastewater. Most focused on in-sample stability (i.e., sample preparation, preservation and storage) and some extrapolated to in-sewer stability (i.e., during transport in real sewers). While consistent results were reported for rather stable compounds (e.g., MDMA and methamphetamine), a varying range of stability under different or similar conditions was observed for other compounds (e.g., cocaine, amphetamine and morphine). Wastewater composition can vary considerably over time, and different conditions prevail in different sewer systems. In summary, this indicates that more systematic studies are needed to: i) cover the range of possible conditions in sewers and ii) compare results more objectively. To facilitate the latter, we propose a set of parameters that should be reported for in-sewer stability experiments. Finally, a best practice of sample collection, preservation, and preparation before analysis is suggested in order to minimize transformation during these steps.


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A parametric study of the flood wave propagation problem is made, based on numerical solution of the nondimensionalized unsteady flow equations of open channels. The propagation of a sinusoidal flood wave in a prismatic channel is studied for uniform initial flow. The governing parameters (initial uniform flow Froude number, wave amplitude, wave duration, channel width parameter and side slope) are varied over a wide range. In all, 49 cases are studied. Effects of these governing parameters on the subsidence of stage and discharge and the speed of the wave peak are described in detail. The relative wave amplitude is found to vary linearly with F0, the initial uniform flow froude number, for lower F0 values. Wave duration has a very pronounced effect on subsidence with greater subsidence at lower wave duration values.


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Determination of the environmental factors controlling earth surface processes and landform patterns is one of the central themes in physical geography. However, the identification of the main drivers of the geomorphological phenomena is often challenging. Novel spatial analysis and modelling methods could provide new insights into the process-environment relationships. The objective of this research was to map and quantitatively analyse the occurrence of cryogenic phenomena in subarctic Finland. More precisely, utilising a grid-based approach the distribution and abundance of periglacial landforms were modelled to identify important landscape scale environmental factors. The study was performed using a comprehensive empirical data set of periglacial landforms from an area of 600 km2 at a 25-ha resolution. The utilised statistical methods were generalized linear modelling (GLM) and hierarchical partitioning (HP). GLMs were used to produce distribution and abundance models and HP to reveal independently the most likely causal variables. The GLM models were assessed utilising statistical evaluation measures, prediction maps, field observations and the results of HP analyses. A total of 40 different landform types and subtypes were identified. Topographical, soil property and vegetation variables were the primary correlates for the occurrence and cover of active periglacial landforms on the landscape scale. In the model evaluation, most of the GLMs were shown to be robust although the explanation power, prediction ability as well as the selected explanatory variables varied between the models. The great potential of the combination of a spatial grid system, terrain data and novel statistical techniques to map the occurrence of periglacial landforms was demonstrated in this study. GLM proved to be a useful modelling framework for testing the shapes of the response functions and significances of the environmental variables and the HP method helped to make better deductions of the important factors of earth surface processes. Hence, the numerical approach presented in this study can be a useful addition to the current range of techniques available to researchers to map and monitor different geographical phenomena.