971 resultados para Narcotic Antagonists


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Background. Assessment of estrogen receptor (ER) expression has inconsistent utility as a prognostic marker in epithelial ovarian carcinoma. In breast and endometrial cancers, the use of estrogen-induced gene panels, rather than ER expression alone, has shown improved prognostic capability. Specifically, over-expression of estrogen-induced genes in these tumors is associated with a better prognosis and signifies estrogen sensitivity that can be exploited with hormone antagonizing agents. It was therefore hypothesized that estrogen-induced gene expression in ovarian carcinoma would successfully predict outcomes and differentiate between tumors of varying estrogen sensitivities. Methods. Two hundred nineteen (219) patients with ovarian cancer who underwent surgery at M. D. Anderson between 2004 and 2007 were identified. Of these, eighty-three (83) patients were selected for inclusion because they had advanced stage, high-grade serous carcinoma of the ovary or peritoneum, had not received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and had readily available frozen tissue for study. All patients had also received adjuvant treatment with platinum and taxane agents. The expression of seven genes known to be induced by estrogen in the female reproductive tract (EIG121, sFRP1, sFRP4, RALDH2, PR, IGF-1, and ER) was measured using qRT-PCR. Unsupervised cluster analyses of multiple gene permutations were used to categorize patients as high or low estrogen-induced gene expressors. QPCR gene expression results were then compared to ER and PR immunohistochemical (IHC) expression. Cox proportional hazards models were used to evaluate the effects of both individual genes and selected gene clusters on patient survival. Results. Median follow-up time was 38.7 months (range 1-68 months). In a multivariate model, overall survival was predicted by sFRP1 expression (HR 1.10 [1.02-1.19], p=0.01) and EIG121 expression (HR 1.28 [1.10-1.49], p<0.01). A cluster defined by EIG121 and ER was further examined because that combination appeared to reasonably segregate tumors into distinct groups of high and low estrogen-induced gene expressors. Shorter overall survival was associated with high estrogen-induced gene expressors (HR 2.84 [1.11-7.30], p=0.03), even after adjustment for race, age, body mass index, and residual disease at debulking. No difference in IHC ER or PR expression was noted between gene clusters. Conclusion. In sharp contrast to breast and endometrial cancers, high estrogen-induced gene expression predicts shorter overall survival in patients with high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. An estrogen-induced gene biomarker panel may have utility as prognostic indicator and may be useful to guide management with estrogen antagonists in this population.^


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Data derived from 1,194 gravidas presenting at the observation unit of a city/county hospital between October 11, 1979 through December 7, 1979 were evaluated with respect to the proportion ingesting drugs during pregnancy. The mean age of the mother at the time of the interview was 22.0 years; 43.0 percent were Black; 34.0 percent Latin-American, 21.0 percent White and 2.0 percent other; mean gravida was 2.5 pregnancies; mean parity was 1.0; and mean number of previous abortions was 0.34. Completed interview data was available for 1,119 gravida, corresponding urinalyses for 997 subjects. Ninety and one-tenth percent (90.1 percent) of the subjects reported ingestion of one or more drug preparation(s) (prescription, OTC, or substances used for recreational purposes) during pregnancy with a range of 0 to 11 substances and a mean of 2.7. Dietary supplements (vitamins and minerals) were most frequently reported followed by non-narcotic analgesics. Seventy-six and one tenth percent (76.1 percent) of the population reported consumption of prescription medication, 42.5 percent reported consumption of over-the-counter medications, 45.7 percent reported consumption of a substance for recreational purposes and 4.3 percent reported illicit consumption of a substance. For selected substances, no measurable difference was found between obtaining the information from the interview method or from a urinalysis assay. ^


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Three approaches were used to examine the role of Ca$\sp{2+}$- and/or calmodulin (CaM)-regulated processes in the mammalian heat stress response. The focus of the first approach was on the major Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding protein, CaM, and involved the use of CaM antagonists that perturbed CaM-regulated processes during heat stress. The second approach involved the use of a cell line and its BPV-1 transformants that express increased basal levels of CaM, or parvalbumin--a Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding protein not normally found in these cells. The last approach used Ca$\sp{2+}$ chelators to buffer Ca$\sp{2+}$-transients.^ The principle conclusions resulting from these three experimental approaches are: (1) CaM antagonists cause a temperature-dependent potentiation of heat killing, but do not inhibit the triggering and development of thermotolerance suggesting some targets for heat killing are different from those that lead to thermotolerance; (2) Members of major HSP families (especially HSP70) can bind to CaM in a Ca$\sp{2+}$-dependent manner in vitro, and HSP have been associated with events leading to thermotolerance. But, because thermotolerance is not affected by CaM antagonists, and antagonists should interfere with HSP binding to CaM, the events leading to triggering or developing thermotolerance were not strongly dependent on HSP binding to CaM; (3) CaM antagonists can also bind to HSP70 (and possibly other HSP) suggesting an alternative mechanism for the action of these agents in heat killing may involve direct binding to other proteins, like HSP70, whose function is important for survival following heating and inhibiting their activity; and (4) The signal governing the rate of synthesis of another major HSP group, the HSP26 family, can be largely abrogated by elevated Ca$\sp{2+}$-binding proteins or Ca$\sp{2+}$ chelators without significantly reducing survival or thermotolerance suggesting if the HSP26 family is involved in either end point, it may function in (Ca$\sp{2+}$) $\sb{\rm i}$ homeostasis. ^


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High voltage-activated (HVA) calcium channels from rat brain and rabbit heart are expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes and their modulation by protein kinases studied. A subtype of the HVA calcium current expressed by rat brain RNA is potentiated by the phospholipid- and calcium-dependent protein kinase (PKC). The calcium channel clone $\alpha\sb{\rm1C}$ from rabbit heart is modulated by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), and another factor present in the cytoplasm.^ The HVA calcium channels from rat brain do not belong to the L-type subclass since they are insensensitive to dihydropyridine (DHP) agonists and antagonists. The expressed currents do contain a N-type fraction which is identified by inactivation at depolarized potentials, and a P-type fraction as defined by blockade by the venom of the funnel web spider Agelenopsis Aperta. A non N-type fraction of this current is potentiated, by using phorbol esters to activate PKC. This residual fraction of current resembles the newly described Q-type channel from cerebellar granule cells in its biophysical properties, and potentiation by activation of PKC.^ The $\alpha\sb{\rm1C}$ clone from rabbit heart is expressed in oocytes and single-channel currents are measured using the cell-attached and cell-excised patch clamp technique. The single-channel current runs down within two minutes after patch excision into normal saline bath solution. The catalytic subunit of PKA + MgATP is capable of reversing this rundown for over 15 minutes. There also appears to be an additional factor present in the cytoplasm necessary for channel activity as revealed in experiments where PKA failed to prevent rundown.^ These data are important in that these types of channels are involved in synaptic transmission at many different types of synapses. The mammalian synapse is not accessible for these types of studies, however, the oocyte expression system allows access to HVA calcium channels for the study of their modulation by phosphorylation. ^


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Single-locus mutations in mice can express epileptic phenotypes and provide critical insights into the naturally occurring defects that alter excitability and mediate synchronization in the central nervous system (CNS). One such recessive mutation (on chromosome (Chr) 15), stargazer(stg/stg) expresses frequent bilateral 6-7 cycles per second (c/sec) spike-wave seizures associated with behavioral arrest, and provides a valuable opportunity to examine the inherited lesion associated with spike-wave synchronization.^ The existence of distinct and heterogeneous defects mediating spike-wave discharge (SWD) generation has been demonstrated by the presence of multiple genetic loci expressing generalized spike-wave activity and the differential effects of pharmacological agents on SWDs in different spike-wave epilepsy models. Attempts at understanding the different basic mechanisms underlying spike-wave synchronization have focused on $\gamma$-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor-, low threshold T-type Ca$\sp{2+}$ channel-, and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R)-mediated transmission. It is believed that defects in these modes of transmission can mediate the conversion of normal oscillations in a trisynaptic circuit, which includes the neocortex, reticular nucleus and thalamus, into spike-wave activity. However, the underlying lesions involved in spike-wave synchronization have not been clearly identified.^ The purpose of this research project was to locate and characterize a distinct neuronal hyperexcitability defect favoring spike-wave synchronization in the stargazer brain. One experimental approach for anatomically locating areas of synchronization and hyperexcitability involved an attempt to map patterns of hypersynchronous activity with antibodies to activity-induced proteins.^ A second approach to characterizing the neuronal defect involved examining the neuronal responses in the mutant following application of pharmacological agents with well known sites of action.^ In order to test the hypothesis that an NMDA receptor mediated hyperexcitability defect exists in stargazer neocortex, extracellular field recordings were used to examine the effects of CPP and MK-801 on coronal neocortical brain slices of stargazer and wild type perfused with 0 Mg$\sp{2+}$ artificial cerebral spinal fluid (aCSF).^ To study how NMDA receptor antagonists might promote increased excitability in stargazer neocortex, two basic hypotheses were tested: (1) NMDA receptor antagonists directly activate deep layer principal pyramidal cells in the neocortex of stargazer, presumably by opening NMDA receptor channels altered by the stg mutation; and (2) NMDA receptor antagonists disinhibit the neocortical network by blocking recurrent excitatory synaptic inputs onto inhibitory interneurons in the deep layers of stargazer neocortex.^ In order to test whether CPP might disinhibit the 0 Mg$\sp{2+}$ bursting network in the mutant by acting on inhibitory interneurons, the inhibitory inputs were pharmacologically removed by application of GABA receptor antagonists to the cortical network, and the effects of CPP under 0 Mg$\sp{2+}$aCSF perfusion in layer V of stg/stg were then compared with those found in +/+ neocortex using in vitro extracellular field recordings. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Non-melanoma skin cancers, including basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), are the most common neoplasms in the United States with a lifetime risk nearly equal to all other types of cancer combined. Retinoids are naturally occurring and synthetic analogues of vitamin A that bind to nuclear retinoid receptors and modulate gene expression as a means of regulating cell proliferation and differentiation. Retinoids have been employed for many years in the treatment of various cutaneous lesions and for cancer chemoprevention and therapy. The primary drawback limiting the use of retinoids is their toxicity, which is also associated with receptor-gene interactions. In this study, the effects of the synthetic retinoids N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4HPR) and 6-[3-(1-adamantyl)-4-hydroxyphenyl]-2-naphthalene carboxylic acid (CD437) were examined in cutaneous keratinocytes. Four human cutaneous SCC cell lines were examined along with normal human epidermal keratinocyte (NHEK) cells from two donors. Sensitivity to 4HPR or CD437 alone or in combination with other agents was determined via growth inhibition, cell cycle distributions, or apoptosis induction. Both synthetic retinoids were able to promote apoptosis in SCC cells more effectively than the natural retinoid all-trans retinoic acid. Apoptosis could not be inhibited by nuclear retinoic acid receptor antagonists. In NHEK cells, 4HPR induced apoptosis while CD437 promoted G1 arrest. 4HPR acted as a prooxidant by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) in SCC and NHEK cells. 4HPR-induced apoptosis in SCC cells could be inhibited or potentiated by manipulating cellular defenses against oxidative stress, indicating an essential role for ROS in 4HPR-induced apoptosis. CD437 promoted apoptosis in SCC cells in S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle within two hours of treatment, and this rapid induction could not be blocked with cycloheximide. This study shows: (1) 4HPR- and CD437-induced apoptosis do not directly involve a traditional retinoid pathway; (2) 4HPR can act as a prooxidant as a means of promoting apoptosis; (3) CD437 induces apoptosis in SCC cells independent of protein synthesis and is potentially less toxic to NHEK cells; and (4) 4HPR and CD437 operate under different mechanisms with respect to apoptosis induction and this may potentially enhance their therapeutic index in vivo. ^


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Las siguientes páginas trazan el recorrido de la palabra 'autoficción' desde sus orígenes, mostrando cómo este neologismo que ha sido presentado como un modo de articular un nuevo modo de reflexión crítica es clave en la operación seguida por textos que proponen una extraña amalgama entre lo autobiográfico y lo novelesco. Dos otras cuestiones son también de importancia aquí: el repentino éxito conseguido por el término 'autoficción' y el papel jugado por la literatura hecha en la Argentina, o relacionada con este país, para la difusión de esa palabra. El debate se presenta nuevamente fructífero cuando se consideran las novelas escritas por dos antagonistas de Borges: Gombrowicz y Copi. Los usos de sus nombres propios para los personajes de esas novelas deberían echar luz sobre la problemática general de la autoficción de los tiempos posmodernos


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Las siguientes páginas trazan el recorrido de la palabra 'autoficción' desde sus orígenes, mostrando cómo este neologismo que ha sido presentado como un modo de articular un nuevo modo de reflexión crítica es clave en la operación seguida por textos que proponen una extraña amalgama entre lo autobiográfico y lo novelesco. Dos otras cuestiones son también de importancia aquí: el repentino éxito conseguido por el término 'autoficción' y el papel jugado por la literatura hecha en la Argentina, o relacionada con este país, para la difusión de esa palabra. El debate se presenta nuevamente fructífero cuando se consideran las novelas escritas por dos antagonistas de Borges: Gombrowicz y Copi. Los usos de sus nombres propios para los personajes de esas novelas deberían echar luz sobre la problemática general de la autoficción de los tiempos posmodernos


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Las siguientes páginas trazan el recorrido de la palabra 'autoficción' desde sus orígenes, mostrando cómo este neologismo que ha sido presentado como un modo de articular un nuevo modo de reflexión crítica es clave en la operación seguida por textos que proponen una extraña amalgama entre lo autobiográfico y lo novelesco. Dos otras cuestiones son también de importancia aquí: el repentino éxito conseguido por el término 'autoficción' y el papel jugado por la literatura hecha en la Argentina, o relacionada con este país, para la difusión de esa palabra. El debate se presenta nuevamente fructífero cuando se consideran las novelas escritas por dos antagonistas de Borges: Gombrowicz y Copi. Los usos de sus nombres propios para los personajes de esas novelas deberían echar luz sobre la problemática general de la autoficción de los tiempos posmodernos


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Estrogen receptor (ER) modulators produce distinct tissue-specific biological effects, but within the confines of the established models of ER action it is difficult to understand why. Previous studies have suggested that there might be a relationship between ER structure and activity. Different ER modulators may induce conformational changes in the receptor that result in a specific biological activity. To investigate the possibility of modulator-specific conformational changes, we have applied affinity selection of peptides to identify binding surfaces that are exposed on the apo-ERs α and β and on each receptor complexed with estradiol or 4-OH tamoxifen. These peptides are sensitive probes of receptor conformation. We show here that ER ligands, known to produce distinct biological effects, induce distinct conformational changes in the receptors, providing a strong correlation between ER conformation and biological activity. Furthermore, the ability of some of the peptides to discriminate between different ER α and ER β ligand complexes suggests that the biological effects of ER agonists and antagonists acting through these receptors are likely to be different.


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It is not known how human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-derived antagonist peptides interfere with intracellular activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). We identified Gag epitope variants in HIV-1-infected patients that act as antagonists of CTL responses to unmutated epitopes. We then investigated the effect that presentation of each variant has on the early events of T cell receptor (TCR) signal transduction. We found that altered peptide ligands (APL) failed to induce phosphorylation of pp36, a crucial adaptor protein involved in TCR signal transduction. We further investigated the effect that simultaneous presentation of APL and native antigen at low, physiological, peptide concentrations (1 nM) has on TCR signal transduction, and we found that the presence of APL can completely inhibit induction of the protein tyrosine phosphorylation events of the TCR signal transduction cascade.


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P-glycoprotein (MDR-1) is a well-known transporter that mediates efflux of chemotherapeutic agents from the intracellular milieu and thereby contributes to drug resistance. MDR-1 also is expressed by nonmalignant cells, including leukocytes, but physiologic functions for MDR-1 are poorly defined. Using an initial screening assay that included >100 mAbs, we observed that neutralizing mAbs MRK16, UIC2, and 4E3 against MDR-1 specifically and potently blocked basal-to-apical transendothelial migration of mononuclear phagocytes, a process that may mimic their migration into lymphatic vessels. Antagonists of MDR-1 then were used in a model of authentic lymphatic clearance. In this model, antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DC) migrate out of explants of cultured human skin and into the culture medium via dermal lymphatic vessels. DC and T cells derived from skin expressed MDR-1 on their surfaces. Addition of anti-MDR-1 mAbs MRK16, UIC2, or the MDR-1 antagonist verapamil to skin explants at the onset of culture inhibited the appearance of DC, and accompanying T cells, in the culture medium by approximately 70%. Isotype-matched control mAbs against other DC molecules including CD18, CD31, and major histocompatibility complex I did not block. In the presence of MDR-1 antagonists, epidermal DC were retained in the epidermis, in contrast to control conditions. In summary, this work identifies a physiologic function for MDR-1 during the mobilization of DC and begins to elucidate how these critical antigen-presenting cells migrate from the periphery to lymph nodes to initiate T lymphocyte-mediated immunity.


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Adenosine released during cardiac ischemia exerts a potent, protective effect in the heart. A newly recognized adenosine receptor, the A3 subtype, is expressed on the cardiac ventricular cell, and its activation protects the ventricular heart cell against injury during a subsequent exposure to ischemia. A cultured chicken ventricular myocyte model was used to investigate the cardioprotective role of a novel adenosine A3 receptor. The protection mediated by prior activation of A3 receptors exhibits a significantly longer duration than that produced by activation of the adenosine A1 receptor. Prior exposure of the myocytes to brief ischemia also protected them against injury sustained during a subsequent exposure to prolonged ischemia. The adenosine A3 receptor-selective antagonist 3-ethyl 5-benzyl-2-methyl-6-phenyl-4-phenylethynyl-1,4-(±)-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate (MRS1191) caused a biphasic inhibition of the protective effect of the brief ischemia. The concomitant presence of the A1 receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (DPCPX) converted the MRS1191-induced dose inhibition curve to a monophasic one. The combined presence of both antagonists abolished the protective effect induced by the brief ischemia. Thus, activation of both A1 and A3 receptors is required to mediate the cardioprotective effect of the brief ischemia. Cardiac atrial cells lack native A3 receptors and exhibit a shorter duration of cardioprotection than do ventricular cells. Transfection of atrial cells with cDNA encoding the human adenosine A3 receptor causes a sustained A3 agonist-mediated cardioprotection. The study indicates that cardiac adenosine A3 receptor mediates a sustained cardioprotective function and represents a new cardiac therapeutic target.


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Previous work has shown that glucocorticoid hormones facilitate the behavioral and dopaminergic effects of morphine. In this study we examined the possible role in these effects of the two central corticosteroid receptor types: mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), and glucocorticoid receptor (GR). To accomplish this, specific antagonists of these receptors were infused intracerebroventricularly and 2 hr later we measured: (i) locomotor activity induced by a systemic injection of morphine (2 mg/kg); (ii) locomotor activity induced by an infusion of morphine (1 μg per side) into the ventral tegmental area, which is a dopamine-dependent behavioral response to morphine; (iii) morphine-induced dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens, a dopaminergic projection site mediating the locomotor and reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse. Blockade of MRs by spironolactone had no significant effects on locomotion induced by systemic morphine. In contrast, blockade of GRs by either RU38486 or RU39305, which is devoid of antiprogesterone effects, reduced the locomotor response to morphine, and this effect was dose dependent. GR antagonists also reduced the locomotor response to intraventral tegmental area morphine as well as the basal and morphine-induced increase in accumbens dopamine, as measured by microdialysis in freely moving rats. In contrast, spironolactone did not modify dopamine release. In conclusion, glucocorticoids, via GRs, facilitate the dopamine-dependent behavioral effects of morphine, probably by facilitating dopamine release. The possibility of decreasing the behavioral and dopaminergic effects of opioids by an acute administration of GR antagonists may open new therapeutic strategies for treatment of drug addiction.


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Aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA), an inhibitor of endonuclease activity and other protein–nucleic acid interactions, blocks apoptosis in several cell types and prevents delayed death of hippocampal pyramidal CA1 neurons induced by transient global ischemia. Global ischemia in rats and gerbils induces down-regulation of GluR2 mRNA and increased α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-induced Ca2+ influx in CA1 before neurodegeneration. This result and neuroprotection by antagonists of AMPA receptors suggests that formation of AMPA receptors lacking GluR2, and therefore Ca2+ permeable, leads to excessive Ca2+ influx in response to endogenous glutamate; the resulting delayed neuronal death in CA1 exhibits many characteristics of apoptosis. In this study, we examined the effects of ATA on expression of mRNAs encoding glutamate receptor subunits in gerbil hippocampus after global ischemia. Administration of ATA by injection into the right cerebral ventricle 1 h before (but not 6 h after) bilateral carotid occlusion prevented the ischemia-induced decrease in GluR2 mRNA expression and the delayed neurodegeneration. These findings suggest that ATA is neuroprotective in ischemia by blocking the transcriptional changes leading to down-regulation of GluR2, rather than by simply blocking endonucleases, which presumably act later after Ca2+ influx initiates apoptosis. Maintaining formation of Ca2+ impermeable, GluR2 containing AMPA receptors could prevent delayed death of CA1 neurons after transient global ischemia, and block of GluR2 down-regulation may provide a further strategy for neuroprotection.