965 resultados para Nonminimum-phase systems


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Several microbial systems have been shown to yield advantageous mutations in slowly growing or nongrowing cultures. In one assay system, the stationary-phase mutation mechanism differs from growth-dependent mutation, demonstrating that the two are different processes. This system assays reversion of a lac frameshift allele on an F′ plasmid in Escherichia coli. The stationary-phase mutation mechanism at lac requires recombination proteins of the RecBCD double-strand-break repair system and the inducible error-prone DNA polymerase IV, and the mutations are mostly −1 deletions in small mononucleotide repeats. This mutation mechanism is proposed to occur by DNA polymerase errors made during replication primed by recombinational double-strand-break repair. It has been suggested that this mechanism is confined to the F plasmid. However, the cells that acquire the adaptive mutations show hypermutation of unrelated chromosomal genes, suggesting that chromosomal sites also might experience recombination protein-dependent stationary-phase mutation. Here we test directly whether the stationary-phase mutations in the bacterial chromosome also occur via a recombination protein- and pol IV-dependent mechanism. We describe an assay for chromosomal mutation in cells carrying the F′ lac. We show that the chromosomal mutation is recombination protein- and pol IV-dependent and also is associated with general hypermutation. The data indicate that, at least in these male cells, recombination protein-dependent stationary-phase mutation is a mechanism of general inducible genetic change capable of affecting genes in the bacterial chromosome.


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Earthquake zones in the upper crust are usually more conductive than the surrounding rocks, and electrical geophysical measurements can be used to map these zones. Magnetotelluric (MT) measurements across fault zones that are parallel to the coast and not too far away can also give some important information about the lower crustal zone. This is because the long-period electric currents coming from the ocean gradually leak into the mantle, but the lower crust is usually very resistive and very little leakage takes place. If a lower crustal zone is less resistive it will be a leakage zone, and this can be seen because the MT phase will change as the ocean currents leave the upper crust. The San Andreas Fault is parallel to the ocean boundary and close enough to have a lot of extra ocean currents crossing the zone. The Loma Prieta zone, after the earthquake, showed a lot of ocean electric current leakage, suggesting that the lower crust under the fault zone was much more conductive than normal. It is hard to believe that water, which is responsible for the conductivity, had time to get into the lower crustal zone, so it was probably always there, but not well connected. If this is true, then the poorly connected water would be at a pressure close to the rock pressure, and it may play a role in modifying the fluid pressure in the upper crust fault zone. We also have telluric measurements across the San Andreas Fault near Palmdale from 1979 to 1990, and beginning in 1985 we saw changes in the telluric signals on the fault zone and east of the fault zone compared with the signals west of the fault zone. These measurements were probably seeing a better connection of the lower crust fluids taking place, and this may result in a fluid flow from the lower crust to the upper crust. This could be a factor in changing the strength of the upper crust fault zone.


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We describe a procedure for the generation of chemically accurate computer-simulation models to study chemical reactions in the condensed phase. The process involves (i) the use of a coupled semiempirical quantum and classical molecular mechanics method to represent solutes and solvent, respectively; (ii) the optimization of semiempirical quantum mechanics (QM) parameters to produce a computationally efficient and chemically accurate QM model; (iii) the calibration of a quantum/classical microsolvation model using ab initio quantum theory; and (iv) the use of statistical mechanical principles and methods to simulate, on massively parallel computers, the thermodynamic properties of chemical reactions in aqueous solution. The utility of this process is demonstrated by the calculation of the enthalpy of reaction in vacuum and free energy change in aqueous solution for a proton transfer involving methanol, methoxide, imidazole, and imidazolium, which are functional groups involved with proton transfers in many biochemical systems. An optimized semiempirical QM model is produced, which results in the calculation of heats of formation of the above chemical species to within 1.0 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ) of experimental values. The use of the calibrated QM and microsolvation QM/MM (molecular mechanics) models for the simulation of a proton transfer in aqueous solution gives a calculated free energy that is within 1.0 kcal/mol (12.2 calculated vs. 12.8 experimental) of a value estimated from experimental pKa values of the reacting species.


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We have studied liquid-liquid phase separation in aqueous ternary solutions of calf lens gamma-crystallin proteins. Specifically, we have examined two ternary systems containing gamma s--namely, gamma IVa with gamma s in water and gamma II with gamma s in water. For each system, the phase-separation temperatures (Tph (phi)) alpha as a function of the overall protein volume fraction phi at various fixed compositions alpha (the "cloud-point curves") were measured. For the gamma IVa, gamma s, and water ternary solution, a binodal curve composed of pairs of coexisting points, (phi I, alpha 1) and (phi II, alpha II), at a fixed temperature (20 degrees C) was also determined. We observe that on the cloud-point curve the critical point is at a higher volume fraction than the maximum phase-separation temperature point. We also find that typically the difference in composition between the coexisting phases is at least as significant as the difference in volume fraction. We show that the asymmetric shape of the cloud-point curve is a consequence of this significant composition difference. Our observation that the phase-separation temperature of the mixtures in the high volume fraction region is strongly suppressed suggests that gamma s-crystallin may play an important role in maintaining the transparency of the lens.


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We study a polydisperse soft-spheres model for colloids by means of microcanonical Monte Carlo simulations. We consider a polydispersity as high as 24%. Although solidification occurs, neither a crystal nor an amorphous state are thermodynamically stable. A finite size scaling analysis reveals that in the thermodynamic limit: a the fluid-solid transition is rather a crystal-amorphous phase-separation, b such phase-separation is preceded by the dynamic glass transition, and c small and big particles arrange themselves in the two phases according to a complex pattern not predicted by any fractionation scenario.


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A microcanonical finite-size ansatz in terms of quantities measurable in a finite lattice allows extending phenomenological renormalization the so-called quotients method to the microcanonical ensemble. The ansatz is tested numerically in two models where the canonical specific heat diverges at criticality, thus implying Fisher renormalization of the critical exponents: the three-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising model and the two-dimensional four-state Potts model (where large logarithmic corrections are known to occur in the canonical ensemble). A recently proposed microcanonical cluster method allows simulating systems as large as L = 1024 Potts or L= 128 (Ising). The quotients method provides accurate determinations of the anomalous dimension, η, and of the (Fisher-renormalized) thermal ν exponent. While in the Ising model the numerical agreement with our theoretical expectations is very good, in the Potts case, we need to carefully incorporate logarithmic corrections to the microcanonical ansatz in order to rationalize our data.


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The phase diagram of soft spheres with size dispersion is studied by means of an optimized Monte Carlo algorithm which allows us to equilibrate below the kinetic glass transition for all size distributions. The system ubiquitously undergoes a first-order freezing transition. While for a small size dispersion the frozen phase has a crystalline structure, large density inhomogeneities appear in the highly disperse systems. Studying the interplay between the equilibrium phase diagram and the kinetic glass transition, we argue that the experimentally found terminal polydispersity of colloids is a purely kinetic phenomenon.


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Soil vapor extraction (SVE)systems can be used to remediate enviornmental sites that have been contaminated with petroleum products. However, SVE systems rely on pore space in soils to draw the vapors through the soil, creating a vacuum. Therefore, SVE systems are not as effective when used in low permeability soils. This study aims to determine whether SVE systems can be used on low permeability soils in conjunction with companion technologies. The results indicate that SVE systems can be utilized in low permeability soils if used in conjunction with companion technologies that increase soil permeability and cantaminant volatilization. The promising companion technology is six-phase soil heating, based on contamination removal rate and cost estimates.


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Paper submitted to the 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, 25-29 August 2004.


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This paper presents the results of a liquid–liquid equilibrium data correlation for 11 ternary systems which have not been previously fitted using the NRTL model or, when they have, the results presented in the literature are inconsistent with the experimental behavior of the system. These ternary systems include mixtures with one or two partially miscible pairs. During the correlation process, new restrictions were imposed on the values for the NRTL binary parameters to ensure correct prediction of the total or partial miscibility for the binary pairs involved. In addition, topological concepts related to the Gibbs stability test have been applied in order to validate the results in the whole range of compositions.


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Closed miscibility gaps in ternary liquid mixtures, at constant temperature and pressure, are obtained if phase separations occur only in the ternary region, whilst all binary mixtures involved in the system are completely miscible. This type of behaviour, although not very frequent, has been observed for a certain number of systems. Nevertheless, we have found no information about the applicability of the common activity coefficient models, as NRTL and UNIQUAC, for these types of ternary systems. Moreover, any of the island type systems published in the most common liquid–liquid equilibrium data collections, are correlated with any model. In this paper, the applicability of the NRTL equation to model the LLE of island type systems is assessed using topological concepts related to the Gibbs stability test. A first attempt to correlate experimental LLE data for two island type ternary systems is also presented.


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Presentation submitted to PSE Seminar, Chemical Engineering Department, Center for Advanced Process Design-making (CAPD), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (USA), October 2012.


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Poster presented in the 11th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering, Barcelona, October 21-24, 2008.


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The solubility, density, refractive index, and viscosity data for the ethylene glycol + CsBr + H2O, 1,2-propanediol + CsBr + H2O, and glycerin + CsBr + H2O ternary systems have been determined at (288.15, 298.15, and 308.15) K. In all cases, the solubility of CsBr in aqueous solutions was decreased significantly due to the presence of polyhydric alcohol. The liquid–solid equilibrium experimental data were correlated using the NRTL (nonrandom two-liquid) activity coefficient model, considering nondissociation of the dissolved salt in the liquid phase, and new interaction parameters were estimated. The mean deviations between calculated and experimental compositions were low, showing the good descriptive quality and applicability of the NRTL model. The refractive indices, densities, and viscosities for the unsaturated solutions of the three ternary systems have also been measured at three temperatures. Values for all of the properties were correlated with the salt concentrations and proportions of polyhydric alcohol in the solutions.


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ESAT 2014. 27th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Eindhoven University of Technology, July 6-9, 2014.