965 resultados para NEUTRON RADIOGRAPHY
As estrelas de nêutrons nascem com altas temperaturas (~ 1011 K) e durante alguns segundos sofrem um rápido resfriamento por emissão de neutrinos. O processo Urca direto é o principal mecanismo para explicar essa perda de energia. O problema do resfriamento das estrelas de nêutrons é um problema de grande interesse porque seu entendimento pode fornecer informações importantes sobre a constituição do interior da estrela. Na literatura existente até o momento, a emissividade de neutrinos é calculada considerando os núcleons como partículas não relativísticas quando considerados todos os níveis de Landau das partículas carregadas. Por outro lado, a emissividade de neutrinos para núcleons relativísticos é calculada considerando somente o primeiro nível de Landau (para campo magnético forte). Para campos magnéticos fracos, onde mais de um nível de Landau é ocupado, é usada a emissividade correspondente à do campo nulo. Neste trabalho aplicamos a teoria de Weinberg-Salan para interações fracas no cálculo da emissividade de neutrinos com e sem campo magnético presente, num cálculo totalmente relativístico para os núcleons e considerando todos os níveis de Landau. Esta é a contribuição original do trabalho. Para descrever a matéria a altas densidades, utilizamos uma teoria relativística de campo médio a temperatura zero que inclui apenas o octeto bariônico e os léptons mais leves. São apresentados os resultados para a emissividade de neutrinos, onde é evidente a ocupação dos diferentes níveis de Landau como função do campo magnético.
O trabalho aqui apresentado teve como objetivo, avaliar o método de Eaton (1975) aplicado ao cálculo de pressão de poros das formações rochosas em subsuperfície, utilizando dados de perfis de poços no que diz respeito a porosidade, tais como, o Tempo de Transito da onda compressional, Resistividade, Densidade e Neutrão. Posteriormente foi avaliado o resultado alcançado por esta técnica e confrontado com o dado obtido pelo registro de pressão real da formação, adquirido pela ferramenta de perfilagem MDT. Distribuídos em 6 poços perfurados na porção sul da Bacia de Campos, o intervalo cronoestratigráfico estudado está compreendido no período geológico Terciário, e os registros de pressão real da formação foram adquiridos nos reservatórios turbidíticos da Formação Carapebus (Eoceno). Apesar de existir um mecanismo causador de anomalia de pressão na bacia (Desequilíbrio de Compactação Difícil migração dos fluidos ao longo do tempo geológico) devido ao forte aporte sedimentar sustentado pelo soerguimento da Serra do Mar no Eoceno, os resultados encontrados não apontaram qualquer tipo de alteração nas respostas dos perfis utilizados, onde a referência foi a assinatura do perfil sônico em um trend normal de compactação compreendido por rochas argilosas dentro do intervalo cronoestratigráfico estudado. O presente trabalho atesta que a boa calibração do trend de ompactação normal em rochas argilosas, juntamente com a similaridade entre o resultado obtido pelo cálculo da pressão de poros a partir do perfil sônico, e os valores reais registrados diretamente na formação, pela ferramenta de registro de pressões (MDT), comprovam a aplicabilidade do método de Eaton (1975) para o cálculo de geopressões a partir de um conjunto básico de perfis de poços tais como: Raios Gama, Resistividade, Velocidade Acústica, Densidade e Neutrão
Os eventos de fissão nuclear, resultados da interação dos nêutrons com os núcleos dos átomos do meio hospedeiro multiplicativo, não estão presentes em algumas regiões dos reatores nucleares, e.g., moderador, refletor, e meios estruturais. Nesses domínios espaciais não há geração de potência nuclear térmica e, além disso, comprometem a eficiência computacional dos cálculos globais de reatores nucleares. Propomos nesta tese uma estratégia visando a aumentar a eficiência computacional dessas simulações eliminando os cálculos numéricos explícitos no interior das regiões não-multiplicativas (baffle e refletor) em torno do núcleo ativo. Apresentamos algumas modelagens e discutimos a eficiência da aplicação dessas condições de contorno aproximadas tipo albedo para uma e duas regiões nãomultiplicativas, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN) para problemas de autovalor a dois grupos de energia em geometria bidimensional cartesiana. A denominação Albedo, palavra de origem latina para alvura, foi originalmente definida como a fração da luz incidente que é refletida difusamente por uma superfície. Esta denominação latina permaneceu como o termo científico usual em astronomia e, nesta tese, este conceito é estendido para reflexão de nêutrons. Estas condições de contorno tipo albedo SN não-convencional substituem aproximadamente as regiões de baffle e refletor no em torno do núcleo ativo do reator, desprezando os termos de fuga transversal no interior dessas regiões. Se o problema, em particular, não possui termos de fuga transversal, i.e., trata-se de um problema unidimensional, então as condições de contorno albedo, como propostas nesta tese, são exatas. Por eficiência computacional entende-se a análise da precisão dos resultados numéricos em comparação com o tempo de execução computacional de cada simulação de um dado problema-modelo. Resultados numéricos considerando dois problemas-modelo com de simetria são considerados para ilustrar esta análise de eficiência.
Projetos de reatores nucleares foram classificados em quatro gerações (Gen) pelo Departamento de Energia dos Estados Unidos da América (DOE), quando o DOE introduziu o conceito de reatores de geração IV (Gen IV). Reatores Gen IV são um conjunto de projetos de reator nuclear, em sua maioria teóricos, atualmente sendo pesquisados. Entre os projetos Gen IV, incluem-se os projetos dos ADS (Accelerator Driven Systems), que são sistemas subcríticos estabilizados por fontes externas estacionárias de nêutrons. Estas fontes externas de nêutrons são normalmente geradas a partir da colisão de prótons com alta energia contra os núcleos de metais pesados presentes no núcleo do reator, fenômeno que é conhecido na literatura como spallation, e os prótons são acelerados num acelerador de partículas que é alimentado com parte da energia gerada pelo reator. A criticalidade de um sistema mantido por reações de fissão em cadeia depende do balanço entre a produção de nêutrons por fissão e a remoção por fuga pelos contornos e absorção de nêutrons. Um sistema está subcrítico quando a remoção por fuga e absorção ultrapassa a produção por fissão e, portanto, tende ao desligamento. Entretanto, qualquer sistema subcrítico pode ser estabilizado pela inclusão de fontes estacionárias de nêutrons em seu interior. O objetivo central deste trabalho é determinar as intensidades dessas fontes uniformes e isotrópicas de nêutrons, que se deve inserir em todas as regiões combustíveis do sistema, para que o mesmo estabilize-se gerando uma distribuição prescrita de potência elétrica. Diante do exposto, foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um aplicativo computacional em linguagem Java que estima as intensidades dessas fontes estacionárias de nêutrons, que devem ser inseridas em cada região combustível para que estabilizem o sistema subcrítico com uma dada distribuição de potência definida pelo usuário. Para atingir este objetivo, o modelo matemático adotado foi a equação unidimensional de transporte de nêutrons monoenergéticos na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN) e o convencional método de malha fina diamond difference (DD) foi utilizado para resolver numericamente os problemas SN físicos e adjuntos. Resultados numéricos para dois problemas-modelos típicos são apresentados para ilustrar a acurácia e eficiência da metodologia proposta.
Antibody orientation and its antigen binding efficiency at interface are of particular interest in many immunoassays and biosensor applications. In this paper, spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), neutron reflection (NR), and dual polarization interferometry (DPI) have been used to investigate interfacial assembly of the antibody [mouse monoclonal anti-human prostate-specific antigen (anti-hPSA)] at the silicon oxide/water interface and subsequent antigen binding. It was found that the mass density of antibody adsorbed at the interface increased with solution concentration and adsorption time while the antigen binding efficiency showed a steady decline with increasing antibody amount at the interface over the concentration range studied. The amount of antigen bound to the interfacial immobilized antibody reached a maximum when the surface-adsorbed amount of antibody was around 1.5 mg/m(2). This phenomenon is well interpreted by the interfacial structural packing or crowding. NR revealed that the Y-shaped antibody laid flat on the interface at low surface mass density with a thickness around 40 Å, equivalent to the short axial length of the antibody molecule. The loose packing of the antibody within this range resulted in better antigen binding efficiency, while the subsequent increase of surface-adsorbed amount led to the crowding or overlapping of antibody fragments, hence reducing the antigen binding due to the steric hindrance. In situ studies of antigen binding by both NR and DPI demonstrated that the antigen inserted into the antibody layer rather than forming an additional layer on the top. Stability assaying revealed that the antibody immobilized at the silica surface remained stable and active over the monitoring period of 4 months. These results are useful in forming a general understanding of antibody interfacial behavior and particularly relevant to the control of their activity and stability in biosensor development.
This paper uses finite element (FE) analysis to examine the residual stresses generated during the TIG welding of aluminium aerospace alloys. It also looks at whether such an approach could be useful for evaluating the effectiveness of various residual stress control techniques. However, such simulations cannot be founded in a vacuum. They require accurate measurements to refine and validate them. The unique aspect of this work is that two powerful engineering techniques are combined: FE modelling and neutron diffraction. Weld trials were performed and the direct measurement of residual strain made using the ENGIN neutron diffraction strain scanning facility. The predicted results show an excellent agreement with experimental values. Finally this model is used to simulate a weld made using a "Low Stress No Distortion" (LSND) technique. Although the stress reduction predicted is only moderate, the study suggests the approach to be a quick and efficient means of optimising such techniques.
Effect of salinity on food consumption and growth of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromi niloticus L.)
The effect of salinity (0, lO and 20%o, water temperature 28 ± l oC) on food consumption and growth of juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus L. (9.94 ± 0.15 g) were investigated by feeding group of 20 fish at 2% body weight day. Individual food consumption was measured using X-radiography. There were no significant differences in growth or white muscle protein concentrations among groups. During feed deprivation, weight loss was similar for fish held at O%o and 10 %o salinity, but after 7 days over 50% of the fish maintained at 20%o salinity developed lesions covering 5-25% of the body. No significant relationships were observed between individual specific growth rates and food consumption rates within the groups. The fish in all salinity groups showed a negative correlation between specific growth rate and food conversion ratio. The coefficient of variation for wet weight specific food consumption and the mean share of meal for each fish were used as a measure of social hierarchy strength. A negative correlation was observed between coefficient of variation in food consumption and mean share of meal. The social hierarchy structure was similar in all salinities; 25% of the fish were dominant (18.29% above an equal share of meal) and 30% were subordinate (16.19% below an equal share of meal) and the remainder 45% fish fed theoretical share of meal (MSM, 5.26%).
The effect of salinity (0, 10 & 20‰, water temperature 28 ± 1°C) and food ration (3 and 4.5% bw/day) on food consumption and growth of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (10.77 ± 0.21g) were investigated. Individual food consumption was measured using X-radiography technique. Salinities (0, 10 & 20‰) did not have significant effect on the growth rate of groups of Nile tilapia fed at different ration levels (3 & 4.5% bw/day). This study showed that the growth of all-male fish was significantly better than all-female fish for all three salinities and two rations. Salinities from 0 to 20‰ had no effect on growth performance of males or female fish. In the present study, it was evident that fish fed at 3% bw/day ration ate all the food offered and fish fed at 4.5% bw/day did not consumed all amounts. Also, growth performance did not significantly differ among fish fed at 3% bw/day ration level and reared at different salinities. Fish reared under higher salinities (20‰) and fed at higher ration (4.5% bw/day) level had skin lesions and injuries on their body. It was assumed that fish fed at higher ration under higher salinities (20‰) and maintained higher osmoregulatory costs together with osmotic stress may have a negative influence on the appetite of fish. Another possibility that may have affected the appetite could be the unionized ammonia levels that were high. The high-unionized ammonia levels combined with the osmotic stress may have been the cause, or have aided, development of skin lesions and injuries on the fish at higher salinities.
The structural, optical, electrical and physical properties of amorphous carbon deposited from the filtered plasma stream of a vacuum arc were investigated. The structure was determined by electron diffraction, neutron diffraction and energy loss spectroscopy and the tetrahedral coordination of the material was confirmed. The measurements gave a nearest neighbour distance of 1.53 Å, a bond angle of 110 and a coordination number of four. A model is proposed in which the compressive stress generated in the film by energetic ion impact produces pressure and temperature conditions lying well inside the region of the carbon phase diagram within which diamond is stable. The model is confirmed by measurements of stress and plasmon energy as a function of ion energy. The model also predicts the formation of sp2-rich materials on the surface owing to stress relaxation and this is confirmed by a study of the surface plasmon energy. Some nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared and optical properties are reported and the behaviour of diodes using tetrahedral amorphous carbon is discussed. © 1991.
The Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) is one of the reactor designs proposed for future nuclear energy production. Interest in the ADSR arises from its enhanced and intrinsic safety characteristics, as well as its potential ability to utilize the large global reserves of thorium and to burn legacy actinide waste from other reactors and decommissioned nuclear weapons. The ADSR concept is based on the coupling of a particle accelerator and a subcritical core by means of a neutron spallation target interface. One of the candidate accelerator technologies receiving increasing attention, the Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) accelerator, generates a pulsed proton beam. This paper investigates the impact of pulsed proton beam operation on the mechanical integrity of the fuel pin cladding. A pulsed beam induces repetitive temperature changes in the reactor core which lead to cyclic thermal stresses in the cladding. To perform the thermal analysis aspects of this study a code that couples the neutron kinetics of a subcritical core to a cylindrical geometry heat transfer model was developed. This code, named PTS-ADS, enables temperature variations in the cladding to be calculated. These results are then used to perform thermal fatigue analysis and to predict the stress-life behaviour of the cladding. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
During its lifetime in the core, the cladding of an Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor (ADSR) fuel pin is expected to experience variable stresses due to frequent interruptions in the accelerator proton beam. This paper investigates the thermal fatigue damage in the cladding due to repetitive and unplanned beam interruptions under certain operational conditions. Beam trip data was obtained for four operating high power proton accelerators, among which the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) superconducting accelerator was selected for further analysis. 9Cr-1Mo-Nb-V (T91) steel was selected as the cladding material because of its proven compatibility with proposed ADSR design concepts. The neutronic, thermal and stress analyses were performed using the PTS-ADS, a code that has been specifically developed for studying the dynamic response to beam-induced transients in accelerator driven subcritical systems. The lifetime of the fuel cladding in the core was estimated for three levels of allowed pin power and specific operating conditions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The specific recognition between monoclonal antibody (anti-human prostate-specific antigen, anti-hPSA) and its antigen (human prostate-specific antigen, hPSA) has promising applications in prostate cancer diagnostics and other biosensor applications. However, because of steric constraints associated with interfacial packing and molecular orientations, the binding efficiency is often very low. In this study, spectroscopic ellipsometry and neutron reflection have been used to investigate how solution pH, salt concentration and surface chemistry affect antibody adsorption and subsequent antigen binding. The adsorbed amount of antibody was found to vary with pH and the maximum adsorption occurred between pH 5 and 6, close to the isoelectric point of the antibody. By contrast, the highest antigen binding efficiency occurred close to the neutral pH. Increasing the ionic strength reduced antibody adsorbed amount at the silica-water interface but had little effect on antigen binding. Further studies of antibody adsorption on hydrophobic C8 (octyltrimethoxysilane) surface and chemical attachment of antibody on (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane/4-maleimidobutyric acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester-modified surface have also been undertaken. It was found that on all surfaces studied, the antibody predominantly adopted the 'flat on' orientation, and antigen-binding capabilities were comparable. The results indicate that antibody immobilization via appropriate physical adsorption can replace elaborate interfacial molecular engineering involving complex covalent attachments.
Neutron scattering experiments are fundamental to the study of magnetic order and related phenomena in a range of superconducting and magnetic materials. Traditional methods of crystal growth, however, do not yield single crystals of sufficient size for practical neutron scattering measurements. In this paper, we demonstrate the growth of relatively pure, large Y Ba 2Cu 3O 7 single crystals up to 30mm in diameter using a top seeded melt growth process. The characterization of the microstructural and magnetic properties of these crystals indicates that they contain <2% of impurity phases and, hence, exhibit only weak flux pinning behaviour. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Computer simulation results are reported for a realistic polarizable potential model of water in the supercooled region. Three states, corresponding to the low density amorphous ice, high density amorphous ice, and very high density amorphous ice phases are chosen for the analyses. These states are located close to the liquid-liquid coexistence lines already shown to exist for the considered model. Thermodynamic and structural quantities are calculated, in order to characterize the properties of the three phases. The results point out the increasing relevance of the interstitial neighbors, which clearly appear in going from the low to the very high density amorphous phases. The interstitial neighbors are found to be, at the same time, also distant neighbors along the hydrogen bonded network of the molecules. The role of these interstitial neighbors has been discussed in connection with the interpretation of recent neutron scattering measurements. The structural properties of the systems are characterized by looking at the angular distribution of neighboring molecules, volume and face area distribution of the Voronoi polyhedra, and order parameters. The cumulative analysis of all the corresponding results confirms the assumption that a close similarity between the structural arrangement of molecules in the three explored amorphous phases and that of the ice polymorphs I(h), III, and VI exists.
The structural changes occurring in supercooled liquid water upon moving from one coexisting liquid phase to the other have been investigated by computer simulation using a polarizable interaction potential model. The obtained results favorably compare with recent neutron scattering data of high and low density water. In order to assess the physical origin of the observed structural changes, computer simulation of several ice polymorphs has also been carried out. Our results show that there is a strict analogy between the structure of various disordered (supercooled) and ordered (ice) phases of water, suggesting that the occurrence of several different phases of supercooled water is rooted in the same physical origin that is responsible for ice polymorphism.